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Paper 2( Kertas 2)

Section A/ Bahagian A
Answer all questions.
Jawab semua soalan.
[60 marks/markah]

1. Diagram 1 (a) is a drawing of an animal cell as seen under an electron microsope.

Rajah 1 (a) adalah rajah satu sel haiwan yang dilihat di bawah mikroskop eletronik.

Diagram 1 (a)/ Rajah 1 (a)

(a) Identify the parts labeled A to D in the diagram 1 (a).
Kenalpasti bahagian berlabel A ke D dalam Rajah 1 (a).
A: Nucleoplasm
B: Golgi apparatus
C: endoplasmic reticulum
D: Mitochondria
(b) The following table contains images of a number of structures seen in cells. Name each of the
organelle and outline the function of each.
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan imej beberapa struktur yang terdapat dalam sel-sel. Namakan
setiap organel dan nyatakan fungsi bagi organel tersebut.
Organelle/ organel Name and function/ nama dan fungsi
(i) Part D/ Bahagian D Mitochondrion – production of ATP

(ii) Part C/ Bahagian C Structure X:

Strukutr X:
Ribosome – site protein synthesis

Structure Y:
Strukutr Y:
Rough endoplasmic reticulum – transport the protein
which is synthesis by ribosome
(iii) Part B/ Bahagian B Golgi apparatus – modifies and packages material for
transport from cell

[4 marks/markah]

(c) Diagram 1 (b) shows a plant cell.

Rajah 1 (b) menunjukkan satu sel tumbuhan.

Diagram 1 (b)/ Rajah 1 (b)

Explain with two why diagram 1 (b) is a plant cell.
Terangkan dengan dua sebab mengapa rajah 1 (b) adalah satu sel tumbuhan.
Reason 1/ sebab 1:
The cell has a cell wall
Reason 2/ sebab 2:
The cell has a large vacuole
[2 marks/markah]
(d) Name an animal cell and a plant cell.
Namakan satu sel haiwan dan satu sel tumbuhan.
Animal cell: epithelium cell/muscle cell/nerve cell/ red blood cell (any one)
Plant cell: epidermal cell/ parenchyma cell/ xylem cell (any one)
[2 marks/markah]

2. Diagram 2 shows a microscopic view of organism X.

Rajah 2 menunjukkan sebuah mikroskopik mempamerkan organisma X.

Diagram 2/ Rajah 2
(a) (i) Name organism X.
Namakan organisma X.
Paramecium sp
[1 mark/markah]

(ii) Table 1 shows some characteristics of unicellular organisms such as organism X and
Amoeba sp.
Jadual 1 menunjukkan ciri-ciri organisma uniselular seperti organisma X dan Amoeba sp.
Presence of cilia
Kewujudan silia
Movement of pseudopodium
Pergerakan pseudopodium
Presence of food vacuole √
Kewujudan vakuol makanan
Respiration through facilitated diffusion
Pernafasan melalui resapan berbantu
Controlling osmoregulation by contractile vacuole √
Pengawalan pengosmokawalatural oleh vakuol
Table 1/ Jadual 1

Tick (c the two similarities in characteristics of organism X and amoeba sp. in the boxes
provided in table1.
Tandakan (√) dua ciri-ciri organisma X yang sama dengan Amoeba sp. di dalam kotak yang
disediakan dalam jadual 1.

(b) State two differences in characteristics of organism X compared to spirogyra.

Nyatakan dua perbezaan dalam ciri-ciri oragnisma X berbanding spirogyra.
1: Organism X is a unicellular organism while spirogyra is a multicellular organism
2: Organism X does not undergo cell specialization and cell organization while spirogyra
undergoes these processes
[2 marks/markah]
(c) State the function of structures P, Q and R.
Nyatakan fungsi struktur P, Q dan R.
P: removes excess water which enters the cell by osmosis
Q: contains genetic information
R: for movement
[3 marks/markah]

(d) Only one cell of organism X was growth in a Petri dish. A few weeks later, the cell number of
organism increased.
Hanya satu sel organisma x membiak di dalam piring petri. Seminggu kemudian, jumlah sel
organisma X bertambah.
(i) Name two process involved in the growth of organism X.
Namakan dua proses yang terlibat dalam tumbesaran organisma X.
Binary fission and conjugation
[2 marks/markah]

(ii) Briefly explain one of the processes stated in 1 (d) (i).

Terangkan satu proses yang dinyatakan dalam 1 (d) (i).
Asexually by binary fission, binary fission involving two nucleus divide, cytoplasm splits to
produce two daughter cells / sexually by conjugation, two individuals unite at oral groove
and exchange of genetic material occur then separate and divides to produce four new cells
[2 marks/markah]

3. Diagram 3 shows a food test which is being carried out to determine the presence of reducing
Rajah 3 menunjukkan satu ujian makanan yang dijalankan untuk menentukan kehadiran
gula penurunan.

Air Food sample + Benedict’s solution
Sample makanan + larutan

Diagram 3/Rajah 3
(a) What are reducing sugars?
Apakah gula penurunan?
Monosaccharides (simple sugar)
[1 mark/markah]
(b) What can be seen in the test tube after a few minutes?
Apakah yang dapat dilihat di dalam tabung uji itu selepas beberapa minit?
A brick red precipitate
[1 mark/markah]
(c) What can be seen in the test tube if the experiment is repeated by using sucrose, fructose and galactose in
place of glucose?
Apakah yang dapat dilihat di dalam tabung uji jika eksperimen ini diulangi dengan
menggunakan sukrosa, fruktosa, dan galaktosa bagi menggantikan glukosa?
(i) Sucrose /Sukrosa:
Not change/ the blue solution remains unchanges
[1 mark/markah]
(ii) FructoselFruktosa:
A brick red precipitate is formed
[1 mark/markah]
(iii) GalactoselGalaktosa:
A brick red precipitate is formed
[1 mark/markah]
(d) Explain your answers in 2(c).
Huraikan jawapan anda di 2(c).
Sucrose is not reducing sugar but fructose and galactose are reducing sugar
[1 mark/markah]
(e) Sucrose is a type of sugar. What type of sugar is it?
Sukrosa ialah sejenis gula. Apakah jenis gula ini?
[1 mark/markah]
(f) What chemical process that involves the breaking up of sucrose by adding water to them?
Apakah proses kimia yang melibatkan pemecahan sukrosa dengan penambahan air kepadanya?
[1 mark/markah]
(g) Explain how sucrose can be converted to the same type of sugar as glucose.
Huraikan bagaimana sukrosa boleh diubah kepada jenis gula yang sama seperti glukosa.
Sucrose can be converted to a monosaccharide by adding dilute hydrochloric acid to it and
them heating it
[1 mark/markah]
(h) Where is sucrose digested in the digestive system?
Di manakah sukrosa dicernakan dalam sistem pencernaan?
Small intestine/ ileum
[1 mark/markah]
(i) Write an equation to show the digestion of sucrose.
Tulis satu persamaan untuk menunjukkan pencernaan sukrosa.

Sucrose + water glucose + fructose

[1 mark/markah]
(j) The group of students prepared 5 ml of each food sample below to test for the presence of
reducing sugar.
Kumpulan pelajar itu menyediakan sebanyk 5ml bagi setiap sampel makanan di bawah untuk
diuji kehadiran gula penurun.

 Orange juice  Syrup  Corn powder

Jus oren Sirap Tepung jagung

 Albumen  Olive oil  Banana

Albumen Minyak zaitun Pisang

Which food samples will show a positive result with Benedict’s solution?
Sampel makanan yang manakah akan menunjukkan keputusan positif terhadap larutan Benedict?
Orange juice, syrup
[1 mark/markah]

4. Diagram 4.1 shows the action of an enzyme on a substrate.

Rajah 4.1 menunjukkan tindakan suatu enzim terhadap substrat.


Substrate Products
Substrat Hasil

Diagram 4.1/ Rajah 4.1

(a) What does X in diagram 4.1 represent?

Apakah yang diwakili oleh X pada Rajah 4.1?
Enzyme substrate complex
[1 mark/markah]
(b) State two properties of enzymes which are shown in diagram 4.1.
Nyatakan dua sifat enzim yang ditunjukkan pada Rajah 4.1.
1: Enzyme actions are specific
2: Enzyme unchanged at the end of the reactions which they catalyse
[2 mark/markah]
(c) State two other properties of enzymes which are not show in diagram 4.1.
Nyatakan dua lagi sifat enzim yang tidak ditunjukkan pada Rajah 4.1.
1: Enzyme activity is affected by temperature
2: Enzyme are affected by the pH of the solutions in which they act
[2 mark/markah]
(d) The explanation of the action of the enzyme on a substrate as shown in diagram 3.1 is based on
a hypothesis.
What is this hypothesis called?
Huraian tentang tindakanb suatu enzim terhadap substrat seperti yang ditunjukkan pada Rajah
4.1 adalah berdasarkan pada satu hipotesis.
Apakah hipotesis itu?
Lock and key hypothesis
[1 mark/markah]

(e) Diagram 4.2 is a graph which shows the effect of temperature on the rate of a reaction catalyzed
by pepsin.
Rajah 3.2 ialah satu graf yang menunjukkan kesan suhu terhadap kadar tindak balas yang
dimangkinkan oleh pepsin.

(i) What is the temperature, t, which shown in diagram 4.2?

Apakah suhu,t, yang ditunjukkan pada rajah 4.2?
37 0C
[1 mark/markah]
(ii) Explain your answer in 3 (e) (i).
Huraikan jawapan anda di 3 (e) (i).
37 0C is the human body temperature and pepsin is most active at this temperature
[1 mark/markah]
(iii) Why is there no reaction at 600C?
Mengapakah tiada tindak balas pada suhu 600C?
Pepsin is denatured at 600C
[1 mark/markah]
(f) Pepsin is found in the gastric juice which is secreted by the stomach. What is the optimum pH
for the action of pepsin?
Pepsin ditemui dalam jus gaster yang dirembes oleh perut. Apakah pH optimum bagi tindakan
2 pH
[1 mark/markah]
(g) Which substance in the gastric juice provides this pH?
Bahan yang manakah dalam jus gaster yang menyediakan pH ini?
Hydrochloric acid
[1 mark/markah]
(h) What is another function of the substance named in 4 (g)?
Apakah satu lagi fungsi bahan yang dinamakan di 4 (g)?
To kill bacteria
[1 mark/markah]
5. Diagram 5 shows the cell cycle.
Rajah 5 menunjukkan kitar sel.

a) What happen during each of the following subphase of interpahse?

Apakah yang berlaku pada setiap subfasa yang berikut?
(i) G1 phase/fasa G1:
Protein and new organelles are synthesis
[1 mark/markah]
(ii) S pahse/fasa S:
Synthesis of DNA occurs through replication
[1 mark/markah]
(iii) G2 phase/fasa G2:
The cell makes the final preparation for division
[1 mark/markah]
b) Name the two parts of the M phase which are represented by X and Y in diagram 5.
Namakan dua bahagian dalam fasa M yang diwakili oleh X dan Y dalam rajah 5.
X: mitosis
Y: cytokinesis
[2 mark/markah]
c) At which pahse of the cell cycle are new cells formed?
Pada fasa kitar sel yang manakah sel-sel baru terbentuk?
M phase
[1 mark/markah]
d) Explain briefly how a cell divides to form two new cells.
Huraikan secara ringkas bagaimana satu sel membahagi untuk membentuik dua sel anak.
First the nucleus divides by mitosis. Then the cytoplasm divides by cytokinesis and two cells
are produced
[2 mark/markah]
e) Give three reasons why new cells are continuously produced in the body of a multicellular
Beri tiga sebab mengapa sel baru dihasilkan secara berterusan dalam badan organisma
1: To repair cells which are damaged
2: To replace dead cells
3: To increase the number of cells so that the organism grows
[3 mark/markah]

f) What is the characteristic of the new cells produced?

Apakah ciri sel baru yang dihasilkan?
Identical to the parent cells
[1 mark/markah]

Section B/ Bahagian B
Answer only two question from this section
Jawab mana-mana dua soalan daripada bahagian ini.

6. Diagram 6.1 shows a plant cell and a red blood cell are placed in different concentration of
Rajah 6.1 menunjukkan sel tumbuhan dan sel darah merah dicampur dengan keperkatan
larutan yang berbeza.

Plant cell/sel tumbuahan Red blood cell/sel darah merah

Vakuol Cell wall
Dinding sel

Plasma Plasma membrane

membrane Membran plasma

Environment of cell/persekitaran sel Environment of cell/persekitaran sel

The plant cell is placed in 30% sucrose The red blood cell is placed in distilled
solution water
Sel tumbuhuhan dicampur dengan 30% Sel darah merah dicampur dengan air
larutan sukrosa suling

Diagram 6.1/ Rajah 6.1

a) Based on diagram 6.1, explain the process experienced by the plant cell and red blood cell
Berdasarkan rajah 6.1, terangkan proses yang dialami oleh sel tumbuhan dan sel darah
[4 marks/markah]
 30% sucrose solution is a hypertonic solution as compared to the plant cell sap. The cell
undergoes plasmolysis in which water molecules diffuse out of the cell sap by osmosis.

The vacuole shrinks. The cytoplasm together with the plasma membrane is pulled away
from the cell wall. The cell shrives and become flaccid.
 Distilled water is hypotonic solution as compared to the red blood cell. The cell undergoes
haemolysis in which water molecule diffuse into the red blood cell by osmosis. The cell
gains water and swells. The cell finally bursts because it has no cell wall.

b) Diagram 6.2 shows the movement of substances across the plasma membrane.
Rajah 6.2 terangkan bahan melintasi membran plasma.

Oxygen, carbon dioxide, amino acid
water molecule Charged molecules
Oksigen, karbon ions Glukosa, Ions,
dioksida, molekul air Cas ion molekul asid molecules
amino Ion,
Extracellular fluid
Bendalir luar sel



Passive transport
Pengangkutan pasif
Diagram 6.2/ Rajah 6.2

Based on diagram 6.2, explain the processes X, Y and Z that occur when the substances move
across the plasma membrane.
Berdasarkan rajah 6.2, terangkan proses X, Y dan Z yang berlaku apabila bahan tersebut
bergerak melintasi membran plasma itu.
[6 marks/markah]
 Soluble substances such as oxygen and water molecules can diffuse across the plasma
membrane by simple diffusion (process X). These substances diffuse down the
concentration gradient through the lipid bilayer until equilibrium is reached.
 Charges ions, glucose and amino acids molecules move across the plasma membrane with
the help of transport protein such as pore proteins and carrier protein. This passive
transport of substances is called facilitated diffusion (process Y). The substances move
down the concentration gradient without expanding energy.

c) In 1972, Singer and Nicolson proposed the fluid-mosaic model to explain the structure of the
plasma membrane. Draw a labelled diagram to show the plasma membrane structure of an
animal cell based on the fluid-mosaic mode.
Pada tahun 1972, Singer dan Nicolson mengemukakan model bendalir mozek untuk
menerangkan struktur plasma membran. Lukis satu gambarajah untuk menunjukkan struktur
plasma membran sel haiwan berdasarkan model bendalir mozek..
[10 marks/markah]


 A: Phospholipid
 B: Glycoprotein
 C: Pore Protein
 D: Carbohydrate chain
 E: Cholesterol
 F: Phospholipid bilayer
 G: Carrier protein
 H: Hydrophilic head
 I: Hydrophobic tail

 Plasma membrane is dynamic & fluid and protein molecules float about in a phospholipids
 The phospholipids molecules arrange in a layer of 2 molecules thick. The hydrophilic heads of
one layer point towards the outside of the cell. The hydrophilic heads of the second layer point
towards the inside. The hydrophobic fatty acid tails of the phospholipids molecule face
inwards, pointing in towards the middle of the membrane (away from H 2O).
 Non-polar molecules can pass quickly through the lipid layer because they are soluble in lipid.
 Cholesterol molecules stabilize the structure of the plasma membrane.
 The phospholipid bilayer is permeable to diffusion of small uncharged molecules such as
oxygen and carbon dioxide and inner surfaces of the plasma membrane. Protein molecules
partially or wholly embedded in the membrane form the mosaic pattern
 Transport protein such as channel protein and carrier proteins regulate the movement of water,
soluble molecules and ions through the plasma membrane
 Short-branched carbohydrate chains are attached to some proteins & to some lipids.

7. (a) Diagram 7.1 shows the organelles involved during the synthesis and secretion of extracellular
enzymes in an animal secretory cell.
Rajah 7.1 menunjukkan organel-organel yang terlibat semasa sintesis dan rembesan enzim-
enzim luar sel di dalam sel perembes haiwan.

Diagram 7.1 / Rajah 7.1
Describe briefly the involvement of the organelles in the production of extracellular enzymes.
State also the differences between extracellular enzymes and intracellular enzymes.
Terangkan secara ringkas penglibatan organel-organel itu dalam penghasilan enzim-enzim
luar sel. Nyatakan juga perbezaan antara enzim luar sel dengan enzim dalam sel.
[10 marks /markah]
Involvement of organelles in the synthesis and secretion of extracellular enzymes:
 Mitochondria generate ATP needed for the synthesis process
 Nucleus contains DNA or genetic information to code for synthesis of specific proteins. The
genetic information is transcribed from DNA to RNA in the nucleus.
 The RNA messenger RNA leaves the nucleus and attaches to ribosomes on the rough
endoplasmic reticulum
 Proteins synthesis by ribosomes is transported in the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
Transport vesicles containing proteins are budded off from the rough endoplasmic reticulum
 The transport vesicles fuse with the Golgi body. The proteins are modified, carbohydrates
chains are added to some proteins to from glycoproteins.
 Secretory vesicles containing inactive enzymes are budded off from the Golgi apparatus.
 The secretory vesicles fuse with the plasma membrane and extracellular enzymes are
released outside the cell.
 The inactive enzymes are activated by external environment

Difference between extracellular and intracellular enzymes:

 Extracellular enzymes are produced in the cell and are secreted outside the cells to function
 Intracellular enzymes function insides the cells

(b) Diagram 4.2 shows three stages in an enzyme-controlled chemical reaction.

Rajah 4.2 menunjukkan tiga peringkat dalam tindak balas kimia yang dikawal oleh enzim.

Diagram 4.2 / Rajah 4.2
Identify P, Q, R and S. Explain briefly the lock-and-key hypothesis in the mechanism of an
enzyme-controlled reaction.
Kenai pasti P, Q, R dan S. Terangkan secara ringkas hipotesis mangga dan kunci dalam
mekanisme tindak balas kawalan enzim.
[10 marks /markah]
P: Substrate
Q: Active site of enzyme
R: Enzyme
S: Product

Lock and key hypothesis:

 The substrate has a shape that is complementary to the active site of the enzyme.
 The shape of the substrate acts as a key which fits exactly into the active site of the
enzyme (lock)
 Reaction occurs and the products formed are released
 The enzyme remains unchanged at the end of the reaction

8. Diagram 8.1 shows five stages of mitosis, labelled A to D, in a plant root tip, as seen under high
power of a light microscope.
Rajah 8.1 menunjukkan enam peringkat mitosis yang berlabel a ke E dalam hujung akar
tumbuhan yang dilihat di bawah kuasa tinggi mikroskop cahaya.

Diagram 8.1/ Rajah 8.1

a) Name the stages of mitosis A to D as shown in diagram 8.1 and state the main characteristic
feature of each state.
Namakan peringkat-peringkat a hingga D yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah 8.1 dan nyatakan ciri
utama dalam setiap peringkat-peringkat tersebut.
A – Prophase the chromosomes condense and become tightly coiled
B – Telophase both sets of chromosomes reach the opposite poles of the cell
C – Anaphase the sister chromatids are pulled apart to the opposite poles
D – Metaphase the centromeres of all the chromosomes are lined up across the equator of the
[4 marks /markah]
b) Explain the importance of mitosis to living organisms.
Terangkan kepentingan mitosis kepada organisma hidup.
 Allows damages cells to be repaired, replaced or even regenerated
 Increase the number of cells in all living organisms
 For asexual reproduction
 Results in formation of two daughter nuclei which are genetically identical to each and to
the parent nucleus.
 In plants, occurs actively in the meristematic tissues of the root tips and bud tips

 In animals, growth takes place in every part of the body and is not just confined to certain
parts in plants. For example: the human skin has Malpighian layers that undergo mitotic
division to produce new skin cells to replace dead skin cells
[6 marks /markah]

c) Mitosis and meiosis are two important yet difference processes of cell division occurring in
all living organisms.
Mitosis dan meiosis adalah dua proses pembahagian sel yang penting tetapi berbeza yang
berlaku dalam semua organisma hidup.

Based on the statement above, explain how mitosis is different from meiosis.
Berdasarkan pernyataan di atas, terangkan bagaimana mitosis berbeza daripada meiosis.
[10 marks /markah]
Mitosis Meiosis
Occur in somatic cells Occur in gonad cells
Divides only once Divides twice
Two daughter cells are produced Four daughter cells are produced
The number of chromosomes in the The number of chromosomes in the daughter
daughter cells is the same as the number of cells is half the number of chromosomes in the
chromosomes in the parent cell parent cell
The genetic constitution of daughter cells is The genetic constitution of daughter cells is
the same as the parent cell different from the cell
Synapsis and crossing over does not occur Synapsis of homologous chromosomes occur
during prophase I. crossing over occurs

9. Cloning can be categorised into artificial cloning and natural cloning.

Pengklonan boleh dikotegorikan kepada pengklonan buatan dan pengklonan semula jadi.
a) Diagram 9.1 shows the reproduction of Amoeba sp.
Rajah 9.1 menunjukkan pembiakan Amoeba sp.

Diagram 9.1/ Rajah 9.1

Based on diagram , explain what is by ‘natural cloning’.
Berdasarkan rajah, terangkan apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan ‘pengklonan semula jadi’
[4 marks /markah]

b) Artificial cloning comprises of DNA cloning, reproductive cloning and therapeutical cloning.
Diagram 9.2 shows some examples of clones.
Pengklonan buatan terdiri daripada pengklonan DNA, pengklonan pembiakan dan pengklonan
terapeutikal. Diagram 9.2 menunjukkan beberapa contoh klon.

Diagram 9.2/ Diagram 9.2

i. Based on your biological knowledge on animal cloning, briefly explain how the clone shows in
diagram are produced.
Berdasarkan pengetahuan biologi anda dalam pengklonan haiwan, terangkan secara ringkas
bagaimanakah klon-klon ditunjukkan dalam rajah dihasilkan.
[6 marks /markah]

ii. Besides animal cloning, plant cloning such as micropropagation is also carried out to produce
thousands of identical seedlings for commercial purpose.
Selain daripada pengklonan haiwan, pengklonan tumbuhan seperti mikro-
perkembanganbiakan juga dilaksanakan untuk menghasilkan beribu-ribu anak benih yang
sama untuk tujuan komersil.
[7 marks /markah]

c) State the advantages and disadvantages of cloning plants.

Nyatakan kelebihan dan kekurangan pengklonan tumbuhan.
[3 marks /markah]

 Natural cloning is the cloning in nature to produce clones or cells that are genetically
identical to the parent cell.
 Amoeba reproduces through binary fission, a process that involves the mitotic division of its
 The chromosomes in the nucleus replicate before the nucleus is separated into two (for two
daughter cells).
 Cytokinesis then takes place to divide an Amoeba into two daughters Amoeba which are
genetically identical to the parent.
(b) (i)
 An animal can be closed using a nucleus from a parent cell.
 A somatic cell with nucleus is removed from a parent and an unfertilized egg is obtained
from the ovum donor.
 The nucleus of the unfertilized egg is removed.
 An electric current is used to stimulate the fusion between the somatic cell and the
denucleated egg cell.
 The cell will divide repeatedly to form an embryo.
 The embryo is later implanted into a surrogate mother.
(b) (ii)
 A piece of plant tissue is removed from a plant.
 The cells walls of the explant are digested by using enzymes to produce protoplast.
 The protoplast is then sterilized with hypochlorite solution

 The sterilized protoplast is placed into a culture medium
 The culture medium consists of glucose, amino acids, mineral and other substances needed
for plants to grow
 Auxins are added to stimulate the cells to divide by mitosis
 The cells grow rapidly into small masses of tissues called callus
 The callus is stimulated with hormones to form shoots and roots
 The callus is then, develops into an embryo and then a plantlet, which can be transferred to
the soil for growth purpose

Advantages Disadvantages
A lot of new plants can be grown in a All plants have the same genetic make-up, so
relatively short time they will be vulnerable to the same pests
Little space is needed and conditions can be No probability of new beneficial
precisely controlled characteristics arising by chance
All new plants inherit the desirable No variation causing the plants become
characteristic reduced

Paper 3 (kertas 3)

1. An experiment was carried out to study the effect of different concentrations of sodium chloride on red
blood cells.
Satu eksperimen dijalankan untuk mengkaji kesan kepekatan natrium klorida yang berbeza
terhadap sel darah merah.

Sodium chloride
Larutan natrium
Red blood cell
Sel darah merah
Jam randik

Diagram 1.1/ Rajah 1.1 Diagram 1.2/Rajah 1.2

Diagram 1.1 shows the experiment set-up by a student.

Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan eskperimen yang telah dijalankan oleh seorang pelajar.

Diagram 1.2 shows the red blood cells as seen under the microscope after being immersed in 0.15 M
sodium chloride solution (test tube A) for 30 minutes.
Rajah 1.2 menunjukkan sel darah merah yang dilihat di bawah mikroskop selepas direndam di dalam
larutan natrium klorida 0.15 M (tabung uji A) untuk 30 minit.

The experiment was repeated by immersing the red blood cells in test tubes containing different
concentrations of sodium chloride.
Eksperimen ini diulangi dengan merendamkan sel darah merah di dalam tabung uji yang mengandungi
kepekatan larutan natrium klorida yang berbeza.

Test tube B contains 0.30 M sodium chloride solution; test tube C contains 0.45 M sodium chloride
solution and test tube D contains 0.60 M sodium chloride solution respectively.
Tabung uji B mengandungi larutan natrium klorida 0.30 M, tabung uji C mengandungi larutan
natrium klorida 0.45 M dan tabung uji D mengandungi larutan natrium klorida 0.60 M .

The results are shown in Table 1.

Keputusan telah ditunjukkan dalam Jadual 1.

Test tube Concentration of Red blood cells as seen under Number of crenated
sodium chloride the microscope red blood cells
Tabung uji kepekatan larutan Sel darah merah yang dilihat di Jumlah krenasi sel
natrium klorida bawah mikroskop darah merah

B 0.30 7

C 0.45 15

D 0.60 20

Table 1/Jadual 1

a) (i) State two observations on the relationship between the number of crenated red blood cells
and the concentration of sodium chloride solution.
Nyatakan dua pemerhatian yang berhubungkait di antara jumlah krenasi sel darah merah dengan
kepekatan larutan natrium klorida.
Observation 1/Pemerhatian 1
At 0.30 M sodium chloride solution, the number of crenated red blood cells are 7.

Observation 2/ Pemerhatian 2
At 0.60 M sodium chloride solution, the number of crenated red blood cells are 20.
(3 marks/markah)

(ii) State two inference for each observation made in 1 a) (i).

Nyatakan dua inferen bagi setiap pemerhatian yang dibuat pada 1 a )(i)
Inference 1/Inferen 1
The red blood cells become crenated because water diffused out of the red blood cells that
immersed in the hypertonic 0.30 M sodium chloride solution.
Inference 2/Inferen 2
The red blood cells become crenated because water diffused out of the red blood cells that
immersed in the hypertonic 0.60 M sodium chloride solution.
(3 marks/markah)
b) Record the number of crenated red blood cells in Table 1.
Rekodkan jumlah krenasi sel darah merah dalam jadual 1.
(3 marks/markah)
c) Complete the Table 2 below based on the experiment.
Lengkapkan Jadual 2 berdasarkan eksperimen ini.
Variable Method to handle the variable
Pembolehubah Cara mengendali pembolehubah
Manipulated variable
Pembolehubah dimanipulasi
Use different concentration of sodium chloride
Concentration of solution, 0.15 M, 0.30 M, 0.45 M and 0.60 M
sodium chloride
Responding variable
Pembolehubah bergerakbalas

Number of crenated red blood Count and record the number of crenated red blood
cells cells
Fixed variable
Pembolehubah dimalarkan

Time taken to immerse the red Fix 30 minutes to immerse the red blood cells
blood cells in the different
Table 2 /Jadual 2
(3 marks/markah)

d) State the hypothesis for this experiment.

Nyatakan hipotesis bagi eksperimen ini
The higher concentration of sodium chloride solution, the higher the number of crenated red
blood cells
(3 marks/markah)

e) (i) Plot a graph showing the percentage of crenated red blood cells against the concentrations of
sodium chloride solution on a graph paper.
Plotkan graf pada kertas graf untuk menunjukkan peratus krenasi sel darah merah berlawan
kepekatan larutan natrium klorida.
(3 marks/markah)

(ii) Referring to the graph in 1e) (i), describe the relationship between the number of crenated
red blood cells and the concentration of sodium chloride solution.
Merujuk kepda graf 1 e) (i), terangkan hubungan antara krenasi sel darah merah yang dengan
kepekatan larutan natrium klorida.
The number of crenated red blood cells is the lowest the 0.15 M sodium chloride solution,
followed by 0.30 M and 0.45 M sodium chloride solution. The highest number of crenated red
blood cells in the 0.60 M sodium chloride concentration.
(3 marks/markah)

f) Test tube B was left aside for 60 minutes. Explain the relationship between the number of crenated red
blood cells and time.
Tabung uji B dibiarkan untuk 60 minit. Terangkan hubungan antara jumlah krenasi sel darah merah
dengan masa.
The longer the red blood cells were immersed in the sodium chloride solution, the higher will be the
number of crenated red blood cells.
(3 marks/markah)

g) In another experiment, the red blood cells were immersed in distilled water for 30 minutes. Predict the
results of the experiment.
Untuk eksperimen yang lain, sel darah merah direndam dalam air suling untuk 30 minit. Ramalkan
keputusan eksperimen ini.
The red blood cells will undergo haemolysis
(3 marks/markah)
h) From this experiment, what can you deduce about osmosis?
Dariapda ekperimen ini, apakah yang anda boleh deduksikan tentang osmosis?
Osmosis is the process which causes the red blood cells to crenated when immersed in sodium
chloride concentration higher than 0.30 M.
(3 marks/markah)

i) The following information shows the phenomenon of cells in hypotonic and hypertonic solutions.
Maklumat bawah menunjukkan fenomena sel dalam larutan hipotonik dan hipertonik.
Plasmolysis Crenated Deplasmolysis Turgid
Plasmolysis Krenasi Deplasmolisis Segah
Classify the words given above into 'Process' and 'Appearances of cells' according to hypotonic and
hypertonic solutions.
Kelaskan perkataan yang diberi di atas berdasarkan ‘proses’ dan ‘rupa bentuk sel’ berdasarkan
kepda larutan hipotonik dan hipertonik .
Hypotonic solution Hypertonic solution
Process Appearances of cells Process Appearances of cells
Deplasmolysis Turgid Plasmolysis Crenated

(3 marks/markah)

2. The rate of enzyme reaction is influenced by the pH value of the medium of reaction. Some
enzymes are most active in an acidic medium, while some are active in an alkaline me dium or in
a neutral medium.
Kadar tindak balas enzim dipengaruhi oleh nilai pH medium tindak balasnya. Sesetengah enzim
paling aktif dalam keadaan berasid, manakala yang aktif dalam keadaan alkali dan ada juga
hanya boleh bertindak dalam keadaan neutral.

Based on this statement, design an experiment to show the effect of pH levels on the rate of
enzyme reaction. Plan your experiment identified problem.
Berdasarkan pernyataan ini, reka bentuk satu eksperimen untuk menunjukkan kesan tahap pH ke
atas kadar tindak balas enzim. Sediakan satu perancangan eksperimen yang meliputi aspek-aspek

 Problem statement
Penyataan masalah
 Aim
 Hypothesis
 Variables
 Lists of material and apparatus
Senarai alat radas dan bahan
 Technique
 Procedure
 Presentation of data
Persembahan data
 Conclusion

(17 marks/markah)

Aim: To investigate the effect of pH on activity of enzyme

Problem statement: What is the effect of pH on the activity of the enzyme pepsin?
Hypothesis: The enzyme pepsin is most active in an acidic medium.
(i) Manipulated variable: pH of the medium
(ii) Responding variable: Rate of enzyme reaction (condition of mixture-cloudy or clear)
(iii) Fixed variable: temperature of the medium, volume of the egg albumen solution
Apparatus and materials: thermometer, test tube, water bath, dropper, egg albumen solution,
distilled water, 1% pepsin solution, 0.1 M hydrochloric acid, 0.1 M
sodium hydroxide, syringe

1. The egg albumen solution is prepared by mixing the egg white from an egg with 500 ml of
distilled water.
2. With the help of a syringe, 2 ml of egg white solution is placed in three test tube and labeled P, Q
and R.
3. The following solutions are then added into each test tube.
P: 1 ml of0.1 M hydrochloric acid + 1 ml of 0.1 % pepsin solution
Q: 1 ml of distilled water + 1 ml of 1 % pepsin solution
R: 1 ml of 0.1 M sodium bicarbonate solution + 1 ml of 1 % pepsin solution
4. A strip of pH paper is placed inside each test tube and the pH of each solution is recorded.
5. The three test tubes are then placed in the water bath with its temperature maintained at 37oC for
15 minutes.
6. The condition of the mixture, whether cloudy or clear is recorded.

Test tube pH value Beginning of experiment End of experiment
P 3 Cloudy Clear (protein has been broken down)
Q 7 Cloudy Cloudy (protein remains)
R 8 Cloudy Cloudy (protein remains)

The hypothesis is accepted. The enzyme pepsin is most active in pH 3 which is an acidic medium.
The enzyme pepsin requires an acidic medium to act on the pepsin.


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