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By: Ermias Girma (Ass. Professor)

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Student Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to know
Process Design Development Steps
Meaning of Project
Constraints of project , characteristic of project and
project life cycle
Identifying type of chemical process diagram
Describe the purpose of a BFD, PFD and P&ID
and the information and symbols found on
How to read and draw BFD, PFD and P&ID
Process equipment's symbol and numbering
Process Unit symbology
Equipment Specifications
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 Process design can provide chemical engineers with probably the most
creative activity enjoyed by the engineering profession.

 There are many opportunities to come up with imaginative new processes

or the introduction of changes that can positively alter existing processes.

 Chemical engineers in process design face challenges in creating ingenious

and often complex flow sheets for new or revised processes.

 In this task they will make many design decisions that can affect the
success or failure of a process design. Without a doubt, process design is
rarely straight forward or routine.

 Rather, such developments involve innovative approaches to entirely new

processes or revisions to existing processes that are more profitable, better
controlled, operationally safe, as well as environmentally sound.
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 A principle responsibility of an engineer is the design, construction,
and operation of chemical plants.
 The engineer must continuously search for additional information to
assist in these functions. Such information is available recent
publications, operation of existing process plants, and laboratory and
pilot-plant data.
 The engineer should always be willing to consider completely new
 An attempt to understand the controlling factors of the process,
whether chemical or physical, helps to suggest new or improved
 The terms process synthesis and conceptual process design are used
for the invention of completely new process flowsheets.
 The primary goals of process synthesis are therefore to reduce
commercialization risk and to maximize economic attractiveness so
as to generate
12/23/2021 6:05:59 AM sufficient financial reward to balance the risk. 4

The development of a design project is always initiated

with the creation of one or more potential solutions to
meet a recognized societal or engineering need.

A careful analysis of each proposed solution must be

made so that the approach recommended can be stated
 clearly and concisely as possible to define the
scope of the project,
 recognize potential design problems, and
 identify data that will be required in the
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2. Literature Survey
 In the development of solutions to a design need, it is important to
make a thorough search of the literature to obtain the latest data,
flow sheets, equipment, and simulation models that may lead to
a more profitable design.
 Several literature indexes are extremely helpful in searching the
current literature.
 One of primary interest to a design engineer are the Chemical
Abstracts, Engineering Index, Applied Science and Technology
Index and Science Citation Index.
 A primary source of information on all aspects of chemical
engineering principles, design, costs, and applications is Perry's
Chemical Engineers' Handbook (1997).
 Chemical Processing Handbook (1993), Unit Operations
Handbook (1993)

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Chapter -2
2.Literature Survey cont’d

 The effective design engineer must make every attempt to keep an

up-to-date knowledge of the advances in the field.

 Personal experience and contacts, attendance at meetings of

technical societies and industrial expositions, and reference to the
published literature are very helpful in giving the engineer the
background information necessary for a successful design.

Patent Search: Design engineers must be aware of patents to avoid

duplication of designs protected by these patents.

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 After careful review of the societal or engineering need and

surveying the literature for possible leads to one or more practical
solutions, the design engineer frequently encounters a major
challenge in creating a new process or significantly improving an
existing process to satisfy this need.

 This part of process design involves the synthesis of various

configurations of processing operations that will produce a
product in a reliable, safe, and economical manner with a high
yield and minimum by-product or waste.

 In the past this creative activity was normally performed from

experience gained in similar processing situations and the use of
heuristics, or rules of thumb.

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 In the process of synthesizing a flow sheet of process operations to
convert raw materials to desired products, the design engineer first
must select the processing mode: either batch or continuous.

 Then a decision must be made on the raw materials, products, and

by-products involved in the process.

 This is followed by a review of the principal operations required to

achieve the desired product and then assembling different
configurations of these process operations.

 It is quite apparent that a process with several raw material choices,

each with a number of process operations, can very quickly
become a large combinatorial problem.
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4.Batch Versus Continuous Operation
 In general, continuous processing is the preferred mode of
operation used in the production of commodity chemicals,
petroleum products, plastics, paper, solvents, etc., because of
reduced labor costs, improved process control, and more uniform
product quality.

 However, batch and semi continuous processes are often utilized

when production rates are small, such as in the manufacture of
specialty chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and electronic materials, or
when the product demand is intermittent.

 This is particularly true when the demand for the product is

interspersed with the demand for one or more other products that
can be manufactured using essentially the same processing
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4. Batch Versus Continuous Operation Cont’d

 In such cases, the processing equipment is cleaned between

batches and used alternately to carry out the steps involved in the
production of different products.

 The choice between continuous or batch as well as semi

continuous processing is commonly made very early in the process
synthesis step. Normally, continuous processing is assumed unless
a qualitative analysis indicates that batch or semi continuous
processing provides a better mode of operation.

 Besides in the case of low or intermittent demand, the design

engineer may opt for batch and semi continuous operation when
the process involves hazardous or toxic chemicals or when safety
of the process is a major concern.

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5. Raw Materials and Product Specifications
 Once the operational mode is determined, the design engineer
should establish a number of specifications that can define the
state condition of the raw material and product.
 Generally, the flow rate required for the product, as established by
a market analysis, is of primary interest.
 This will have a direct effect on the flow rate of the raw material(s).

 After the flow rates have been established, the composition (mol or
mass fraction of each chemical species), phase (liquid, gas, or
solid), form (particle size distribution and particle size),
temperatures, and pressures of each raw material and product
stream are established as well.
 Although other specifications may be required, the specifications
listed are usually sufficient to establish the condition of both the
raw material and the product streams.
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6. Process Synthesis Steps
 The next step in process synthesis involves the selection of
processing operations to convert the raw material to products.
 The basic processing operations listed below are used to eliminate
property differences between inlet and outlet streams.'

Synthesis step Basic processing operation

 Molecular change  Chemical reaction
 Composition change  Separation of mixture
 Phase elimination  Phase separation
 Temperature difference  Change in temperature
 Pressure difference  Mixing streams
 Phase difference  Change in pressure
 Distribution change  Change in phase
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6. Process Synthesis Steps cont’d
 Most chemical engineering equipment involves one or more of
these basic programming operations.
 For example, reactors are used in a chemical process to eliminate
differences in the molecular structure between the raw material
and product streams.

 The positioning of the reaction operation in the arrangement of

process operations proceeding from the raw material to product
involves the degree of conversion, reaction rates, competing
side reactions, and the existence of reversible reactions.

 All these reaction concerns, in turn, are closely related to the

temperature and pressure at which the reactions are carried out,
the methods for adding or removing energy during the reaction,
and the choice of catalysts that provide both the reaction rate and
the selectivity
12/23/2021 6:05:59 AM required in the process. 14
 Quite often the process creation step, after elimination of the less
profitable processes, still provides several entirely different
processing flow sheets for the manufacture of the same product.
 These processes must be compared in order to select the one that is
best suited for the existing conditions. This comparison certainly
can be accomplished through the development of complete designs
for each process.. The following items should be considered in a
comparison of this type:
 Technical factors
 Raw materials
 Waste products and by-products
 Equipment
 Plant location
 Costs
 Time factor
AMProcess considerations
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 Process development on a pilot-plant or semi works scale is

usually desirable in order to obtain accurate design data.

 Valuable information on material and energy balances can be

obtained, and process conditions can be examined to supply
data on temperature and pressure variation, yields, rates, grades
of raw materials and products, materials of construction,
operating characteristics, and other pertinent design variables.

 In the case of a new product, a pilot plant or semi works plant

may be needed in order to provide sufficient product for market

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2.1 What is a Project?
 “A Project is a non-routine, non-repetitive complex economic
activity that requires investments or commitments of scarce
resources to provide facilities, goods, services, etc. whose benefits
would exceed the committed investments or resource”.

A project is a collection of tasks that must be completed in

minimum time or at minimal cost.

A project consists of non-routine activities and is viewed as an

instrument of change.

A project is an undertaking designed to examine present practice,

to propose change and to test the implementation of change.

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Elements/Characteristics/Features of a project
 Non-routine/ non-repetitive
 Economic activity for future benefit
 Components conducted side by side (in parallel,
simultaneously) or one after the other (in sequence)
 Investment (allocation of scarce resources), budget with cash
 A development effort
 It has a sense of uniqueness
 Requires a unique organization (as opposed to
functional/institutional org.)
 Temporary/One-off activity
 Start and Finish, or Beginning and End=>gestation period,
project life
 Life Cycle(with distinct phases b/n beginning & completion)
 Single point of responsibility(i/e/Project Manager)
 Team
12/23/2021 roles,
6:05:59 AM team building 18
Elements/Characteristics/Features of a project cont’d

 Projects are different from ordinary work.

They are intended to change things
 Projects have a timeframe with a beginning and an end
 Projects have to be planned
 Projects use resources and need a budget
 Projects require evaluation – the criteria for evaluation need to
be established from the beginning
 Projects have an outcome, which is not necessarily known at the
 The outcome is very often a “product” of some kind
 At the end of a project, decisions need to be taken about
whether to use or institutionalize the outcome
Projects involve people

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Why Projects?
In any economic development gov’ts or institutions act as per or in reaction to
given environmental conditions.
Projects play vital roles as Policy Instruments or ~ strategic moves in
favour of setting.
 Technological innovation
 Broadening the physical resource base.
 Institutional/capacity building
 Improved stature of disadvantaged groups.
 Improved post-harvest handling and distribution
Five basic project management processes are:-
i. Initiating; recognizing that a project should be begun and committing to do
ii. Planning; identifying objectives and devising a workable scheme to
accomplish them.
iii. Executing; Coordinating people and other resources to carry out the plan.
iv. Controlling; ensuring that the objectives are met by measuring progress and
taking corrective action when necessary.
v. Closing; formalizing acceptance of the project and bringing it to an orderly
end.12/23/2021 6:05:59 AM 20
The Project Cycle
i. Several distinct stages, closely linked
ii. Follow logical progression
iii. Chain of stages/phases

The nature of projects

Whatever the nature of the project there are three core issues which need to be
i. Quality
ii. Cost
iii. Time
In addition, projects invariably take place in a context which includes organizational
politics, individuals’ personal objectives and external, commercial or stakeholder
pressures. 21
Project Success Factors

 Financially sound, feasible and affordable project

 The country risks must be manageable
 Strong government support
 The project must rank high on the host government’s list
 The legal framework must be stable
 Efficient administrative framework
 Fair and transparent bidding procedure
 Structured transactions
 Experienced and reliable sponsors
 Financial strength of sponsors
 Experienced and resourceful construction contractors
 Adequate financial structure
 The currency, foreign exchange and inflation issues
 Co-ordinated contractual framework

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2.2 Block Flow Diagram
 It is the simplest form of flow diagram. Each block can
represent a single piece of equipment or a complete stage in
the process. It is useful for showing simple processes.

 A simple block flow diagram can be used to give a rough idea

of the overall process flow structure, and may be useful when
giving a presentation.

 Block diagrams are useful for representing a process in a

simplified form in reports, textbooks and presentations,
but have limited use as engineering documents.

 Block can be of any shape, but it is usually convenient to use

an mixture of squares and circle, drawn with a template

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Block Flow Process Diagram for the Production of Benzene

Figure 2.5 A block flow diagram of Production of Benzene

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Block Flow Process Diagram for the Production of Benzene

 Toluene and hydrogen are converted in a reactor to produce

benzene and methane.

 The reaction does not go to completion, and excess toluene is

 The non condensable gases are separated and discharged.
 The benzene product and the unreacted toluene are then
separated by distillation.
 The toluene is then recycled back to the reactor and the
benzene removed in the product stream.

 The is block flow diagram gives a clear overview of the product

ion of benzene, un obstructed by the many details related to
the process.
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 An engineer uses flow diagrams to show the sequence of
equipment and unit operations in the overall process, to simplify
visualization of the manufacturing procedures, and to indicate
the quantities of materials and energy transfer.
 These diagrams may be divided into three general types:
1. Qualitative
2. Quantitative, and
3. Combined-detail.
 A qualitative flow diagram indicates the flow of materials, unit operations
involved, equipment necessary, and special information on operating
temperatures and pressures.

 A quantitative flow diagram shows the quantities of materials required for

the process operation.

 An example of a qualitative flow diagram for the production of nitric acid is

shown in Fig. 2-1. Figure
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Fig. 2-1. [Qualitative process flow diagram for the manufacture of nitric acid by the
ammonia-oxidation process].
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Flow Diagrams cont’d
Figure 2-2 presents a quantitative flow diagram for the same process.
 Preliminary flow diagrams are made during the early stages of a
design project.
 As the design proceeds toward completion, detailed information
on flow quantities and equipment specifications becomes available
and combined- detail flow diagrams can be prepared.
 This type of diagram show the qualitative flow pattern and serves
as a base reference for giving equipment specifications,
quantitative data, and sample calculations.

 A typical combined-detail flow diagram shows the location of

temperature and pressure regulators and indicators, as well as the
location of critical control valves and special instruments.
 Each piece of equipment is shown and designated by a defined
code number.
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[Fig. 2-2. Quantitative process flow diagram for the manufacture of nitric
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by the ammonia-oxidation process]. 29
An example of a combined flow diagram is shown in the following figure

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2.3 Process flow diagrams, block diagram, and standard symbols

Flow-sheeting (special language conveying information)

 Process design normally starts with a process scheme (flowsheet).
 The flowsheet is the key document or road map in process design.
 It's a diagrammatic model of the process describe the process steps in a
proper sequence using symbols to represent the various components
(equipment, lines, and control instrumentation) that make up the unit.

The Flow-sheet Importance

 Shows the arrangement of the equipment selected to carry out the
 Shows the streams concentrations, flow rates, compositions and
the operating conditions.
 During plant start up and subsequent operation, the flow sheet
from a basis for comparison of operating performance with
design. Shows the operating conditions.
 It's also used by operating personnel for the preparation of
12/23/2021 6:05:59 AM manual and operator training 31
Pictorial Flow Sheet
 The equipments are normally drawn in a stylized pictorial form.
 For tender documents or company brochures actual scale drawing
of the equipment are sometimes used.
Types of pictorial flow-sheets
a) Process Flow Diagram (PFD)
 A PFD is a simplified flow diagram of a single process unit, a
utility unit, a complete process module.
 The purpose of a PFD is to provide a preliminary understanding of
the process system indicating only the main items of equipment, the
main pipelines and the essential instruments, switches and control

 A PFD also indicates operating variables, such as mass flow,

temperatures and pressures, which are tabulated at various points in
the system.
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Pictorial Flow Sheet cont’d
 The PFD is a document containing information on:
 Process conditions and physical data of the main process streams.
 Main process equipment with design data.
 Main Process lines.
 Mass (material) balance.
 Heat balance (if applicable).
The preparation and presentation of the process flowsheet, also known as the
process flow diagram (PFD).
 PFD use as a primary means of transmitting and recording process information.
 A process flow diagram (PFD) is a diagram commonly used in chemical and
process engineering to indicate the general flow of plant processes and
 The PFD displays the relationship between major equipment of a plant and does
not show minor details such as piping details and designations (those can be seen
on a P&ID).

 Another commonly-used term for a PFD is a flow sheet.

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 Flowsheet is used by specialist design groups as the basis for
their designs. These include piping, instrumentation, and
equipment design and plant layout. It is also used by operating
personnel for the preparation of operating manuals and
operator training.
 During plant start-up and subsequent operation, the flowsheet
forms a basis for comparison of operating performance
with design.
 The flowsheet is drawn up from material balances made over
the complete process and each individual unit operation.
 Energy balances are also made to determine the energy flows
and the utility requirements.
 Most flowsheet calculations are carried out using commercial
process simulation programs. If the plant is later revamped to
new specifications, the PFD of the original plant is the starting
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AM revamp design. 34
 Several types of process flow diagrams (PFD) are used by
engineers, depending on the level of detail required.

 A full PFD should include all of the process vessels and

equipment and show all the process and utility flow lines.

 A full heat and material balance of the process showing the

composition, flow rate, and temperature of every stream is
usually included in or with a PFD.

 The PFD also indicates the location of every control valve, as

control valves play an important role in determining the
pressure balance of the process and hence in sizing of pumps
and compressors.
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Stream Numbering and Drawing
 Number streams from left to right as much as possible.
 Horizontal lines are dominant.
 Add arrows for
 Change in direction
 Inlet of equipment

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Exercise 1
Ammonia-air mixture is feed to the bottom stream of an
absorber with flow rate of 10L/min. Water then feed to the upper
stream of the same absorber with desired flow rate of 5L/min. There
are two outputs from the absorber where upper stream is insoluble
NH3 and bottom stream is NH3-Water mixture. This NH3-water
mixture then feed up to a batch distillation column. The column
produces ammonia gas as a top product which this product then will
be condensate with a condenser to produce liquid ammonia.
a) Develop Block Flow Diagram (BFD) for this process.
b) Develop Process Flow Diagram (PFD) for this process.
c) From looking at this process flow diagram or Block Flow
Diagram, what do you think the purpose of such a drawing
might be?

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Answer (a) Develop Block Flow Diagram (BFD) for this process

1. From looking at this Block flow

diagram, what do you think the
purpose of such a drawing might
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be? 38
Answer (b) Develop Process Flow Diagram (PFD) for this process

2. From looking at this

process flow diagram, what
do you think the purpose of
12/23/2021 6:05:59 AM such a drawing might be?39
Exercise 2

2. Ethanol-water mixture is feed to a batch distillation column.

This distillation process will produce ethanol vapour at the top
product which then condensate to produce liquid ethanol
which then collected into a distillate product tank. This liquid
ethanol and an acetic acid liquid from a acid feed tank are
then feed to a reactor. An exothermic chemical reaction will
producing ethyl acetate (a type of ester).
(a) Draw BFD for this chemical process.
(b) Develop PFD for these processes
(c) From looking at this process flow diagram, what do you think the
purpose of such a drawing might be?
(d) What are the major processing stages shown on the diagram and
described within the process description?

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Answer (a) Develop Block Flow Diagram (BFD) for this process

Answer (C)To provide an

overview of the major steps Answer (d)
required to separate ethanol –  Batch distillation
water mixture into ethyl  Condenser
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acetate.  Reactor 41
Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)
b)The next step in process design after the flowsheet is the
preparation of Piping and Instrumentation diagrams
(abbreviated to P & I diagrams or PIDs), often also called the
engineering flowsheet or mechanical flowsheet.
 A P&ID diagram shows the arrangement of the process
equipment, piping, pumps, instruments, valves and other
fittings. It should include:
 All process equipment identified by an equipment number.
 All pipes identified by a line size, material code and line
 All valves with an identified size and number.
 Fittings.
 All pumps identified by a suitable code number.
 All control loops and instruments.

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Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)
 The diagram allow the design engineer to simulate various
operating conditions and investigate the effect that these
changes will have on the operability and economics of the

 The diagrams are therefore required for reference while

operating a process to serve as guides for operators.

 This has led to legal requirements for maintaining the currency

of P&IDs and making them available to facilitate operational
safety in chemical plants.

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Piping and instrumentation diagram for a commercial
integrated solar water heating system

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Process and Instrument Diagram (P&ID)
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 The goal of the chemical engineer in process or plant design is to develop and
present a complete chemical or biochemical process that can operate on an
effective industrial basis.
 To achieve this goal, the chemical engineer must be able to combine many
separate units or pieces of equipment into one smoothly operating plant.
 If the final process or plant is to be successful, each piece of equipment must be
capable of performing its necessary function.
 The design of equipment, therefore, is an essential part of a design.

 The engineer developing a process design must accept the responsibility of

preparing the specifications for individual pieces of equipment and should be
acquainted with methods for fabricating different types of equipment.
 The importance of appropriate materials of construction in this fabrication must
be recognized.

 Design data must be developed, giving sizes, operating conditions, number and
location of openings, types of flanges and heads, codes, variation allowances, and
other information. Many of the machine design details are handled by the
fabricators, but
12/23/2021 6:05:59 AM the chemical engineer must supply the basic design information.
Scale-up of Equipment in Design

 When accurate data are not available in the literature or when past
experience does not give an adequate design basis, pilot-plant tests
may be necessary to design effective plant equipment.

 The results of these tests must be scaled up to the plant capacity.

 A chemical engineer, therefore, should be acquainted with the
limitations of scale-up methods and should know how to select the
essential design variables.

 Pilot-plant data are almost always required for the design of filters
unless specific information is already available for the type of
materials and conditions involved. Heat exchangers, distillation
columns, pumps, and many other types of conventional equipment
can usually be designed adequately without using pilot-plant data.
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Equipment Specifications
 A generalization for equipment design is that standard equipment
should be selected whenever possible.

 If the equipment is standard, the manufacturer may have the

desired size in stock. In any case, the manufacturer can usually
quote a lower price and give better guarantees for standard
equipment than for special equipment.

 Before a manufacturer is contacted, the engineer should evaluate

the design needs and prepare a preliminary specification sheet for
the equipment.

 This preliminary specification sheet can be used by the engineer as

a basis for the preparation of the final specifications, or it can be
sent to a manufacturer with a request for suggestions and
fabrication information. 48
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Equipment Specifications
 Preliminary specifications for equipment should show the following:
1. Identification
2. Function
3. Operation
4. Materials handled
5. Basic design data
6. Essential controls
7. Insulation requirements
8. Allowable tolerances
9. Special information and details pertinent to the particular equipment

 Final specifications can be prepared by the engineer; however, care must

be exercised to avoid unnecessary restrictions.

 The engineer should allow the potential manufacturers or fabricators to

make suggestions before preparing detailed specifications.
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Specification sheet for a heat exchanger
Date 22-11-2019

Figure 2-3 Specification sheet for a heat exchanger

Specification sheet for a sieve-tray distillation column

Figure 2- 4 Specification sheet for a sieve-tray distillation column

Materials of Construction
 The effects of corrosion and erosion must be considered in the
design of chemical plants and equipment.
 Chemical resistance and physical properties of construction
materials, therefore, are important factors in the choice and design
of equipment.
 The materials of construction must be resistant to the corrosive
action of any chemicals that may contact the exposed surfaces.
 Possible erosion caused by flowing fluids or other types of moving
substances must be considered, even though the materials of
construction may have adequate chemical resistance.
 Structural strength, resistance to physical or thermal shock, cost,
ease of fabrication, necessary maintenance, and general type of
service required, including operating temperatures and pressures,
are additional factors that influence the final choice of construction
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c)Utility Flowsheet (Process Engineering Utility Flow
Diagram (PEUFD))
 Used to summarize and detail the interrelationship of utilities such as
air, water (various types), steam (various types), heat transfer
mediums, process vents and purges, safety relief blow-down, etc.,
to the basic process.
 The amount of detail is often too great to combine on other sheets, so
separate sheets are prepared.

 The PEUFD is a document containing information on:

 Main distribution or arrangement of each individual utility system,
expect electrical systems.

 PEUFD Function: A typical process uses utilities such as cooling water, air
and electric power, drinking water, steam, plant air, instrument air, fuel
oil/gas inert gas and similar utilities.

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d) Process Safeguarding Flow Diagram (PSFD)

 The PSFD is a document highlighting information on:

 Types and levels of protection offered by the devices
installed and their inter relation to demonstrate the plant’s
 The P&ID contains all information required for a PSFD;
however, the PSFD highlights protection in case of extreme
conditions and measures to be taken to safeguard personnel
and environment.
Note: In general these schemes will only be made for complex
installations like offshore process platforms.

For simple applications the information shown on the P&ID is

usually sufficient to highlight safety devices and aspects.

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Use of diagrams and charts

 Drawing and diagram can be used to reinforce or supplement

textural information or where something is mare clearly shown
in diagrammatic form.

 A diagram, chart or graphs can help by summarizing the key

features of the data and representing it as a picture.

 A drawing intended to explain how something works; a drawing

showing the relation between the parts.

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PFD Symbols
 To reduce detailed written descriptions on flowsheets, it is usual practice to
develop or adopt a set of symbols and codes which suit the purpose.
 Many symbols are pictorial which is helpful in representing process as well as
control and mechanical operations.
 There are several international standards for PFD symbols. ISO 10628 is the
international standard for PFD drawing symbols.
 Most European countries have adopted ISO 10628 as their standard.
 Line Symbols and Designation
The two types of lines on a flowsheet are
(1) those representing outlines and details of equipment, instruments, etc., and
(2) those representing pipe carrying process or utility liquids, solids, or vapors and
electrical or instrument connections.
 The usual complete line designation contains the following:
(1) line size (nominal);
(2) material cod
(3) sequence number and
(4) materials of construction.
Examples: 2"-CL6-CS40
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Equipment Designation

 Equipment code designations can be developed to suit the

particular process, or as is customary a master coding can be
established and followed for all projects.
 A suggested designation list (not all inclusive for all processes) for
the usual process plant equipment is given in Table below.
 The various items are usually numbered by type and in process
flow order as set forth on the flowsheets. For example:

Item code Designation

S-1 First separator in a process

S-1 Second separator in a process
S-1 First compressor in a process
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Process Unit Symbology/PFD Symbols

Figure 2.6 shows symbols that are used for reactors, mixers,
vessels, and tanks.

Figure 2.7 shows symbols used for heat transfer equipment.

Figure 2.8 provides symbols for fluid-handling equipment and

Figure 2.9 gives symbols for solids-handling operations.

Some general symbols that are used in combination with other

symbols are shown in Figure 2.10.

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Process Unit Symbology/PFD Symbols Cont’d

FIGURE 2.6 PFD symbols for reactors, vessels, mixers, and tanks.

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PFD Symbols Cont’d

FIGURE 2.7 PFD symbols for heat transfer equipment.

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PFD Symbols Cont’d

FIGURE 2.8 PFD symbols for fluid-handling equipment

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PFD Symbols Cont’d

FIGURE 2.9 PFD symbols for solids-handling equipment.

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PFD Symbols Cont’d

FIGURE 2.10 General PFD symbols used with other symbols.

12/23/2021 6:05:59 AM 2.11 Flowsheet: polymer production 63
PFD Symbols Cont’d

 Note that some types of equipment have generic symbols as well as symbols
that describe a particular equipment type.

 If the wrong symbol is selected, this can cause confusion for other engineers
who read the flowsheet.

 For example, Figure 2.6(i) shows an in-line mixer, which would be used
downstream of a T-junction to ensure rapid mixing of two liquid streams.

 Figure 2.9(f) shows a solids mixer or blender that would be used to mix solids
into a liquid.

 Figure 2.10 (c) is the symbol for a propeller agitator that might be used in a
mixing tank.

 All of these symbols could be referred to as a “mixer”, but the designer’s

intention is obviously different in each case.

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PFD Symbols Cont’d

 The simplest method, suitable for simple processes with few

pieces of equipment, is to tabulate the data in blocks alongside
the process stream lines, as shown in Figure 2.11.

 Only a limited amount of information can be shown this way,

and it is difficult to make neat alterations or to add additional
 A better method for the presentation of data on flowsheets is
shown in Figures 2.12. In this method each stream line is
numbered and the data are tabulated at the bottom of the

 Alterations and additions can be easily made. This is the

method generally used by professional design offices.

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PFD Symbols Cont’d

Figure 2.12. Flow-sheet: simplified nitric acid process 66

12/23/2021 6:05:59 AM
PFD Symbols Cont’d

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Information to be Included

The amount of information shown on a flowsheet will depend

on the custom and practice of the particular design office.

The essential items must always be shown; the optional items

add to the usefulness of the flowsheet but are not always

Essential Information
1. Always show all process equipment, including feed and product storage
and equipment used for transporting fluids and solids.
2. Always indicate the location of process control valves.
3. Stream composition, either
i. tabulate the flow rate of each individual component, kg/h, which is
preferred, or
ii. give the stream composition as a weight fraction.
4.Total stream flow rate, kg/h.
5. Stream temperature, degrees Celsius preferred. 12/23/2021 6:05:59 AM 68
Information to be Included Cont’d

6. Nominal operating pressure (the required operating pressure).

7. Stream enthalpy, kJ/h.

Optional Information
i. Molar percentage composition and/or molar flow rates.
ii. Physical property data, mean values for the stream, such
as density, kg/m3,
iii. Viscosity, mN s/m2.
3. Stream name, a brief, one- or two-word description of the
nature of the stream, for example “ACETONE COLUMN BOTTOMS,”

12/23/2021 6:05:59 AM 69

 The sequence of the main equipment items shown symbolically

on the flowsheet follows that of the proposed plant layout.

 The aim should be to show the flow of material from stage to

stage as it will occur, and to give a general impression of the
layout of the actual process plant.

 The table of stream flows and other data can be placed above or
below the equipment layout. Normal practice is to place it below.

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Basis of the Calculation
 It is good practice to show on the flowsheet the basis used for the
flowsheet calculations. This includes the operating hours per year,
the reaction and physical yields, and the datum temperature used
for energy balances.
 It is also helpful to include a list of the principal assumptions used
in the calculations.

Precision of Data
The total stream and individual component flows do not normally
need to be shown to a high precision on the process flowsheet;
three or four significant figures are all that is usually justified by
the accuracy of the flowsheet calculations, and will typically be

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Review questions
1. What is project? Explain elements of project.
2. What is meant by project life cycle?
3. Explain process synthesis steps
4. What are the different types of pictorial flow sheet? Explain each of them.
5. What are the main items that should be included in the PFD, P&ID, PEUFD
and PSFD
6. What is meant by the following identifications? PFD, P&ID, PEUFD and
PSFD State the information you can get from the following schemes: PFD,
7. What is the purpose(s) of equipment design and specifications in a
chemical process?
8. Explain basis of the Calculation
9. Draw flow sheet symbols for packed bed column and crystallizer
10. What should be considering before going piping and instrument diagram?
11. What are the advantages of flow sheet in design
12. What is scaling factor?

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Review questions
13. A process for making a single product involves reacting two liquids
in a continuously agitated reactor and distilling the resulting
mixture. Unused reactants are recovered as overhead and are
recycled. The product is obtained in sufficiently pure form as
bottoms from the distillation tower.
a) Prepare a qualitative flow sheet for the process, showing all
pieces of equipment.
b) With cross reference to the qualitative flow sheet, list each piece
of equipment and tabulate for each the information needed
concerning chemicals and the process, in order to design the

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