First Activity!: Elementary A 2.1 and English Didactics For Preschool Learners

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Elementary A 2.1 and English didactics for preschool learners.

First activity!
Name of the student: _JUAN MANUEL SABOGAL TRUQUE___________________________

The learners have to watch the suggested video and complete the following activities:

1. Complete the chart:

Uses of the will Uses of going to

 We use “will” to show what we think may happen in  We use “going to” to show that we think
the future. (just our prediction) something will definitely happen very soon.
Just when we talk about what we think can happen in (Something so obvious)
the future When we know for sure that something is
 We use “will” for decisions that come suddenly. going to happen very-very soon
sudden decisions  For our plans or intentions.
One example from the video per rule: Bill will be very smart One example from the video per rule: Mike is going
after he graduates from college. to stay at the hospital for a while.
Your own example (one example per rule): She will become Your own example (one example per rule): That tree
a scientist. is rotten, it’s going to fall.
I’ll see you later. I´m going to prepare some food.
Elementary A 2.1 and English didactics for preschool learners.

2. The leaners have to identify some useful expressions for writing or speaking purposes from the content of the

Useful expressions for you (at list 3):

- . Tom! Pick up the phone! Ok, I´ll get it.

- . Dude, you can´t drive your car. Yeah, you´re right, I´ll take uber
- . Dude, why are you so happy? Because I´m going to go to Hawaii tomorrow

- . I'm going to go to the cinema tonight.

- . She's going to study after she finishes dinner.

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