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Quantitative Aptitude
ai{o iia proiortion; 7


Ratio is a comparison of two or more quantities of the same kind (same units) by division.

If x and y are two quantities of the same kind then the fraction I is called the ratio of x and y. It is written as x:y.
The quantities x and y are called the terrns of ratio.
x is called frst term (antecedent)
is called second term (consequent)

Important Points regarding Ratio:

Whenever a given ratio A:B between two magnitudes we always gxpress the actual magnitudes as
KA and KB where K is a constant
if a>b then a:b is known as greater inequality

If a<b then a:b is know as lesser inequality

UomDound raflo oI
. ^a c e ace
' b'd' f bdf

a' :b' is the duplicate ratio of a:b

a':b' is the triplicate ratio of a:b

Ji tJi is the sub duplicate ratio of a:b

{i ,{i is the sub kiplicate ratio of a:b

Dividing a given number'N'into two parts which are in the ratio a:b is

AandBwhenl: N o & B: r
* a*b a*b

Dividing a given number'N' into three parts which are in the ratio a:b:c is A, B & C

thenl: B= N b, C= N ,
a+b+c a+b+c a+b+C

An equality of two or more ratios is calied proportion i,e,,

4 a:b: c:d
bd :
thena, b, c, d are saidto be inproportion +=

r rrre thot you wilt live tomorrow.
?:',:ia:::t;;: t:,
39 100 Pages to suecESS
'a:;i.i t;.::"t:
i;,;t+;:::+:r ti
?-;j:it'.:,:j? . ,;i
$, L{$}fi Ilf( {0LtjTtCIt{t
Ratio and Froportions tonnecring Y0lJ to Y0l.JR FlItlJRL..

a is called 1" +
proportional b is called 2"d proportional
c is called 3" proportional + d is called 4* proportional

a and d are called 'extremes' and b and c are called 'means'"

Product of means : product of extremes that is a:b: c:d i"e., ad = bc
Properties of Proportion :

bdaa -= -
acab c) 'o:b:C:dthena:C:b:d
b d -=-
c d'"
ac c*d
; a:b: c:d then (a+b) : 6: (c+d):d

a c a-b c-d

bdb d

^ q+b c+d
ac a+b ctd
bd a- b c- d a, b, c-,d
ace a* c* e* ..
bd/ b+d+"f+".
a_c e_a-c-e-..
b d f b-d-f-..
Continued Proportion:
if tkee or more numbers are related then the ratio of the first to the second, the ratio of second to the third etc.,
are all equal ratios. In such a case the numbers are said to be in continuous proportions.

Direct Variation:
lf trvo quantities a and b are related such that if 'a' is increased then'b'also increases similariy
If 'a' is decreased then'b' also decreases
In symbols we write aob
The Quantities 'a' and'b' are cal1ed directly related.

Inverse Variation:
If two quantities 'a' and 'b' are related such that any increase in 'a' would iead to a decrease in 'b' or any decrease
is 'a' would lead to an increase in 'b'. In symbols we u,rite u o ]b T*o quantities - -' b are said to be
- - 1-'---------- a-' and
inversely related.

, 7 fhdt
Enotions, feelings and desires are the poweis
push people ta
<u; take action
t{, L{tr}ll I lt( {CILUTtol{I Quantitative Aptitude
tomedhs (0[n ffl(tt1ftL

a'is called n*power of a, where n is said to be exponent or index of a.

a' = ! where 'a' is the base, x is the index and y is power of a.

Laws of Indices:

1, a'x ao - a'*o

2. (a')o: a*
3. O+ = a.-, rf m>n,
' 0n+=
1 rf m=n, (iiD+=+ rf m<n
a a" a"

4" ado: \la^

5" (ab)'= a' b'

tat a
6" l-l =-
\b) b

7. a-'= ;
a 1

9. "rv= a'"

10. u'* u'x aP x a'x ----------=am+r+p+r"" """ '


An irrational root of a rational number is called surd. Let 'a' be a rational number and 'n' be a
positive integer then{ : <l; is inational, then tE is a surd of order n.

Properties of Surds:
r, (Vr)
-a 2. <l; <li :<[A 3. $li.<6)' = ot

_V; 6. (di) =\17

il:r:iir i;l: ":1.::i :: i

rl i l,
lri: 100 Pages to
ia,::j::.::.: l:
''*i,i,ivi,i .
lii-.; irf;rl l' : ll' .r i:ll

ii:i:;ii;ii ilr,.r:iiaiiii;
;:ia ,:;. :a 7.4:za::
J{, tt$}ltili( i0t.ljTt0l${ ,,ati:a--:..4
i.-:t ;! 1;!:tz:r:,;?
tonnecting Y0U to YoUR n[URi-. t;.:a:L ::a2-!:,


The logarithm of a number to a given base is the index or the power to which the base must be
raisedto obtain thatnumber" If a': b where b>0 (where all,a>0) then the exponent m is said
to be logarithm of b to the base a. We represent it as follows:

!; llllllll l.'::l*,, [:ilil#*, llllllll
Laws of Logarithms:


I logo;mn'= logom+lag,n

2, ,rr,(:): loe, m-toson

4'. uu log,n

Logarithms to base e are called natural logarithms it is used in theoretical sense every where in logarithms.

Common Logarithms:
Logarithms to base 10 are called common iogarithms

Note: Logl :0; Logl0 = I

Characteristic and mantissa :

Logarithms of a number contains two parts namely characteristic and mantissa

The integral part of the logarithm of a number is calied characteristic and the decimal part of the

logarithms of a number is called its mantissa. Mantissa is obtained from logarithms tables.

Example:- 3.462

Where 3 is the characteristic and .462 is the mantissa.

An interesting fact about primes...

Mathematicians of XVlll'h century proved that numbers 31; 331; 333'1; 33331; 333331;
3333331; 33333331 are primes. lt was a big temptation to think that atI numbers of such
kind are primes. But the next number is not a prime.
t *
333333331 = 17 19607843

100 Pages to SUCCESS 'Positive thoughts are not enough. There

be positive feelings and positive actions.
]{, L$trllIH( totljTt0}t, 9y e lt ileliyeirllly g
YOU tO YOllR FI'TURL.- Equations

An equation is a statement of equality of two algebric expressions involving one or more variable.

Ex: 2x *3:0 + 2x: -3 + r:-J

x= -l2 is called solution or root of the equation


Linear equation with one variable:

An equation of the form ax*b=0 where a, b are constants and a* 0 and x is a variable is called Linear or simple

equation. The root or solution of the equations ax * b : 0 is given by ax = -b o, a =-J

Variable means the unknown present in the equations

l) Addition, subtraction, Multiplication or division of non zero constant

on either sides of the given equations doesn't change the inequality.
2) ky term of the equation can be taken to be other side of the equality by changing a sign.

Linear equation with two variables:

The general form of a linear equation is two variables x &y is ax + by* c:0 (a*0,b* 0) a, b,
c are constants (real numbers)

Simultaneous linear equations in two variables:

The equations of the form a,x+ bry + c, = 0 & azx +bzy * c, =0 are called simultaneous equations.

The set of values of x & y which satisfies both the equations are called solution set of the system.

consistent & Inconsistent system of two simultaneous linear equations:

A system having two simultaneous linear equations are said to be consistent if it has at least one solution.
i.e., it has one or more than one solution.
A system having two simultaneous linear equations is said to be inconsistent if it has "no solution".

Pi (3.14159...) is a number that cannot be written as a fraction

The billionth digit of Pi is 9.

g Being resolute, decisive and courageous in small

motters and in big ones is being positive.
100 Pages to SUCCESS

'l{, LffXffifi( $0LIJII0ifI
Eonnerflng YoU to Y0UR ruTURE-.

Note: consider two simultaneous linear equations say atx + bry + c, &. arx + bry + c,

rc L + ! ,n nthe given system of equations has a unique solution.

a2 b2
it is consistent (the graph intersects at one point)

If lL = lt = = fr then the system has- --------r '

infinitely many solutions
az bz c2 " ..

it is consistent (the graph is a pair of parallel lines)

If lL =! * L then there is no solution and the system of equations in inconsistent.

az b2 c2
Ilomogeneous system of linear equations:

The equations atx * bry :0 are called homogeneous equations (means degree of each term is same) of degree i.

rc lL *4 ,n. only solution is x = y:0

az D2

If L =| ,r.n there exists infinitely many solutions.

az b2

The equations of the form axz + bx +c = 0 is called a quadratic equation having one variable
and two roots. The roots can be find by using the formula.

X= -b+,[b'-4o; (Dronacharya' s method) or (Sridhara's formuia)


rf a =-u*Jt -q* p. R =-
--b-'tr -q'? are the roots then
2a -NP 2o

DIf b2 -4ac > 0 then a,p arereal & unequal.

DIf b'z -4ac is perfect square then a,pare rational & unequal.
,ff bz -4ac=0 then a,p arereal & equal.
qIf b'? -4ac< 0 then a,p arecomplex conjugates ofeach other.

,If b'z - 4ac>0 but not a perfect square then a, p are il:;ational & unequal.

6)a*0* -h"&a0:cla '

coeffecient of x
t"e., Sum of roots : -#-;product of roots =
constant term
coel|ectent oJ x' cofficient of x2

7) rf a'&. p are given then we can form the quadratic equation us x' - (a + p)x + ap = g

100 Pages to SUCCESS 44 !.,:r:t,;:,.:. -,0,i

'What you get is determined by the scope of your,1..:i.l
';;i1,:': ..,,:;,:i.
:ir ii-i::1r.. l
r"'l'::::t::l' ! i;
{, L[fi$tNlti( 5$t lJTt0}{I
[onnecting Y0ll t! Y0UH tUjURt...

nce Fornoutra:
nce between (*r,yr) &(*r,yr) is given by (xr-xr)z +(y,

Section formula:
,rThe Coordinates of a point P which divides the line of turo points (*r,yr) &(xr,yr)in the ratio m:n as

fmxr+*, I I tny. +ny,1 .-

L m+n )L-?m+n l|
p =l l,l (Internal division)

nx,1 f mv^ - nv.1

p =l
I mx" -
- m-n
--t *
l,l m-n | (External division)
L -JL l
Mid point formula:
'The mid point of the line. joining
(x1,!r) &@r,yr)is given by
( xr+x, lt+!r\
l2'2 )
Centroid of a Triangle:
The centroid (G) of a a ABC with vertices (x,yr)(xr,!r) &(x,yr) is given by

6 =l
*, + *r+ r, +
.rr lz
+ ltl
3 ' 3 ]
Area of a a/'is given by

MBC =)Lx,(y,- y,)

99 x99 = 9801
999 x999 = 998001
9999 x9999 = 99980001
99999 x99999 = 9999800001
999999 x 999999 : 999998A0000 1

9999999 x 9999999 = 9999998000000 1

99999999 x 99999999 : 999999980000000 I

f# 999999999 x999999999 = 999999998000000001

100 Pages to SUCCESS
{, uff$flff( t0tljTt0ill
Connecting YoU tn y0Uf FIURL

A11 money dealings are associated with three factors, i.e., principal; Rate of Interest and Time.
Computations of simple interest, compound interest,
pr.rlni and future values of annuities
nominal and effective rate of interest eic, are directly
burca on the above three factors.

The money bon'bwed or lent out for a certain period

is called the principal or sum.
Extra money paid for using other,s money is called

Kinds of interest:
. There are two kinds of interests:
i) Simple Interest
, ii) Compound Interest


when the interest is calculated only on the principal initially

invested, for each year of its use, it
is called simple interest.

Let Principal = P, Rate = R% per annum (p.a.) and

rime = n years. Then,

(i) ,s.1.= (e"rxn)

\100 )
(ii) r-(rooxs.r.) o-(tooxs.r.),_(rooxsJ.)

\ fixr )' I r*r ), -.-[ R_p ]


il If a borrower does not pay the interest at
the end of the prescribed period as in the case of
interest but adds it to the principal and then simple
prt"l;;;;;;r same rate on the new principal
during the period and so- on for frutliei periods, the interest
.next thus calculated is called
compound interest' The period at which
interesi is added is usually quarterly, half-yearly or


If you u!_.nny 10,000 times, it wiII not be heads 5,000 times,

lorj but more like
4,950. The heads picture weighs m're, so it
ends up 0n the bottom.
= P, Rate = R% per amum, Time = n years.

Annually: Amount : p(t*a)'

[ 100,

Half-yearly: Amount:.(,-#)'"

Quarterly: Amount: r[,-#)-'

Annually but time is in
) Amount = p(,, r)'.[,-]l
'[' ioo/
fraction. sav 3a vears. loo]
When Rates are different for different years, say
&%,R %,R for 1", 2'o and 3'd year respectively.

p( r-&)[, * &)[, * i
rhen. Amoun t =
\. loo/[ 100/[ 100-))

Annuity can be defined as a sequence of periodic payments (or receipts) regularly over a

specified period of time.

To be called aruruity a series of payments (or receipts) it must have the following features:
Amount paid (or received) must be constant over the period of annuity and
Time interval between two consecutive payments (or receipts) must be the same.

Types of Annuity: Annuity is of two types

i) Annuify regular: ln annuity regular first payment/receipt takes place at the end of first period.
ii) Annuity due or annuity immediate: When the first receipt or payment is made today
(at the beginning of the annuity) it, is called annuity due or annuity immediate.

Future value:

Where A = Accumulated amount

n : number of conversion period
i : rate of interest per conversion period in decimal
P : principal

Future value of a single cash flow can be computed by above formula. Replace A by future value
(F) and P by single cash flow (C.F") therefore F: C.F. (l+i)'

, Hoppy thoughts ottract happy peopte into your life.
9qlq{!e!iye 8r!ir"yg: I{, L{S$il}t( t0LuTI0}tl
Simple and Compound lnterest [lnnecting Yo[J to YflllR RJIUfii-.

Future value of an annuity regular:

If A be the periodic payments, the future value A(n,i) of the annuify is given by

,L -r1
A(n,i)= zftrn'x
i ]
Present value:

The present value P of the amount, A,due at the end of n interestperiod at the rate of interest
period may be obtained by solving for P for equation.
A. = P(l+i)' ; i.e.P =

Present value of an Annuity regular:

The present value (V) of annuity (A) is the sum of the present values of the payments.

(l+i)' (1+i)' (1+i)' (1+i)o (l+i)5

Think outside the BOX...

You are driving along in your car on a wild, stormy night, it's ra-nihg heavily, when suddenly you
pass by a bus stop, and you see three people waiting for a bus:
! An old ladywho looks as if she is aboutto die
! An old friend who once saved your life
D The perfect partneryou have been dreaming about.
Which one would you choose to offer a ride to, knowing very well that there could only be one
passenger in your car?
This is a dilemma that was once used as part of a job application.
D You could pick up the old lady, because she is going to die, and thus you should
save herfirst
! Or you could take the old friend because he once savedryour life, and this would
be the perfect chance to! Pay him back
D However, you may never be able to find your penect mate again.
The candidate who was hired had no trouble coming up with his answer. Guess what was his
He simply answered:
"lwould give the car keys to my Old friend and let him take the lady to the hospital. lwould stay
behind and wait for the bus with the partner of my dreams."
Sometimes,'we gain more if we are able to give up our stubborn thought limitations. Never
forget to "Think Outside the Box."

':;;:i lOO Pages to SUCCESS The power of motivation is"the power behind
every achievernent, big and smail.
The product of first 'n' natural numbers is called factorial n, in s1,rnbols we write fu or n!
i.e,,b=lx}x3x..'..'"'xr! ' ':

Ex:1) [I=5x 4x3x2xl

Note: =0! =1
Factorial is defined only for non negative integers:

Fundamental principle (multiplication principal):

If one operation can be perforrned independently in m different ways and another operation can be
performed independently in n different ways, then the total number of ways in which both these
operations can be performed simultaneously is m x n.

Addition: If any event can happen in m ways or n ways then both the events can happen in mtn ways.

The number of ways of arranging 'n' things by taking 'r' things at atime is called permutation of 'n'
things by taking r at a time . in symbols we write lp,, p(n,r) and it is defined as

' 1' = i
fu (0 <, S n) or nPr = n(n -l)(n -2)....(n-r+ 1)
Permutating of n things by taking 'n' things at a time of the given n things 'p' things are alike of one
kind, q things are alike of another kind.

No of ways of arrangem.nt $*uy,

Important results:
(a) Number of permutation of 'n' dissimilar things taken 'r' at a time is given by 1 =

(n- r)l
(b) Number of permutations of 'n' dissimilar things taken all at a time is given by ' I = n!
(c) Restricted Permutations: If out of n things p are exactly alike of one kind, q exactly alike of
second kind and r exactly alike of third kind and the rest all are different, then the number of

permutations of n things taken ail at a time is given A,

P !.ql.rl

(d) Number of circular permutations of n different things taken all at a time is given by (n- 1 ) I

Stories otort propt"

(6\ rnoteriol or spirituol, "no
hove achieved their goals, 100 Pages to SUCCESS
evoke the desire to do the same. r{iii
Quantitative Aptitude '[t, L{flflilt{(
[onnectint Y0lJ ro Y0UR IIIIURL

Particulars Case:
Necklace: Number of anangements of n beads all different to form a

necklace or on a circular wire will U. ]2'1, - t; t

Various Types of Permutations:

Case 1 When in a permutation of n things taken r at a time, a particular thing always occurs.
The required numbers of permutations = r('-' p,_r)

Case 2 The number of permutations of n different things taken r at atime,when a

particular thing is never taken in each arangement is ,-1{ .

Case 3 (Permutation with repetitions) The number of n things taken all at altime, given
that p, things are Ist alike p, things are IInd alike, and p, things are r,h alike is

p,! pz!...p,t

Case 4 @ermutation with repetitions) The number of n different things taken r at a time
when each may be repeated any number of times in each arrangements is n.

ii The number of ways of selecting'r' things from given 'n' thing is called combination
of n things by
taking r things at a time.

In symbols we write oc., ncr, c(n,r), (l) *a the formula to Then oc,, n6),= *- or 'c, =+
fln -r V-

Ex: Given three a, b, c, suppose we want to select two letters at a time then, the
selections of a,b,c is
ab, bc, ca is 3 ways.

c, =3

From the formula tc, p 13-

- -z =l2lt=3*2*7
" = 1213 2xtxl =3

142857x1= 142857
142857 x 5=7 14285
142857 x 6=857 142
142857 x 2=2857 14

100 Pages to SUCCESS

':i' ,/ Positive thinking evokes more en*rgy, i,irc
.,:, 6 initiative and more hoppiness.

ii, L{$*llllt( $0ttjil$llf
Eonnectins Y0lJto Y0|JR RIruflL

Important results:
'n' dissimilar things taken 'r' at attnteis given by h/1
n! '1
Number of combinations of v-

of 'n' dissimilar things taken all at a time is given by nC,=

nt" I
Number of combinations
nl(n-n)l 0!

Types of Combinations:

Case 1 To find the number of ways selecting one or more items out of n given items is
C,,*' Cr+' Cr+...+n Cn =2' -1.
Ctse2 The number of combinations of n items taken r at a time in which given p particular items
will always occur is n'P C,-p.

Case 3 The number of combinations are n items taken r at a time in which p particular items never
: (n-p\ n

l) n
,, =n Cn-,

2) 'Cr=L=n Cn

3) 'r, *n Cr-r =n*l C,

4) ,o *n C, +' C, +...."" +' Cn = 2n

5) 'ro *n Cr+n C.n.....-' Cr+n C3 +n Cs +....=)n-l

6) '1=r!('C,)
7)' C, =n (, e n = A(or) p * q = n
8) nc
(n-r +l)
e) n *n-tC,_r (n
= -r +1)x nC,_, (.i I S r S n)
10) The numbel of ways in which (m+n) things can be divided in to two

groups containing m and n objects respectively is W

l{, t{fi}lilti( I[Lljil0ltt
Eonnecting Y0U to Y0UR IUTURE.-

,,/;;i,Zi SEQUENCE
A set of numbers arranged in a definite order is called a sequence or progression"

Ex: 1) 1,2,3,4,5,
2)2,4,6,8, 10,
3) 3,32,3', , --------

The nft term ofa sequence is denoted by f.

iX'".:i-i SERIES
The sum ofa sequence is called series.


3) 3+32+33+....


A sequence is called an arithmetic progression if the difference between any two consecutive
terms is constant and this constant is called common difference of the A.P.

For exarirple:- a,a*d, a*2d, a*3d,...a+(n-1)d (d is the common difference of A.P.)

n" Term of an A.P. is given by

T, :4 + (n-i)d (T. is the last term)

d: Tz*Tr: T:-Tz:Tq- T: : ....

Sum of an A.P. is given by

If S, is the sum of first n terms of the A.P.a ,a*d, a*Zd,.

i.e.If S, = a + (a+d) + (a+2d) * ... up to n terms, then

s^ =l!l2o + (n - l)d) or 5n =Lp +tl


a: first term of progression, d = consecutive difference between fwo terms,

n: number of terms, I = last term: a + (n-1)d

100 Pages to SUCCESS Thoughts fuetted by desire and motivation makg

things hoppen


#, LI$*llI}{( $0IIJII0t{I Quantitative Aptitude l'f;1: L,?.
[onnectins YOIJ to Y0l.R FUIUR[...
-{eqi{nceloffiseiies i1=

:Sum ofnatural numbers ( f, n) ln=-!!--'lwhere, n eN.

'Sum of first n odd numbers l,lzn-l) L(2n'-I) = 1r,3 + 5 + ...:.(2n-l\,= n'

. Sum of first n even rmmber Z2n=2+ 4+ 6 + ... .2n: n (n+1)

\-t n(n+1)(2n+1)
Ln= 2

Znt = :_:-
,,Sumof fuurthpowers of
l,n'a -la +Zo, .':1i{
n{ii, + DQn i \pi? i 1o;,: tj
,fist'nlnatural numbers (Z nn ) 30

Arithmetic mean (A.M) of any two numbers a and b is given by A-il[.=o!
Also A= + a2 + .,.+ a,)is'arithmetic^mean'of'n'numbers"a'ar...,.a,
If three numbers a,b,c are in A.P., we say

b:c : c-b or a*c :Zb,b is called the arithmetic mean befween a and c.

1 . If we add or subtract a constant value from each term of an Ap,

resulting progression will also be an AP,
2. If we multiply or divide a constant value from each term of an
AP, resulting progression will also be an AP.
3. If we add or subkact corresponding terms of two APs, resulting
progression will also be an AP.
4. If we multiply or divide corresponding terms of two Aps,
resulting progression will not be an AP.

if terms are given in A.P., and their sum is known, then the terms must be picked up in following
way in solving certain problem.

For three terms (a-d), a, (a+d)

For four terms (a-3d), (a-d), (a+d), (a+3d)

For five terms (a-2d), (a-d), a,(a*d), (a+2d)

U,vnen you-toyjfit"
U/ Decome and expect the worst, you 100 Pages to SUCCESS
(6n weak and unhappy.
Quq$iletlys&!!u-99 #, L$$itll( {0LUT|0llt
Sequences ond Series Connecting Y0U h Y0Ufi FUIURL


1) Zn =1 +2+3 +.......+, =W*

2)Ln'=12 +22 +32+."..... +n2 =n(n+t)(2n+l)

3) Ln' =13 +23.......+n' =n2(n+l)2


4) Z2n -i = I +3 +5 +....... + (2n -l) = n'

s) fl= 1+ 1+ 1l- "....* I =n

'zti.rffiEt HARMONIC PROGRE ssloN

Non-zero numbers a12a2, are said to be in a harmonic sequence (or in H.P.)

if 1,1.. 1 areinA.P.
qa2 an

(1) Three non-zero numbers a,b,c arein H.P. ii 1,1,1 are in A.p.
a'b' c
rf 1 l_I l_ 2 1
(2) Ir =---=-=-]-

(3) If a,b,c ur. io H.P. then b is called the harmonic mean befween a and c.

(4) The harmonic mean between fwo numbers a and b i,
(5) rf a, HpHr...H,,b are in H.P. thenrl, ,Hr...Hn are called n harmonic means between a and b.

n'o tetmof the H.P. is

a + (n -l)d
(7) Three non-zero numbers a,b,c arein H.P. i16 : 4

(8) Three non-zero numbers a,b,c arein H.P. if ? - b = !

b-c c

(e) If A and H denote respectively the A.M. and H.M. befween fwo distinct positive numbers then A>H.

When you say "l can", and expect success, you fill
yaurself with canfidence and happiness,
l{, L{4$t{tt{( $0t tiTt0 tt$ gs1ryF!,"tBllqqe
[onnectia Y0lJ m Y0IJR FIIIIJRI.. Sequences ond Series

A progression (sequence) is said to be a geometric progession if the ratio of any two
consecutive terrns is a constant and this constant is called cofitrnon ratio of G.P

If 'a' is the first term and r is the common ratio then the GP is of the form.

a, ar, ar', &t3 ,".,,

The nth term of a GP in given by To: u. ;'-L

The sum to n terms of a GP is given by

s*ffffr<1 ,n-a(r'-r)
If r>1

1. If three numbers are in GP then assume the numbers u, 9, u, u,

2. If four numbers'are in GP then assume the numbers u, !'f'r/ ,or,or,

3. If five numbers are in GP then assume the numbers u, {!,r,or,or2

4. The reciprocals of the terms of a G.P. is also a G.P.

If a, b, c are in GP then b is called G.M. between a and c is

;=:)b2 =ac=b=,[ac
,,r,i,t,GisinGp 1

Sequential I's with 9

123 x9 - 4: 1111
123456x9 +7: i111111
1,2345678 x9 + 9 = 1111 1 1 1 1 1

t23456789 x 9 + i0 : 11111111 I 1

100 Pages to SUCCESS ;;1,;::,:

Quantitative Aptitude il, LitrIli lt( i0lljil
I olt{
;;A'n tii-iu'6n s
Te t ;, F u ;ct i o n s Ionnectins Y[l. to Y[UR FUruRi-.

A set is a well defined coilection of objects. Each object is called an 'Element' of the set.

Usually set's are denoted by capital letter like A,B,C,D and the element are denoted by small letters like a,b,c,d.
A collection is said to be well dehned if it is possible to say clearly whether a particular objects
belongs to it or does not belongs to it.

Method of representing a set:

(i) Roaster form (Tabulation Method) - In this Method all the elements are listed.

i.e. The set of vowels.

A: {a,e,i,o,u}
B : The set of prime number less than 10

B: {2,3,5,7}
(ii) Set Builder form (Rule form) - kr this method a set is described by characterizing properly P(x) of its element,

A : Set of vowels : {x : x is an vowel}

B : Set of Prime Numbers less than 10
C: tx : x is prime number x<l0)

Different Tlpes of Sets:

(1) Null Set:-The set which has no elements is known as null set. Null set is denoted by (D.

(2) Singleton Set:-A set which has only one element, is known as singleton set.

(3) Universal Set:-A set, which has all elements incurrent consideration operation, is known
as universal set. Universal set is denoted by ( or U.
(a) Sub Set: A set 'A' will be subset of 'B', if all elements of A is in B but at least one
element is B, which is not in A and is denoted by A B" c
(5) Proper Subset:-Set A will be proper subset of B, if all elements of A is in B but at least
one element is B, which is not in A and is denoted by A B. c
(6) SuperSet:-IfsetAispropersubsetofB,thenBwillbesupersetofAandisdenotedbyB>A'
(7) Power Set: The set of all subsets of a set A is called power set of A. It is denoted by P(A)"


Union Set: For example

Let A and B be two sets.
A= {a,b},8= {a,b,c,d}
Then set of elements which are in
A or in B or in both is said to be AUB={a,b,c,d}
union set ofA and B" It is denoted
by AuB.


100 Pages to SUCCESS

?-,7,,7 Quantitative Aptitude
?1i:= -a;i;u
ia G, F uin c:i ; n s li;a o n s

trntersection Set: For example

Let Aand B be two sets. Then the set A : : {c,d,e}
{a,b,c,d}, B
of elements which are inA as well as
AnB: {c,d}
in B is said to be intersection set
Aarrd B and it is denoted byAn B.


Dis-joint Set: For example

Let A and B be two sets. If there are A={1,2},B={x,y}
no common elements in sets A and B
then the sets is said to be dis-joint set.
AnB: {):A

AnB: O

Cohplementary Set: For example

Let U be the universal set andA be

If elements are in U
U = {a,b,c,d,e,fl, A: {c,d,e}
any nod null set.
but not in A,it is said to be comple- A' :U -A - {a,b,f}
mentary set of A and it is denoted by
Note:A v A':Uand AaA':@

Difference Set: Let A and B be two sets. If the elements are in A but not in B it is called difference set of A and B
and it is denoted byA-8.

A-B B -A
For example A: {1,2,3,4,5,6}; B : {5,6,7,8,9)
A-B: {1,2,3,4); B-A: {7,8,9}

lll,Lll,Lll x 111,111,111 - 12,345,678,987 ,654,321

,,/ Ptoy a movie of success in the projection room of 100 Pages to SUCCESS
$ ),our mind, ond soon this movie will turn into reolity.
.t{, L{.fi}litll( i0i.tjTt0t{f
Afi{ffiioti;ns [onnecttng YIU m Y0UR TUTURE*

Commutative Law
(AuB) = (BuA) and (AnB) = (BnA)

Associative Law
(Auay UC=Au(Buc)
(A nB) nC =Ao(BnC)

Distribufion Law
Au (Bn c) = (Au B) n (Au c)
An(BuC) = (AnB) u(AnC)
Idempotent Law


DetMorgan's Law
(AuB)' = A'n B'
(AnB)' = A'v B'


(1) n(Au B) = n(A) * n(B) - n(An B)

(2) lt An B = 0 then n(A u B) = n(A) * n(B)

(3) n(A-B) + n(An B) = n(A)
(4) n(B-A) + n(An B) = n(B)
(5) n(A-B) + n(A^ B) * n(B-A) = n(Au B)
(6) n(AuBuC) =,h(A) +h(B) * n(C) _ n(An B).h(BnC)_n(CnA) +n([6BnC)
(7) lf n(AnBnC) = 0 then n(AuBuC) = n(A) * *
n(B) n(C)
(8) n(AAB) = n(Au B).n(An B)

Important points:
Empty set is unique

If A contains 'n' different elements.then p(A) contains ,2o,different

In two sets, one is subset of other then the set is called comparable set.
If n(A) & n(B) are two sets then the number of injections from A into B is "(rboror

100 Pages to SUCCESS iili{tai?i,4

.il, Li$Itf til( {0 LUT|0}tt Quantitative Aptitucie
lonnecting YnU ts y0UR RIIEE_
Tets, i:inaions ona nadtions

Cartesian Prodrct of Sets: ?

Let A andB be two sets' Then cartesian product ofA and B is denoted by A X B and is defined as under:
AXB = {(a,b)laeA and be B}
For example:, A= {a,b,c,}, B: {x,y}
A X B = {(a,x) (a,y),(b,x),(b,y),(c,x),(c,y)}

Important Results:
(1) AXB #BXA
p) @XA=@
(4) AX(BuC) = (AX B) u(AX C)
(5) AX (B^C) = (Ax B) n (AXC)
(6) AX(B-C.) =(AXB) -(AXc)
(7) n(A X B) = n(A) .n(B) ?


Binary Relation on a Set: i .

Every subset of A X A is called a binary relation on A.

(1) Identity Relation: I = {@,a)lae A}
(2) universal Relation: A x A is called the universal relation
on A.

A relation R on A is calle*
(1)Reflexive:IfARVAeA ; .

(2) Symmetric: IfA RB :+ B RA ,

(3) Transitive: IfARB ; B RC
=) A R C
(4) Anti*ymmefic: IfA RB, B RA A=B :)
Let A and B be two non empty sets. Then if
all the elements of A are uniquely related with the
element of B, it is called function from A to
B and it is denoted by f:A+B

IfA-+B such that f(x):y, y is called image of x and x is called preimage of y.

Quantitative APtitude t{, L{$}t{ lll('0 LUTI CI ltI
s et s, {;;;ti ;;{ a;A d;i ;i i o tlii
Eonnecting YlllJ tr Y0llR tlliuRl"

The set of the elements of A is said to be domain.of flinction f and it is denoted
by Dt and set of
the elements of B is called co-domain of the function'

function and it is denoted by Rr'
The set of the elements of B which are associated with A is called range of
preimage of y
Note: If f:A + B such that f(x)=y, then y is called image of x and x is called

Yarious Tlpes of Functions:

One-one function: If distinct elements in A have distinct images in

B, i.e., f is 'one-one' if
f(x, ) f(xr) :
xt 4z it is also called as injective function'
image in B then it
Many-one function: If two or more than two elements of set A have the same
is calied'many-one' function' "'

of B then it is called
On-to function: For function f:A-+B if range of function f is proper subset
'on-to' function. lt is also oalled as subjective function'

In-to function: If at least one element in B has no pre-image in A.

Composite function: Let f: A + B and g: B -+ C given two functions' If R,

cQ is Satisfied

then we can say that go f: A -+ C exists. It is called composite ftrnction.

Inverse function: If f: A+B iS 'one-one' and 'on-to' function, the function f: B -+A is called
inverse function of f" Here note that /'of f(x): x and f o/'1x)= 1'

any function is 'one-one' and 'on-to' then we can say that inverse function
Note: 1) If
i.e. f(x):y x:,f-t(Y)
(one-one and on-to) <> (Inverse)

WoW !l! What a blundPr ?

Find a mistake in the following chain of arguments, pretending to prove that

Step- l) b
Ler A = then l\'lultiPtY bY O

Step-2) a2 = ol) then Add a2 -Zab to both sicic

step-3) At * Ar -zfib: ab + fl2 -z7b it coutd be sirnplificd as

Step4) 2at -2ab = a2 - Qb lt is tlie sanle as

Step-5) 2W2 - abl= l((/r - ab Recluce this bv tal - ab)
: Step-6) Hence 7=I

,1ii:..1 tOO Pages to SUCCESS


i], L{-fl}lilll( {0LUTI0 tit

Connertin! Y0U m Y0llf; FUTIflL

Let f be a function; if f(x) is defined for all real values of x in a neighbourhood of a fixed number
and f(x) approaches a fixed number 1 as x ) a form either side of a, Then 1 is called the limit of f
as x ) a and we write lt f (x) :1

Rules on Limits:

Let lim f (x) : I and limff(x) = m whete I and m are finite quantities then

t. llm,{f (*)+S(x)} =limf (x)+1im g(x):l+m.

2. lim{/(x) - g(x)} = Iim/(x) - limg(x) :l -m

x-+a x-)a

ltm{f (x).g(x)} = lim/(-r).lim8(x) =lm

x-)a \' x-+a x-+a
4. ttyl{f @) t s@)} = {ttmf (x)\ I {!*s$)}:v. (where g (x) * 0)
= c, Where c is a constant
6. limF {(x)}:F { lim (x)}=F(/)
x4a x+4

|11r{r(x)}:F {Wf @)}: r(/)
8.', limk.f (x): k]lim f (x)l:
'1 k.l(where k: constant term)
xja \x-a'

tog, .f (x) : tog,ll.1) f (x) : los I

B. Some Important Limits:

( n ,\
,. lX -o Il=fiO z-l
r-+a[ x -a
lim(l+ - *)''' :,

.. (e- -1\1- I
x-+0 X

r-U X
- ,,g, a(a > o)

log(1+ x)
,,* =,
.x-r0 X


:i l:;r
i?\l E
100 Pages to SUCCESS i',)iJa;'
:i r,1
)4lt:1 :,:
lr}il2h+i+r+ir'6 RgttLguc
n -+;.".J^

um'tt{;;Ae;'Ni;{n/ s, [$]t{tH( t0il,fl0ilt

[onnecting Y0lJ r! ylI]H FI.TURE...

7 I*(r +!)'
: u

8. lim f(t+r)'--t')
,-ol x ,
g. lime-' =0

10. l11g lrl':0; where lrl<1(...0<r<1)

"( -.\n
Ir" ,-.*(

12. ,togf =.f (x)

r.i;#g CoNTrNr.rrTy
Continuous function:
, A function f(x) is said to be continuous at x: a if and only if_
a) f(x) is defined ar x:a
IT .fe)=trryfG)
c) !2f @ - "f (a)
Discontinuous at a point:
A function f(x) fails to be continuous at x : a for any of the following reasons-
a) Wf @ exists but it is not equal to (a)
b) 1g (x) does not exist
c) f is not defined atx=a,i.e. f(a) does not exist.

If a function f(x) takes the form I u * = a, then we say that f(x) is indeterminant at x:a, other

indeterminant forms ur. a,@-@, 0Xa,1-,00,.o0


Note: L's Hospital Rule:- If the function f(x) takes the

t* 8 or any other indeterminant form then differentiate
the Numerator and the Denominator separately and
apply [m#s. So even after applying L,s Hospital Rule if we
get indeterminant form, then once again apply Us
Hoqpiiai rule until you get determinant form.

100 Pages to succEss

62 i.i:;:t:::1i
ta-117.:!:.: :.1'.,
.:.:,:r.i::1 t.i
::ir:l -. " i, l.ii
Nathing can stand in the woy
of absalute betief and
ii.:ir::i:il:i ri
f.:.t:4".1: a:
Lety = f(x) be a function. Let A y be the corresponding of y when f(x) changes from f(x) to f(x +[ x) i.e.,
x changes from x to (x +A x). Then derivative or differentiation f(x) with respect to (w. r. t) x is defined as

: f (x+ Lx)- f (x)
_f'(x) - *T, Ax ltlHI

I 4(constant) 0
2 4@')
r:x"-|, n € Q

3 , (a")
a*log, a,a)l
4 ;le^
) e*

5 {oos" *1 1 , xe R+
dx x
d,_ 1
6 x)
clx xlog.a

7 4r".rr*li
dx "4rtr*ll

8 4tror
g(x)) *tra>tx*k@t
dx dx

9 4tr'orr*ll
dx x*t* + s@)L{f (*)}
a frro) sat*u@-rat*rsan
t1 If u and v are the functions of *,th"n 4 dul dx
t2 . (x)

d.r. )

dx' 2Jx


Loziness, indifference and lock of irc tn,

results of lack of motivation.
i''i', al 100 Pages to SUCCESS
Quantitative Aptitude J{, L{*}}fl lt( t0 LIJT|0 lll
W;, reffiAi ;;A ktes ;il cq t;u ili lonnecting Y0lJ n YItIR FUTURE

Froduct formula:
, dv dv ..,,^^*^ /{ f(x)
), =uj
* '' where
dx'*'' d* dx I g(r):v I

X 2nd function)= l" function X differentiation of 2'd function + 2od function X differentiation of l't function.

Quotient formula:
du dv
dxlv) y'
{[3f ]

A I t. function I 2'd fun c ti o n x dffir enti at i o n of l' t fun ct i o n - 1" fun cti o n x dffi r enti ati o n of 2'd fun cti o n
drl7 fr*ttr, )= lT'd function)z



Let f(x) be the derivation of a function F(x) v x in a certain interval. i..,' .d- F(x) : f(x),
then F(x) is called an integral and are written as

ras dx : F(x)
i lllllffi r
lndefinite Integrals:

S.No Function . Derivative

lx'dx n+I
2 l!o* Log.xte
ta'd* !-+c,a+7,a>0

lr"d, ex,-rc

I (ax +b)n*' n
l{**b)'dx a n+\
lrax+b a, Itoe I ax+bl+C

t bx+c

ln**'d* b \og"a
1 hr*"
Iru-*"* -e + c
9 ;--l-6*
"x -a
10 i,!o-
Iron fg:')* c
2a "\a+x)
11 dx lonl, +
"l - a'l+ I

[^l-*7a. 22 -t
!-{* -!r'loglx +'[f .,o'l*c

IJl* t a. !-'[* r' -!o'log x *,[f *o'l*c
22 I

Properties of Definite Integrals:

Property 1. f (ia* -- -l f {ia*
a b

b c b

I f@)a*: tf@)a*+ [ ffidx;for,alclb

I f@)a* =l f@+b - x)dx
Properry 4 I f G)a* - ) f(a - x)dx
property5" - x)dx
I f(*)a* - I f@)a* +
! fQa

a !f{iar-z!f{iax,if f (2o-x)-f(x)
Property 6" o o


b) I/(Iidx -o,if f (2a- x) = -f (*)


oIf {ia, -z! f {iar, if f (x) i' an even runction

Property 7. o

o, f @)dx = 0, if (x) is an odd fi.rnction.

J{, L[fiIilff( t0tlJfloilt
[onnecting Y0U ro y0uR IUnIRE-

"s I I x ^
1) lf the4number' 1

are in proportion then the vatue of ,x, is.

t, r,ie-
Sot.: The given 4 number are in proportion, therefore
we can write it as.

.11 x
' 5'2"
-_. 2'3
'1 _ 1/2
__... 5

2 /J

^2 3x
4 4 -15x

z) lf the total money Rs 1400 is divided among A:B:c so that A:B

= 5 : 4 and
B:C= 9 : 10 then how much amount ,C, gets.
Sot.: The total amount 1400 Rs. given that A:B = 5:4, B: C= 9 : .10

-lg *1J'i,o * 1J
t e/t e)
n .40

+ 45:36:40
... total ratio is :(45+3 6+40)
+ 121

=+ The amount get by C i, = [t+oo" ao J

I rzt)
462.80 Rs

00 Pages to SUCCESS
11, L{*$t{H( $0ruT[0t$l Quantitative Aptitude
YOl,jbYOURffTRE.. Solved Problems

3) lf a,b,c are in AP8..x,y,z are in Gp then xo-., y.-", zu-b is equatto

Sot.: Recatt: from AP = b=1 (a + c)

From GP =yL=xz

.' .xu-' .y'*o .zo-o - *1/2(a+c)-c yc-d ,a-tl2(a1-c)

= (xz)1t2('-" .Y'-o
- (yz(ttz)(a-r).y"-'


4) If the sum of 3 numbers in AP is 15 & their product is 45, then the 3 unknown numbersare
Sot.: Let the numbers be a-d, a, a+d,
Sum of 3 numberS =6-d+X+1+(=,1!

3a =15
Product =(a.d)a(a+d)=45

a (a2-d2; =45
5 (25-d77=45
25- dz = 45


Required numbers =1,5,9 or 9,5, 1

5) 7 +77 +777 +...... n terms

sot.: 7 + 77 + gg ggg + .....,.nterms]

777 +.....n terms =
t[(10 - 1) + (10' - lX10' - 1) + .........n terms]
* llrr0+10'
gr' /'-)*1(10--
+1 0' +...*terms)-nl -1) -Jn :L(tg'
' g (10_1) g g1.'"-1) -Jng
quantitative Apt;tude
itotve-,i pro6i;tr;-- Jj, Lff}lfllt( ioLUIt0Ht
lonnesrins YoU t! Y0UR FUTIIRE_

6) ln a ctass of 100 students, 55 students here passed in Maths & 67 students

here passed in
Physics. Then the number of students who here passed in physics onty

so[.: n(M) = 55, n(P) = 67 ,n(M U p) : tOO

:. n(M P) : n(M) + n(P) - n(M n p)
100 = 55 + 6l - n(M )p)

n(M nP):55+67 - 100

:> 122 - 700 = 22
:> n(P onty) = n(P) - n(M np) : 67 - 22 =45

7) How many words can be formed using atl the letters of the word ,DAUGHTER,
so that the
vowets always come together ?

Sot.: Let the word 'DAUGHTER,contain g letters

lf the vowets'AUE' are treated as one unit then the word ,DAUGHTER,
DGHTR(AUE)=5 letter

.'. 6 letters can bearranged inuPuways- 6!:6x5x4x3x 2xI =720ways

The vowets in a group (AUE) may be arranged in 3! ways

=3x2xl = 6 ways

.'" Tota[ Number of words formed =(720 x 6) = 4320ways

8) How many words can be formed from the word "QUANTITATIVE,,with

or without meaning

sot.: The word "QUANTlrATlvE" is having 1z letters ln that e=u=N=v=E=1

A=2, T=3, l=2

Total No.of ways : t2t

5(1!)(2 !X2 !X3 !)
12x 1 1x10x8x 7 x6x5 x 4x3x2xl
(2xt)(2x 1)(3 x2xl)
=+ 19958400

i _,: tOO Pages to SUCCESS

Jt, LI$IlIIli( 50ltjTt0ill qyenlitetiyg 4p!i!yq9
tonnectiss Y[lJ to YIUR |UIURL. Solved Prob;lems

g) how many ways school consisting of 6 Boys and 5 girts can be formed from 8 boyss and,7 girts
Sot.: The school consisting of (6 boys out of B boys) and (5 girts out of 7 girts)

C.b) x'C.
I 8x7x6x5x4x3 lx 6x5x4x3
6x5x 4x3x2xl 5x4x3x2xl
+ (28 x2L)
+ 588

10) lf logo A.log, K :3, then A:?

Recall:logi - logb

thrnloTA . logk -3
logk 1og5

*lrEA _3
log 5
* logA:31og5
Recall : log au - bloya
+ logA:1og5'

Numberte: The [ogarithms can be cancetted if both LHS and RHS have the same base
A= 53

A= 175

wait for success, so t went ahead withou, ,, 100 Pages to SUCCESS

d,,:.*,,n,, F:.;i.+,,ii ii,i*
Quantitative Aptitude
i;i;;A pt;6i;ms

11) rf togox+togo =; Find x

togox+ rogo
Re call :loga +logb =logab
( i)
+ -ros4 I
l''A )= ,
+ rogo
[;)= ]
* \b/-rz- /2
+ rog[;)=
* r"n[I)
"\.6/ =tos 4%
= log(x I 6)=1sf2

ii ll, LI$}}t![( t$LtJil0ltl
*--*itred Aptitude

1Z) Nidhi has tota[ of 3000 Rs which consists of 20 Rs and 50 Rs. notes onty. But
totattyshe has onty 120 notes. Find how many notes of 20 Rs and 50 Rs does she

have respectivety.

Sot.: Let x and y denotes Rs 20 and 50 Rs notes respect according to the given problem
x+y=120 ---'---"til
20x + 50Y = 3000 (2)

Muttipty (1) by 50



30x = 3000

x =-

X = 100

Put 'x' vatue in equation (1)

X + Y = 120

Y = 120 -100'

Y =20
The no. of 20 & 50 Rs. Notes are 100 & 20 respectivety

13) The centroid of the triangle with vertices (m-n,m-o), (n-o,n-m) and (o-m,o-n) is located at'
Sot. Let x1 , x2,x,3 and yl ,y2,y3 be the points of triangle
The centroid of triangte is given by G (x, y)

,, =(m-n),y, =(m-o),* =(n-o),y, =(n-m),x, =(o'ffi),y, =(o'n)

l- + xr*xr.!,*!r*Y',1:' 'rtl
m-n+n- o+ o-m m- o + n-m + o -n\ |

= (0,0)

100 Pages to succEss

t{, Li$}}illi( $oL|JT|0ll$
lonnertinq Y0lJ b Y0l]R FIJIURE-

Sot.: WKT Differentiation
of logx IS-

x' dxle')
e'd 1-z--,\-€'f*rL(r-,\+"-,lZ ^
j d.\-'"-'):jl dx\- t'- *(r')l

r-t)e + e-' (2)x?-'\f
-*'r-' +2e-'xf) =4r-'l-x'
L +2x]

\fx-L-* +2xl=4*?
' x


sot.: 4l

= +z)-/z-'l
[-i)r" frQ.*') I

=(j),,, +zy%l*un.*pl I

(-r) I l='
=l;)1r4Fl I



100 Pages ro succEss


{, ufl}ilt}l( I0LlJfloill
Ionnecting Y0lJ ro y0lR FUTURE...

Statistics is a science ofcollection, presentation, analysis & interpretation ofnum eraldata.
Limitations of Statistics:
Statistics deals with aggregates i.e. individual thing cannot be statically
Statistics deals with quantitative data, qualitative data cannot be statistically
statistical laws are not exact because they are probabilistic in nature.

Data is the quantitative information about some panicular characteristic
under consideration. The
collections of data are of two types namely 'primary data, and ,secondary
I) Primary Data:
The data which are collected for the first time by an investigation
or agency are known as primary data,
Methods of collecting primary data:

1) Interview method: The three fpes of interview methods


i) Personal interview method ii) indirect interview

method iii) Telephone interview method
2) Mailed questionnaire method

3) Observation method

II) Secondary Data:

The Data which is not collected by the investigator

but is obtained through any other sources are
called secondary data. some of the sources for
obtaining secondary data are

a) Information colected through newspaper and periodicals.

b) lnternational sources like WHO, IMF, World bank
c) Publication by research papers, private magazines etc.

EEi cr,assr,rcATroN oF, DATA

The arrangement of raw data into proper systematic
form is called classification.
There are four fpes of classification:

Temporal classification: classified on the basis

of time.
Geographical classification: crassified on the
basis of place.

yl Vou, mental movies are the troilers of the futi.

6 Tl:i
100 Pages to SUCCESS
_Qq?g!sly93_p!,!gg: t{, L{fi$iltll( t0tljTt0}lr
Stdtistical Description of Data Donnerlins Ynl,l h Y0IJR FUIURE."

Qualitative classification: Classified in respect of attribute (f{on-numeric data)

Quantitative ctrassffication: Classified in respect of variable $Iumeric data)


The data canbe presented in any of the following fonns:

Textual form: It is a sfyle of presentin g dalawith the help of para graph lparagraphs. This is the
simple method of representing data.

Tabular form: Systematic representation of data with the help of statistical table having
of rows and columns with reference no,title, description of rows & columns.

Diagrammatic form: Systematic presentation of data with the help of charts

and diagram.
The data can be represented by the following three types,


Simple line diagram Simple bar diagam Pie diagram
Multiple line chart Multiple bar diagram
Logarithmic chart Sub-divided bar diagram
Multiple axis chart Percentage bar diagram


t The number of items an observation occurs in the given data is called
the frequency of that observation. A
systematic amangement which shows how the total frequency is
dishibuted among the different values of
variable is called frequency dishibution of an attribute.

Various fipe of frequency distribution: ,

Discrete frequency distribution

Continuous frequency distribution
Open-ended frequency distribution

Important terms used with frequency distribution

Class limits: The two end values of class intervals are called
class limits. The smaller of the two end
values is called the lower class limit (LCL) and the larger one
is called the upper class limit (UCL).
Class mark or mid value:
It is given by UCL +LCL I z

Class boundaries:
Lower class boundary is given by: Lower class limit _ (ll2)D
Upper class boundary is given by: Upper class limit + (llZ)D

100 Pages to SUCCESS Ambition is the fuel the feed your thoughts,
visualization and aciions.
l{, L{$}t til( 50tljTt0}i{
Connectinn YDIJ t YII]R FLtIlJRE...

Note: Where D is the difference between the LCL of the next class interval and UCL
of the given class

Class interval: The difference between two successive mid points or the difference between

boundaries is called class interval.

Cumulative frequencY:
less than or
In classification of statistical data, it is some time necessary to frnd the number of observation
or above the given value.
more than the given value which is done by accumulating the frequencies up to
This accumulated frequency is called cumulative frequency for the given data.

The number of observation less than given value is called "Less than cumulative

The observation exceeding the given value is called "More than cumulative frequency".

Relative frequency of a class:

It is given by: Frequency of the class / total frequency of all class

Frequency density of class interval:

It is given by: Frequency of the class / width of class

Graphical representation of a frequency distribution:

A frequency distribution can be presented in any of the following way:

1) Histogram

2) Frequency polygon

3) Frequency curve: various types offrequency curve are

i) Bell-shaped curve
ii) u-shaped curve
iii) j shaped curve
iv) mixed curve

4) Ogive or Cumulative flequency curve: Two types of Cumulative frequency curve are

i) less than cumulative frequency curve

ii) more than cumulative frequency curve.

100 Pages to SUCCESS
Visualize your goals clearly, add desire and faith, E,ilti:l.ii
t::1 L.:
and you will surely achieve them' ii1, f.i
il? n1
iiil 5r
Quantitative Aptitude
Lff*t{tfi (
.t{, I0 LUTt0ilt
Meosures ol {enti;irinaeici dni-uipirc{in '',
[onnecting Y0U u Y0UR FUflIRI_

?i;7V1i!:!', cENTRAL TENDENCy

It may be defured as the tendency of a given set of observations to cluster
around a single, central or a
middle value and that value which represents the given set of
observations is described as measure of
cenhal tendency"

It also facilitates us in providing a basis for comparison between different distributions.

The various measures of central tendency are:

a) Arithmetic Mean (AM)

b) Median (Me)
c) Mode (Mo)
d) Geometric Mean (GM)
e) Harmonic Mean (HM)


A.M. of a series is the figure obtained by dividing the total values
of the by their
number. It is denoted byl, and is given by

a) For ungrouped data

_ : xr*xz+-r3+.,.*x,

x: ZlL

b) For grouped data

; _ frxt + -fzxz + fixt + .............+ f,x,

l+ fr+ fr+..........+ f,
Properties of A.M.:

(1) The sum of deviation taken from mean (A.M.)

is zero.

In grouped data
f f,1x, -x1: O

(2) Arithmetic Mean is affected due to the clange of origin

and scale.

100 Pages to succESS 'First motivate yourself and

, then it wilt be easier
tc motivate ofhers.

li, Li$xtlIti( IoLtJIl0it' ,V; Quantitative Aptitude

[onnecring Y0U t0 Y0UR iLtruRE.. ,Z r,trid i u r in-ofcei{rfff e n ffn cy ai{oifi ;nfrn

(3) If there are thl gto-T containing fir,n, andz, observations and their respective

means are xt)xz and x, then combined mean x ,rr(X ) can be expressed as

n\+ n2 + n3


Median, for a given set of observations, may be defined as the middle-most value when the
observations are aranged either in an ascending order or descending order of magnitude.

( - -t\th
M= |l,)l "l'I observation(whennis anodd)
\r. /

(;)'^ ob s en at io n .(;. t) ob s erv ariio n

M: (when n is even)


a) Discrete frequency distribution

* =($'') ous.*ution;where * =f f,
t2 ) ,=,

b) Continuous frequency distribution (when class length are equal or unequal)

l{ = total frequency
I =lower limit of medianclass
,r ,l+-crl
t f -n*'1If *n...
= frequency of medianclass
= cumulative frequency of preceeding median class
c = length of median class

Properties of Median:

(1) If x and y are two variables, to be related by 5a+bx for any two constants a and b,
then the median of y is given by

!^, = a+bx*,' (Where me is the median)

(ii) For a set of observations, the sum of absolute deviations is minimum when the

deviations are taken from the median. This property states that I la - { is

minimum if we choose A as the median.

100 Pages to SUCCESS

thoughfs prcduce produce clear results.
rotessures ol een*al.trendenc7
snd Odfr{i;n #, !$t{f, rHtrq }ljujttljfl I
uonneding y0lJ to y0l]R
- fl.IruRE.,

These may be defined
as values dividing
a given set of observations
when we want to divide into a number of equar parts.
the given set of observrrioor
rro *o .quur parts, we consider
Quartires divide a series into 4 median.
equar parts and such
3 quart,es and are
First quartile or lower
denoted as
er,e, & er.
quartile is denoted
as Q1
Second quartile or
median is
Third quartile or upper
denoted as
quartile is denoted
as Q3

Deciles divide a series

into r0 equar parts and
such 9 dec,es and are
Percentiles divide a denoted as Dr,Dr.....,D, .
series into I 00 equal parts and such
99 percentiles are
denot ed, as
\,pr. ., pnn.


#:1.,ll,i11 ;:[: ;T;1 .fr,*:T:nffi fJ;,TJJ:,,.#th e obs ervati on s around it rhi s c an a,s o

and 6, then Mo=5 as

#,:',,ii,tliJ:::il|]il;J:.',',t,n,5 it occurs rwice and arr the

a) If in an ungrouped data
any observation is not
recurring !uv, rr
----'b then for finding Mode (Z) following
is suitabre. z= 3M_2i formura
Mere I = Mode,] = Mean, M =
b) In discrete frequency
diskibution highest frequency,s
observation is called
c) In continuous frequency
dishibution folrowing
formula is appricabre:

= lowerltmit of modalclass
= frequencv of preceeding
Z=I +( .n - r, : ^lf: ctass
Jrequency of modat ctass
\2t - fr_ f, )'lr:=
z= lreluency of succeding mod,al
lJ class
lc = class length

About you..,
- You blink over 20,000,000
times a yeor
- You can only smell l/20th
as well as a dog
- Yoar heart beats over
100,000 ri*", ;;;y
- r:Itakes in more air,t or, yiur
- Yoar stomach has to Drnduno n h^a1. ,_" l''
*v1o urte
one *u€s
a new toyer of mucus
otherwisp it wilt
otherwise ,,-:,::?!:::
utitt digest itsetf
every hrto weeks
J{, t{,q}ll trt{( 50LtJTt0 t{l Quantitative Aptitude
[onnecting Y0u ro Y0ljR tuTlRE-.

if a variable x
mean is defined as the n-th root of the product of the observations. Thus

..,assumesnvalues x1,x2:x3,...,xn, allthevaluesbeingpositive,thentheGMofxisgivenby

For ungrouPed data:

G= (xrx x2xx.r............x x,)rtn n = no. ofobservations

For a grouped frequency distribution, the GM is given by

G = (xrfi x xrf' x *rrt .............., *nf' )''


Ivhere N =lf,

For a given set of non-zero observations, harmonic mean is defined as the reciprocal of the AM of
the reciprocals of the observation. So, if a variable x assumes n non-zero values
x11x2tx3t......sxn, then the HM of x is given by

For ungrouped frequency distribution:

f (tlx,)
For a grouped frequency distribution, we have

u_ N
tt -
Yl /,
Ltt I

Lri -l

Relation between:

Weighted average of:

AM Z!,\
*.loex, )
GM Antirogl*fi-)

HM y[s']
"lr, )
.zz:= Quantitative Aptitude
:;z?:t yii{yyel-oi Il, ltrtr*l{ilt( {0l.lJTt0t$l
ceint ieide,ncy o nd- oispi irsion [onnectins Y0u t! Y0l.lR FUTtlfiL.


Dispersion for a given set of observations may be defined as the amount

of deviation of the
observations, usually, from an appropriate measure of cenhal tendency.


Absolute rneasures Relative measures

Range <l Coefficient of Range,,. €

Mean Deviation Coefficient of MD
Quartile Deviation ./ Coefficient of QD ---
Standard Deviation Coefficient of Variation

,i;|,,,t,, RANGE

i.e., Range : H
The difference between highest and lowest observations is called range.
Relative measure of dispersion:

: H-L
co-efficient ofrange
- H+L *100
Note: Range remains unaffected due to a change of origin birt is affected in
the same ratio due to a
change in scale.

1:i;,181r,, MEAN DEVIATION (Average Deviation)

Let xpx2,x3,......,xn,betheobservationof anungroupeddataand i,mean. Thenmean

deviation ofit is expressed as under:


Coefficient of M.D =-

100 Pages to
l"- i ,r-, , / Affirm th" p,otitir", ,i*otiu th, poritive and expect
rhe positive, and your tife witl chanse accordingty.
i,:l!;tri, oK
? l:i=:i;
ti, N.{ff $t{t lt( {0LIJTICI}lJ :2:,
Ionnectinq YnU h Y0IJR fUruRE-.

:Mean deviation remains unchanged due to a change of origin but changes in the same ratio due
fi a change in scale.

' Mean Deviation of grouped data:

Where x =2.f,*,
Mean deviation of Median:

Coefficient of Mean deviation of median

_ Mean deviation of Median x 100 : U4*rcs

Median M


Standard deviation for a given set ofobservations is defined as the root mean square deviation
when the deviations are taken from the AM of the observations. If a variable x assumes n values
x1tx2tx3,......,J,, then its standard deviation(s) is givenby

For a grouped frequency distribution, the standard deviation is given by

A relative measure of dispersion using standard deviation is given by coefficient of variation (v)
which is defined as the ratio of standard deviation to the corresponding arithmetic mean,
expressed as a percentage.

Thus v= *100

neoainS inspiring quotes uplifts the mind. L00 Pages to SUCCESS

M e c s u re i of {e ni;f Tild{i cv ini"o
nie ni n #2 L+.t{#[rfi ( tI'JtlJlll]l{t
_ [onnectins y0lJ to yOUn

Properties of S.D:

I" If all the observations

assumed by a variable
are constant i.e. equal, then
This means that if arthe varuesl'akiil,
variabre x is k, say, then
the SD is zero.
applies to range as well s = 0. This resurt
as mean J.;;rr.
II' SD remains unaffected due
to a change. of origin but
wr urrEllr is aIIeCl
uur ]S affected in the same ratio
dUe tO aSCale. i

ilI. If there are two goups containing

nrandn, observations,
s, and s, as respective
Iand ,, u, ,.rp..tive AM,s,
SD,s, then the combined SD
is given by

n1s12 + n2s22 + nrd: ;zdj;

\* nz

dr= xr-x
x = combined AM

iTjffiEi QU DE\,TATIoN
Another measure of dispersion
is provided by quart,e
deviation or semi-inter-quartile
given by range which

g, =Qt-Q,

A relative measure of dispersion

using quartiles is given by
coefficient of quartile deviation
which is
Coefficient of quartile deviation
is given by



when Arexander Graham Beil
invented the terephone in (
the hook with calls from potential 1g76, it did not ring off
backers. After making a demonstration q
President Rutherford Hayes call,
said, ,,That,s an amazing
everwant to use one of them?,, invention, but who wourd I

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;ta)a ,
{{, L{*X}t I }t( 50 LUT| 0 }{I
i?:-i?. z
plrt q{
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Innnecting Y0lJ to Y0UR FUIURE.- il;;i1,; Correlation and Regression

,rig-Important terms:

1t; Uni-variate frequency distribution: A frequency distribution with single variable.

:: (2) Bi-variate frequency distribution: A frequency distribution with Bi-variate data.
Bi-variate data: When data are collected on 2 variables with different characteristics,
they are called as Bi-variate data.
Marginal distribution: A distribution which contains only one set of observation at a
time with its corresponding frequencies. It is as same as uni-variate dishibution of Bi-
nomial variables.
Conditional distribution: A dishibution which contains the value of one random
variable and the frequencies of other variables satis$,ing the given condition is called
conditional distribution

The direct or indirect cause and effect relationships between the variables is called correlation.

There are two type of correlation

(i) Positive correlation: If the changes in the values of two variables are in the same
direction then the correlation between them is called positive conelation. For
example, height & weight of persons, incomes & expenses, etc.

(ii) Negative correlation: If the changes in the values of two variables are in opposite
direction then the correlation between them is called negative correlation. For
example, price & demand of an itun, expenses & savinls etc.

Properties of Correlation Co-efficient:

1. It is a unit free measure.
Example:- If in a bivariate data if x is expressed in cms. and y is expressed in kns. then
the co-efficient correlation would be free from any unit.

2, It is independent of change of origin and scale.

3. -l<r<1
Measures of correlation:
(a) Scatter diagram
(b) Karl Pearson's Product moment correlation co-efficient
(c) Speannan's rank correlation co-efficient
(d) Co-efficient of concurrent deviations
a) Scatter Diagram

This is a simple diagrammatic method to establish correlation between a pair of variables.

The following figures show different types of correlation and the one to one correspondence between
scatter diagram and product moment correlation coefficient.

When there are difficulties and you feel down, this is 100 Pages to SUCCESS
the time to visualize, think and expect the positive. iiiiliil,Aiiiii
#, L{ tiilt( t0ttjfl 0tf f
Connecting Y0lJ r yillR flIIllRI..

Showing Positive Correlation
Showing Perfect positive Correlation


Showing Negative Correlation

(-l < r <0) Showing Perfect Negative

Showing No Correlation
Showh g Curvilinear Correlation
(r=0) -

b) Karl Pearson,s product moment

correlation co_efficient
A ratio of the co-variance between
two variables to the production
called Karl pearson's correlation of their standard deviations is
co_efficient. It is given by
_ _ cov(x, y)
where cov(x, ,, =ZQ -i)(Y -i) ,* - . /Ir,-ir, tro_fr
n V-,
a) For ungrouped bivariate

x'- (F

b) For $ouped bivariate data:_

Dr,r-L.r,*, fr!
Nlf,x, -(ZN r'{Z.f,y, _df,rf
100 Pages to SUCCESS
t ne greotest barrier to success is the
feor of
.il, L{fl I}t I ti( $CIlljil 0t{l quantitative Aptitude
connecting Yol] to Y0|JR FfluRE.., o; d
Ca r re t Ati n a ne g r e s si on

) Spearman's rank correlation co-efficient

this method we give ranks, the highest data value should be given the frst rank and next
iflitighest has to be given second rank and so on. It can be obtained by

, 6)'d,
(l) r =l- --?1- (when ranla are not repeated)
n\n' - l)

,ii,, d) Co-efficient of concurrent deviations


ll,,This method is on the principle that "if the short term fluctuations of two series are correlated,
1i'then the deviations would be concurrent and their curves move in the same direction. The
!i formula for concurrent deviation is


Where c : number of pairs of concurrent deviations

m: n-1.


It is the study of relationship befween two variables. One of these variables is called dependent
variable and other variable is called independent variable.

Important terms:

1. Regression: A mathematical relationship between two correlated variable is

. called regression.
2. Least square principle: Obtains equations of a line which minimizes the sum of
the squares of the deviation between actual value and its estimated value.
Regression line: A line obtained by applying least square principle is called
regression line.

Properties of Regression:

l. f = DrrD,
2. Regression coeffrcients will have same sign.
3. The average value of the two regression coefficients would be greater than the value of
coeffi cient of correlation.
4. Regression coefficients are independent ofchange oforigin but not scale.
- quantiteti!,e Aptitude
c o r i e t a ti oi i ni i ad! re si)i o n
J{, Li{trfifi{( tCItljil0llt
[onnecting y0U tD y[UR IUTU[E...

Properties of Regression lines:

1' The regression coefficients are independent

ofchange oforigin ofscale i,e. original pair
(x,y) is changed to (u,v)

2' The fwo lines of regression intersect

at the point 1i, y; wt ere x and y are the variables
under consideration.

3' coefficients if correlation between 2 variables

x and y is the simple geometric mean of
fwo regression coefficients i.e. ,
= tJi*4, .

4' If both the regression coefficients are negative, r would be negative

and if both are
positive, r would be a positive value.

Formulae in regression

fi\ bYx cov(x,y)


(2\ b Sv
B\ bYx_Z@-ho-i)

(4\byx - xy - nxy
_iXy _il
/<\ A
For Bi-variate frequency distribution

\-'' h
6\ "vr-nZfur-(Zufr)(\uf,)x-c,
The regression equation ofy on x is

!=a+b, i
Werea=y-bo i

studies show that if a cat falls off the seventh

floor of a building it has about thirty
percent less chance of surviving than
a cat that falls off the fw.entieth floor.
It supposedly takes about eight floors for the cat to
rearae what ir- o..r..rn*,
relax and correct itself.

A great leader's eouroge to

futfill his vision conis
from passion, nat position.
Jl, t{tr*l|lH( t0tljTt0llt 9eer_!11*t_ye3e!i!e1e
Connecting Y0U to Y0l.R tUIUfit... Probability

In order to estimate uncertainty in the occurrence of any event probability theory is used,

Probability can be classified as:

(i) Subjective probability which is based on personal judgement and experience.

(ii) Objective probability which is based on the classical experiment or on the past data,

Mathematical or Classical formula of probability

n,^ \ _ m _ Favourablecases fortheoccurrenceof anevent A

n Totalno.of cases

,1::,. Limitation of Mathematical Definition:

:,:l. 1 . If the total number of exhaustive cases n is not known then probability cannot be

." 2. It can be used only when the events are equally likely. This assumption is made before
', the experiment is performed
'' Statistical or Empirical formula of probability
m _ Favourablecases fortheoccuruenceof anevent A
P(A) =
Total no.of cases

Here it is assumed that the limit value exists and it is unique.

Limitation of Statistical Definition:

1. Under the same condition, the experiment is required to be conducted alargenumber of times.
Z. The relative frequency may not obtain a unique value.

Nlodern Definition:
Probability is the limit of the proportion of times that a certain event A will occur in repeated
trials of an experiment, Let S be sample space. Let A be the class of events and let P be a real
valued function defined on A. Then P is called a probability measure and P(A) is called the
probability of the event A if P satisfies the following axioms.

(1) 0 <P(A) S 1 for every event A belonging to S

(2) P(S) = I

(3) For every finite or infinite sequence of disjoint events

41,4,..,..,P(4v 4v...) = P(A,)+ P(,\)+

100 Pages to SUCCESS

Quantitative Aptitude
u, L{'flfl{il{( I0L[Iil0ti(
Prot;;{i{itl- Connecting Y0lJ to YIUR FtlURE..

Types of events:

Complementary event: If U is a finite sample space and A is any event

of it then the set of the
elements which are in U but not in A is called complementary
eventof A and is denoted by I'
or Ac or7..

Union of two events: If U is a finite sample space and A and B are any fwo
events of it, then the
set of elements which are in A or in B or in both is called union
of two events and is denoted by
Intersection of two events: If A and B are any two events of the sample space
U then the set of
elements which are in A and B both is called intersection of two
events and is denoted by An B.

Difference events:.If A and B are any two events of the sample space
U then the set of the
element which are in A but not in B is called difference eveniwhich
is denoted by A - B
or AaB' .

Notafions, Meaning and Formulae

P(A) : Probability that the event A occurs. p(A): y


P( A' ): Probability that the event A does not occur. p( A'

If A c,B then

(i) P(B-A): P(B)_P(A)

(ii) P(B) >P(A)

Addition rule of probability:

a) P(Au B) = p(A)+p(B)-p(An B)

b) P(AU B U C) = P(A)+P(B)+P(C)-P(AN B)-P(A^ C).P(B. C)+P(AN B N C)

Conditional probability:

P(B t A) - =P(4'-B)
;pe)> o

Note: P(Ap0, i.e. A is not a impossible event.

If A and B are two independent eyents then

P(An B):P(A) .P(B) or p(BiA):p(B) or p(A,ts):p(A)

Multiplication rule or compound probability or Joint probabilify:

P(An B):P(B)'P(A/B) or p(An B)=p(A).p(B1A) (when the events occur


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::.:: .-.; 1

J{, L{$}titil( {fiLlJTl0ljt
fionnecting Y0U t! Y0Llfi FITURE-.

De Morgan's law for probabilitl:

P(A' nB') = P(Au B)' =1- P(Av B)

P(A'v B') = P(A.B)' =I- P(AoB)

Probability that only event A. occurs and event B does not occur is

,;;, P(A- B) = P(AaB',)

= P(A)- P(AnB)

= P(Av B)- P(B)

Probability Mass Function:

If X is a discrete random variable, then the probability function P(X) is a discrete probability
function. It is also called Probability Mass Function.

Probability Density Function:

If X is a continuous random variable, then the probability funciion f(X) is a probability


Mathematical Expectation:

Let a random variable X assumes the values x1, x2, x3 t . .. ......xn with probabilities

Pr, Pz, Pt,......"..pnrespectively. Then the mathematical expectation E(X) wiil be

E(X) = p{r* pzxz* pz\+..........1x,

Note: -

Mathematical expectation is also known as expectation value.

E(X) is the mean (p)

Variance: E[(X - p)'] : E(X') - [E(X)],

Important terms used in mathematical expectation

Random Variable:

A variable which indicates the outcome of random experiment in number is called

random variable.

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Prebdbitity #2 n+,i#fi tnk I|'Jt NJlllJlll
= tionnecting Y0lJ to YDUR

Discrete and continuous yariabtre:

If a random variable can take finite values or

countable infinite varues
then it is cared discrete
any varue within ir,.
::l1ffil:ii:::fffil;::"o, *l,,i.d intervar then it is ca,ed

Important properties of expectation:

E(E = x: (p) = mean = average

Expectation of a constant
is a constant, E (a) = 2
Expectation is not independent
of change of origin and
scale. E(ax + b) : aE(x) +b
Expectation of deviation
taken from the mean is
zero. E(x - x; = g
Expectation of the sum
of two random variable is sum
of their expectation. E(x + g
= E(x) +E(y)
Expectation of the product
of two independent random
variable is the product of
expectation. E (x.y) = E(x). their
variance: An average of t_.
squares of the deviation
taken from mean is called variance. w
Important properties of variance:

Variance of constant is

Variance is independent
of change of origin but not
A positive square ofvariance
is called standard deviation.

lf your have never experienced

imprisonment' the a.gony the danger of war or the sotitude
of torture a.l_1!lng.r, you of l;;;:,
the 500 minion peopti
thiJworro. *t"]il;;
are much ahead of

on vour head to war, a roof

_._-p, r^Ju dre ncner than
on this Earth"_ the 75% of the peopll *ho iu. f

100 Pages to SUCCESS :t::1.:

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eti ca I D i str i b uti a n
Th e o r


:i, fU. distribution of total probability over different mass point or class interval is called probability distribution.

€ Since this tlpe of distribution exists only in theory so we call it as theoretical distribution.
may be either discrete probability distribution or continuous probability distribution.
$, fnr probability distribution

,.fi Dis.ret. Probability Distribution: The distribution of probability over different mass point is called discrete


iir probabilify distribution. Important discrete probability distributions

| ':,:

',i nino-iul Distributio

|. Poisson Distribution
iai, nrNomal
I tl'
I A discrete probability distribution which has the following probability density function is called
:, a binomial Distribution

f (r)= p(X =x)="c*p'q'-* forx=0,1,2,.....,fr

:0, otherwise

Where p = Probability of success

q : Probability of failure

Properfies of binomial Distribution:

Variance o'=npq.
Mean p: np
I f(x): f(0) + f(1) + (2) +.....,....+f(n): 1

Distribution could be unimodal or bi-modal

Application of binomial Distribution:

It is applicable when the trials are independent and each trial has only fwo outcomes and the
probability of success remains unchanged in each trial.

\#El p otssoN DISTRTBUTIoN

A discrete probability distribution which has the following probability density function is called a

binomial Distriliution.

f (x) = P(X = i =+x! for x =0,1,2,...a

:0 otherwise

100 Pages to SUCCESS

xeqr rr!ro!lvts Apllruog
Tf;;;-elicofb*ribntio; ,u, [.{${ff ili( i0[tjTt0fi t
[oflnedins y[U ru y0UR RJruRE.-

Fropenties of Foisson Distribution:

Mean(P): ry1

Standard deviation = ,[;

Variance (or)= m
Mode = integral part of m; wfrere
m is not an integer.
If(x) = f(0) + f(1) + (2) + ..........+f(n)
= 1

Application of poisson Distribution


Applied when total number of event

is pretly large but the probability
of occunence is very small.

The number of accidents on a

road during busy hours
Number of goals scored in a hockey
Continuous probabilify distribution:
I The distribution ofprobability
over different class interval is
,' distribution. Important continuous probability called continuous probability
distributions are

Normal or Gaussian distribution

j,, Chi-square distribution
;; Students t-dishibution
F -diskibution

,i:!1ffi?<, NoRMAL oR GAUssTAN DrsrRrBUTror.{

A confinuous random variable
'x' is said to follow a normal distribution with mean
if its probabilify density function is given
trL and varian ce o,

-f (x) = --i .g-('-u)2

Properties of Normal distribufion:

mean: median: mode

mean deviation MD = 0,g o

For a normal diskibution, quartile

Qa =a.675o
i'e' The first quartireis
e, = p *0.675o and third quart,ee
Its skew ness is zero = p +0.675o.

For a normal disrribution

MD: SD::10:12:15.
ea :

P(p-o<x< p+o)=0.6g2g
P(p-2o <x < p+2o) =0.9546
P(p -3o < x < /r +3o) = 0.gg73
Total area under the normal curve
is 1.

;i,-j Loo Rrg.r to sErss liit: t .i;

The rood to suceess i, ot*ry, under construction
':1:1 aaa;:a:i:
.rt+ir- {{, L{$*l{[l{( tCILljTl$ill
t t=t Y[Ufi I[flJHl..
Ionnectiru YBU to

Following are the important areas of the normal curve:

(1) fueabetween P+1.96o =0.95

(2) keabetween trt+ 2.58o = 0.99
(3) Area between ltlo
(4) A,reabetween /r+ 3o = 0.9973

Standard normal Variate and Standard normal distribution:

*- F
If x is a normal variate with mean p and varian ce oz than the vaiate Z = is called
Standard normal Yanate and its probability distribution function is given by
r -l^
' ; -oo<Z<a
-0 ;otherwise

A continuous probability distribution which has the following
probability function is called Chi-square distribution.

f (*) = (r.,"-xtz *ntz-t ; o ( x < o

Properties of Chi-square distribution:
Nlean = n
Variance = 2n
Mode: (n - 2)

Standard deviation = .,12n

The upper and lower p percent points of chi-square distribution with n df are given by

P(x' , z'0,,)= p

and P(x2 I x'r-o,n) = p

It is positively skewed. i.e, the probability curve of Chi-square distribution is inclined more
on the right hand side.

--l n+1\12

lz*-..r. f $)=kll+t' ln)'

,Za€z1i sruprxrs r-DrsrRrBurroN (
(where kis a constant) for -co < / co


(i) Mean: zero

(ii) Standard deviation = ,{i I @:[,n > 2
(iii) Symmetrical about t = 0.
(iv) For large n(>30), t-distribution tends to the standard normal distribution.

ijiii roo Pages to SUccEss

Quantitative Aptitude J{, t{$*fi tli( $0ttiTf 0l{t
T6 e a r {{i {s t o{sw o u{{6n Ionaectins Y0u to Y0uIl FIITURE...

(v) The upper and lower p percent points of t-distribution are given by
And P(t <to,n)= p


The continuous probabilify function which satisfies the following probability density fiinction is
called F-distribution"

f (F) = k.Fn"'*'(r+ nrF I n)*@t+n)rz

(where k is a cons tant) for0 < F < oo

Properties of F-distribution:

, n">2

-z) '
Variance =f -rr-)'z .(z@'+n' n')4
n. >4
\n,-z) ln1*, 1'
Mode=[--i (v*)
\n,+2 )\ nt )
F-distribution has positive skew-ness.

llrL^t -.^ A

AVEM$ ArunTcAN DRTNxs ABoUT 5oo sooAs A YEAR

pERso.{ rA-Ls AslsEp rN sEVEN /trNurES
: :;il:!


drawn from it.
Sampling is a process of learning about the population on the basis of a sample

entire lot. Even

For example: People examine a handful of grains to ascertain the quality of the

doctor examines few drops of blood and draws conclusions about the disease.

Important Terms:

l. population:Thetotal number of the units lying under the area of study is called population. If
the number of observations in a population are countable then it is called frnite
population and if
the observations are uncountable then it is called infrnite population'

2, Sample: A group of representative units of population is called sample.

size (N)
3. population Size and SampleSize: Number of units in a population is called population
and the number of Units in a sample are called sample size (n)

Basic Principles of Sample SurveY:

(a) Law of Statistical regularitY

(b) Law of Inertia of large numbers

(c) Law of optimization

(d) Law of Validity


I. Sampling Error: Error due to error in sampling technique. Since only a part of the population
is investigated in a Sampling design, every sampling design is subjected to this type of error.

The factors contributing to sampling elror are listed below:

(i) Error arising out due to Defective Sampling Design.
(ii) Enor arising out due to substitution
(iii) Error owing to wrong choice of statistic
(iv) Variability in the population
(v) Error owing to Fauity Demarcation of units

II. Non - Sampling Error: This type of errors happen both in sampling and complete enumeration.

(i) Due to negligence and carelessness on the part oflnvestigator

(ii) Due to faulty planning of Sampling
(iii) Due to incomplete Investigation and Sample Survey

(iv) Due to faulty selection of Sample unit

(v) Due to framing of wrong Questionnaire.

100 Pages to SUCCESS

For true success osk yourself these four questions:
Why? Why not? WhY not me? WhY not now?
somi-ting JJ, [$$ffiH( t0tijTl0tff
Y0Uto Y0Uft HIruEL

il{:!;"i DTFFERENT MET}IoDs oF

1. Probabilify Sampling Methods:

Random Samphng or probabilif Sampling

Stratified Sampling or Stratified

Random Sampling

Systematic Sampling or quasi _

Random Sampling

Multi - Stage Sampling

2. Non - probabilistic or n,n _ random sampling methods:

These flpes of sampling solely

depend on the discretion of
the investigator or sampler.
the important methods are as
some of

Judgemental Sampling

Convenience sampling

Quota Sampling

3" Mixed Sampling:

It is a mixture or combination of probability

and lon-probability
-- sampling i.e. some part
sampling is done probably and
some ,onfioUuUly. '^-"*"',.": of

7i,:1',.8i1:, sAMpLTNG Drs rRrB uTro N

Parameter: Any statistical measu

re computed from popuiation
is known as parameter.

Exampre: popuration means, population

s.d., popuration proportion

statistic: Any statisticar measure computed

from sample, is known as statistic.

Example: sample means, sample

s.d., sample proportion etc.

Note: G) a statistic is different for

different sampres, but the parameter
:;lff;r:f always remains
(ii) Sampling dishibution is a
theoretical distribution. The various values
of the statistic
be arranged as a frequencv
aistriuurion, which is known as
;ltffi:ffi:v the sampting

irriej;ir TrrEoRy oF ESTTMATToN

when estimate of a population

'';Jt'JJJ;[HI,:'' is given by a singre varue rhen
it is caled

2' Interval Estimation: when a

range of values used in taking
parameter then it is called interval -' - - -*u,5 estimation
vDL,lr'rtrull of
or a population
estimation. tr

100 Pages to SUCCESS

ll, L{fi$lil lt( t0LlJTt0 tlt Quantitative Aptitude
trsnnEsiins Y0l] to Y0IJR rUTURE...

idence Limit: The estimate for the parameter lies between 2 units, it is know as confidence limit.

Conlidence Level: The probability associated with an interval is called confidence level.

S1 Mean Proposition
1 When population standard deviation is Population is a SRSWR

s.E: Fo- n
known of a SRSWR
S.E(E :o lJi In
2 When population standard deviation is Fopulation is a SRSWOR and
unknown of a SRSWR is infinite

^t.E(t:Sl{n-r , uVn
f,o- n-
J When population standard deviation is Popirlation is a SRSWOR and
known of SRSWOR and population is finite is finite
s.E(;: +" .ltv -n S.E:
J'z Y lr-t
4 When Population standard deviation is When Population standard
unknown of a SRSWOR and population is deviation is unknown of a
finite SRSWOR and population is
c infinite
S.E(x):-!x (r

'ln -l s.E(x):ftx

Determination of sample size

Population proportron
lo.z f
n - l--!-l
lpl l
(t- p)z'"
E: permissibie error
z d
confidence coefficient
6 =population std deviation
quanEtrat!ve Aptitude
lndex Numbers J{, tdfixt'illl(,0LUI|0il1
tonnecting Y0u to Y0uR FUTURI...


An index number is a ratio or an aYerage of ratios expressed as a percentage.

periods are involved, one of which is Two or more time
ti'e base time p.rioa.
service as the standard point of comparison.
uitu. rt.
at tlie base time period

Uses of Indexlumber:
1 It may be used as a barometer to measure the
economic activities.
2" They are usefur in.formurating in suitabt. potiri.r,
too*ing the hend, adjusting the
original data orprice changes etc.
_ They
3. are useful for knowing purchasing power of money.
Methods of construction of Index numbers:
Price Index number:

(i) Simple aggregative method:- It is given by pr,

(i0 Simple average of relative method:- It can
be derived using

Arithmetic mean
{, = ad N

Geometric mean po, = Anti bsla+--J1 t-
Where Ps1 = lndex number of current year.

I4 = Total of current year,s price of all times. t-_ {%, x .---

L?,2/, x roo
I4 = Total of base year,s price of all items. LP,V,
Weighted index numbers includes:
(i) Laspeyre,s method: The formula
is given as L-= 2Y,qL r r,@
LVol o
L=P.,=I2,* ,, r,
)_poQo p^rr,tU" : _ 5- flr 1' >1 ict2
(ii) Paasche,s method: The formula is given
t-?" \/r
P=P,,=:an, *,ro
)_ poQt M*.X"1 -- t\%+ {P,ot
2f3^ { €aq
i.;,; 6 up and work hard at it.
****T;eex Aptitude
]{, ufinfitl{( t0LtJTl0l{l
[onnectins Y0U r! Yol.lR FLIruRL Numilers

(iv) Marshall Edgeworth's method: The formula is given as

ME=e, =!4&s.q' ,166

)-PoQo+ )-Po8t

(vi) Fisher's ideal method: The formula is given as


'',F =P, =",f LxP = Zttn*Zllt,ruo

:j \m% \too,
jii Weigntea average of relative indices: If arithmetic mean is used, the formula is

j'0, \w
sl -,

i..It is also known as the index number obtained by using family budget method.

I where n
,-'p =theweights = poQo

If the geometric mean is used then

The chain base index number:

^1 . lnqex=
t , Link relative of current
year x Chain Index of the previous year

Quantity index number:

To construct Quantity indices, we measure changes in quantities and weigh them using prices or
values as weights. The various types of Quantity indices are:

(i) Simple aggregate of quantities

(ii) Simple average of quantity relatives
(iii) Weighted aggregate Quantity indices
(iv) Base-year weighted average of quantity relatives.
Quantitative Aptitude
I, Ll{}lfl lt( t0 LtJTt0}tl
tonnecuns Y0U u Y0UR TUIIJRE-

Shifting and Splicing of Index theory:

tsase shifting:

Change ofbase year or reference period is known as base shifting.

Original priceindex
Shifted index number = x 100
Pr iceindex for newbase year


Suppose we have two series A and B and if series A is spliced with B then

B ackward splicing =@
Index common year
And if series B spliced with A then

Index B of current year-xlndex Aof common year

Forward splicing -

Tests for adequacy of index number formula:

The following tests are suggested for the index numbers:

Unit test: All formulae satisfy this test except simple aggregative index.

Circular test: Satisfied by the simple G.M. of price relatives and the weighted aggregate with
fixed weight meets this test.

Factor reversal test should satisff Por*Qo, =*(Satisfied by: Fisher's ideal index.)
Time reversal test should satisfy 4, " 4o = 1 (Satisfied by: Fisher's ideal index.)

The $ecnef oF Gold Medalist

Wilma Qudotph uas the Eoth oF B? chitdnen. $he uuas bonn pnematunetg and hen sunvivat
uas doublFul.
When she ujas t{ geans old, she conlacted double pneumonia and scantel Feveq Uhich leFt
hen uith a panalused leFt teg. At age Q, she nemoved I'he melal teg bnace she had been
dependeni 0n and began lo uatk uJithoul if , BU 13 she had developed a nhgthmic uiatk, uhich
doctons gaid uJas a minacle. Thal same Uean she decided io become a nunnen ghe enf ened a
nace and came in last, Pon lhe next Feu geans evepu nace she enlened, she came in last.
0vengone totd hen to quil, but she kept on nunning. One dag she acluatlu uJon a nace. And then
anothenFnom then on the uJon evenu nace she enlened" evenluattg this tittte ginl, uho ulas
lotd she u0uld neven ulatk again, utenl'on lo u:in lhnee otgmpic gotd medats.
"A urinnen is not one ulho neven laits, bul one uho Nevep QUITSI',

i* 100 Pages to SUCCESS The best way to succeed in this world is to oct on
,t the advice you give to others.

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