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REPORT FORM 2019 / 2020

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research

University of Baghdad
Department of Computer Science

Student name : ‫اسيا عكاب يوسف زغير‬

Tittle: oop (Inheritance)
Course: second
Lecturer name: D.dunia fadheel saffo

● There are some important concepts that we

must talk about when discussing inheritance

○ Base Class: A class from which we inherit

(Animals is base for birds, and Birds is base
for Ducks).
○ Derived Class: A class which inherits from a
base class(Birds is derived
from Animals, and Ducks is derived from
> General Form for Inheritance in C++ <

class derived class name: access type

base class name
// body of class

> Protected data members in a class <

● Protected data members are one of the three
data members in a class (the other
two being private and public)
● On the surface it behaves exactly like private
data members, but like we are going
to see later, they are very beneficial when
dealing with inheritance in classes.
> How To Use Inheritance <

Just like the data members in classes, there are

3 types of access for classes(Public, Private and
Each one of them affects how we data members
are accessed.
We will use a table to keep track of how each one
of them operate.
> Inheritance Types <

There are 5 types of inheritance in C++language

1. Single Inheritance
2. Multi-Level Inheritance
3. Hierarchical Inheritance
4. Multiple Inheritance
5. Hybrid Inheritance

1. Single Inheritance
● It’s the type that we have been using all along and it looks
something like this:

class staff
char name[50];
int code;
void getdata();
void display();};

class typist: public staff

{ private:
int speed;
void getdata();
void display();
2. Multi-Level Inheritance

A class can be derived from more than one base
class. This is called multiple inheritance.
● This type of inheritance is the same as the last
one except the fact that it involves more than two
classes(hence we call it multi level).
● It looks like this:

Name & age

needed only
How to use:

class Person {
// Data members of person
Person(int x) { cout << "Person::Person(int
) called" << endl; }
class Faculty : public Person {
// data members of Faculty
Faculty(int x):Person(x) {
cout<<"Faculty::Faculty(int ) called"<<
class Student : public Person {
// data members of Student
Student(int x):Person(x) {
cout<<"Student::Student(int ) called"<<
// multi-inherited
class TA : public Faculty, public Student {
TA(int x):Student(x), Faculty(x) {
cout<<"TA::TA(int ) called"<< endl;
int main() {
TA ta1(40);
return 0;
3. Hierarchical Inheritance
● In this type two classes(siblings) both inherit from
one class (father)
● This type of inheritance looks like this:

4. Multiple Inheritance
● In this type of inheritance a class inherits from 2 or
more classes.
● This type of inheritance looks like this:
5. Hybrid Inheritance
● This type combine all the previous types in different
● This type can look like this:

1-pdf ( Object-Oriented Programming in C++, Fourth

Edition ) by Robert Lafore

2- pdf( Object-Oriented Programming in C ++)

by Mahmoud said – New system technology

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