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Agile Platform ™

What’s New in Version 6.0

OutSystems continues on its path of enabling IT to change at the speed of business with the latest
features delivered with the Agile Platform 6.0:
Ready-to-use apps to kick-start your projects and quickly address your business needs
Platform-as-a-Service for you to focus on your app and not the underlying infrastructure
Mobile Support so you can easily build applications that render beautifully on all devices
Redesigned Service Studio to bring efficiency and joy to building and changing your apps
Gorgeous look & feel for your apps with the improved and completely redesigned style guide
Themes and Placeholders for small UI tweaks or completely change the look & feel of your apps
Simplified User Management to make the life of developers and operators a lot easier
Over the next few pages we'll guide you through these new features and explain how you can take
advantage of them in your next Agile Platform project. We're sure that with this information you'll be
ready to make the Agile Platform 6.0 work for you!

Deliver immediate business value with Platform 6.0 we’ve decided to make application
delivery in the cloud even easier with our new
ready-to-use apps Platform as a Service offering.
With the Agile Platform 6.0 you will gain access to a This is a great option if you took one of the apps from
set of 12 carefully crafted applications ranging from apps@outsystems and made it your own and now
HR to CRM. Each app is made available through the want to take it online without the cost and
newly released apps@outsystems and found in the complexity associated with managing your own
OutSystems tab of Service Studio. These apps were development and production infrastructure.
designed for change, with the goal of providing you
with the 80% functionality needed to get started, All you need to do is subscribe to our PaaS offer right
before crafting the 20% which is specific to your on our website and everything else will be handled by
company. All that with a platform that was designed Agile Platform experts from OutSystems.
for change, giving you the best of buy and build. The cloud takes care of the infrastructure. The Agile
To make this process truly seamless we’ve made Platform takes care of the development, deployment,
available the full list of applications in our website at and runtime. Everything is taken care of, you just need including the ability to to focus on building your next great web app.
immediately try out the running app in an isolated
environment created just for you in that instant.
Address your customers on the go and
empower your mobile workforce
When you know you want to keep a specific app and
start making it your own, you can either publish it For the last few years the number of smart phones has
directly to your environment or setup a 15 day cloud been skyrocketing, particularly with the widely
trial to try the platform. After you do that, you’ll be popular Apple iPhone and Google Android. In fact,
presented with a small tutorial that guides you on the mobile phones already account for about 7% of the
essentials of how to change the app. total number of web page views in the US, with every
company feeling the pressure to directly support the
Don’t let infrastructure hold you down mobile devices that their prospects, customers and
with our new PaaS offer employees use continuously every day.
The Agile Platform has long been designed for Version 6.0 of the Agile Platform addresses this trend
working in the cloud and on-premise, letting you by providing everything you need to create your
move between the two as you see fit. With the Agile own enterprise mobile web apps. All you have to do

© 2001-2009 OutSystems - All rights reserved Page 1

is specify that you want to create a mobile application study on how the applications built with the Agile
and, from that point on, your screens will have a Platform are used and decided to fully redesign our
native like look & feel that fits beautiful in your device. built-in style guides for an awesome look & feel.
Both when you’re using IntelliWarpTM and when you’re
When you check the new styles out you will find fonts
creating your application from scratch.
are bigger, there’s a higher contrast between the
To make things more interesting, we’ve included the several elements of the screen, the colors work
Mobile Sales application in apps@outsystems, which amazingly well with each other and, overall, the
serves as a great show case for the things you can do results are just gorgeous.
for mobile with the Agile Platform while covering the
To make your life even easier we’ve included a set of
most common use cases of Account Managers on the
themes to more easily match your brand and added a
go. From a technical standpoint we’ve used a fair
special version, which was designed so that your logo
amount of HTML 5 and CSS 3 to maximize cross
fits right in with no changes needed.
browser compatibility and provide an even more
native-like experience. Centralize your apps’ look & feel with
And to make sure your user base is well covered we’ve Themes and Placeholders
included support for iOS 4+, Android 2.1+,
Blackberry 6+ and Windows Phone 7 devices, using Changing the look and feel of an application that’s
progressive enhancement to adapt to the specific already done, or even half-done, can be a huge
differences in web standards support of each device. challenge. Some aspects of design are hard to
centralize, which means you need to visit every screen
Give your developers a new life with of the application if you want to make the change.
Service Studio’s revamped UI In version 6.0 we wanted to make sure that changing
the User Interface can be done at the same amazing
The Agile Platform frees developers from concerns
speed as you can build and change your application.
over all the low level plumbing that’s required to build
a typical enterprise application, and lets developers Themes allow you to centralize the things that are
focus on the business they’re supporting. common in the UI and easily change them in a
single place rippling across all the screens in your
We’ve been doing that with our visual development
app. That includes both styles and the structure of the
environment, with all the logging and reporting that’s
pages themselves. As an added benefit, you can now
automatically included in the apps, with the version
completely switch the look & feel of your app in a
control that happens behind the scenes, etc.
second by simply selecting a different theme.
In version 6.0 we decided to take this one step further
Placeholders are used when defining themes, allowing
by improving Service Studio, our IDE, which is where
you to specify one or more template pages which
developers spend most of their time. For that, we fully
contain the common parts for your screens. . You can
revamped the user interface with a gorgeous new
also use placeholders outside themes, to create
skin and a full review of the location and structure of
master pages that you can use to make it easier to
the operations available, making it even faster and
develop your application.
more intuitive for both new and seasoned developers
to build great web and mobile apps. User Management, simplified
We’ve taken as input all the usability tests and Our previous solution for managing users was good
usability studies we’ve conducted and placed the but a bit too complex for 90% of the IT teams
button or menu of each operation where it is most leveraging the Agile Platform. Therefore we’ve
obvious and easier to access for each use case, decided to revisit the use cases for user management
resulting in things like a clear separation between and simplified them to make the life of both
processes, interface, logic and data, and a big 1 developers & operations staff a lot easier.
Click Publish button you just can’t miss.
Although it can still be used, we no longer have
Amazing usability as the new default for Enterprise Manager as the recommended option for
your enterprise web apps user management. Instead, we have incorporated the
core user management concepts into the platform
At OutSystems we’re focused on making sure IT and provide a simple user management console to
delivers the best value to the business it supports. As get the job done.
such, for 6.0 we have conducted a thorough usability

© 2001-2009 OutSystems - All rights reserved Page 2

Ready-to-use Apps Finally, after you’ve taken the step to install, you will
find an interactive tutorial that guides you thorugh a
With 6.0 you now have at your disposal a set of 12 change so that you can better understand how the
ready to use enterprise applications. You can find app is built and structured.
them both in the outsystems tab of Service Studio and
directly from our website at

With Agile Platform 6.0 you will find the following

selection of apps available:
Having the apps accessible right from Service Studio
makes it really easy for you to install them. Just select Intranet & Human Resources
the app and click publish, and you will have it up and o Directory
running, with seed data and trial user definitions. o Documents
o Expenses
o Vacations
o Timesheets
o Sales
o Campaigns
o Cases
o Mobile Sales
Web Sites & Portal
o Website
o eCommerce
o Customer Portal
All 12 applications were designed by studying the
If you’re not sure if you want to install a given app you most common use cases for each, with the real
can very easily try it out by just clicking try in Service people that will use them every day. Our goal was to
Studio or on our web site. This sets up a sanbox in the cover the 80% that really matter and are commonly
cloud for you to try out the app in a way that’s used. Because we know that every business has its
completely isolated from others. own specific processes, and because this really were
the Agile Platform thrives, these apps were designed
for change and we urge you to take these apps and
make them your own by changing them to reflect the
exact way in which your business operates.
In case you were wondering, to actually deliver the
apps we decided to go for something really different
and didthe full development with an enthusiastic
group of 41 developers in a 2.5 day event. With
development sprints of just a few hours it was an
incredible experience we called CodeJam!
CodeJam really put the the Agile Platform to the test
and was a great ‘alpha’ test of 6.0. In the end we not
only delivered a set of gorgeous apps, but also a great
version of the Agile Platform.

© 2001-2009 OutSystems - All rights reserved Page 3

Platform as a Service
To make it really easy for you to go to production
without the hassles of managing your infrastructure
we’re launching with 6.0 a full Platform as a Service

With it you can subscribe for you Agile Platform on the

cloud on a monthly or yearly basis and with no
concerns over instalation, maintenance or even
licensing of supporting software, like operating
system or database.
This offer is a great option if you are just getting
started and don’t want to invest in the necessary
on site hardware, software and infrastructure Also on the field of usability, we have revised
management skills. It’s also a great choice if you’ve IntelliWarp so that it works great on Mobile. Lists are
just finished adapting one of the apps from one of the things where its behaviour changes the
apps@outsystems to your business and just want to most, with IntelliWarp only including the first text
take it live. field in your entity; adding any other fields below
the first one and with a subdued style and using very
Everything other than your Service Center and your different paging style; with long lists and a ‘‘show
applications is fully managed by OutSystems more’’ pattern. For this to happen you just have to
experts and you can use these environments for both specify that the theme is targetted at mobile devices.
development a production payloads.
And because we know you want true peace of mind
we even ensure daily backups (kept for 7 days) which
you can use should anything go wrong.
If later in time you want to move to on premise, or
vice versa, you can easily do that as the platform
targets both on-premise and the cloud.

Smartphones are getting widely adopted these days And because we know you will likely have a
and, with 6.0, you can now fully address that new and fragmented target user base we’ve added off-the-
expanding market. shelf support for Blackberry 6 and Windows Phone
We have carefully designed every aspect of our mobile 7. For supporting all these devices we’ve gone for a
themes so that the applications you create look and progressive enhancement philosophy that allows us
behave as if they are native. Special care to ensure to cope with the different levels of support for HTML5
the entire UI, including buttons, menus, lists, forms, and CSS3. This means that, while the rendering may
animations, etc. fit perfectely in iPhone and Android vary slightly between these devices, we ensure the
devices with the goal of making your apps beautiful key elements of the layout and the content will never
and truly usable for your end-users. get lost.
While on the field of HTML 5, with 6.0 we’ve added
support for selecting the HTML 5 document type in
your applications. This enables you to pretty much use
any HTML 5 construct in your own widgets as we’ve
done in our own themes and apps. It also allowed us
to introduce in Service Studio an option to specify the
type of input for the input widgets.

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As a final note, some of the rich widget patterns,
such as the feedback message, the autocomplete and
the input calendar have been revised to make sure
they work flawlessly on mobile and a new pattern was
also created to guide the users in adding your web
The exact input types you can specify are application to their iPhone’s home screen.
Text --- the default
Number --- smartphones will typically use a
numeric keyboard for this input type
Email --- smartphones typically use a keyboard
with the @ symbol more visible for this type
Search --- smartphones and desktop browsers
will typically add a reset cross for this type
As for CSS3 we’ve used it extensively in our new off-
the-shelf themes, especially on the mobile ones, to Service Studio UI & Productivity
improve cross-browser support for things like
rounded corners or implementing full page transitions
in the iPhone. Probably the first thing you’ll notice after you install
Note that, the entire mobile functionality is version 6.0 is that Service Studio has been fully
implemented using themes and placeholders. This redesigned. We’ve done this because this is were
means that you can easily take the themes we provide developers spend most of their time, so we wanted it
and adapt them to so that they fit in in completely to be easier to use, and we wanted the overall
different form factors and styles. experience to be a true joy.

Out of box we provide you with both a device

agnostic theme, which is the default, and device
specific themes for iPhone and Windows Phone 7.
The first one is the best option if you are targetting a
wide a set of devices or want the application to reflect
your own brand identity. In these scenarios you Some of the highlights are the new big 1 Click
should use the default as the base theme and Publish button and a clear separation between the
extend it to customize its colors or other elements several application layers by placing the elements of
in the layout you may want to change. The iPhone each layer in separate tab.
and Windows Phone 7 themes are designed for when
you have a single corporate device or are targetting a
specifc subset of your users.

To further improve the organization of your eSpace

you can now group actions into folders, all
referenced items are automatically grouped, and you
When designing screens for mobile devices, getting a can create multiple entity diagrams in your eSpace.
WYSIWYG preview of what you’re doing includes
seeing things with the same size they’ll have on the Overall every single icon and menu operation has
device. As such we’ve set the canvas size to reflect the been revised so that its look is improved and its
size of the actual device and added the capacity to location best matches the way it is used.
specify the orientation of the device so that you can With 6.0 we have also introduced the outsystems tab,
preview your screens in both portrait and landscape. with direct access to apps@outsytems, and a server
view, which provides you with instant visibility over

© 2001-2009 OutSystems - All rights reserved Page 5

what applications you have installed in your you can now do that in the new widget tree available
environment, and a one click access to create new for every page.
web or mobile applications.

Syntax highlighting in expressions has also received

a set of improvements with entities, structures and
functions now all receiving differenciated colors.

Speaking of applications, you can now specify that a

given eSpace is actually the main eSpace for an
application. When you do that, you can choose a label
and an icon for it and, if the current eSpace is the
main eSpace but the backoffice screens are actually in
a different one, you can also specify that here.

To make it easier to track who did what, and so that

you to know who to ask when you’re not sure about
Additionally, you now have the ‘‘New Application something, we’ve added to all top level elements the
Module’’ operation whenever you are working in an the tracking of who created that element, who last
Application’s eSpace. When you use it, a new eSpace changed and, when that happened. Best of all, this
will be created with references to all the common information is also shown when you are merging
application elements, such as themes and menus, your version of the eSpace with another version,
and IntelliWarp will know how to use them. making it much easier to solve any conflicts that

Overall we’ve also made it easier to work with 1 Click Publish has also undergone a couple of small
referenced stuff in Service Studio. You can now open performance improvements by streamlining the way
a web block in its producer by just right clicking it communication with the server is handled and by not
and you can download all consumers of a given publishing personal areas unless you explicitly use the
eSpace in one go. More important, after you do that run operation.
you can refresh all open consumers with one click.
Finally, IntelliWarp is even smarter by now having
improved type inference, by creating mailto: and tel:
links depending on the underlying data type and, by
automatically setting the correct HTML 5 input types
depending on the underlying data type.

Gorgeous Default Theme

In addition to providing an amazing experience for
developers using the Agile Platform we also want to
provide an amazing experience for those that use the
resulting applications.
Because we know that precisely selecting or
As such, and in preparation for building the 12
positioning an element in your page can be a pain,
applications in apps@outsystems, we have conducted

© 2001-2009 OutSystems - All rights reserved Page 6

extensive design and usability research to ensure they Themes & Placeholders
were both pretty and highly usable. This involved
following a set of usability best practices and a series The new base technologies that we’ve introduced
of usability tests to make sure we got it right. with 6.0 and that really made it possible to deliver on
mobile and on the new look & feel for the apps were
The outcome of that work is a set of themes that
the themes and placeholders.
capture the essence of the resulting design.
Furthermore, IntelliWarp uses these themes with no
effort on your side.

Placeholders appear as a new widget which is

available whenever you are designing a web block.
Pretty much like any other widget you can simply drag
it from the left toolbar to any location in the canvas of
your web block and define a set of properties for it
such as its name and style. What is really different is
that 1) you cannot place anything inside it and 2)
whenever you use the web block in one of your
Bottom line: your apps will come out looking screens the placeholder will appear as an empty
gorgeous right after you create them! space for you to fill in.
Of course the tough work of capturing and really
understanding the use cases to be solved doesn’t go
away but a big part of the design is pretty much
handled for you.

In essence, placeholders are really great for when you

have parts of the UI that change from screen to screen
inside parts of the UI that are always identical.
Themes define essentially two things: a CSS style
sheet and a set of layout web blocks. Specifying the
We provide 6 base themes for web applications: 4 are CSS style sheet pretty much defines the look of your
color variations over the base theme; another is a pages in terms of colors, fonts and fine styling. The
wave theme, specially designed for easily inserting layout web blocks work as master pages and define
your own logo and, the last one is a theme that the overall structure and location of the common
mimics the style guide of versions 4.2 and 5.x of the elements of your pages.
Agile Platform.
In practice these layout web blocks are automatically
added to any new screen you create with this theme.
They must include one or more placeholders and, for
the layouts which are used by IntelliWarp, they should
have specific names which are used for it to know how
to fill in the screens.

An important detail of the new default themes is that

they include an application switcher which is
automatically filled in with the list of eSpaces defined
as applications or their backoffices.

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Permission Areas with that of Roles and added the
concept of Groups. The change to roles has the goal
to both force the developers to really think about who
the applications are targeted to and design
accordingly. This will also improve knowledge
transfer between developers. Groups are defined at
runtime, usually correspond to ‘‘organization groups’’
such as a department and can have a set of Roles
associated to them.

IntelliWarp automatically uses the layout web blocks

List Screen, Show Screen, Edit Screen, Info Balloon and
Pop-up Editor when creating screens of that type. All this can be managed using the system application
‘‘Users’’ which is installed with the platform and
The Blank Screen and Email layout web blocks are includes the common integrations with LDAP and
used when you create screens and emails by hand in a Integrated Authentication. A key thing is that the
web flow. architecture was really setup so that, if you want to
The Menu entry simply specifies which web block in extend it further, you can easily replace Users with
the eSpace contains the menu. your own application on top of the core concepts
provided by the Agile Platform.
An important note regarding themes is that they
support inheritance and, when you say your base
theme is some other theme, everything you don’t
explicitly fill in will keep the values of the base theme.
This is great for both when you are taking one of the
default themes and just changing some colors in the
CSS and for when you have standard corporate
intranet theme and you just need to change the
layout of particular screen type in your app.
Finally you can specify if your theme is for mobile and
what is the exception flow that handles the
exceptions of screens using that theme. As an All these changes make the entire access control and
example this allows for you to have both a mobile and user management process much easier for both
normal web theme applied to different web flows and developers and operators.
that they have different login pages. As for Enterprise Manager, we are making available a
version for 6.0 that uses the Agile Platform 6.0’s new
Simplified User Management core functionality so that you don’t have to go
Up to version 5.1 user management for the through the cost of migrating your apps. As a long
applications delivered with the Agile Platform was term strategy we do advise that you plan a
handled through Enterprise Manager. discontinuation of Enterprise Manager in your factory.
While it was functional, it was also a bit too complex
and incorporated a lot of functionality beyond user Download the new Agile Platform 6.0 today and
management that was not used very often. Also, its check it out for yourself!
security model was done as an add-on to the platform,
with additional concepts on top of users and Click here to download it.
permission areas, which made it overly complex and
hard to maintain.
Because of all these issues, we’ve decided to move
the core user management functionality inside the
Agile Platform. We replaced the concept of

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