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Thi Qar University

College of Engineering
Petroleum and Gas Department
Reservoir Lab
Third stage
Pour Point Test

Prepared By
PE. Lateef ALmajid
Pour Point
The Pour Point test for crude oil is designed to identify
difficulties in storage and handling of crude oil with unusually
high oil pour point. (Never store fuel near or below the tested oil
pour point) where by the Pour Point is the lowest temperature at
which fuel can be handled before the viscosity becomes
unmanageable even for positive displacement fuel transfer
pumps. Fuel is easy to keep warm but once "set" in this way it
can be very difficult to re-liquefy with obvious consequences;
this really is a very simple test with instructions and equipment
provided in the Lab .

1- Fetch the oil sample and put it by angle 45
2- Use water path or oven to begin heating
the sample.
3- Insert thermometer into crude to measure
the temperature.
4- Observe the sample until the first drop
5- Record the temperature at this point.

1-Test Jar .
The pour point of a lubricant is the lowest temperature at which
the oil is observed to flow by gravity . the pour point is reported
in 3c intervals.
In the test the oil is cooled (under controlled conditions)to the
point where the oil shows no movement when the lab sample
container is tilted.
The pour point is an indication of the cold temperature
properties of the lubricant.
The pour point is an important property for all lubricants
exposed to cold start or cold operating conditions.

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