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I - COMPRÉHENSION : 5 points
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Covid-19 financial crisis to leave lasting scars1 on Gen Z

1. The coronavirus pandemic has hit every generation hard, disproportionately killing older Americans
and spreading economic fear across the entire country. For Gen Z, people born between 1997 and 2012,
life has practically been upended2 and the ramifications of the virus and the financial crisis it has
engendered threatens their livelihoods for years to come.
2. The unemployment rate for teens aged 16 to 19 peaked at 31% in April, more than double the national
rate of 14.7%. College graduates who only months ago were on track to enter one of the best job markets
in US history have instead landed in one of the worst. A slate3 of summer internships4 and jobs have been
cancelled so now they are worried about their parents struggling to pay bills.
3. (…) “Early career events like this tend to have scarring effects, they tend to persist over time,” said
William Gale, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. “The jobs available or the wages available
won’t be as good as they would have been otherwise.”
4. Grace Miller, 20, who will be a junior5 at Penn State University in the fall, emailed a local newspaper
about potential internships before shutdowns began. She was told that she could potentially take on a paid

Scars: cicatrices
To upend: bouleverser
A slate of: un grand nombre de
Internships: des stages
A junior: étudiante en 1ère année
position instead of an internship, but the publication stopped responding to her inquiries once shutdowns
5. Instead Miller is working at a restaurant this summer, trying to build up savings for rent and textbooks
for the next school year. Her dream is to eventually work in a city like New York or Los Angeles, but she
is unsure whether that dream will be a reality in a post-pandemic world.
6. The US has already seen how a recession can undermine 6 a whole generation’s ability to navigate their
careers and build wealth: research shows that the oldest millennials7 never fully recovered after the last
recession hit the job and housing markets. Millennials lost an estimated 13% of earnings from job cuts
and reduced wages during the recession that they never got back.
7. A reduction in earning creates a cascading effect, especially since millennials are likely to have
thousands of dollars of student and medical debt. And while those without a college degree may not have
student debt, they are making far less than those with a college degree – a gap that has widened over the
last few decades.
8. Debt makes it harder for a person to save and accumulate wealth in the form of assets. Young
Americans have delayed buying homes, the most common way the average American builds wealth, due
to debt and rising housing costs. Millennials have also delayed major life events, like starting families.
9. “Wealth inequality has worsened over the past 50 years,” said Signe-Mary McKernan, a vice president
at the Urban Institute. It used to be in America that every generation did better than the previous
generation, but that’s no longer necessarily the case.”
10. There is some hope that Gen Z is learning something from its elders 8. A study from earlier this year
showed that Gen Z was increasingly careful with money and less likely to take out student loans than
From The Guardian, July 2020

I - COMPRÉHENSION (5 points) :

Lisez les affirmations suivantes qui résument l’article de presse ci-dessus.

Vous devez choisir la bonne réponse : Vrai, Faux ou Non mentionné (1 seul cas) pour chacune. Ne
recopiez que le n° de la phrase.

Vous justifierez votre choix par une citation brève et ciblée tirée du texte.

Les affirmations suivent l’ordre du texte.

1. Les conséquences de la crise du Coronavirus se feront sentir dans quelques années pour les jeunes de
moins de 30 ans, appelés Génération Z.

2. Les adolescents américains ont été deux fois plus touchés par le chômage que le reste de la population.

3. La crise est intervenue à un moment où l’économie américaine était déjà au plus mal.

To undermine: briser, saper
Millennials: personnes nées entre 1980 et 1996
Elders: aînés
4. Sans petits boulots d’été, de nombreux jeunes ne pourront pas aider leurs parents financièrement.

5. Avant l’arrivée du virus, le marché du travail était plutôt favorable à la génération Z.

6. Le journal que la jeune Grace Miller avait contacté pour un stage a préféré ne plus donner suite car ils
n’auraient finalement pas eu les moyens de la payer.

7. Son petit job d’été couvrira à peine ses frais de loyer.

8. Aux Etats-Unis, pour avoir un salaire décent, mieux vaut être diplômé, quitte à accumuler les dettes
pour financer ses études universitaires.

9. Les jeunes sont prêts à tous les sacrifices financiers pour accéder à la propriété.

10. Tout porte à croire que la génération Z s’en sortira mieux économiquement que les trentenaires et
quadragénaires qui ont subi la crise financière précédente.

II - VERSION (5 points) :

Traduisez les phrases suivantes (tirées ou adaptées du texte) en français, en évitant le mot à mot et
en soignant les formulations et l’orthographe.

1. Covid-19 financial crisis to leave lasting scars on Gen Z (titre)

2. Millennials lost an estimated 13% of earnings from job cuts and reduced wages during the recession
that they never got back.
3. “The gap has widened over the last few decades”, said Signe-Mary McKerman.

4. Debt makes it harder for a person to save and accumulate wealth in the form of assets.


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Boomers: Population born between 1945 and 1965
Brace yourselves: get ready

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