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COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus

Lab 2
Course Title: Object Oriented Software Engineering Course Code: CSC 304 Credit 3(2,1)
Course Instructor Yella Mehroze Semester Spring
Semester: 4th Batch: Fa19-BSE Section: A , B , C , D Theory/Lab Lab Task

Name – Ali Raza

Registration ID – FA19-BSE-099

Template to paste solutions

(Paste your finalized answers over here)
(Read the “Notes” section carefully before writing your answers)

*Rename the document as “FA19-BSE-A/B” before uploading

 How to write a project title
 How to write a problem statement
 How to write a project description

Task 1: Solution
Project Title

 TransSpeak
 TransPedia
 InternationalTrans
Task 2: Solution

Problem Statement


This application will help the people to translate any language into

a desired language around the world using internet.

Task 3:


Project Description

This application will allow the users to translate any text in image and text
document into the desired language through scanner or camera worldwide
using internet.User can also use its features by speaking and translating into
other language.

Yella Mehroze
Project Title
 Attractive
 Exciting
 Convey the general idea of project
 Increases curiosity of project
 Not descriptive but allusive
 Catch people`s attention
 Simple and straightforward
 Be memorable

Problem Statement
 Five points can be applied after problem statement is created
 Who
 What
 Where
 When
 Why  How

Project Description
 Adapt foreseeing method (4C)
 Clear
 Concise
 Complete
 Credible

Yella Mehroze
For any queries

Office: H-Block – Room 23 (H – 23)

Yella Mehroze

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