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Choose the correct answer by choosing a, b, c or d!

(pilihlah jawaban yang benar

dengan memilih a, b, c atau d!)
1. I need a chess board and chessman, so my hobby is …..
a. playing doll c. playing chess
b. playing guitar d. playing violin
2. You don’t like swimming. You … reading.
a. Like c. likes
b. to like d. liked
3. A: What is your hobby?
B: …. hobby is playing basketball.
a. I c. My
b. You d. His
4. Maira : Does he have a hobby?
Reynand: …..
a. Yess, he does not e. Yess, he is
b. Yes, he does d. No, he does

Text for number 5-7

Mira likes collecting stamps. Her hobby is called philately. She collects stamps from
many countries. She gets the stamps from her pen pals. She puts her stamps on an
album. She collected the stamps since she was at the first grade.
5. Mira likes ….
a. Reading c . collecting stamps
b. collecting books dsending letters
6. Mira gets the stamps from ….
c. her parents
d. her friends at school
e. her pen pals
f. her brother
7. Luke : What is Mira’s hobby?
Sandy   : Mira’s hobby is ….
g. travelling
h. collecting stamps
i. playing with friends
j. going to another country
8. Dhea : What are you doing in your spare time?
Luna     : Well ….
Dhea     : Can you teach me how to make rainbow cake?
Luna     : Sure
k. I like singing
l. I love travelling
m. I like cooking
n. I like painting
9. My sister likes to go to beach at holiday, her hobby is ….
o. dancing
p. reading
q. c. cooking
r. surfing
Dialogue fro number 10-15
Lisa     : What is your …. (10), Rose?
Rose    : My hobby is reading.
Lisa     : What …. (11) you need to do your hobby?
Rose    : I need a …. (12)
Lisa     : …. (13) you like reading?
Rose    : …. (14), I don’t. I …. (15) singing.
Nomor 10:
s. a. like
t. favorite
u. c. hobby
v. need
Nomor 11:
w. a. is
x. does
y. c. was
z. do
Nomor 12:
aa. a. book
bb. paper
cc. c. rope
dd. pen
Nomor 13:
ee. a. does
ff. was
gg. c. did
hh. do
Nomor 14:
ii. a. Yess
jj. Alright
kk. c. Sure
ll. No
Nomor 15:
mm. a. like
nn. hobby
oo. need
pp. want
16. They bring fish hook and go to the river. Their hobby is ….
a. running
b. fishing
c. surfing
d. cooking
17. Max : What do you like?
George : I like …., so I need ball and basket.
a. football
b. volley ball
c. playing guitar
d. basket ball
18. Arrange this sentences.
Camping – like – not– does – Ali
1               2      3        4         5
a. 1-2-3-4-5
b. 5-4-3-2-1
c. 4-3-5-2-1
d. 2-3-5-4-1
19. My Dad likes …. in the garden.
a. cutting leaves
b. reading
c. cooking
d. swimiming
20. My favorite sport is …(bulutangkis)
a. shuttlecock
b. swimming
c. badminton
d. football

8. Tammy : “Scarlett, do you go to school on ___?”

Scarlett : “No, I don’t. It’s day off.”

What day is suitable for the gap?

a. Friday
b. Wednesday
c. Sunday

9. Andi : “Mina, what day is today?”

Mina : “Today is Tuesday, Andi.”

1. Now is January. So, the last month is ___.

a. February
b. December
c. November

2. Today is Thursday. The next two days is ___.

a. Friday
b. Saturday
c. Sunday

Andi : “So, what day is tomorrow?”

Mina : “___”

How does Mina answer?

a. Tomorrow is Saturday.
b. Tomorrow is Wednesday.
c. Tomorros is Thursday.

10. Fina : “This month has 28 or 29 days. What month is it?”

Andi : “__”

What will Andi answer?

a. It’s February.
b. It’s March.
c. It’s August.

Nusa Bangsa Sport and Art Week 2020

Monday, 18th of March – Basketball competition.

Tuesday, 19th of March – Volleyball competition.

Wednesday, 20th of March – Soccer competition.

Thursday, 21st of March – Singing contest.

Friday, 22nd of March – Band contest.

Saturday, 23rd of March – Art class contest

3. When is the volleyball competition?

a. Wednesday
b. Thursday
c. Tuesday

4. What contest is on Friday?

a. Singing contest.
b. Band contest.
c. Art class contest.

5. When is the soccer competition?

a. It’s Wednesday.
b. It’s Saturday.
c. It’s Monday


1. Doll – she – new – has – a

The correct order is ….
a. She doll new a has
b. She has new a doll
c. She has a new doll
d. She a has new doll

2. I – cycle – your – can – borrow – ?

The correct order is ….
a. Can I cycle your borrow?
b. Can I borrow your cycle?
c. Can I your borrow cycle?
d. Can your borrow I cycle?
3. Besok adalah bulan Oktober
The english sentences is ….
a. Tomorrow is October
b. Yesterday is October
c. Tomorrow will be October
d. Yesterday will be October
4. Hari ini adalah hari Sabtu
The english sentences is ….
a. Today is Monday
b. Today is Friday
c. Today is Wednesday
d. Today is Saturday
5. Two thousand and seventeen
The Indonesian sentences is ….
a. 2018
b. 2017
c. 2020
c. 2027
6. 1995 in English sentences is ….
a. One thousan nine nine and fifty
b. One thousand nineteen hundred and five
c. One thousand ninty nine hundred and five
d. One thousand nine hundred  and ninety five
7. Hobiku adalah memancing.
The english sentences is ….
a. My hobby is Swimming
b. My hobby is drawing
c. My hobby is cycling
d. My hobby is fishing
8. It is ninety thousand rupiahs
The price in number is ….
a. Rp. 9.000,00
b. Rp. 19.000,00
c. Rp. 90.000,00
d. Rp. 900.000,00
9. Mr. Dodi pays Rp. 50.000,00 and he gets Rp. 35.000,00 as the
cange. It means Mr. Dodi has to pay ….
a. Thirty five thousand rupiahs
b. Fifty thousand rupiahs
c. Fifteen thousand rupiahs
d. Eighty five thousand rupiahs

Rudi’s hobby is …..

a. Football
b. Playing doll
c. Playing kite
d. Playing toy car
11. The hall – Bagas – playing – is – football – in
a. The hall Bagas is playing in football
b. Bagas is playing football in the hall
c. Bagas is playing in the hall football
d. Football is playing bagas the hall in

12. Santi : “What do …. want to buy?

Rina : “I want to buy vegetables.”
The correct word to complete the sentences is ….
a. They
b. Her
c. She
d. You
13. If you want to playing football, you need a …
a. Doll
b. Ball
c. Basket
d. Catapult

14. Doll is a ….
a. Game
b. Toy
c. Play
d. Food

The girl like  ….

a. Swimming
b. Cycling
c. Hiking
d. Reading
16. I like playing chess
The indonesian sentences is ….
a. Saya suka bermain kartu
b. Saya suka bermain boneka
c. Saya suka bermain catur
d. Saya suka bermain bola

17. Mereka suka bermain layang-layang

The english sentences is ….
a. They like playing rope skipping
b. You like playing kite
c. They like playing doll
d. They like palying kite
18. These are tool to playing football, except ….
a. Shoes
b. Ball
c. Pencil
d. Goal
19. Ibu pergi belanja ke pasar
The english sentences is ….
a. Mother goes shoping to school
b. Mother goes cooking to market
c. Mother goes reading to home
d. Mother goes shoping to market
20. I buy a kilogram of aple in the ….
a. Bookstore
b. Shoes store
c. Hospital
d. Fruits store
21. a bunch of flower . The indonesian sentences is ….
a. Sepotong daun
b. Seikat mawar
c. Seikat bunga
d. Sepot bunga
22. Andi pay the foods with ….
a. Water
b. Money
c. Clove
d. Paper
23. We are playing snake and ladder.
Snake and ladder in Indonesian is ….
a. Petak umpet
b. Lompat tali
c. Ular tangga
d. Monopoli
24. These are games, except ….
a. Hide and shake
b. Skipping rope
c. Reading book
d. Snake and ladder
25. Roni : “Do you like playing card?”
Bagus : “No, ……..”
The correct answer to complete the sentences is ….
a. I Do
b. Yes, I do
c. He do not
d. I do not
1. The english sentences of kelereng is ….
2. The boys playing footbal in the ….
3. The indonesian sentences of Swimming is ….
4. 2013 in english sentences is ….
5. Rp. 35.000,00 in english sentences is ….
6. Three thousand and twenty five in number is ….
7. Today is sunday, tomorrow will be ….
8. This month is august, next month will be ….
9. The place to buy a toys is ….
10. Someone who counts the things that people buy is called ….
1. Mention 3 examples of games what can play together!
Jawab :
2. Write in the english sentences!
a. Saya suka bermain lompat tali
b. Hobi mereka adalah bersepeda
Jawab :
3. Write in the Indonesian sentences!
a. I want to buy a new ball
b. Do you like playing kite?
Jawab :
4. Write in the english sentences!
a. 2035
b. 1945
c. Rp. 27.500,00
Jawab :
5. Arange these words into correct sentences!
a. Like – She – very – reading – is – book
b. Hobby – is – my – football – playing
Jawab :
10. Rena: May I know your phone number?

Lukas: note it, please. It is … (424347)

a. four two three four seven three

b. four two three four three seven

c. four two four three four seven

d. four two four three to seven

11. These are even numbers, except …

a. 16

b. 22

c. 17

d. 34

12. These are odd numbers, except …

a. 13

b. 3

c. 11

d. 6

13. Shinta has a dozen pencils, it means she has … pencils.

a. 10

b. 12

c. 11

d. 16

14. Every cow has … legs

a. two

b. six

c. three

d. four

15. Aris: What is twenty five plus twelve?

Bayu: …

a. Twenty five plus twelve equals thirty seven

b. Twenty five plus twelve equals thirteen

c. Twenty five plus twelve equals thirty six

d. Twenty five plus twelve equals thirty five

16. Number ½ in English is …

a. one two

b. a half

c. a quarter

d. two first

17. Five divided by two is …

a. five point two

b. two fifth

c. two point four

d. two point five

18. Every hen lays four eggs. Nunung has five hens. So, she has … eggs now.

a. nine

b. sixteen

c. twenty

d. twenty five

19. What is seventeen times four?

a. seventeen times four is sixty eight

b. seventeen times four is sixty seven

c. seventeen times four is three

d. seventeen times four is sixty eleven

20. Seven divided by two is …

a. two point five

b. three point five

c. four point five

d. five point five

Guess the jobs/occupation below!

1. I am responsible for delivering letters to the addressees. I am a ...

2. This man works in a garmet factory. He designs and makes clothes. He is a ...
3. This woman works in a restaurant. She is responsible for serving the customers
who wants to order menu. She is  a ...
4. They work in the rice field and plant rice They are ...
5. These people work to make tables, chairs, cupboards. They are ...
6. Rudi cures patients in the hospital. Hes is a ...
7. A person who is responsible to extinguish fire is a ....
8. He repairs motorcyle, car etc. He is a ...
9. She manages the traffic on the road. She is a ...
10. They represent Indonesia on Asian Games events. They are ..

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Job and Occupation

1. Who can cure your illness?

a.Doctor  b.Fisherman  c.Businessman  d.Fashion designer

2. Who can work on ship?

a.Doctor  b.Sailor  c.Pilot  d.Fashion designer

3. Who can navigate the plane?

a.Doctor  b.Fisherman  c.Businessman  d.Pilot

4. Who makes and sells breads?

a.Baker  b.Writer  c.Driver  d.Teacher

1. What is this? This is a... *

10 poin

A. car
B. cart
C. pedicab
D. train

2. Look at the picture below! I go to school by... *

10 poin
A. tricycle
B. motorcycle
C. bicycle
D. plane

3. Mr. Iwan goes to Lampung by.... *

10 poin

A. sheep
B. train
C. boat
D. ship

4. What is that? That is a.... *

10 poin

A. truck
B. bus
C. motorbike
D. bike
5. My mother goes to the market by.... *
10 poin

A. cart
B. pedicab
C. helicopter
D. boat

6. Mr. Arman goes to Bali by.... *

10 poin

A. bus
B. train
C. ship
D. plane

7. Rearrange these words below to make a good sentence! *

10 poin

a. He goes to car by the office

b. He goes to the office by car
c. The car goes to office by He
d. The office goes to He by car

8. Translate into English! "Dia (P) pergi ke Bandung memakai kereta" *

10 poin
A. He goes to Bandung by plane
B. She goes to Bandung by plane
C. He goes to Bandung by train
D. She goes to Bandung by train

9. What transportation is this? This is a.... *

10 poin

A. bus
B. ambulance
C. truck
D. taxi

10. Translate into Bahasa Indonesia! "He goes to Jakarta by car" *

10 poin

A. Dia (P) pergi ke Jakarta memakai delman

B. Dia (L) pergi ke Jakarta memakai mobil
C. Mereka pergi ke Jakarta memakai mobil
D. Dia (L) pergi ke Jakarta memakai delman
Pilihan Ganda

Soal No.1
The leader of a country is. . .

A. king

B. minister

C. governor

D. president

Soal No.2
Look the following picture!

The capital city of that region is. . .

A. Denpasar

B. Bandung

C. Pontianak

D. Medan

Soal No.3
Sekapuk is a village. The leader of village is. . .

A. subdistric head

B. village chief

C. regent

D. major

Soal No.4
Saudi Arabia is a kingdom. A . . . leads it

A. king

B. minister

C. emperor

D. president

Soal No.5
The capital city of Thailand is. . .

A. Jakarta

B. Beijing

C. Bangkok

D. Kuala Lumpur

Soal No.6
The capital city of Philipine is. . .

A. Kuala Lumpur

B. Seoul

C. Manila

D. Phnom Penh

Soal No.7
Look the following picture!

Who is Agus?. . .

A. he is a minister of education

B. he is a minister of finance
C. he is a minister of health

D. he is a minister of defence

Soal No.8
Menteri perdagangan is . . .

A. The minister of finance

B. The minister of trade

C. The minister of tourism

D. The minister of foreign affairs

Soal No.9
Tokyo is the capital city of. . .

A. Indonesia

B. Australia

C. Vietnam

D. Jepang

Soal No.10
Look at the picture below!

They are ...

A. The minister of justice

B. Attonery general

C. People consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia

D. The House of Representative of the Republic of indonesia

Soal No.11
The leader of a regency is. . .

A. regent

B. major

C. governor

D. district head

Soal No.12
A king has a son. We call him. . .

A. prince

B. princess

C. ambassador

D. queen

Soal No.13
Governor is the leader of a. .

A. country

B. municipality

C. regency

D. province

Soal No.14
Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat Indonesia (MPR) is . . .

A. The minister of justice

B. Attonery general

C. People consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia

D. The House of Representative of the Republic of indonesia

Soal No.15
The first president of Indonesia was...

A. Joko Widodo

B. Ir. Soekarno

C. BJ. Habibie

D. Soeharto

1. The traffic sign means that you can't ... here

    a. park
    b. stop
    c. turn
    d. start

2. We are not allowed to turn ....


  a. left
  b. right
  c. forward
  d. around

3. It is a ....

   a. T-junction
   b. crossroad
   c. zebra cross
   d. traffic light
1. Karina drinks ….. three times a day.
a. Wheelchair
b. Orange
c. Medicine
2. My mother buys medicine in the …..
a. Office
b. Pharmacy
c. Bank
3. My grandmother can’t walk. She sits on the ……
a. Hospital
b. Wheelchair
c. Doll
4. An ……. is used to take the patient to the hospital.     
a. Ambulance
b. Car
c. Taxi
5. My aunt is sick. She goes to …….
a. Bank
b. Cafe
c. Hospital

Baca juga: Sistem Vocabulary Corner level 2 By Scholars Official

B. Fill in the missing words in the sentences

6. Mr. Dani feels pain in his back. He has a ……
7. Carla feels pain in her teeth. She has a ……
8. The patient is walking with a …..
9. My sister has toothache. She goes to the …..
10. A …. is a place where sick people get a treatment.

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