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1914 Cerrone atae(onme Nia cer ctia hoc vien, ma con glup hoc vién Cemmue Wana Wnremme elec na COIAARte- aN AE MIDI elgAMCoTALL sat ngon ngtr va Khai phd tiem nang Cie velar NHU’NG GIA TRI VAN HOA ctla Hé théng Gido duc & Dao tao IMAP Viét Nam, NHAN VIEN TAIIMAP | GIAO VIEN TAIIMAP Nang Itrong ~ Nhigt huyét ‘Trach nhigm — Ky luat Ty tin - Sang tao Tan tam phuc vy Trach nhigm - Ky luat ‘D6i mdi - Sang tao Dam nghi- Dam lam Két néi - Yéu thuong Kién nhan - Bam mé Chan thanh ~Théu hiéu HOC VIEN TAI IMAP Lng nghe - Chia sé ‘Trach nhigm - Ky twat Kién ti - Bén bi Bam ma - Sang tao Chi déng - Ty gid NOI QUY LO’P HOC 65 Cac ban yéu quy cua cé Cham ngoan hoc gidi duing gid mdi hay wy Bai tap day di méi ngay ‘ \ Lu6n luén tich cure cting xAy dung bai Phat biéu dAu ding dau sai Ty tin bay to chang ai dam cui > Thay cd sé cham diém mudi Tinh than hoc hdi moi ngu‘di noi theo Néu em khéng muén bd heo Thi can nhé lay nhitng diéu trén day Va thém vai diém duréi nay Dién thoai phai cat, hang say hoc bai Rac thai dirng virt ra ngoai Cling tiét kiam dién ché hoai phi nha Chi con mot diéu cudi la Chiing ta cling hoc cling choi hét minh! .* GIO’ THIEU VE CONG TY CO PHAN GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO IMAP VIET NAM h str hinh thanh IMAP Viét Nam Céng ty Cé phan Gido duc va Bao tao IMAP Viet Nam duge thanh lap ttr thang © TAM NHIN: 2040 trer thanh Tap doan $6 1 VIET NAM v8 dao tao ngén ngtt va Ky day, von tam Quée 18. G sv MEN dp 10 TRIEU ngudi Viet tu tin ndi tiéng Anh, © _ GIA TRI COT LOE: Tan tam phuc vu - Tréch nhigm ky luat - Bdi méi sng tao Dam nghi dém lam - Két ni yéu thuong Hé théng thuro'ng hiéu ‘Bawmemsyon —-Vanzocemorie — [IELTS Figher land ‘Ba va dang dao tao gan 1,000,000 hoc visn on vi durge céng nhfin 6 86 hac vién det tn 800+ TOEIC cao hat ca nus, He théng kn aniine £6 1 Vigt Nam véi céng dng hoe tiéng Anh hon 1 tigu thanh vidn va t trig lt truy cap website mdi thang. Anh ngit Ms Hoa Ra dBi vio nm 2016, ao tao theo phuong phap Phan xa - Ms Hoa Giao Tiép Truyén cam hing, Ms Hoa Giao tip c6 he théng 17 co’ str trén ca née, Trung tam luyén thi IELTS hang du Vigt Nam. He théng 20 co sé tran toan qué. Temas . z Bi tac kim cuong ota IOP. ‘Bao tao han 1000 hge vien dat 6.5 IELTS tr len. Bao tao ting Anh hoc thuat ~ chun Cambridge, IELTS chuyén ‘su cho liza tu6i thanh, thiéu nién Feu aris Websita ty hoc IELTS , Cambridge to’n dign 4 Kg nang du tien tal Viet Nam. Bao tao tiéng Anh doanh nghigp hang dau Vigt Nam v6i hon 800+ {6i téc bao gdm Téng céng ty, T&p doin Ién nhu: Tap doan Viettel, Nissan, Panasonic, ngan hang Agribank, Vietcombank, VPBank (Cc ban hay quét ma QR dé truy cap vao hé théng website chinh thire ctia IMAP Viét Nam nhét 10/2012 ning giéng IMAPPre igi fl Gaze a Re Gy; Sve g i ase 3 elses t THONG DIEP TU’ FOUNDER MS HOA Xin chao tat ca cdc ban, C6 lA Ms Hoa, mét gido vién ting Anh va ciing lA nguéi sang lap ra Anh ngir Ms Hoa, tién than la Ms Hoa TOEIC - thurong higu mang tén ciia chinh c6. Truée day, c6 da turng la mot hoc sinh rt binh thuong. Nhung 06 mot ngudi da thay ddi cudc dé c6, dé Ia 66 gido day tiéng Anh cp 2. Thdi dé, c6 hoe rét kém 6 tat ca cdc mén va luén cam thay kém c6i hon cae ban. CO gido dy ciing tén Hoa, la ngudi dau tién tran trong nhiing cau tra bi, dis d6i khi rat ngé ngén ctia c6. Khi tra Idi sai, c khong ché bai ma luén ddng vién, khuyén khich. D6 la fan dau tién 06 06 mét ngudi tin tung, tén trong nhiing y tuéng di nhé nhat nhat, Tir mét hoc sinh kém ci, 66 chon hgc tiéng Anh dé khang dinh ban than, khng dinh gia tri voi moi ngudi. CO thay ban than 06 thé gidi m@t digu gi dé thay vi mai fa ngudi v6 hinh. Cam gide khi 4y, cuge song tr nén dc biét hon. D6 la cach 66 tim dén véi tiéng Anh va yéu tiéng Anh mét cach vé diéu kién nhu vay. Ban than 6 cing luén cho rang, trong tat ca cc linh vye, nhitng diéu gan vai trach nhiém, tam ly phai lam sé khién ta chan nan, khé thyrc hién, kh theo duéi. Vi thé khi dén véi tiéng Anh, c6 khéng dat nang van d& tréch nhiém nira ma hoe cach yéu tigng Anh, dong hanh cing né cht khéng phai “vac nang” trén vai. Chinh vi tu duy va cam nhan nhu vay nén cé thy ring ngudi hgc tiéng Anh muén thanh céng thi phai cé cam hirng. Khi ta khéng hoc vi tréch nhiém, ta sé thay thoai mai va higu qua hon rét nhidu. Va tir dé, khi dén véi con dung giang day tiéng Anh, 66 muén la mét nui str gia mang dén cho hgc vién cam hiing. Cé mun cho cdc ban thay \ tiéng Anh la mét ngén gir dep lm, digu ky lam va né ximg dang c6 duge tinh yéu clia cdc ban Vi lé dé, cdc ban hay cing c6 kham pha thir ngén ngtt ky digu nay cdc ban nhé! v v v v ‘Trong béi c’inh todn cfu héa cia thé giéi, vide 6 khé ning st dung tiéng Anh va dic biét 1a duge céng nhén bai ching chi ngén ngii quée 1é la diéu v6 cling cén thiét. Cling véi IELTS, TOEIC ld mt trong nhiing ching ch? duge dénh gid cao vé tinh hitu dung va sit dung rng rai, dic biét trong méi trudng lam viee va giao tiép quéc + Sé hilu téin bing TOEIC sé gidip cdc ban. Dép ting diéu kién dau ra cia mot sé trudng dai hoc, cao dng trong nuéc. Ma rng co hGi nghé nghiép khi ban tng tuyén vio cde doanh nghiép lan, cde céng ty da quéc gia c6 méi trudng lam viée tiéng Anh. ‘Tang sy ty tin khi giao tiép véi déng nghiép, khéch hang trong giao tiép hang ngay va ting phdn xq xt Ii tinh hudng tai vain phéng. Dép ting diéu kién dau vdo khi di du hoc tai cde ‘trudng dai hoc trén thé gidi, Nhan théy gid tri va tinh thyc té cia tam bing TOETC, Anh ngif Ms Hoa da thiét ké bai gidng di kem véi Student's book phi hgp vai myc tiéu TOEIC 350+, cy thé, cdc ban sé: AS Nim duge cdc ngt phép co ban va phat trién vén tit vung nhat dinh lién quan én cdc chi dé chon loc thudng xudt hién trong dé thi TOEIC. Nam duge phuong phdp doc hiéu, chién thudt thd li cfu hai cling nhu cde Kt nting Jam bai céin thiét cho ki thi, Nam duge dang thie dé thi chudn théng qua cdc bai tp, bai kiém tra giifa ki va cudi ki va kiéin tra chétt Iugng theo thé thife ctia bé thi TOETC chuéin. Trai nghiém m6 hinh Iép hoe séng tao, chuyén nghiép, két hap kin thiic hoc thuét va ky niing phét trién ban than, Céch vin dung ngén ngit TOETC trong méi ‘truang giao tiép quéc té. é hiéu hon vé phuong phdp hoc va stt dung gido trinh nay, céc bon hay doc trang ké tip nhél Anh ngit Ms Hoa chic cde thinh céng trén ‘con du’ng chinh phy TOETC! vy Huéng dan su dung Student's book TOEIC Pre Student's book khéa hoc Pre TOELC tap trung vio cdc kién thie ngit phép, cde dang bai TOELC, cting nhu nhiing cha diém t¥ vung thudng xudt hign trong dé thi that. Cuén student's book dugc thiét ké bém sét vi gido trinh va bai gidng trén lép, nhiim gidp hoc vién sit dung ‘song song véi qué trinh hoc va ‘ty 6n tap tai nha. My dE dat duge diém sé nhu mong dgi, Anh ngit Ms Hoa xin Ye gtii ti cdc ban céch sit dung cuén student's book nay mét céch higu qud va +61 uu héa ‘thai gian nhat. méi la, viée chudin bj truéc khi hoc gidp céc ban khéng chi én Iai kién thifc da biét, ma dac biét 14 trénh bi “nggp" nhiing luéng kién thite méi Cuén student's book duge thiét ké dang “duc 16" nhiing théng tin quan trong dé hoc vién sé cing xdy dung ndi dung bai hoc véi gido vién, Viée nay khdng ch? gitip céc ban gilt duge sy tp trung trong suét thai gian hoc ma cén ty minh chon Igc ra duge nhiing théng tin quan trong nhat trong bai. Ngodi ra, sau méi bai hgc sé cé dung lugng 2 trang gidy tai phan Your note dé hoc vién ty do ghi chép Iqi nhiing phan bai cin chi ¥, cting nh luu Iai nhiing phén kién thie mé réng duge gido vién dé c@p bén ngoai. Eel acetnteauren cians Dé t6i uu héa kién thitc, cdc ban nén tan dung cuén student's book trén tay dé 6n tap hang ngay tai nha. Viée tao cho ban +théin thdi quen hoc bai va lam bai hang nga la diéu thidt yeu a€ nang cao trinh 46 va tan dung thé gian, tién bac mot céch higu qué, dic biét 1a khi cée ban doc lai phén ni dung minh da ty minh ghi chép va mé réng. Hoc chi trén gido trinh 1a chua du, ban nén cé giing sap xép thdi gian hang ngay dé lam quen cde dang dé thi that trong cdc cudn séch TOETC nhy TOETC Economy, Hacker TOEIC, ETS,... Gach nay gidp cdc ban vita 8n tap duge kién thitc c®, vita rén luyén nang cao trinh 49 ban than nham sém dat duge mic diém nhut mong muén. Contents USTENING 0. Unit 1. Photos of People... Unit 2. Photos of Object and Scenes Unit 3. Information Questions (1) Unit 4. Information Questions (2) Unit 5. Yes/No Questions... Unit 6. Other Types of Question... Unit 7. Business Activities sens Unit 8. Daily Activities... Unit 9, At Public Places Unit 10. Telephone messages and Public announcements... Unit 14. Rat broadcasts, Speeches and Internal announcement Unit 12. Speeches and Internal announcements. READING wn. Unit 1. Nouns and Pronouns... Unit 2. Adjectives and Adverbs. Unit 3. Verb Tenses... Unit 4. Active and Passive Voices Unit 5. To- Infinitives..... Unit 6. Gerunds.. Unit 7, Participles cc Unit 8. Conjunetions. Unit 9. Prepositions... Unit 10. Relative pronouns & Relative Adverbs Unit 11. Subjunctive Mood Unit 12. Agreement... Céc ban tai Audio/ Key/ Tapescript tai dy nhé t Listening ‘PHOTOS OF PEOPLE Puls ———® BASIC INFORMATION Number of questions: Number of Answers/ Questions: Number of People/ Description Questions: ———® COMMON STRUCTURES Common structures: 1, Subject 2. Action verb ———® LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT Words | Partof | Meanings Words Part of ‘Meanings speech speech Review | Nghi ngot Examine VGi toi Leave Quét through Stare at Polish ‘Sap xép Display ‘anh may Béc hang Chat, bd Bai thuyét trinh Chivao ‘Apron Day Stove Bép Kéo Noi that Nam, gitr Xe cho Ra hiéu Binoculars ky Tay vin Hike ‘Déng dinh Ride Tee MG bao ho Board Suitcase Nam ‘Subway Platform Dya vao a [> [ Beercise 1. tisten and fil in the blanks, then, choose the correct answer (File 1). A Sheis.. athe stairs. She on the handrail. Cc She. whe stairs. A. She Sheen from the shelf c. She ata library. War eae on the screen. One man is... . the screen. Some people are their. The man... va Suitcase. B. The man... a suit . The man ... .the sofa. .the finish They... just. line, . The bikers . The bicycles onthe front. The man is tthe lawn. The MAN IS wee The man is... A. Awoman a broom B. The areais.. C. Awoman athe A. They are... B. They are. inacircle ©. Theyare... .in step . She is . She is. . He is . She is . She is B. They are She is the clothing item. tthe item Heis Heis She is They are sitting . The flower the .. [>| weercise 2. Listen and fil in the blanks, then, choose the correct answer (File 2). A. The woman is. B, The womans... keyboard, The woman is computer D. The womar cabinet 10 A. Heis a picture Bo He IS nconneuna plece of paper Co He FS ssmnenensomething on the bulletin board. D. Heis .a magazine. A. The man is B. The man is © The man is D. The man is in the blanks, then, choose the correct answer (File 3). 4: A, The men are ... B. Theyare .the desk, a > Some people are wrnnnnn-bicycles. They are the street. 4. A. Theyare.. .the steps. B, They af@ snmnnmnenoN the street. Co They aF€ sasnnnnmnencby & door, D. They are wnmsnnens They are .. .some water. . Aman is ata screen. They are .. .a representation, . Amanis ..on the board. They are ... in chairs. 1. Aman is .on the phone. Two men are wn ). A woman i document, [> [ exercise 4 Listen and choose the correct answer (File 4). a; a YOUR NOTE rT) 15 fe PHOTOS OF OBJECTS AND SCENES |. THEOR’ ———® COMMON STRUCTURES Common structures: ———® LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT Words | Partof | Meanings Words | Part of Meanings speech speech Curtain Train track, Lamp | Intersection Tran nha Gu Picture ; Station May chiéu | Toll gate Tau hoa Trim the lawn Xe tai Via he Grocery Tu tap Store 16 Quét sin Parasol Huan luyén Cat hang lén Treadmill ‘i ‘Occupied Pile Pedestrian kéo di > Exercise 1. Listen and fill in the blanks, then, choose the correct answer (File 1). ‘The woman is bread. Different kinds of bread .. for sale. The woman is... ..a shopping cart, The. door is There are... on of the stairs. . down the uv ‘A, Some people ate ... their bikes. B. The bikes are... next to a C. Some of the bikes .. baskets A. One woman is a cup of B. One manis ina notebook. C. There are some... the... A. SOME sess ow iS On the. B. The tables are all... C. Awaiter is. A. The womanis... wher suitcase B. The suitcase is the Co The porter is enemas the 18 A. The are being mn 7 B, The wagon is full of C. There are several types of . A. The vehicle is in the ‘The garage door C. Awoman is . the house. A. There are SOME esnsnun0M the A. There are no. B. People are wheeling carts out of the C. The statue is... the building. 19 ‘A. There are monitors all the B. All of the people are the channel. C. The menare .. monitors. A. Many are in the ground. B, The wheelbarrow on the path. C. The gardener is. A. They are... B.Atireis. A. People are NEA ee B.A trai the 20 A.Sheis. B. The doors .. po ee . Abusis . Passengers are TWO WOMEN AFE vn . Customers are. ‘The silverware ... There is some f00d warn The waitress is... Chairs the corner of the room Some people are the street. The cars are railroad crossing. store. ‘The products are floor. Merchandise is for sale. their purchases. 2 [>> [Exercise 3. Listen and choose the correct answer (File 3) YOUR NOTE 2B 24 a INFORMATION QUESTIONS Pe eds y's ———® BASIC INFORMATION Number of questions: Number of Answers/ Question: Information Questions: ———® BASIC TIPS ———® COMMON STRUCTURES Common structures; 25 1. Who - questions 2. What - questions ———® LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT Part of Part of Words Meanings Words Meanings speech speech Receptionist Sunny Supervisor Fogey k6 todn Rainy Quan ly Snowy Phong kinh Thu ki doanh Vice president Phang tigp thi 26 Accounting Purchasing department department Personnel department > Exercise 1. Listen and fill in the blanks, then, choose the correct answer. Who a) 1. Who is the woman? A. Sheis new B. She is with her client. 2. Who organized the reception? That would be the The is complicated. Wh is supposed to pay the bill? The is ep ew SP The Maintenance Department is it 4, Who will organize the annual meeting? Il no a Who has a copy of the contract? Vm PP ee it to your. 6. Who is going to repair the copy machine? A. the coffee shop the street, Steven the maintenance office. 7 What (File 2) 1. Whats the problem with my computer? A. Itisn’t plugged B. Sure, you can 2. What time are you leaving the office today? A. Ittakes about B this report 3. What is Mr. Jackson's position at the company? A. Heisa B. Inthe 4, What time will the train arrive? Ain B. Itruns HB 5. What is the best way to contact you? Al my mobile number. B. It'sa contract 6. What is the total cost of the construction? A. It will at least B. It is estimated at, b. 1. Whatis to contact you? A. We should my office 2 will the A. Itruns aday a.m 3. Whats the my A, Ithink it’s infected 4. are you the today? A. That like a In 5. Whatis the of the construction? 28 It will take What is Mr, Jackson's He is. the, eS >ee> The me It will not exceed three. at the Department PP exercise 2, ten and choose the correct answer. Who (file 3) Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. ‘Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Cownanpene Mark your correct answer. 10. Mark your correct answer. What (file 4) Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. ‘Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. 10. Mark your correct answer. >> p> errr ee >>> >>> > > D> eee er eros eo woe neoe oo oo 29 D> [Exercise 3, Listen and choose the correct answer. Who (File 5) 1. Mark your correct answer. 2. Mark your correct answer. 3. Mark your correct answer. 4, Mark your correct answer. 5. Mark your correct answer. 6. Mark your correct answer. 7. Mark your correct answer. 8, Mark your correct answer. 9. Mark your correct answer. 10. Mark your correct answer. 11. Mark your correct answer. 12. Mark your correct answer. 13. Mark your correct answer. 14, Mark your correct answer. 15, Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer, Mark your correct answer, ‘Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. >>> >>> >>> eer eee e ee a a a ae ae ae cee eee sae se ee oes eeenee sess panna nA AMATO OO oan nn AMA FOO 30 YOUR NOTE a4 32 pe ILO NUE NU ONCOL VCO) TC) I. THEO! ———® ANSWERING PATTERNS 1. When - questions 2, Where - questions 3. Why - questions 4, How - questions ————® LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT Word / phrase Part of speech ‘Meanings Directing traffic Hong Drop off 33 Head for Commute Give sb a ride Exercise 1. Listen and fill in the blanks, then, choose the correct answer. 1. Where (file 1) 1, Where is the copy machine? A. Onthe B. Ineed 2, Where are the documents stored? . The store is on the drawer of my A 8. 3. Where can | submit my application? A. You can it BI it. 4, Where is the closet supermarket around here? | wil some B. Next to the 5. Where is the guest list for Friday's reception? A. Mr. Smith knows. B. Itwill be the banquet hall 6. Where is your new office located? ‘A. Yes, his office is New York. B. Inthe 34 |, When (file 2) 1. When is the concert supposed to begin? A. I’swrittenonthe B. Atthe_ 2. When are you taking your driving test? A. failed B from now. 3. When will your new book be published? A next month, I B. That sounds 4, When are you going to start the project? A twill 8. this work, 5. Whenis the construction scheduled to be finished? AL I'm it, B. Not for weeks. 6. When can | expect my order to arrive? A anew printer. B. twill take days. II, Why (file 3) a 1. Why does Rachel want to move to Boston? A, She gota there. B. Because she transportation. 2. Why are you in such a hurry? A. will me, B. To the first train. 3. Why do I have to submit this form again? A. We never received the B. Tothe Department. 35, Why was the meeting cancelled? The meeting at 10:30. (Our manager had a . Why is the parking lot so empty today? . You your car here. . Today isa 3. Why is the company moving its office? My office is on the The current office building is ‘Why is the so today? Youcan thi Most people . Why is the its 2 \- My office is the floor. anew building. Why does Rachel to Boston? She wants to her family. . Because she traveling, Why are you a i Idon’t want to be B. Iwill you. Why do I have to this 2 - Some information is B, To the Why was the 2 ‘The meeting at noon. B. The president's flight has been 36 Exercise 2. Listen and choose the correct answer. |. Where (file 4) Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer, Son onnawne Mark your correct answer. 10, Mark your correct answer. IL When (file 5) Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. pen ane wne Mark your correct answer. 10. Mark your correct answer. > PrP bP > > > >> Dd > >>> rP > er > PD cea eee oe oe ee ee e777 5 o D 37 I. Why (file 6) 1 10, Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. >>> PrP > > > > > D> eweoeaoeoeoeo 38 nf NOTE 39 40 Unit 05 I. THEORY ———® ANSWERING PATTERNS 1. Questions with auniliary verbs YES / NO QUESTIONS 2. Requests 3. Suggestions ———® LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT Word / phrase Part of speech Meanings Sign the contract ‘Annual audit Bao cdo hang quy KE toan Invest in ‘inh Iai Evaluation form Budget proposal PP [_weercise a. Listen and choose the correct answer [file 1). Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. |. Mark your correct answer. |. Mark your correct answer. a. 2 3 4 5. Mark your correct answer. 6. Mark your correct answer. 7. Mark your correct answer. 8. Mark your correct answer. 9, Mark your correct answer, 10. Mark your correct answer. 11. Mark your correct answer. 12, Mark your correct answer. 13, Mark your correct answer. 14, Mark your correct answer. 15. Mark your correct answer. > >>> PrP >>> >>> D> > D> cee ew eee oe ese ano a no AMAA HAD 42 [>| exercise 2. Listen and choose the correct answer (file 2). 1 eanane Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. 10. Mark your correct answer. 11. Mark your correct answer. 12. Mark your correct answer. >>> rer errr eee weneeeeesoe oe ana an AMAA AAO > { Exercise 3. Listen and choose the correct answer (file 3). won anaene Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. 10. Mark your correct answer. > rp >> rere eee waeooeeneaoooe anan nan AAO 43 YOUR NOTE 44 45, ae OTHER TYPES OF QUESTION I. THEORY ———® ANSWERING PATTERNS 1. Negative questions 2. Tag questions 3. Indirect questions 4, “Or” questions © LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT Word / phrase Part of speech Meanings Launch Complimentary (Quang céo Khao sat khach hang 46 Demonstration Distribute leafiet Su wée long, dinh gid Gift certificate (On the market Exercise 1. Listen and choose the correct answer (file 1), 1. Mark your correct answer, Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer, ‘Mark your correct answer. ep xu oween Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. >>> > b> > > > wae e ooo aoa na OOO 7 D> ( Exercise 2. Listen and choose the correct answer (file 2). Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. 1 2 3 4 5. Mark your correct answer. 6. Mark your correct answer. 7. Mark your correct answer. 8, Mark your correct answer. 9. Mark your correct answer. 10, Mark your correct answer. 11, Mark your correct answer. p> > Perr > >>> YD wooo soeeeoe oe a aan nan OMA OO 12. Mark your correct answer. > Exercise 3. Listen and choose the correct answer (file 3). Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. 1 2 3 4. 5. Mark your correct answer. 6. Mark your correct answer. 7. Mark your correct answer. 8 Mark your correct answer. 9 Mark your correct answer. >>> > Pee EDD wens ee oo eo oan nan A AAO 10. Mark your correct answer. > { Exercise 4. Listen, fill in the blank and choose the correct answer (File 4). 1. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. pexrnarawn 10. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. ‘Mark your correct answer. ‘Mark your correct answer. Mark your correct answer. > >>> > bP ree > ce eree eee eo oan OM MBA FAO 49 YOUR NOTE 51 Loh o7 _ BUSINESS ACTIVITIES I. BASIC INFORMATION 1. Basic information Number of questions Number of conversations Number of speakers Common topics. ‘Types of questions Il. BUSINESS ACTIVITI ————@ VOCABULARY Word/ phrase Part of speech Meaning Be in a meeting Nght dm Due thang chize Doanh sé Hand in = Submit ‘An increase in sales Giam doanh sé ‘Burge thang chifc Last quarter Hing Bao cdo doanh sO Audit report ——— TEST SKiLis 53 Ui Baia oe PAV Sl ——@ VocasuLarY ‘Word/ phrase Part of speech Meaning Take place Buge sip xép Tiéc chia tay BuGi dio tao ‘A keynote speaker Give a presentation/ speech Trao thuréing Bidén Ngvai dao tao Thyc tap sinh Wha t6 chic Participant © TEST SKILLS sa Extra Vocabulary Word/ phrase Part of speech Meaning Catridge Thigt bi Lap dat Supply Out of paper Paper shredder Awards banquet D> [Eeercise 1. choose the best answer for each question (File 01) 1. When is the meeting scheduled to begin? A. At 1:00 Cat 2:00 B. At1:30 D.At2:30 2, Whyis the man concerned about the meeting? A. He is not ready for his presentation C. He can’t find the research report B, He may be late D. He doesn’t have an agenda 3. What is the man planning to discuss at the meeting? ‘A. Future projects B, Management strategies C. New employees D. Application processes 4, What are the speakers mainly discussing? A. Travel arrangements C. Construction plans B, Meeting topics D. New products 55 5. What is scheduled for discussion at the meeting? A. Production rates C. Legal problems B, Renovation plans D. Market trends 6. What does the man suggest doing? A. Building a new office C. Visiting the manufacturing plant 8. Delaying a meeting D. Waiting for a decision 7. Why did the woman miss the presentation? A. She was out of town C. She was on the telephone B. She was meeting clients D. She missed the train 8, What did Diana suggest at the presentation? A. Investing in a building project C. Developing new products B. Moving the company to China D. Opening a new factory 9, What will the management probably do? ‘A. Open a new office C. Launch a new product B, Contact the Beijing branch D. Do some research [P>[ exercise 2. choose the best answer for each question (File 02) 1. Where does the man probably work? A, Ata post office B. Ata clothing store C. Ata fitness center 2, What does the woman want to do? A. Try on dresses B, Exercise for fitness C. Buy some drinks 3. Whatis the problem? A. The man lost his credit card The cash machine does not work . The woman does not have change 4, What will the man probably do next? ‘A, Pay with his credit card 56 . Go to the cash machine . Give the woman a receipt . Where does the conversation most likely take place? Ata hotel Atan airport Ata bank What will the man do next? B c 5. A 8. c. 6. A. Pay the charge B, Cancel the ticket C. Remove his luggage 7. Where does this conversation most likely take place? A. Ata fast food restaurant B. Atacinema C. Ata French restaurant 8, What is the problem? ‘A. The man has to wait for his order B, The woman gave the wrong drink C. The hot chocolate is sold out Exer 3. Choose the best answer for each question (File 03) 1. Where is the woman working? A. Supermarket B. Bank C. Restaurant D. Hospital 2. What does the man want to do? A. Reserve a room D. Booka ticket 3, What will the man do on Wednesday? ‘A. He will see Dr. Randal 57 He will call the woman again He will be working He will visit his friend Where do the speakers probably work? Ata travel agency Ata restaurant Atan insurance company At an online shaping company What does the woman say about their business? They are moving to another office They are expecting a lot of orders They will be closed next week They should cut down expenses What does the woman suggest doing? Having special sales on Valentine's Day B. Ordering more products from wholesalers Sending all the packages to a delivery company before 2 o'clock Delivering all orders to their customers before 2 o'clock Where does this conversation most likely take place? In an office At an airport Ata railway station Ata university What do the speakers say about Mr. PI He will move to the London office, He has received a promotion. He is a new staff member. He studied modern marketing techniques. What will happen in the Marketing Department? Its head office will move to London B, The department will be downsized They will hire some new employees 58 D. The man/s friend will be transferred to the 10. Where does the woman probably work? A. Atan estate agency B. Ata hotel C. Ata train station D. Ata supermarket 11. Where did the man read the advertisement? A. Ina newspaper B. Ina magazine C. Onabillboard D. Onawebsite 12. When will they probably meet? A. Tomorrow morning B. Three o'clock today C. Three o'clock tomorrow D. Four o'clock tomorrow 13. What are the speakers discussing? A. Ahotel reservation B. Travel arrangements C. Product order D. Arestaurant reservation 14, What-does the woman suggest the man do? A. Pay in advance B. Come with few people C. Come one hour earlier D.. Bring his credit card 15, What information does the woman need? A. The man’s work address B. The man’s telephone number C. The man’s email address D. . The man’s name 60 61 UNIT 08 ‘Word / phrase Part of speech Meaning Have something delivered Dat hang Out of stock Newly released Make a payment Onsale Thanh toan héa don Get a refund ‘Burge gidm gid Trao 461 Phiéu gidm gis New arrivals TEST SKILLS © Inference question (location) > © Question with graphic > 62 PV EEO WORD / PHRASE PART OF SPEECH MEANING Have a meal ‘Bia chinh (Quan &n ty phuc vu Dine Make a reservation BO ung, ‘Bat ban Grab a bite to eat Men khai vi Mén &n nhe Steamed Grilled 3 > Exercise 1. Listen and choose the correct answer (File 1). 1. Who most likely is the woman? ‘A. Anoffice supply company employee C.An engineer 8. Abank representative D. Asalespetson 2. Why did the woman call the man? G_ Toconfirm an address C. To ask about payment ©. Toadvertise a new service D. To request a credit card number 3. What will the man probably give the woman? A. Acopy of the order form Abi 8. His telephone number D. His account information 4, What is the purpose of Ms. Howe's phone call? A. Toask ora price list C. To make a dinner reservation B. To inquire about shipping services D. To find out the status of an order 5. What does the man tell Ms. Howe? ‘A. The items have not been ordered . The items have been shipped B._ The items are out of stock D. The items were damaged 6. What does Ms, Howe request? A. Arefund for her purchase C.A purchase of kitchen supplies B. Faster delivery of the order D. Discussion with the manager 7. What problem are the speakers discussing? ‘A. Adeadline has changed C. The fax machine is out of order B, Ameeting was canceled D. The reports aren't finished 8. When is the deadline for the reports? A. Today C. This weekend 8. Tomorrow D. Next week. 9. What does the man offer to do? A. Deliver some documents C. Make some copies 8, Buyanew machine D. Calla courier company. 64 > { exercise 2. Listen and choose the correct answer (File 2) 1 Why is Ms, Dandridge unavailable? ‘A. Shes out for lunch C. She is visiting a factory 8. Sheis on vacation D. She is meeting a client 2 What does the man need? A. Anextension number . Authorization B. Adient'’s file D. Sales reports 3 What does the woman offer to do? A. Leave the document €.Callthe man later B._ Sign the authorization form D. Schedule an appointment 4 What is the main topic ofthe conversation? A. The man’s vacation plans C. Hotel reservation B. Anupcoming business trip . Airport transportation 5 What does the man ask the woman about? A. Tourist attractions . Public transportation B. Ahotel D. An arine 6 According to the woman, what does the hotel offer for free? A. Shuttle service from the airport C. Breakfast B, Tickets for a city tour D. City maps 7 What is the man mainly looking for in an apartment? ‘A. Good access to public transportation _C, Low monthly rent B. Modern utilities D. Location in the financial district 8 How muchis the rent for the apartment? A, $200 per month ©. $900 per month B. $500 per month 1D. $1000 per month 9 Why does the man ask about the other apartment? A. The first apartment is too small C. He needs to move immediately B. He wants something cheaper D. The first apartment is far from his office 10 When will Mrs, Garret start work in Auckland? ‘A. This Monday C. Next Wednesday B. This Thursday D. Next Friday 65 What will happen on Thursday? Mrs. Garret will attend a conference There will be a staff meeting C.A farewell party will be held D. They will meet for lunch Why is Mrs. Garret staying longer than expected? To interview some applicants Totrain a successor C. To organize her files . To pack her luggage ‘What does the woman say about the briefcase? She likes the color Iisa gift for a friend The price is too high D. It is the ideal size Why is the woman unable to make the purchase tomorrow? She will be in a meeting ‘She has to go on a business trip What will the man probably do next? Talk to the manager Give the woman a receipt What was the topic of the presentation? Anew line of products An advertising campaign How does the woman describe Emily? She is very efficient She is experienced What will the man do in two months? Conduct a training seminar Work on an advertising project ‘What are the speakers discussing? Awork schedule A medical appointment What time is the man’s appointment? 130 p.m 2:00 p.m What does the woman suggest? Working late Postpone the appointment C. She will not be in a city D. She needs it for a party this evening C. Check the stockroom D. Take the woman's contact information C. The product packaging D. The company's logo C. She is well organized D. She is creative Design a new logo D. Hire a new assistant C. A development proposal D. A meeting with a client €.4:30 p.m D. 7:00 p.m C. Asking for an extension D. Writing a proposal 66 22. What are the speakers discussing? Scheduling an event Dinner reservations Problems with a delivery . Finding a new supplier How will the woman contact the supplier? By fax . By email By telephone D. By courier What does the woman want the supplier to do? Refund their purchase Send a price tist Exchange some merchandise D. Deliver the rest of an order Where are the speakers discussing? ‘Anew restaurant C.A visiting relative Evening plans D. Movie reviews ‘What did the man’s sister say about the movie? twas entert ing .Itrecelved poor reviews twas too long D. It was boring When will the speakers most likely meet? At 6:00 p.m C.AtB:30 pam At 7:00 p.m. D.At9:30 p.m Where does this conversation most likely take place? Ata train station C.Ata post office ‘Ata bank D. Atan airport ‘What is the woman's problem? She missed her train . She doesn’t have her bankbook She lost her bag D. She lost her passport What will the woman probably do next? Use a cash machine . Return to the office Purchase a ticket D. Provide some identification 67 68 69 AT PUBLIC PLACES 1. AT THE HOTEL Word / phrase Part of speech Meaning Dat truée Be equipped with Reserve sy hay Accommodation Tu lanh nhd Under the name of ———@ TEST SKILLS Inference question Question with graphic 70 Il. AT THE AIRPORT, Word / phrase Part of speech Meaning Check in bags Conveyor belt Noi Igy han ly Final destination Chuyén bay chuyén tip Immigratic Overweight baggage Layover Ché tréng nm Pl Exercise 1. Listen and choose the correct answer (File 01) 1. What is the advertisement about? A. Asailboat B. A restaurant C. Afoad market D. A beach house in Vietnam 2. What is mentioned about Saigon House? ‘A. The prices are economical. B. Itis well known for its service. C. The interior is unique. D. Itis located on the beach 3. What can be seen in one of the dining rooms? A. Asailboat B. Amap of Vietnam . Acouch D. ATV set 4, Where will the company picnic be held if it doesn’t rain? ‘A. Nancy Hadley’s house B, Greentree Park 5, Who will be providing the food? A. Nancy Hadley B, The cafeteria staff C. San Francisco D. Elm Restaurant CA caterer D.Greentree Park Staff rR 6. Who will be attending the picnic? A. Elm Restaurant employees C.Company employees Greentree Park patrols D.Community basketball players 7. Why is the boat departing late? A, Bad weather Technical problems ° . Not all passengers are boarded. D. The docks are under construction. 8. What time can the passengers board after the delay? 330 B. 6:00 C 6:30 3:00 ‘9. What does the announcement ask the passengers to do? A. Hold on to their tickets . Return to the boarding area before 6 p Wait until 4:30 to ride the boat D. Have some snacks while waiting 2B > Exercise 2. Listen and choose the correct answer (File 2). 1, What is the advertisement about? A. Asnack food CA beverage B. A vitamin supplement D. Mineral water 2, How can someone purchase the product? A. By ordering it online C. By calling a number B, By visiting a convenience store D. By filling out a form 3, What does the advertisement say is special about the product? A. Its low cost Its nutritional value B. Its packaging D. Its freshness 4. What is being advertised? A. Asecurity service CA moving company B. A delivery business D. A law firm 5. What does the advertisement offer for office buildings? ‘A. Construction plans C. Free delivery B. Special prices D. Full installation 6, How can customers get a brochure? A. By writing aletter C. By calling a number B. By visiting the company D. By sending a fax 7. Who is Tom Bosley? A. Aresearcher C. Agovernment official 8. Aradio reporter D. Acollege professor 4 8. What will Mr. Howard's report be about? A, Research results B. Industrial pollution 9. What will be broadcasted next? A, Local news B. Aweather report C.Local news D. New laws C.Asports event D.ATV show > Gam ren and choose the correct answer (File 3). 1. According to the report, what is unusual about the current weather? ‘A. Low temperatures B. Rainfall C. Thunderstorms D. Cloudy skies 2. What recommendation have weather experts issued? A. Stay indoors B. Keep informed of the weather status 3. What will listeners probably hear next? B.A music program 4, Who most likely is the speaker? A. An energy expert B. Anews reporter 5. What is this news report about? A. Astock market forecast B. Building construction C. Close all windows and doors D. Avoid driving C. Asports report D. Atraffic update C.Acity utilities spokesperson D. A maintenance supervisor C. Increasing gas costs, D. Office maintenance 75 6. What does the speaker recommend that listeners do? A. Contact the utilities office C. Wear warm clothing B. Limit their gas consumption D. Check that their homes are energy efficient 7. What is causing the problem? A.A snowstorm C.A traffic accident B. Aroad closure D. Street repairs 8. What does the speaker suggest? A. Listening to the weather forecast C.Taking the bus B. Taking a different route D. Driving slowly 9, When is the next traffic report? A. At 7:00 a.m. C.At8:00 a.m, B. At 7:30 a.m. D.At8:30 a.m, > Exercise 4. Listen and choose the correct answer (File 4). ‘L.What kinds of classes are being offered? A. English classes C. Korean classes B. Many different classes D. Cooking classes 2. What does the man say about Hondo classes? A. They are exciting C. They are fun B. They are easy D. They are challenging 3. On which day do the classes start earlier? A. Monday C. Saturday B. Sunday D. Tuesday 4, How long has the speaker been working at the 200? A. About ten years C.Less than twenty years 76 B. About fifteen years D. More than twenty years 5, What does the speaker like to do during her lunch break? ‘A. Walk around the z00 €. Walk around the park B. Run around the 200 D. Feed the hippos 6. What is the speaker's favorite animal? A. The hippo . The monkey B. The penguin D. The elephant 7 79 unit ‘TELEPHONE MESSAGES AND PUBLIC ANNOUCEMENTS 10 1, BASIC INFORMATION © Number of tasks, ‘© Number of speakers © Common topics ‘© Types of question, TELEPHONE MESSAGES: Word / phrase Part of speech Meaning. This is = my name is Ranh Let us know Reach me Goivé /goi dé ‘Chiing tdi xin 181 phai théng bao. ring ‘Sm nhat c6 thé Leave a message Have a conference to attend Contact me Callus at 0000 © test situs + Specific question (request) > © General question > a1 Lau) ReyA 1] I lola S13 b 6) Word / phrase Part of speech ‘Meaning Xin hay cha ¥ ‘Sn sang Ina few minutes Welcome aboard Inclement weather Please note that Hy dim bao da kigm tra The latest updates Vin a8 may méc Bjhoan Huéng dan vin dullich Brochure (Qua lvu nig Xap xi ‘Overseas. inerary Go sightseeing 82 HOMEWORK pt Exercise 1. Listen and choose the correct answer. File 1.1 L A 8. zs A He cannot fill an order in time. He will charge more than usual. What will the speaker send the listener? A signed paper A product sample 3. What does the speaker say he has changed? A, The color of design B. The placement of some information File 1.2 4, What does Ento Industries produce? ‘A. Assembly-line equipment Vehicle engines ts warranty Its appearance Return merchandise to the manufacture Recycle used materials Have an item custom-made poe rae er Request access to some study results What does the speaker say the listener can do? What does the speaker imply when he says “That's a very big order"? C. He needs a favor from the listener. D. He thinks a request may be incorrect. C. Acolor printer D. Acatalog . The time of an appointment D. The location of a sign C. Truck tires D. Rubber gloves ‘What does the speaker emphasize about the product? C. Its size D. Its durability 83 2, > (ee isten and choose the correct answer ( 1. What does the speaker encourage people to do? A. Bring water B. Walk in the park. 2. What will the speaker probably do next? A. Visit the railway station B, Take the group to the city Hall 3. Who most likely is the speaker? AL Anartist B.Atour guide 4, What does the speaker say about the manufacturing plant? A. It produces vehicles B. tis closed for safety inspections 5. What does the speaker say is provided for free? ‘A. Museum tickets B. Aharbor cruise 8. Hotel accommodation D. Snacks and beverages 6. What is the audience told not to do? A. Bring food on the bus C. Leave their seats B. Touch the exhibits D. Ask questions 7. Who most likely is the speaker? A. Azookeeper C.Atour guide BL Asales clerk . Aradio announcer 8 Where will the group probably meet in 2 hours? A. Atagift shop C.Inthe hotel lobby B. At the main entrance D. In front of the information desk > { Exercise 3 Listen and choose the correct answer (File 3). 1. Who is Ms. Grimaldi A. Areceptionist C.Ahotel director 8. Arestaurant manager D. An event planner 2. What is the purpose of this talk? A. To introduce a guest speaker C. To present an award to an employee B. To say goodbye toa colleague D. To welcome anew director 3. What will probably happen next? A. Dinner will be served . Awards will be distributed B. The director will receive an award D. Ms. Grimaldi will make a speech 24 MPP SPP were PPepe>pBe>D Who most likely is the speaker? Atour guide A photographer What is the audience told to do? Read a brochure Board the bus What will the listeners probably do next? Visit the museum Listen toa speech Who is the speech probably for? Interns Directors What is the main purpose of the speech? To introduce a seminar To welcome visitors How long is the orientation? One day Five days G D. c b. c . e D. ‘A museum representative ‘An art historian Wear raincoats . Stay seated Get on a boat See some artifacts TV producers Computer programmers To describe camera equipment To notify staff of schedule changes ‘One week Two weeks 85 YOUR NOTES 86 87 RADIO BROADCASTS, SPEECHES AND INTERNAL ANNOUNCEMENTS RADIO BROADCASTS Word / phrase Part of speech Meaning, Weather report Damp Dizng chuyén kenh Wiva rao Just in case chilly Ning nhw thiéu dét anh budt ane Traffic jam ‘Speed limit Su dung xe Below freezing Drizzle Overcoat Thunder and lightning Heat wave 88. I. SPEECHES ——0 Word / phrase Part of speech Meaning Tam pleased to Toi rat vinh han khi Give a big hand to Tam here to tell you Twant to remind you Cim an vico hot On behalf of TEST SKILLS Graphic question > Specific question > General question -> 89 INTERNAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Word / phrase Part of speech Meaning May Ihave your attention? Tam pleased to announce Tam delighted to tell you Teixin Ioivi Toi mudn nhac ban la Please note/ be advised that Please join us for Thave a note about We regret to inform you ‘Administrative office ir manager Payroll department ‘Be eligible for Give sba raise 90 > Exercise 1. Listen and choose the correct answer (file 1) 1 A. 8, 2 A B. 3 A 8, 4, A 8, 5. A 8, 6. A 8, 7. A 8, 8. A. 8 9, A B What is the main purpose of the message? |. To confirm attendance to an event To book a hotel room ‘What did Mr. Ali's wife tell Mr. Boyd? The meeting is delayed ‘The plan is uncertain ‘What does the caller ask Mr. Ali to do? Return a call, Reserve a table ‘What is this information about? . An electricity outage A construction update €.To cancel a reservation D. To order some restaurants C. Tickets are booked D. A message was sent . Arrange an event D. Contact the chef C.Atelephone line repair . A problem with cable service By when isthe work expected to be completed? This afternoon ‘This evening C. Tomorrow morning D. Tomorrow evening How often will the recorded information be updated? Every thirty minutes Every forty minutes ‘Where most likely does the speaker work? At a car repair store ‘Ata computer service center ‘When will the speaker attend a meeting? In the morning ‘At noon What does the speaker recommend? Delivering the computer Meeting for lunch C. Every three hours D. Every four hours C.Ata post office D. Ata travel agency C.In the afternoon D. In the evening. . Installing a program D. Buying a new machine 1 PI Exercise 2. Listen and choose the correct answer (File 2) oS Pye Pee Mp P 2 Pes Pp What is the purpose of this announcement? To inform employees of a delay To give moving instructions When will the work take place? Tuesday Wednesday What are the listeners asked to do? Move their desks Clean the windows ‘What is the purpose of the meeting? To announce new rules To collect progress reports What are employees asked to do? Clear out the staff room Wear uniforms C. To offer free installation D. To cancel a meeting, C. Thursday D. Saturday . Install the software D. Put away breakable items C. To assign work projects D. To introduce a new worker C. Submit work reports D. Review office policies According to the speaker, what is the good news? A staff promotion ‘An increase in salary Where is the announcement being made? ‘Ata bookstore Ata library What will Ms. Dowling do in 10 minutes? Hand out free tickets Doa reading C.Achange in dress code D. An expansion of the market C.Ata museum D. Ata theater C. Sign some books D. Make a presentation What will customers receive with a purchase of $50 or more? A book ‘An autograph C.Acoupon D.Apen 92 [> (lercse a usten and choose the correct answer (ile 3) 1. How often does this company have a staf picnic? ‘A. Every month C. Every year B. Twice a year D. Every Christmas 2. Which of the following will NOT be available at the picnic? A. Abarbecue ©. Games B._ Drinks D.Amovie ‘Which prizes are mentioned? A. Aholiday and a CD player .ADVD player and a holiday B. ADVD player and a CO player D. a holiday and a television 4. Why does the speaker want to be a doctor? A. Tohelp sick people To workin a hospital B. To earn lots of money D. To study at university 5. How long was the speaker's mother in the hospital? ‘A. One week C. Three weeks B. Twoweeks D. Four weeks 6. What does the speaker say about being a doctor? A. Its expensive C. His mother is a doctor 8. Its hard work D. You don’t have to study much > Exercise 4, Listen and choose the correct answer (File 4). 1, Why was the concert postponed? A. Flooding C. Damaged lights B. Not enough seats D. Asick singer 2. How much would five tickets cost? A. One hundred dollars C. Twenty dollars B. Fifty dollars D. Two hundred dollars 3. How many tickets in total are available? ‘A. 500 400 B 200 D. 1000 4. Which three languages are the speaker studying? ‘A. English, Spanish, and German C. French, English and German B. Spanish, German, and French D. English, Spanish, and French 93 Files PPe er Peres rN SP What time will the flight now be leaving at? At6:00 CARES At 7:00 D.At7:50 ‘At what gate do the passengers now have to leave from? 238 2B 32A D.22A Where is the flight traveling? From Ireland to Spain From Iceland to Spain From Spain to Iceland D. From Spain to Ireland Where is the bear? To the people's left C. Behind the people To the people's right D. Above the people Which is closest to King’s age? Five years Ten years Seven years D. Sixteen years How many bears do they have at Funland? Nine .Seven Eleven D.Ten on 95 96 SPEECHES AND INTERNAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Word / phrase Part of speech Meaning Tam pleased to Toi rat vinh han khi Give a big hand to Tam here to tell you Twant to remind you Cm on vico hoi ‘On behalf of TEST SKILLS © Graphicquestion > ‘© Specific question > © General question > 7 Il, INTERNAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Word / phrase Part of speech Meaning May Ihave your attention? Tam pleased to announce Tam delighted to tell you Toixin liv Toi mudn nhac ban fo Please note/ be advised that Please join us for Thave a note about ‘We regret to inform you ‘Administrative office Hr manager Payroll department Be eligible for Give sba raise 98 Ill. HOMEWORK Se 71. What is the radio broadcast mainly about? A. Atraffic disruption C. Amedical grant 8. Abuilding expansion D. An education campaign 72. What will happen next week? A A fax ty will resume operations. C._ An executive position willbe filled A press conference will take place. D. Amonument will be unveiled. 73. What is Roselyn Geddy going to discuss? ‘A. Public health issues C. Plans fora celebr Membership requirements D. Increases in taxes 74, What did the speaker talk to Ms. Carver about? ‘A. Some schedules Some expectations B. Some research D. Some concerns 75. What will the production focus on? A. Safety procedures C.. Scientific discoveries Workplace communication D. Laboratory equipment 76. What are the listeners instructed to do next? A. Review some educational materials C._ Rehearse lines from a script B. Put ona piece of clothing D. Repair some machinery 77. Where do the listeners most likely work? A. Ata financial insti Ata computer manufacturer Ata government agency D. Ata publishing company 78. What does the speaker mean when he says “They need products next week”? A. There will not be much time to prepare. 8. A deadline has been pushed forward. C._ There will be an expedited shipping fee D. Amiscommunication has been corrected. 79. What does the speaker hope to do? ‘A. Upgrade some software . Arrange an initial meeting B. Address a client's complaints D. Forma business relationship 99 84, What is being unveiled? ‘A community center ‘Amonument ‘Trained with a well-known musician Volunteered her time ‘What is mentioned about the city council? It declared a special holiday. It welcomed a new member. What is being advertised? ‘An e-book reader Aportable printer Apainting D. Anoorchestra hall |. According to the speaker, what did Janice Longoria do? C. Gavea speech toa crowd D. Created a piece of art It covered an expense. It made a recommendation. C. Anaudio device D. Atelevision ‘What does the speaker mean when she says “Customers have been pleasantly surprised by that?" A 8 85. A 8 8s. A 8 87. A 8 8, A 8. 89. A. 8 90. A standard price is affordable. {An online service is reliable. C. Apolicy has received praise, D. Afeature is convenient. ‘According to the speaker, why should listeners visit a store? To pre-order merchandise To requestaa free upgrade What does the speaker say he will do? Hand out workshop schedules Present a slideshow What does the speaker say about Hashtag Goods? Its famous for its cleaning products It has oversea factory What isa video about? International industry trade shows Award winning advertising campaigns Who most lkely is the listener? AA product designer Asales associate What does the speaker ask the listener to do? Calla manager Order anew device To take advantage of a sale . To test a product Conduct additional studies Explain some posters Ithas hired a new president It is large retall company Marketing techniques from different countries Sports teams from around the world Atravel agent technical worker Reschedule a meeting Visit a workplace 100 91. What does the speaker say she must do in Madrid? A. Negotiate some contracts C. Send meeting details B. Deliver a package D. Attend a seminar 92, Who are the listeners? A. Tour guides C. Gallery curators BL Museum staff D. City official 93, What are listeners instructed to do? ‘A. Print out some pamphlets C. Show upata site early Direct guests to a lobby D. Wear a nametag for an event 94. Why does the speaker say “There are over a dozen attractions to visit?” A. Toexplain a task C. Tocorrecta mistake 8. Toemphasize a point D. To announce a change Expected Delivery Date Order Number (Updated) 8832019, September 5 18823901, September 10 18800925, September 15 ag11118 September 25 95. What problem does the speaker mention? A. Abilling statement is inaccurate. C. Apiece of apparel was damaged, 8. Aweb site recently malfunctioned. D. Adelivery truck is stucked in traffic. 96. Look at the graphic. What is listener's order number? ‘A. 8832019 cc, 8800929 B, 8823901, D. 88111118 97. According to the speaker, what will the listener have to do? A. Provide a different address C. Paya shipping fee B._ Sign fora parcel D. Return some merchandise 101 acr’s Deli Vitoria cof! sandwich ‘Shack ‘Angela's Place 98. Why is a business temporarily shut down? A. Aninspection must be conducted. 8. Awindow was damaged in a storm. 99. Look at the graphic. Where does the speaker want to dine? A. AtVictoria Café’ B. Atsandwich Shack > Exercise 2, Listen and choose the correct answer (File 2 1. What does the caller ask Ms. Cook to do? Take along her medical insurance card Make an appointment Who is Sachiko Suzuki? ‘Ajob applicant A 8. 2. A B. Apersonnel officer 3. What is the listener asked to do? A. Ordera new phone B, Call back 4, What is the purpose of this message? ‘A. Toconfirm an order B. To order some furniture Five spike coffee “ ‘ake | Eatery South C._ At Angela’s Place D. AtLake Street Eatery C_ Anational holiday is being celebrated. D. Aspace is being renovated. 102 os >e one es one ee eee ‘Who is the message for? Astudent C.Asecretary An artist D. A job applicant ‘What is the main purpose of the call? To reschedule an interview To arrange a class C.To postpone an exhibition D. To request an application ‘What is the main purpose of this message? To order a new machine To request a different hotel To change the delivery date To cancel a shipment What is Ms. Kim asked to do? Return a phone call Deliver a printer Meet him on Friday Change the order, 103 YOUR NOTES 104 105 106 Reading 108 "nit NOUNS AND PRONOUNS Fain e546 ———e FUNCTIONS OF NOUNS 1, Nouns can function as 2, Language development Words Part of speech Meanings ‘Ban ting tuyén ‘Gi thd. ‘Sy cdi tién/ déi méi ——— ® POSITIONS OF NOUNS 1. Positions of Nouns 109 2. Language development Words Part of speech Meaning Contract ‘Quy dinh Nhuge diém ———® FORMATION OF NOUNS Affixes Example -tion Position, nation, competition, imformation jeaneun ———® COUNTABLE & UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS 1. Countable Nouns Example: Relative (ho hang) 110 2. Uncountable Nouns Example: Merchandise ( hang héa) ———® PRONOUNS Subject Object Possessive Reflexive Possessive pronouns pronouns pronouns pronouns adjective I Me Mine Myself My You You Yours Yourself Your an [>> [Exercise 1. choose the correct answer. 1, The engineers reported that machinery has critical problems, A. they Cany B. some Da for the job must pass a very difficult test. ‘A. Applying C.Toapply 8. Apply D. Applicants 3. Ineed to find investors for this business, A. any C. yours B, some D. yourself 4, Your in this matter will be appreciated. ‘A. cooperation C. cooperate B. cooperating D. to cooperate 5. The recent conducted by Today's Report showed some surprising results. A. researching research B. research D. researched 6. The. inform you of any changes happening here. A, managing C. managed B. manager D. manage +o find out customers’ needs. 7. It costs a lot of money to conduct a(n) . A. office C. survey B. ourselves D. equipment The .. .was established in 1977 to help poor children in the world. A. consultant C. transportation B. agreement D. organization 9, Itis always better to use public... during rush hour. A. transportation C. appointment B. convenience D. agreement Fr 10. The company is going to hire 2 w..u.unut0 help us with our management problems. A. consultant C. candidate B. trainee D. contractor PP [ erercise 2. choose the correct answe 1. Company representatives spend the whole day answering phones and emails. somnneuat® always busy at work. Att c.We B. She D. They 2. The president ......0..checked the estimated sales figures for the next quarter. A. him C himself B. he D. his 3. We are going to experiment with .......analysis on the symptoms of the influenza. A. she C. hers B. her D. herself 4, Anotice should be forwarded to «bank as soon as possible. A. you c. yours B. your D. yourself 5. The president hopes that you will call ...../mmediately to let him know about the results, A. himself Chim B. he D. his 6. I'm writing again to you on the recommendation of a colleague of AL my cme B. mine D. myself 7. The government praised .......Suecess in reorganizing and downsizing within a limited time. A. them C. their B. whose D. those 3. 8. Employees have to make copies of food receipts and turh ....n.uinto the accounting office. A. they ¢. them B. their D. themselves 9. Asa result of a heavy workload, the payroll department had trouble finishing analysis by A. it C itself B. one D. oneself 10. Mr. Admin and Ms. Tota devised innovative strategies and............proved to be useful. A. we C. they B, themselves 11. You should fill out the forms and return them at . earliest convenience. A. you yours B. your D. yourself 12, Would you like another uta? A. bowl C. cup of B. cup D. serving of 13. When interviewed, Beverley Kirkpatrick explained that an inquisitive nature as a child made interested in studying journalism. Ashe hers, B.her D. herself 14. Even with our detailed website, many customers prefer to visit our store locations ~and see the products for. A. they C. themselves B. their D. theirs 15. The Blackwell KV, part of our newest series of headphone, is the most advanced model of kind. Avits your B. our D. their a4 Exercise 3. Choose the correct answer. Hi Marry, I tried to call you, but there was no answer. I might be a bit late getting home tonight. PH srononlHaeeent 1, A.can C. beable B. could D. would cook dinner as | promised, but | won't have time to go to the supermarket. Can you pick up the following items on your way home? I'd reallly nm a(2)- . | need one kilogram of tomatoes, and a packet 2, A. appreciate C.grateful 8, thanks D. thank you of spaghetti. You can get a bottle of wine, too. Get whatever you like. | don’t mind. Could you also get half a dozen eggs, a bag of flour | think that we have run samse(B)eseeny |KNOW we have sugar, so you don’t need to buy that, and a 100g bar of dark chocolate. Better make that 2 bars. A. off C.out B. into D. away Thanks. See you 4 A lately C.asoflate B. later D. late Alex 15 Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer. Many parents worry that their children don’t eat properly when they go off to university. While .....n(5)usseseuStudents live off instant noodles, they are not the average according to the results of a recent survey. 5 Avall C.some B, some of D. almost. Most of the university sophomores surveyed last month said that they cook for themselves at least three times a week. The other days they eat with friends. Many of the students said 6). said that they often eat cereal. they take it to cook for each other. On the days that they don’t cook, they A. in turns C. in to turns B turns, D, turning This swnu(7)nnmna bad thing. Most cereals these days are fortified with a wide range of vitamins and minerals, 7. Ais not Cis B. cannot D. has So although it is not the most appetizing diet, provided they don’t .......(8) too many sugary cereals, it is not a completely unhealthy choice of foods. 8 A. reject C. selected B. chose D. choose 116 us Ime) N EY MAIDEN YSIS Fn esa 6 ———e FUNCTIONS OF ADJECTIVES 1, Adjectives can function as 2. Language development Words Part of speech Meanings Hard — working ‘Submitted Consistent ———® POSITIONS OF ADJECTIVES 1. Positions of adjectives 119 2, Language development Words Part of speech Meaning Profitable Regular Confidential Convenient Complete Demolished ———® FORMATION OF ADJECTIVES Affixes Example “ful Beautiful, plentiful, ————® FUNCTIONS AND POSITIONS OF ADVERBS 1, FUNCTIONS 120 2, POSITIONS ———® SPECIAL ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS Adjectives ending “- ly” Adjective and adverbs having the same form COMPARISION Adjective Superlative a1 al Exercise 1. Choose the correct answer. a 2: 3 4. 5. 10. 1. The website is ‘That man's skill is This job is perfectly She is He wasn't aware) Most employees are (confident/ aware) He is This result is (consistent/ familiar) to all employees. (accessible/ comparable) to that of the instructor. (likely/ comparable) for him. (suitable/ available) of her critical thinking skills( conscious / confident) of the gossip about his bad performance.( conscious / of the changes of the company's policy. to get a promotion. (likely, accessible) with two previously reported case studies of adults lam for the conference. (responsible/ available) We are with the situation.(familiar/ satistied) The board of director isn’t with the survey's result. (consistent/ satisfied) 12. Jack might be > Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer. for a long business trip.available/ suitable) interview snu(1).. Employment Guide for Job Seekers: live Career Consulting is an established company that can help make your job We have been committed to provide useful tips for the best 122 interview attitude. First, find out more about the company you hope to work for. Second, read the job description .....(2)......t0 make a good impression. Third, be ......(3).....0f some basic interview etiquette tips. But the most important thing to remember is that you should be on time for your interview, ....(4). 1 3. A. success A. aware B. successful B. know C. successfully C. eligible D. succeed D. available 2. 4 ‘A. thoroughly A. no inquiry will be accepted. B. properly B. because all the employers expect employees on time for C. fluently anything. D. immediately C. amaster’s degree in business is required to apply. D. training is required to keep employees’ skills up-to-date. [D> [_ceercise 3. choose the correct answer. A souueanamount of money has been spent on books. considering considerate considered considerable ..war overseas. The United States is waging a. cost-free costly costless por rrngo eee money 123 There is no..........evidence that power lines are a health risk. final last conclusive sore finishing 4, Negotiations between management and the union leaders broke off after the union rejected the company’s... offer. A. late B. lately C. latest D. later 5. To generate a performance-oriented work culture, employees need to expand their skills and knowledge. A. continue C. continual B. continuous D. continually 6. Fortunately, the poles were assembled. .and then attached directly the clips on the tent. A. ease easy eased easily “99 8 Van Dusen Enterprises isa leader in exploring agricultural innovations that are beneficial, environmentally - friendly and. A. economics B. more economical C. economically D. economic 8. It appears to bea. impossible plan to charge fees to cars visiting the city park on the weekend, 124 nearing hears nearly gop > neared > Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer. 1, Susan is not (surely, sure) if she will accept the position. 2. Please make sure that the invitation is addressed (correctly, correct) before mailing it. 3. The executive director travels (regularly, regular) for business. 4, The election was (close, closely) observed by the media 5, The travel agency offers (reliant, reliable) service. > { Exercise 5. Choose the correct answer. 1. Michael to hear that Jane had passed the test. A. was pleasing B. pleased C. was pleased D. pleasing 2. Companies will be w..nnuito receive a lot of grants from the government. A. detailed B. responsible C. pleased D. previous 3. The .report shows that Chilean wine’s market share increased this year. A. various B. official C. legal D. productive = Your company should take ...........action to solve the problem. A. proper B. competitive 5 . permanent complimentary . The attached file is a list of ......professors who will speak at the seminar. distinguish . distinguishably . distinguished So PPR . distinguishable 6. We are sorry that the product you have searched for is no longer prospective displaced A B. C. approaching D. available im Since supplies are...) YOU are invited to order this gorgeous laptop model on sale before itis sold out. A. speedy B. available C. presentable Dilimited 8. merchandise may be exchanged for the same item in compliance with our exchange policy. A. Defective 8. Defect C. Defects D. Defected 126 YOUR NOTE 7 128 Unit VERB TENSES 03 1. THEORY ——@ SIMPLE TENSES 1. Simple present: 2. Past simple: 3. Future simple: Language development Words ‘Meaning Deal with Customers Commercial Proposal Constantly 129 [ Professionally ——® CONTINUOUS TENSES 1. Present continuous: 3. Future continuous: Language development Words Part of speech, Meaning Donation Disable Decrease Decide ‘Temporarily Undergo ‘Appreciate Receive 130 ——@ PRESENT PERFECT [D> [eercse 1. choose the correct answer L. The error WaS.nnnnntWO days ago. A. discover C. discovering B. discovered D. will discover 2. Before products ari .to retailers, make sure that they are adequately wrapped. A. ship C. ships B. shipped 3. The accident..........on the Atrova street at the beginning of last week. A. take place C. took place B. was taken place D. had been taken 4, Please check sales figures before they. so the accounting department. A, submit B. submitted 131 C. will submit D. are submitted 5. Interviews will......all afternoon and then there will be a small reception. A, conduct C. are conducting B, have conducted D. be conducted 6. The prices. by 20 percent during the past year. A. tise C. rising B. have risen D. to rise 7. After the engineet...0.the system carefully, he noticed an error. A. to check ©. checking B. checked D. be checked 8, Please... OF any change of address as soon as possible. A. inform C. informing B. information D. informed 9. If there is any change of address, me as soon as possible. A. inform B. information 10. The manager was concerned about the...u..m.COSt. A. tise . have risen B. rising D. to rise 11. The company Will......five more stores next year. A. opens ©. open B. opening D. to open. 12. The workers are. .the new products in the warehouse, A. store C. stored B. storing D. have stored 13. All the team members have. the seminar tomorrow. A. attend C. attended B, attending D. to attend 14. An auction at headquarters yesterday. A. will be held C. holds 8. was held D. held 132 15. The manager did Not.......the system yesterday. ‘A. check B. checked C. to check D. checking > { Exert [We are certain that if every employee is....(1) satisfying customer's needs, Fan Clothing will 2. Choose the correct answer. ldevelop a fine reputation. To motivate staff members to improve service even more, each lemployee will be.....(2)......for monthly cash incentives. ....(3]u.ue A memo with details on this incentive will be distributed shortly. 1 A. diversified C. extended B. dedicated D. obtained 2. A. eligible C. responsible B. capable D. comparable 3. A. Only one entry per category may be submitted. B. Staff could receive up to $500 as a bonus. C. The data will be gathered from customers. D. Last year, the company ranked second place. > Exercise 3. Match these verbs to below phrases to make collocations 1. announce: ‘A. a meeting 2. participate : B. from taking photos 3. renovate ©. tocall 4. recharge D. a plan 5. refrain E. batteries 6. hesitate F. ina seminar 7. facilitate G. language learning 133 [ 8. cancel H. a hotel & Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer. The Internet is now available on some of the largest planes of Bobkin Airlines. The SOLVICE a(LJoorenre A. Isallowed C.allowing B. to allow D. allows passengers to connect to the Internet and utilize various web services, including e-mail. Sean Monk, the president of Bobkin, said in a press conference that passengers, especially those on business, ...(2)..... with its new service. He said it marks a first in the travel industry. 2. A. are satisfied C. satisfied B. are satisfying D. satisfying > { Exercise 5. choose the correct answer. Dear Mr. Jones, We are sorry to inform you that the large teddy bears at will be temporarily unavailable. The manufacturer that makes these toys has moved its ......(3)......and the items are not in production at this time. 3. A. qualities C. facilities B, responsibilities D. categories We apologize for any .......(@)....this may cause you. We will let you know when they are 134 available. 4, A. income B. inconvenience C. exception D. incentive 135 YOUR NOTE 136 137 oe ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICES ate) ——e PASSIVE VOICE STRUCTURES 1. Passive voice in different tenses: Past Present Future Simple Continuous Perfect ———® PASSIVE VOICE TIPS 138 2, Language development Words Part of speech Meaning Promote Submit Handle Product line Involved in Interested in Worried about Concerned about Accustomed to Dedicated to Satisfied with Pleased with Delighted with Conference 139 > [ Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer. 1. We always a present to Elsa on her birthday. A. are taking C.take B. taking D. are taken 215 Michael for years. A. have known knowing B, know D. was known 3. Rita .class every day. ‘A. not to attend .not attending B. doesn’t attend D. . isn't attended 4, Kevin can’t talk on the phone because he .. ..inner right now. A. Iseating C.has eaten B. eats D. has been eating 5. AL talk C. talking B. are talking D. have been talking 6. I don’t want to go outside today because It eeu A re C. is raining B. rains D.israin 7. My parents, in Floria since 1999, A. has lived C. are living B. have lived D. live 8. Babies .. ..when they are hungry. A. cry C. have been crying B. are crying D. cries 9. The store ..two sales so far this year. A. is having Chas B, has been having D. has had 40 10. Mr and Mrs. Wilson ...some disputes with their neighbors. E. having have having F._ have been having D. have been had 11. Barbara that package to you tomorrow morning. A. deliver C. are going to deliver B. is going to deliver D. delivering 12. By next Month, | av.neunwat this company for a year: A. will work C. will have been working B. will be working D. am going to work 13, By the time this movie is over, we ... this entire bag of popcorn. A. will have eaten C.are going to be eating B. are eating D. will be eaten 14. We soccer while you're swimming at the pool. ‘A. were playing C. has been playing B. will have been playing D. are going to be playing 15, We ea sunnnmefor you tomorrow when you ative at the airport. A. are waiting C. wait B. will be waiting D. waited 16. The price of gasoline... .up again next month. A. will go C.isgoing to B. going D. has gone 17. When we get to the party, everybody ‘A, are dancing C.has danced B. will be dancing D. dances 18. My schedule’s perfect! in Rio de Janeiro just in time for Carnaval. A. be arriving C arriving B, will have arrived D. arrive 19.1 wofive new books by the time my vacation is over. A, will have read C.have read B. be reading D. have been reading 20, Be careful. You .. into delicate negotiations at the conference next week. A. will have been entering Care entering ut B. Have entered D. will have entered 21. Ineed your advice because |... about buying a new car. A. thinks C. thinking 8. am thinking D. think, 22.1. Lit's time to leave now, don't you? A. am thinking C. was thinking B. think D. thought 23. My parents .. to buy a new car this month. A. is wanting C. want B. are wanting D. wants, 24, When | walked in the door, | the telephone ring. A. heard C..was hearing B. hear D. am hearing 25, Please be quiet because I. sno the radio right now. A. listened Cam listening B. listen D. was listening 26. While Harry was walking to work, he accident, A. saw C.sees B. was seeing seen 27 We wonenmnrnid lOt OF interesting people when we lived in New York. A. were knowing €. know B, knew D. were known 28, We'll start When he sa sunut@ady. A. will C. will be B. willis 29. We _at a party two months ago. A. meet C. have met B, met D. meeting 30. So far, there .. no word from them, A. is Chas B. was D. has been 142 31, When I called on her, Mary ........-her room, A. clean C. cleaning B. cleans D. was cleaning 32, My BOSS wone.0N a business trip last Friday. A. go C. goes B. went D. going 33, Since last winter, they .. financial difficulty. ‘A. has experienced C. have experienced B. experienced D. expe icing 34, Mr. Jackson _for the firm for ten years. A. has worked C. works 8, have worked D. working 35, As of next February, the accounting manager .........away for 2 years. A. has been C.had been B. will have been D. been 36. Before they submitted the proposal, they .a lot of research for it A. has done e have done B. had done D. done e { Exercise 2. choose the correct answer. Dear Mr. Dennis Lee, ‘We thank you for your order from Best Buy. We are glad to meet your order for ten printers, three copy machines, and two fax machines, Since this is your first order, WE wn (Muneud special 20% 1. A. evaluated C.canceled B, dedicated D. enclosed discount coupon for you. You can use this on your next purchase, We are certain you will be anna(2] 143 2. A. satisfy C. satisfied B, satisfying D. satisfaction Quality of both our products and services. ‘We hope to do more business with you soon > [ weercise 3. choose the correct answer. To: All teachers Frot he principal Re: Promoting Science As you know, we at Grange High School for Girls are actively trying .....(3)......the sciences to our 3. {Ato promote C. promote B. promotion D. promoted students. Recent school league tables showed the students at Grange High School for Girls (4), to study sciences, to be tthe lowest in science-related subjects. We have less students choosing 4 ‘A. among B. from, D. around and those students who do take sciences do not get good grades. | would like to ask you to encourage the girls to become interested in science. Let them know that it is not “just for boys”. To make sure they understand, what opportunities are available 0 ...u(5)a..-With a good knowledge of biology, 144 5. A. persons C. another B. someone Devery chemistry, or physics, | am inviting a series of speakers to talk about their experiences. Wherever possible, these speakers will be women from the local community who are at the top of their field. Our first speaker will be Dr. Philippa Green, who is in charge of Grange Hospital’s blood laboratory. Our second speaker is not yet .......(6)....but | have invited Mrs. Edwina Jones, color designer for reveal 6. A. to be sure C. decide B. definitely D. confirmed Hair Dyes Inc. Please encourage your students to attend these after-school talks. 14s 146 ur THEORY ——@ TO-INF ASA NOUN 1. Structure: 2. Verbs followed by to ~ inf: ——® TO-INF AS AN ADJECTIVE 1. Structure: —— TO - INF AS AN ADVERB 1. Structure: 14g . Language development Words Part of speech ‘Meaning Want to Decide to Hope to ‘Mong doi dng ¥ lam gi Fail to Afford to Attempt to Gia han Goal Responsibility Purpose Khuyén khich ai fim gh Cho phép ai lam gi Cung cp Thue Headquarter Merge with Convert Pha bd 14g > {fxercise 1, choose the correct answer. 1. The CEO will be happy (win/to win) a vote of confidence from the board. 2. It is possible to (custom/customize) this program if it does not suit you. 3, The ability (type/ to type) qi kly and accurately is a valuable skill, 4. Darren let problems in his personal life (to influence/influence) his performance at work. 5. Your presence at the administrative office is required for the wage claim (proceed/to. proceed). 6. Sonia arranged to have the package (deliver/ delivered) to the office overnight. 7. Your suggestion will enable us (improving/to improve) the quality of our products. [> [Gecrcite 2. choose the correct answer Mr Couler designated a room for archive storage in order ... «the loss or damage of important documents. A. tocurtail B. tobe curtailed C. curtailed D. curtailment Customers who need ..........lengthy documents over the internet should have their network connection configured to optimize large data transfers. A. receive B. to receive C. receiving D. reception 3. It was important ........uthe presentation before giving it to the over two hundred business school graduates in the audience. A. rehearse B, rehearsal C. torehearse D. rehearsed 4, The problem is that nobody snmmake a decision the office has the authority . regarding her employment status. A, for B. with Cc to D. as 150 5. Mr Rose had his secretary...........0ut copies of the agenda to each of the members of the Board of Directors. A. is mailing B. mail C. mailed D. to mail 6. Some customers prefet..u..mnena minimum balance in their checking accounts rather than pay monthly fees, A. to maintain B. is maintaining C. maintained D. maintain 7. How the public will react to the soft drink’s new formula remains... seen. A. tobe B. being C. have been D. been 8. Customer complaints show that there may be a need for Net Manage.......the present quality assurance and monitoring systems. A. enhance B. to enhance C. enhancing D. to enhancing 9. The building owner has a policy of letting lessees......10 unoccupied units if they are dissatisfied with their present unit. A. tomove B. be moving C. move D. to be moved 10. As a still ~ life photographer, Mr. Bryant aims to particular motion when he snaps the shutter. A. capture B. captured . capturing D. have captured 11, We called the mall.....out whether the products were sold out. A. finding B. for finding C. tofind D. find 12, The candidate promised to .....m.prescription drug prices by as much as 30 percent if voted in office. A. low B. lower . lowering D. having lowered 13, Itis necessar all factory employees to sign out the tools they use and return them, at the end of the workday. 151 A. for B. further C. because D. these 14, If a client is not utterly satisfied with an ad campaign, we will return to the drawing board again. A. starting B. for starting ©. to start D. start 15. Three people from the research department have been asked to investigate ways non ~taxable imported goods into the country. A. bring B. of bring C. tobring D. bringing 16. With the prices of natural gas and other energy sources increasing, utility companies are now encouraging people. energy. A. conserve B. conserved C. to conserve D. for conserving 17. All the employees are ready.. .the new project. A. implementing B. toimplement C. implement D. implemented 18, For further help.. ..the program, please refer to the instructions on our website or e~mail us with your specific question. A. install B. to install C. installed D. be installed 19. The projects committee advised the proposal the project beneficiaries in order to determine their real needs. A. talk 8. talking C. talked D. totalk 20. Several new waiters and salespeople were hired...............the influx of customers during the long holiday season A. tohandle B. handling C. tobe handling D. tobe handled 152 DP [ Brercise 3. choose the correct answe! Edward Mitchell 1505 Main Street VA20151 Dear Mr.Mitchell, am pleased....(1)..... your application for full time employment as a marketing manager for A. confirm B. confirming . be confirmed D. to confirm Bloom and Bloom Accounting Group was accepted. We aF@ your knowledge, skills and ‘A. confide B. confident C. to confide D. confidence experience will be valuable to our firm. You will report directly to Mr.Sandes, who will instruct you of your specific responsibilities during your probation period. If you have any questions regarding our offer, please contact US...(3). .. Otherwise, please sign every page of the enclosed contract A. similarly 8. favorably C. immediately D. basically and return it to us by business ~ reply envelop on or before January 20. Thank you, and we look forward to set 8 You at the orientation on January 23 at 9:00 am. Sincerely yours, Melissa Hayers Human Resources Department 153 15a 155 ue GERUNDS 06 Bain Se)sy6 ——e FUNCTIONS OF GERUNDS 3. Function : 4, Verbs followed by a gerund: 5. Common expressions followed by a gerund: 156 . Language development Word Part of speech Meaning Consider . Enjoy Avoid Mind Recommend Gay quy Me rong Khoan vay ngan hang Efficient Be fed up with a Start/ begin Love Like Prefer Continue Gép rac r6i/ khd khan Quen lam gi Mong cha Danh thai gian Ban ron Nhiét tinh 157 Pe [Exercise 4. choose the correct answer. 1. Daniel is used to (work/ working) under deadlines and in high ~ pressure situations. 2. Lan forgot (to give/ giving) sufficient notice about his resignation to his employers. 3. Be careful to use appropriate (word/wording) when writing up the contract. 4, Shella decided to keep (working/to work) through most of her pregnancy. 5. Studies have shown that a positive environment can significantly improve worker (effectiveness/effecting).. 6, The project contributed to (raise/raising) environmental awareness. 7. Shoppers cannot help (to wonder/wondering) why the prices at the department store are > so high. Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer. 21. Age — related changes can contribute to one’s having problems..........soundly. A. sleep B. sleeps . slept D. sleeping 22. The government's report found that CIZMO group had failed to take the necessary steps i.ubuilding’s cash vault, A. secured B. was secured . securing D. has secured 23. Despite ... .-more employees for the factory, the production manager still believes the facility is understaffed. A. hired B. have hired C. having hired D. were hired 24, Because demand for sharp ~ toed boots has been decreasing, M shoemakers has decided to discontinue......:0uthis particular style. A. made B. making c. make D. tomake 158 25, The department is committed to customers with a satisfactory resolution to their complaints. ‘A. provision B. providing C. provides D. provided 26, Please indicate your desire to renew your membership with our club within ten days of ..this notice. A. received B. receipt ©. receive D. receiving 27. The factory supervisor, equipment and machinery through a second ~ hand dealer Who sells slightly used items at bargain prices. A. to purchase B. purchase C. purchasing D. purchases 28, The cosmetics division is considering a product line for men, which will probably include facial creams and concealers. A. introduce B. introducing C. to introduce D. introduced 29, The managers involved with the negotiations are pleased with the progress of the talks and believe that they will reach a mutually beneficial... A. toconclude 8. concluded . concluding D. conclusion 30. The recent cuts in budget appropriations were aimed a tthe company’s year ~ end deficit, A. reduce B. reduced reducing D. reduction 31. Shopping websites can continue to shoppers by ensuring product quality, offering low prices, and being user ~ friendly. ‘A, attractive B. attract C. attra 32, Rather than go. D. attraction t the local super markets, residents of the town are urged to buy produce straight from the farms. A. to shop B. shopping 159 C. for shopping D. to shopping 33, nsunnannamYOUF business card to individuals you meet will allow you to advertise your business in an inexpensive and effective way. A. hand B. hands C. handed D. handing 34. 1am calling to get some information ON.....0.m:..nnethe 15" international Symposium on Mobile radio Communications in September. A. toattend B. attending C. attended D. attendance 35. A demonstration of the most recent PDA mode! will.........-place in the conference room ‘on the third floor before it goes on sale. A. take B. be taken C. be taking D. have taken 36. By May, the weather should become warm enough to permit basement for longer periods of time. A. stay B. tostay C. staying D. stayed 37. .the difficult bar exam, he spent most of his waking moments reading reference materials at the library. A. for passing B. topass C._ by passing D. on passing 38, The promotion advisor, Mr D, enjoys.......With potential clients during the open house days held once a month. A. talk B. talked C. talking D. to talk 39. City developers will begin.........the parking lot into a luxury shopping centre after the summer ends, A. convert B. converting C. to converting D. converted 160 40. In .an atmosphere conductive to studying, the library has painted the walls a color that is easy on the eyes of the students, A. establish B. establishing C. established D. establishment [> (eecrese choose the corect answer. Date: February 10 From: To: ‘Subject: News on Thai branch Ihave just arrived at headquarters following my visit to our new office in Thailand. The branch has conducted training for management and staff, focusing on new customer service and project implementation. However, the office. communication problems between its foreign staff and local managers. A. had experienced B. will experience C. experienced D. experiencing ‘The problems does not involve language, rather, it has to do with cultural differences in work style. | recommend. our training program to include sessions that would make ‘employee A. upgrade B. upgrading C. toupgrade D. upgraded relocation run more smoothly. These sessions would sto improving relations between local and international employees. A. prohibit B. contribute C. develop D. \crease Uhave attached a report with further information and would like to know your thoughts regarding the Thai office when you have time. 161 YOUR NOTE 162 163 en 7.V 0 (NAS Bul olive ———® STRUCTURE Participles: 1. Functions of Participles Common participles Present participle (V-ing) Past participle (Vpp) 2. Present Participle & Past Participle 3, Participle as Adjectives 4. Participial Phrases 165 ————® LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT Words Part of speech Meanings Publish | Existing = Kem theo Mua Protective clothing Trude khi Théng bao Chirng minh academic charity Thos dang, én, chp nhan duge 7 Hop I, phai chang [> [ reercise 1. make one sentence from two. Complete the sentences with an -ing clause. (Example) 1. A bell was ringing. | was woken up by it, Iwas woken up by a bell ringing. 2, Aman was sitting next to me on the plane. | didn’t talk much to him. I didn’t talk much to the 3. A taxi was taking us to the airport. It broke down. The 166 4, There’s a path at the end of this street. The path leeds to the river, At the end of the street there’s a 5. A factory has just opened on the town. It employs 500 people. A has just opened in the town. 6. The company sent me a brochure. It contained the information | needed. ‘The company sent me p> | Bxercse 2. Make one sentence from two, beginning as shown. Each time make an -ed clause. 1. A boy was injured in the accident. He was taken to the hospital. The boy injured in the accident was taken to hospital. 2, Agate was damaged in the storm. It has now been repaired. The gate has now been repaired. 3. Anumber of suggestions were made at the meeting. Most of them were not very practical. Most of the were not very practical 4. Some painting was stolen from the museum, They haven't been found yet. The haven't been found yet. 5. Aman was arrested by the police. What was his name? What was the name of, 167 [>> | exercise 3. choose the corect answer. 1.___their work, they went home. A. Finishing, C. Had finished D. Finished 2, The girl__ behind you is naughty. A. stands B, stood standing D. standing 3.___th A. Fini B. Finish ie . Having finished D. Being finished 4,___by the visitor, the clavichord could not be used. A. Broken. B. Break C. Breaking D. Broke 5. After_____dinner, | watched television, B. eating eaten D. ate 6.___you to the job, he felt calm. A. Appointed 8. Appoint C. Having appointed 168 D. To appoint 7, ____so much, the doll is still on the shelf. A. Cost B. Costs €.To cost D. Costing 8,___at by everyone, he was disappointed. A laughed B, Laugh C. Laughing D. In laugh 9.__ anxious to please us, they told us all we wanted to know. A.Be B.Tobe C. Being D. In being 10. Weather___, we will start tomorrow. A. permits B. will permit C. is permitting D. permitting 11. Dinner____ over, they returned home. A. being Cis D. was 12. Since___ his new bi 1ess, Bob has been working 16 hours a day. ‘A. open B. opening C. opened D. of opening 169 13, After___the fight, the police arrested two men and a woman, A. stopping B, stop stop D. stopped 14, __ one hand on the steering wheel, Ann opened a can of soda pop with her free hand. A To keep B. Keep C.In keeping D. Keeping 15. When ____ to explain his mistake, the new employee cleared his throat nervously. A. asking B. asked be asked D. to be asking > Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer. 1.When____ your tax return,make sure to send it by registered mail just in case it gets lost. A. mail C. mailing B. mails D. mailed 2. American companies ___ in exporting to Germany should conduct thorought market research as well as identify relevant standards A. have interests C. interested B. are interested D. interesting 3. Once , the company will be the largest company in Los Angeles and generate $ 1 billion in annual revenues A. merge C. merged B. are merged D. have merged 4, The new member. our team this week has excellent credentials and is highly recommended 170 A. joins C. will join B. joining D. will be joining 5. Chairman Park will review the budget for the petroleum firm's expansion program A. propose C. proposes B, proposing D. proposed 6. The Odeon Theater is pleased to announce a new film festival the work of local filmmakers A. feature C. featuring B. features D. featured 7, The staff of the production department is with the new equipment A. satisfied C. to satisfy B. satisfy D. satisfying 8. The figures released by the firm were lower than the__annual earnings A. anticipating C. anticipated B. to anticipate D. anticipation 9.___to work over the weekend, the project team was able to finish the proposal before the deadline A. Instruct C. Instructing B. Instructs D. instructed 10. The marketing team’s survey received an_number of responses from potential customers ‘A. overwhelming C. overwhelms B. overwhelmed D. overwhelm am UR NOTE 12 173 “nit CONJUNCTIONS 08 |, THEORY ———® STRUCTURE 1. Conjunctions: 2, Coordinating & Correlative Conjunctions 3. Conjunetions in Noun clauses Functions If | Whether (or not) | Object | ‘Complement | 174 Subject 3. Conjunctions in Adverb Clauses Reason Concession Purpose Result Conjunctions of time Conjunctions of condition 75 ———® LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT Words Part of speech ‘Meanings Proposal Accept KG ning quan ly Nop, trinh (don) ‘BiBu chink Thich nghi (véi hoan cénh) Expectation Assistance Phi hop Trinh d chuyén mén Goal Thuc day Chin woe P| Exercise 1. Choose the correct answer. 1, According to "Shanghai Daily," the universities outside the top 100 don’t have a precise rank A.yet B. unless the differences between them are minor. C50 D. because 2. Electronic mail provides an immediate A. but Cand D. however convenient means of commut 176 3. used correctly, the internet can be an incredibly powerful tool A. Unless C.Since Bult D. Though 4, electronic publishers at MIT can now use and publicize shorter URLs for their documents, addresses will be easier to reference and remember. ‘A. Although C. since B. After D. Until 5. The Internet can be an incredibly powerful tool; this new capacity must be used responsibly. A. for example C.such as 8. although D. however 6. ‘most signers want their signatures in a perfect product, minor errors may be neatly corrected in ink. A. Because Cif B. Even though D. Despite 7. The company eliminated many jobs, including mine, they needed to save money. A. because neither D. both 8. She will fit in very comfortably with a group of professional educators who are serious about their work but also know when itis the right time to relax and joke, A. but C.and B. not only D. however 9. Review what to say and how to leave your departure is polished and professional. C.unless Bit D. whether 10. Neither the CEO his assistant came to the meeting on time. A. whereas B. whenever D. nor v7 PP exercise 2. choose the correct answer. 1. The sky was gray and cloudy. we went to the beach. A.Consequently —_B. Nevertheless. C. Even though _D. In spite of 2. Iturned on the fan the room was hot. A. due to B. despite Ceven though —_D. because 3, Sam and | will meet you at the restaurant tonight ‘we can find a baby-sitter. A.although B. unless otherwise D. only if 4, Carol showed up for the meeting | asked her not to be there, A.even though B. despite C.provided that D. because 5. You must lend me the money for the trip. , |won't be able to go. A.Consequently -B. Nevertheless. C. Otherwise _—D. Although 6. The road will remain safe the flood washes out the bridge, long as B. unless C. providing that _ D. since 7. The roles of men and women were not the same in ancient Greece. For example, men were both participants and spectators in the ancient Olympics. Women, were forbidden to attend or participate. A. nevertheless B. on the other hand C. therefore D, otherwise 8. The windows were all left open. the room was a real mess after the windstorm. A. Nevertheless B. However C.Consequently _D. Otherwise 9, It looks like they're going to succeed their present difficulties. A. despite B.because of C.even though _D. yet. 10, ‘Marge is an honest person, | still wonder whether she’s telling the truth about the incident. A.In spite of B. Since C. Though D. In the event that 178 179 180 ‘jo. _ PREPOSITIONS I. THEORY ———@ PREPOSITIONS OF TIME 1, Prepositions of time 2. Language development Words ‘Meanings Ngoai trir ———® PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE/ POSITION/ DIRECTION AT ONE IN ————® OTHER PREPOSITIONS 182 ~———® PREPOSITIONS VS. CONJUNCTIONS Prepositions Conjunctions ————® LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT Words Part of speech Meanings ‘Van chuyén Phang nhan su Construction (n) 183 Trihoan bat (8 vitr) ‘861 mdi, ci tién Pro} (vy) Exhibition (n) Dang ky, Pe lahtfelst¢ P| Exercise 1. Choose the correct answer. «the division hired temporary workers to complete the project, the company saved more money. A. So B. Although . And 2. Our supervisor found a number of mistakes........1e carefully checked all the figures... A. as soon as B. so . although D. as 3. a downturn in the market, considerable downsizing is still needed to ensure our company’s competitiveness. ‘A. Because B. As C. Because of D. Although 184 ‘ourists did not arrive in the airport on schedule, they missed their flight. Because of Because Owing to vsopPpes Yet Exercise 2, Choose the correct answer. >| ‘To: Christine Late (clata2| From: Dr. Miles Hamilton ( ISubject: Retirement Dear Ms. Late, My 40-year career as a physician is coming to an end (1)... plan to step down from my position on June. (2)... Look forward to enjoying my golden years, | will miss my work helping patients. [As your doctor, | believe | should suggest an appropriate replacement. Therefore, I'd like to recommend Dr. Jenifer Jana. She is an excellent physician whose clinic is close to my current office. Please reply to this email as soon as possible ...(3)... your medical records can be transferred to her in a short time.....(4)....., | wish you good health and a happy future. Best regards, Dr. Miles Hamilton Hamilton Medical Clinic 1 3. A. because of A. so that B. despite B. in order to . although C.although D. so D. despite 185 2 4. A.In spite of ‘A. Your chart shows a marked improvement last visit, Bas B. Of course, | am glad that you have decided remain with me, order to C. Otherwise, you may retrieve them from before that date D. although D. There are many forms of treatment for your condition PP [ exercise 3. choose the correct answer. New transit Options Coming! [city council yesterday voted to approve the proposed subway extension into the Glostrup zone of Coprenhagen. ...(2). “This has encouraged developers to build more apartments ithere. Moreover, thousands of new jobs has been added.....(2)..... the creation of the Inearby Albertslund Technology Park. These sponsorship opportunities have been the key to lattract more people to the district. .....(3)...... development began, however, it will stretch Ithe area’s transit capacity to its limits, causing local residents and businesses to campaign for a subway extension. The building of the subway extension will be operational within five years ....(@)..... Some objection of council members. 1 7 ‘A. Tourism to the area has grown in recent years thanks toa A. Since popular campaign. B. Although B. The population in this area has been increasing because C- Despite of low property costs, D. Owing to C. The district’s transportation costs are increasing an unprecedented rate D. The closure of the Glostrup line was announced two months earlier, 186 4. A. inspite of A. as B. thanks to B. despite C. inorder to C. soasto D. although D. although [>| exercise 4. choose the correct answer. Home Furnishing up to 50% Off! Alters Department Store is having a sale on home furnishings. It’s time again for our annual sale, and you can make big savings. Alters iS s.n..(1).. for the high quality of its merchandise, so you can be sure you 1 A. know B. knowing C. knew D. known are buying wisely. We are offering 20% off all silk cushion covers, 30% off the price of ready- made curtains, and an incredible 50% Persian rugs (offer applies only ticketed rugs). Our color specialists will be on hand to offer .....(2)........0n color coordination of the items you buy. Fora special reduced fee, they 2 A. advise B. advice C. advisory D. advising Visit your home to create a theme for the room of your choice. This service ......(3) ‘osts $150 per visit, 3. Aas usual B. usually 187 C. unusual D. usual De sa(M)urnsone week only. 4 Ain B. of C.for D. from [> [ exercise 5. choose the correct answer. 1. The train .. Philadelphia will leave in five minutes. A. over B. between ©. for D. along 2. The meeting A. as. for on with . We were surprised... 8. c D. 3. Ain B. at C. for Dias 4, All workers must submit their records to the supervisor A. for B. in C. by D. to be held this Tuesday. But we are offering it for the bargain price of 75$. Hurry ~ these special offers will 188 5. You will be required to show valid identification prior to processing a refund request... receipt. A. without B. between C. along D. outside 189 YOUR NOTE 190 191 RELATIVE PRONOUNS & RELATIVE ADVERBS 1. THEORY @ RELATIVE PRONOUNS - PEOPLE 1. Relative pronouns - people 2. Language development Words Part of speech Meanings xudt sac ‘Sp tdi N6i bat Trinh bay ———@ RELATIVE PRONOUNS - THINGS 1. Relative pronouns - Things 192 2. Language development ‘Words Part of speech ‘Meaning Sy hiéu fam Tension Vn d8 chinh tri Tim kiém ———® RELATIVE ADVERBS 193, ———® LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT Words Part of speech Meaning Ung vién Tha’ gian nght Figure skater Specialize C6 sin Hap dong, théa thuan Trihoan Lén lich trinh/ lich trinh Opportunity Su phat trién Engage Allow 194 [> [Peercise 1. choose the correct answer. 1. I can't find the files | saved all the important information. A. which, C. when, B. why D. where A banquet is being held in honor of the governor political career began in 1989 in an underground student movement and spanned almost quarter a century. A. who C. which, B. whom, D. whose 3, Ms. Dumas... excellent market analysis helped us to foresee that the takeover attempt would fail, has been promoted. A. whose C. which B, where D. who 4. A team of experts is reviewing the resolutions .. ccontain laws against creating corporate monopolies. A. what C. whom B. that D. whose 5. At the finance convention, we met with many associates ..........a'e concerned about the stability of the global economy. A. who . what B. whose D. that 6. This is the place .we have our annual meeting. A. when C. where B. why D. how 7. JM, Inc. is one of the major companies vanufactures furniture. 195 A. where C whom B. whose D. which, 8. .I said to the interviewer was not very clear. ‘A. What. c. When B. Which D. Whose. 9. This is the spot... the terrible car accident happened A. when C. where B. why D. how 10. Anyone ...wants to take a vacation this month needs to talk to me today. ‘A. which B. whom, B, who C. whose 11. This manual is for people ... native language is not English. A. whose C. whom B. that D. what 12. The de ..the company made will cause a lot of problems. ‘A. whose C. who B. what. D. that 13, | met the representative Mr.Reeves talked about. A. that . which B. what D. how 14, Mr.Delaney met the person .0..she recommended for the managerial position. A. what ©. which whom, D. why 196 15. The specialist .....m.We just met will be the manager of our team. A. what C. whose B. whom B. when, 16. This website is good for people ...........are thinking about renting a house? A. they Cc. who 8. whom D. them 17. This is the place .we have our annual meeting. ‘A. when, B. where B. why Chow 18. JW, Inc. is one of the major companies manufactures furniture, A. where C. whom B. whose D. which 19, sunannel Said to the interviewer was not very clear. A. What C. When B. which D. Whose 20. — This is the spot......... the terrible car accident happened. A.when where B. why, D. how 21. In more ... -conomic conditions, the directors might not have decided to cut the workforce, but this year there was no other option. A. favor C. favorite B. favorably D. favorable 22, Mr. Grey, the accountant, had to solve the problem by .. as the entire financial department was on vacation A. itself C. themselves B. herself D. himself 197 23, As of May 1, Dwayne Myers will .. the firm's interests at the national conference in Washington. A. attend ©. reassure B. perform D. represent 24, Mr. Taylor was extremely . CEO. to accept the board's offer to become the new A. happier C. happiest B. happily D. happy 25. sales start to improve soon, the number of employees will have to be cut by 50. A. Unless C. When B. If D. Because [> [ exercise 2. choose the correct answer. MEMORANDUM To: All Employees From: Personnel Office Date: May 15 Subject: Leave Request This is a reminder for those employees ........(1) are considering making a leave request. 1 A. when B. who C. which D. until Before submitting the request, you should first get approval from your supervisor. And you also need to complete the leave request form ........(2) can be obtained from the personnel office. 198 2 A. what B. who C.for D. that Please submit the form with your supervisor's approval to the personnel office, ...(3)oo. iS located on the Sth floor next to the employye lounge. 3. A. which Bit C. who D. they Your leave request cannot be granted if your supervisor denies your request for any reason. Ifyou have any questions, please contact the personnel office. Jerry McCarthy Personnel Office 199 YOUR NOTE 201 Losi ty |. THEORY ———® FIRST CONDITIONAL 1. First conditional. , | SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD 2. Language development Words Part of speech Meanings Vat thurong, thurong tn ———® PAST SUBJUNCTIVE 1, Past subjunctive Words Part of speech Meanings Tra lai Tro ly diéu phoi 202 ———® PAST PERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE ———® LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT Words Part of speech ‘Meanings Kiém tra (Ban) khao sat Tién hanh, thyc hién chit With regard to Eligible for Suppose a Ky thuat vien Gidi quyét Cir di, phi di 203 PP [beercise 1, choose the correct answer. L.ifshe.. A. have won/would be B. had won/would be C.won/would be D. wins/will be 2 the homework last night, |. ‘Ahad done/would get B. had done/would have got C. done/would get D. does/will get 3. If we had played this game yesterday, we. A. will have B, may have C. would have had D. would have a tFit A. had rained B. rained C. have rained D. was raining 5. If she tome, she \- had listened/would be A. B. had listened/would have be c - had listened/would not be D.A&B the lottery last year, She ... last night, it would be cold today. sous tich now. a lot of money now. vw in trouble right now. 204 6. If it had rained one hour ago, the streets wn... Wet NOW, would have be will be be |. would be IF | assure to the beach yesterday, | would be tired today. A B. c D. 7. A. have gone B. goes Chad gone D.A&B 8. If they had gone to school yesterday, they to the museum now A. would go B, will go C. could go D. A&C 9. fhe had done exercise last night, he ....... soccer right now. A 8. will play can play C.plays D. could play. 10. If Nina had not gone out last week, she die now. Awill B, would C.could D.B&C 205 [>| Exercise 2. choose the correct answer. 1. |would have visited you before if there __quite a lot of people in your house. A. hadn't B. hadn't been C. wouldn't be D. wasn't 2. If you had caught the bus, you_late for work, A. wouldn't have been 8, would have been C. wouldn’t be D. would be 3.1f1___, | would express my feelings. A.were asked B. would ask Chad been asked D. asked 4. If ____as I told her, she would have succeeded. A. she has done B. she had done C.she does D. she did 5. Will you be angry if !__ your pocket dictionary? A. stole B. have stolen C. were to steal D. steal 6. You made a mistake by telling her alie. It__better if you_toher. ‘A. would have been/ hadn't lied 8, would be/ didn't lie €. will be/ don't lie D. would be/ hadn't lied 206 7. John would be taking a great risk if he his money in that business. A. would invest invested Chad invested D. invests, 8, She wouldn't have given them all that money if we ___her to. A. wouldn't advise B. won't advise hadn't advised D. didn't advise 9. Ifthe tree hadn't been so high, he__it up to take his kite down. A. could have climbed B. climb climbing D. climbed 10. If the wall weren't so high, he _it up to take his ball down, A. climbed 8. could climb climbing D. climb 11. if |___her phone number, |__her last night. A. had known/ could have phoned B. knew/ would have phoned . know/ can phone D. knew/ could phone 12. Ifhe __ the truth, the police wouldn't arrest him. A.tells B. told Chad told D. would tell 207 13. If you press that button what_? A. would happen B. would have happened C.will happen D. happen 14, She says i she that the traffic lights were red she A. had realized/ would stop B. realized/ could have stopped Chas realized/ stopped D. had realized/ would have stopped 15. 1am very thin. | think, if!___ smoking, | might get fat. A.stop ” B. had stopped C. will stop D. stopped 16. If1___that yesterday, |__them. A. had discovered/ would inform B. had discovered/ would have informed C. had discovered/ could inform D. discovered/ can inform 17. if you to the course regularly, they a certificate last year. A. g0/ gave B. go/ give C. had gone/ would have given D. went/ would give 18. Ithink he is not at home. Ifhe_in, he__ the phone. A. was/ answered B, were/ would answer C. were/ would have answered D. had been/ would have answered 208 19. If|__in London now, | could visit British Museum. A. were B. had been C. have been D. would be 20. 1f Columbus __ money from Queen Isabella, he across the Atlantic A. do not receive/ could not sail B, had not received/ might not have sailed C. did not receive/ might not have sailed D. would not receive/ might not sail 208 YOUR NOTE 210 2 . THEOR ———® AGREEMENT IN TENSE 1. Agreement in Tense ‘Main clause | Subordinate 7 = Main clause Subordinate clause 212 2. Language development Words Part of speech ‘Meanings Sa thai Ngan chan ‘Thanh lap ‘© AGREEMENT IN NUMBER — SINGULAR/ PLURAL NOUNS 1. Agreement in Number ~ Singular/ Plural Nouns Words Part of speech ‘Meanings Lagi ich xa hoi ~ | Chiu dung Seek (v) Politics (n) ———® UNCOUNTABLE NOUN, TO-INFINITIVE, GERUND 213 ————® NOUNS WITH QUANTIFIER LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT Words Part of speech ‘Meanings Bao gom Workload (n) Ngudi gidp viée Side effect (n.p) Kigt qué Dat trude Bang ky Inconvenience (n) sucé Khéng thé tranh duge ‘Tan tat/ mat kha nang lao dong Bao dung 214 D> [exercise 1. choose the correct answer. school. 1. A large number of students in t English quite fluently. A.speaks Bis speaking C.has spoken —_D. speak 2. A series of lectures.......being presented at the Central Hall this week. Aare B. will be C. has become Dais 3. Beauty as well as health......... failed her this term, A.has B. have Cis D.are 4, Bread and butter... what she asks for. Ais B. are C.will be D. have been 5, Each student... answered the first three questions. A. has B. have C.have to D. must, 6. Either John or his wife.......breakfast each morning. A.make —B.ismaking CC. makes D. made 7. Everybody who .. a fever must go home at once, A. has B. have C.ishaving D. are having 8. Five dollars ....all Ihave on me. Aare C. will be D. have 9. John, along with twenty friends, planning a party. Aare Bis C. has been, D. have been 10. Mathematics........ the science of quantity. A. was Bare Gis D. were 11, Measles.......cured without much difficulty nowadays. Ais Bare C. will be D. have 12. Neither Mary nor her brothers.. consent form for tomorrow's field trip. Aneed ——B.needs C.isneeding D. has need 13. Peter, together with his uncle, . sist A. have gone B. has gone C.go D. goes 215 14. The army. eliminated this section of the training test. A.has B. is having Care D. have 15. The number of the months in a year «..twelve, A.was B. were Care 16. The picture of the soldiers........ . back many memories. A.will bring B. brings C. bring D. have brought 17. These pictures, as well as the photograph.wnnn. « the room. A.brightens —B.brightening —_C. brighten D. being brightened 18. The quality of the recordings wn. «Not Very ZOOD. Ais Bare C. is being D. has been. 19. This house as well as that one........for sale, which will you have? Aare Bis have D. has 20. To what place .... ier the man or his son wish to go? Ais B. does D.are 21. Twenty miles... a long way to walk, Aare B. was Gis D. were 22. What he told you, to be of no importance. A. seems B. seem . must seem, D. have seemed 23. Mathemiatics........ not always an exact science. A. was Bare Cis D. were 24, Mr. John, accompanied by several members of the committee... .. proposed some changes of the rules. A. have B. has Care 25, The flock of birds... circling overhead, A. gets Bare Cis D. get 26. The levels of intoxication... .« from subject to subject. ‘A.has been varied B. have been varied C. varies D. vary 27. The majority of the students........ him to be it nocent. A.wasmade —_B. believe C. makes D. make 28. The pair of the pliers........ on the table. A. was B. were C. put D. puts 216 29, The use of credit cards in place of cash....... increased rapidly in recent years. Avhavebeen —_B. has been Chas D. have 30. Advertisements on television, becoming more competitive than ever before. A has B.have Care Dis >| Exercise 2. Choose the correct answer. L.Each student...... to answer three questions. A.have has having Plenty of milk. B ¢. D. to have 2 consumed everyday. Aare B. were Cis D. was 3. SARS....... an epidemic that kills many people in China. Aare B. were C. have been Dis 4, The little girl with her friends ...... coming here. Bis Care D. tobe 5. The United States ...... between Canada and Mexico. A lying B.lies C. lain D. lie 217 6. The book for my English courses A. costed B. costing C.cost D. costs 7. Jane as well as both of you... finished it. A. doesn’t B. don't C.haven't D. hasn't 8. Everyone in both cars..... injured in the accident last night. A.was Bis Care D. were 9. Ten years of waiting ..... nothing to those who are in love. ‘A. means B. mean mean D. meaning 10.The students in the next classroom... very loudly everyday, A. talk B. talked Care talking D. talks 218 219 220 221 STUDENT'S BOOK PRE TOEIC (Version 1) NHA XUAT BAN LAO DONG Dia chi: $6 175 Giang V6 - Ha Noi Dign thogi: 024 38515380;Fax: 024 38515381 Email: Website: : Chi nhinh phia Nam $6 85 Cach mang Thing Tam, Quén 1, Tp Hé Chi Minh DT: 028 38390970; Fax: 028 39257205 Gidm déc- Tang bién tap Bién tap: Bai Thj Phuong Thiy Trinh bay: Ngo Thi Ly Linh, Bia: Ng6 Th LY Linh Sta ban in: T6 Lan Phuong LIEN KET XUAT BAN Céng ty Cé phin Giéo dye va Dao tao Imap Vist Nam (IMAPBooks) ‘$6 89, Té Vinh Dign, Khuong Trung, Thanh Xudn, Ha N6i In 1.500 cudn, khé 21x29,7 om, tai Cong ty TNHH Tran Céng, Dia chi: Sé 12 ngdch 155/176, du’mg Truong Chinh, Phuong Phuong Liét, Quin Thanh Xuan, Thanh phé Ha NOi Sé xc nhén DKXB: 3945-2020/CXBIPH/10-189/LD 86 quyét dinh: 1185/QD-NXBLD ngay 02 thang 10 nim 2020 M& ISBN: 978-604-301-635-2 In xong va n6p hu chiéu nam 2020

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