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Social Media for Business Owners and Managers

Management is that the art of communication and aligning the goals of the corporate and its workforce.

Open and transparent dialogue forms the bottom on which the muse for effective communication is
made. the corporate owners and managers must provide a social support mechanism and platform.
they're the evangelists of the organization for both employees and external clients.

With the spurt in Social Media, communication has become easy and therefore the tools will be
accustomed facilitate communication among the staff and consumers additionally. The senior
management should realize the importance of Social media within the evolving social dynamics. Some
managers are early adopters and became using the Social Media space to their advantage while some
are still considering it.

This is where the Social Media consultants can step in and guide the managers and owners to use Social
Media to their advantage and the way to bear in mind of its pitfalls also. Some tips which will help in
easing the method of adoption by the managers include:

1. Active Listening

Social media is the maximum amount as about listening as about speaking. Communication may be a
two way process and paying attention to the market, consumers and employees is extremely important
to further the organization interests.

2. Open Communication

All employees within the organization should have access to information in order that they convey both
internally and externally. they must be encouraged to act as Company Ambassadors. If the CEO uses
Social Media tools like blog’s , twitter and Facebook then the purchasers and partners feel a connection
as they know they need somebody in a higher place listening. If the senior managers are open and
accessible, then it nurtures and promotes an open culture supported sharing.
3. Use coaching and mentoring

In the ever evolving social media arena , a training system should be established in order that all
concerned within the organization from the highest to the underside are involved and best practices and
policies are recognized. People should be eased into the Social Media space.

4. Start Small

The newbie’s can start by posting small posts for a personal audience. The new convert can start by
posting industry updates and these will be slowly converted into company initiatives and conversations
with other participants. The seniors should be ready for a dialogue with the followers and other Social
media citizens. this might include uncomfortable questions furthermore.

Once the senior management starts using Social media effectively, they'll foresee a large and positive
change within the organization perceptions among employees, customers and partners. During the
human process, there may be hiccups and every one the key components should be able to
accommodate them but the Business will become closer to its target market. the complete social media
process must be incorporated within the Organization’s culture and listening, acting and learning must
always go hand in hand.

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