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Critique Writing

COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus

Communication Skills
Assignment 2

Registration No. Name Section

FA20-BSE-084 Muhammad Abubakar Siddique B

Submitted to: Ma’am Umara Shaheen

Critique Writing

Critique Writing
Topic: Kids as Young as 8 Are Using Social Media More Than Ever

In their March 2022 article in the The New York Times, “Kids as Young as 8 Are
Using Social Media More Than Ever” author Melinda Wenner Moyer report that a 17
percent increase in screen use among teens and tweens in the last two years – more
than in the four years prior.
In this article, Melinda is discussing why kids and teens spend more time on social
media and screen with the number of hours spend online, how technology changed the
environment, and what parents can do to reduce the screening time of their kids.
The main purpose of the writer to write this article is to aware the parents that they
be care why their kids spent more time on screen and what they do on social media.
And what parents should do to reduce the screening time of their kids.
Melinda‘s has developed her arguments in a way that first she discussed her finding
that different ages kids how many hours they spent on social media and screen. And
screening hours has increased during the pandemic (COVID-19). She stated according
to the Common Sense Media that the screening time of 8 to 12 age’s kids has increased
up to 5 hours and 33 minutes. And time of 13 to 18 age’s kids has increased up to 7
hours and 22 minutes.
Then, Melinda has described the changed environment which is developed by the
modern technology. Kids spend number of hours online on Facebook, Instagram,
snapchat, TikTok, WhatsApp and many other websites. She has also described the
Diana Graber point of view that “Kids turned to screen for entertainment and to
connect with friends that is mostly a good thing”.
In the last, Melinda has stated that parents should sit with their kids during their
screening time. And has described the methods that can reduce the screening time.
The Melinda has concluded that screening time is increased due to that parents do not
spend more time with their kids and today’s kids do not take interest in sports.
According to the Melinda, boys spend more time on social media than girls.
The writer's content consists of both facts and opinions. Her facts are supported by the
surveys and other writer’ statements. She has also stated the percentages which has
also given strength to her context.
I found this text similar to the article “Children’s Screen Time Has Soared in the
Pandemic, Alarming Parents and Researchers” by Matt Richtel. In this article,

Critique Writing

the writer has discussed the same topics. Richtel has discussed the increase of
screening time during COVID-19.
According to the Melinda’s article, I think Melinda is neutral. Because both aspects are
stated her. She has highlighted the problems and has also stated the positive view of
social media. Positive view that she stated is that kids stay connect to friends. And
education has become easy by social media. So she is neutral because she is talking
about both sides of the picture. She is not stuck to only one side.
I agree with the writer's viewpoint. Because more time spend on screen may affect
their health like eyes become weak and mind will not focus on study. On the other side
by using social media many kids are earned money by gaming and by work online.




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