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Guidance to the

manufacturer of
chain slings to
the development
of Instructions for

Document Reference LEEA 062-14

Guidance to the Development of Chain Sling Instructions for Use
Document reference LEEA 062-14, version 1, dated 7th January 2016

Published by the
3 Osprey Court, Kingfisher Way
Hinchingbrooke Business Park
Huntingdon PE29 6FN
United Kingdom
Tel: + 44 (0) 1480 432801 Fax: + 44 (0) 1480 436314
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1.0 Introduction Page 1

2.0 Contents for the instructions for use Page 1

2.1 Business name and full address of the manufacturer Page 1

2.2 The EC Declaration of Conformity or the contents of the

EC Declaration of Conformity, showing the particulars of
the sling, without the serial number and signatures. Page 1

2.3 Drawings, diagrams, descriptions and explanations

necessary for use, maintenance and repair of the chain
sling. Page 1

2.4 A description of the intended use of the chain sling Page 2

2.5 Limits of Use Page 3

2.6 Instructions for first use of the chain sling Page 3

2.7 Instructions for training operators Page 3

2.8 Information regarding residual risks that may remain

despite inherent safe design. Page 3

2.9 Information on the protective measures to be taken by

the user, for example PPE. Page 3

2.10 The conditions in which the sling meets the requirements

for stability during use. Page 3

2.11 Instructions with a view to ensuring that transportation,

handling and storage operations can be made safely,
given the mass of the chain sling. Page 4

2.12 A description of the maintenance operations that should

be carried out safely, including protective measures that
should be carried out by the user and the preventative
maintenance measures that should be observed. Page 4

2.13 The specifications of the spare parts that should be used,

when these affect the health and safety of the operators. Page 4

3.0 Further Guidance Page 4

Document reference: LEEA 062-14, version 1, dated 7th Jan 2016

1.0 Introduction
It is a LEEA Technical requirement, based upon the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, that adequate
instructions are supplied with all chain slings. These instructions must be in the official community
language or languages of the member state in which the chain sling is to be placed on the market and
put into service.

The contents of the instructions must cover not only the intended use of the chain sling but also take
into account any reasonable foreseeable misuse.

Where it is intended for use by suitably trained users, the wording and layout of the instructions for use
must take into account the level of general education and acumen that can reasonably be expected
from such users.

The following information is given as guidance to the manufacturer of chain slings to enable them to
develop adequate instructions for use. The manufacturer may refer to or use the system manufacturer’s
instructions for use.

2.0 Contents of the Instructions for Use

Each instruction manual must contain at least the following generic information, however additional
information may be required for custom-made slings or additional fitted devices.

1. Business name and full address of the manufacturer

2. The EC Declaration of Conformity or the contents of the EC Declaration of Conformity, showing the
particulars of the sling, without the serial number and signatures.
3. Drawings, diagrams, descriptions and explanations necessary for the use, maintenance and repair
of the chain sling.
4. A description of the intended use of the chain sling.
5. Limits of use.
6. Instructions for first use of the chain sling
7. Instructions regarding the need for training users.
8. Information regarding residual risks that may remain despite inherent safe design.
9. Instructions on the protective measures to be taken by the user, for example PPE.
10. The conditions in which the sling meets the requirements for stability during use.
11. Instructions with a view to ensuring that transportation, handling and storage operations can be
made safely, given the weight of the chain sling.
12. A description of the maintenance operations that should be carried out by the user and the
preventative maintenance measures that should be observed.
13. The specifications of the spare parts that should be used, when these affect the health and safety
of the operators.

These are the minimum requirements for general purpose chain slings and further instructions may be
required for special use slings. Therefore the author of instructions is advised that this list is not to be
taken as exhaustive.

The following sections give further guidance on each of the above and offer examples to enable the
manufacturer of chain slings to ensure that they are providing adequate instructions for use.

2.1 Business name and full address of the manufacturer.

This must be the same information that is written on the EC Declaration of Conformity and, if a symbol
is used on the tag, instead of the full details, then this must also be included for clarity.

2.2 The EC Declaration of Conformity or the contents of the EC Declaration of Conformity,

showing the particulars of the sling, without the serial number and signatures.
Like the instructions, the EC Declaration must accompany the chain sling.

2.3 Drawings, diagrams, descriptions and explanations necessary for use, maintenance and
repair of the chain sling.
This deals with the information and explanations necessary for safe use, maintenance and repair of the
slings. Clear and simple drawings, diagrams, graphs and tables are usually preferable to long written

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explanations. However, necessary explanations must be placed adjacent to the illustrations to which
they refer.

For chain slings it is advised that the diagrams show the correct way to sling and the associated mode
factors associated with the sling type. You could also show diagrams showing the correct and incorrect
method slinging. For example refer to figure 1 below:

Figure 1: Choke hitched single leg sling, mode factor 0.8 x WLL marked on the sling. Note do not force,
hammer or wedge chain slings or their fittings into position.

Tables and graphs should be clear and concise in terms of the load rating factors for the intended use.
For example refer table 1.

Mode Factors
Maximum Load to be lifted = mode factor x SWL marked on the

Single Single Single Single Endless

leg leg leg leg Choked
in line choked basket back

1 0.8 1.4 1 1

Table 1: Showing examples of different load ratings for chain slings

In terms of maintenance, recommendations should be made to the rejection and acceptance criteria.
Also for the repair of the equipment recommendations should be made as to the compatible spare parts
that are available.

2.4 A description of the intended use of the chain sling.

The description must state that the chain sling is intended for general lifting purposes or the precise
indication of the purpose for which it is intended.

The description of the intended use must cover all the different slinging techniques and specify the
working load limit associated with each.
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Document reference: LEEA 062-14, version 1, dated 7th Jan 2016

The description should also take into account foreseeable misuse of the sling. To avoid such misuse it
is helpful to indicate to the user the usual reasons for such misuse and to explain the consequences.
The warnings against foreseeable misuse of the sling must take into account of feedback from users
and information about accidents or incidents involving similar equipment.

The description of intended use could be supplemented with diagrams and tables as described in 2.3

2.5 Limits of use.

This information would be specific to the limits on the conditions of use taking into account in the
manufacturers risk assessment and in the design and constructions of the chain sling.

For example you could specify limits on operating temperatures or use in acids or strong alkalis.

2.6 Instructions for first use of the chain sling

The instructions for putting into service shall indicate all of the necessary checks or inspections that
need to be carried out to ensure the sling is in good working condition before first use.

This section must also indicate whether specific training is required to use the sling correctly. The
manufacturer is not expected to provide a full training program or training manual in the instructions.
However the instructions may indicate important aspects to be covered by the operator training in order
to help employers fulfil their obligations to provide appropriate training to operators.

For chain slings LEEA would recommend the following statement, ‘slings should only be used by trained
operatives who understand the methods of rating and application of mode factors.’

2.7 Instructions for training operators.

This section must also indicate whether specific training is required to use the chain sling correctly. The
manufacturer is not expected to provide a full training program or training manual in the instructions.
However the instructions may indicate important aspects to be covered by the operator training in order
to help employers fulfil their obligations to provide appropriate training to operators.

For chain slings LEEA would recommend the following statement, ‘chain slings should only be used by
trained operatives who understand the methods of rating and application of mode factors.’

2.8 Information regarding residual risks that may remain despite inherent safe design.
The instructions must include clear statements relating to any risks that have not been sufficiently
reduced by inherently safe design measures or by integrated technical protective measures.

For example when using one leg of a multi-leg sling to back hook free legs to the master link to prevent
snagging. Or keep fingers, toes, etc. clear when tensioning slings when landing loads. Another example
may be to advise that slings should never be twisted, knotted or tied. These are all things that cannot
be designed out, but if done will have an effect on the safe use of the equipment and therefore the
operator should be advised.

2.9 Information on the protective measures to be taken by the user, for example PPE.
With regards to chain slings this section would cover the required PPE, such as those required for
handling the chain.

2.10 The conditions in which the sling meets the requirements for stability during use.
Where the design and construction of the sling ensures the stability of the sling under certain defined
conditions, these must be specified in the instructions.

In many cases a simple statement such as, ‘ensure the load is balanced and will not tilt or fall’ will suffice
for chain slings.

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2.11 Instructions with a view to ensuring that transportation, handling and storage operations
can be made safely, given the mass of the chain sling.
Instructions for safe transport, handling and storage of the chain sling and of parts that are to be
transported separately shall include, as appropriate:

- Instructions for the safe manual handling of the chain sling or parts of the chain sling that are
to be moved by hand.
- Instructions with regards to the mass of the chain sling to be transported.
- Instructions for safe storage to prevent damage and degradation to the chain sling or injury to

2.12 A description of the maintenance operations that should be carried out safely, including
protective measures that should be carried out by the user and the preventative maintenance
measures that should be observed.
This requires the manufacturer to describe the maintenance operations that must be carried out by the

In particular, the instructions must specify the maintenance operations that must be carried out and
indicate their frequency. The instructions should list those parts of the sling that must be checked
regularly in order to detect defects in accordance with the specified rejection criteria (see 2.3),
periodicity of these checks (in terms of number of cycles) and the nature of the necessary inspections
or tests. Criteria must be given for the replacement of rejected parts.

2.13 The specifications of the spare parts that should be used, when these affect the health and
safety of the operators.
In general the supply of spare parts is not covered by Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and therefore a
matter for contractual agreement between the manufacturer and the user. However, where parts subject
to wear and tear need to be replaced in order to protect the health and safety of users, the specifications
of the appropriate spare parts must be given in the instructions.

3.0 Further guidance.

The proceeding information outlines the minimum information required by the Machinery Directive
2006/42/EC and section 6 of the Health and Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974. Reference to applicable
harmonised standards would also be beneficial, where appropriate.

A sample document has also been included in Appendix 1. The variables associated with differing
grades of sling have been excluded and thus requiring the manufacturer to fill in these details. Please
note that this is a guide only and may not cover every conceivable scenario. Therefore is vital that you
fully assess your product to ensure that you have covered every aspect.

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Document reference: LEEA 062-14, version 1, dated 7th Jan 2016


Name and full
Instructions for the use of:
address of
Grade _ Chain Slings
Manufacturer The information in this leaflet must be passed to the user of the equipment, who
must be suitably trained in the use of this equipment.

This document is issued in accordance with the requirements of Section 6 of the Health and Safety at
Work etc Act 1974 and the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008. It provides instruction to
the user with regards to the care and safe use of general purpose Grade ___ CHAIN SLINGS to
The information is based on Section 14 of the LEEA Code of Practice for the Safe Use of Lifting
Equipment. It should be read in conjunction with the requirements for general purpose slinging
practice, given overleaf, which form an integral part of these instructions.
This information is applicable to grade _ chain slings only

Always Never
 Ensure the operator is properly trained to use chain slings.
 Attempt to shorten a sling leg other than by means of an integral
 Store and handle chain slings correctly. chain clutch.
 Inspect chain slings and accessories before use and before  Force, hammer or wedge chain slings or their fittings into position.
placing into storage.
 Lift on the point of a hook.
 Follow safe slinging practices, as given overleaf.
 Expose chain slings to chemicals, particularly acidic or strong
 Fit slings carefully, protect them from sharp edges and position alkalis conditions, without consulting the supplier.
hooks to face outward from the load.
 Use chain slings at temperatures above ____ or below minus ____
 Apply the correct mode factor for the slinging arrangement. without consulting the supplier.
 Back hook free legs onto the master link.  Shock load chain slings

Selecting the Correct Sling

Chain slings are available in a range of material grades, sizes and assemblies. Select the slings to be
used and plan the lift taking the following into account:
- Type of sling to be used - endless, single, two, three or four leg.
- Capacity - the sling must be both long enough and strong enough for the load and the slinging
- Apply the mode factor for the slinging method.
- If adjustment of the leg length is necessary select a sling with chain shortening clutches.
- For use at temperatures exceeding _____ or below minus _____ refer to the suppliers
- Where slings may come into contact with chemicals, particularly acids or acidic fumes, consult
the supplier.
- In the case of multi-leg slings the angle between the legs should not be less than ____ or
exceed the maximum marked.
- Multi-leg slings exert a gripping force on the load which increases as the angle between the
legs increases and this must be taken into account.

Storing and Handling Chain Slings

When manually handling chain slings always wear gloves and protective footwear. It is recommended
that heavy chain slings are moved by means of a handling aid, such as a fork lift truck.

Page 1
Never return damaged or contaminated slings to storage. They should be dry, clean and protected from
Store chain slings on a rack and not lying on the ground. The storage area should be dry, clean and
free of any contaminates which may harm the sling.
Do not alter, modify or repair a chain sling but refer such matters to a Competent Person.
Never galvanise or subject a chain sling to any other plating process without the express approval of
the supplier.

Using Chain Slings Safely

Do not attempt lifting operations unless you understand the use of the equipment, the slinging
procedures and the mode factors to be applied.
Do not use defective slings or accessories.
Do not force, hammer or wedge chain slings or fittings into position; they must fit freely. Check the
correct engagement of fittings and appliances.
Position hooks of multi-leg slings facing outward from the load. Do not lift on the point of the hook and
ensure that the chain is not twisted or knotted.
Back hook free legs to the master link to avoid lashing legs which might accidentally become engaged
or otherwise become a hazard.
Take the load steadily and avoid shock loads.
Do not leave suspended loads unattended. In an emergency cordon off the area.

In-service Inspection and Maintenance

Maintenance requirements are minimal. Keep chain slings clean and protect from corrosion.
Regularly inspect chain slings, particularly before putting into service and before each use, and, in the
event of the following defects, refer the sling to a Competent Person for thorough examination: illegible
markings; distortion of fittings; worn, stretched, bent or twisted links; ineffective safety catches; cuts,
nicks, gouges, cracks, corrosion, heat discolouration or any other defect apparent to the chain or fittings.
Only repair chain slings with ______________ approved components.


The following information is based on Section 1 - Appendix 1.5 of the LEEA Code of Practice for the
Safe Use of Lifting Equipment. It should be read in conjunction with the instructions for the safe use,
given overleaf, of which it forms an integral part and with any specific instructions issued by the

Always Never
 Plan the lift, establish the weight of the load and prepare
the landing area ensuring that it will take the weight.  Use damaged slings or accessories.
 Check slings and equipment are free of damage, use  Twist, knot or tie slings.
slings/slinging methods suitable for the load and protect  Hammer slings into position.
slings from sharp edges and corners.
 Overload slings due to the weight of the load or the mode
 Attach the sling securely to the load and appliance and of use.
position hooks to face outwards.
 Trap slings when landing the load.
 Ensure the load is balanced and will not tilt or fall.
 Drag slings over floors etc or attempt to pull trapped slings
 Keep fingers, toes etc. clear when tensioning slings and from under loads.
when landing loads.
 Allow personnel to ride on loads.
 Ensure that the load is free to be lifted.
 Make a trial lift and trial lower.
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Document reference: LEEA 062-14, version 1, dated 7th Jan 2016

Sling Configurations and Rating

Slings are available in single, two, three and four leg or endless form. In practice it will be found that
chain are available in any of these configurations. The maximum load that a sling may lift in use will
be governed by the slinging arrangement (mode of use) and may vary from the marked SWL, refer to
table 1 below. It is necessary to multiply the marked SWL by a mode factor relevant to sling
arrangement, see table 1.

Mode Factors
Maximum Load to be lifted = mode factor x
SWL marked on the sling
Single Single Single Single Endl
leg leg leg leg ess
in line choke basket back Cho
d hooke ked

1 0.8 1.4 1 1

Table 1: Mode factors to be applied to different slinging arrangements

The following three simple rules will ensure that the sling is not overloaded. In some cases this will
mean that the sling will be underutilised although this is unlikely to hinder the user unduly. Where the
maximum utilisation is required reference should be made to a Competent Person who understands
the factors involved and who can perform the necessary calculations.
(1) For straight lift never exceed the marked SWL and in the case of multi-leg slings the specified angle
or range of angles.
(2) When using slings in choke hitch multiply the marked SWL by 0.8 to obtain the reduced maximum
load the sling may lift i.e. reduce the safe working load by 20%.
(3) With multi-leg slings, when using less than the full number of legs, reduce the maximum load in
proportion to the number of legs in use. Simply multiply the marked SWL by the number of legs in
use expressed as a fraction of the total thus: one leg of a two leg sling = ½ marked SWL, three legs
of a four leg sling = ¾ marked SWL and so on.

Operative Training
Slings should only be used by trained operatives who understand the methods of rating and
application of mode factors.

Safe use of Slings

o Good slinging practice must ensure that the load is as safe and secure in the air as it was on the
ground and that no harm is done to the load, lifting equipment, other property or persons.
o Establish the weight of the load, ensure the lifting method is suitable and inspect the sling and
attachments for obvious defects. Prepare the landing area making sure the floor is strong enough to
take the load. Follow any specific instructions from the supplier.
o Ensure the lifting point is over the centre of gravity. Any loose parts of the load should be removed or
secured. Secure the sling firmly to the load by hooks onto lifting points or shackles etc. The sling must
not be twisted, knotted or kinked in any way.
o Use packing to prevent damage to the sling from corners or edges and to protect the load.

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o Do not exceed the SWL or rated angle. Any choke angle must not exceed 60 and any basket 45
from the vertical.
o Do not hammer, force or wedge slings or accessories into position; they must fit freely.
o When attaching more than one sling to the hook of the appliance use a shackle to join the slings and
avoid overcrowding the hook.
o Use an established code of signals to instruct the crane driver.
o Ensure the load is free to be lifted and not, for example, bolted down.
o Check that there are no overhead obstacles such as power lines.
o Keep fingers, toes etc. clear ensuring they do not become trapped when lifting, lowering or controlling
o Make a trial lift by raising the load a little to ensure it is balanced, stable and secure and if not lower
it and adjust the slinging arrangement.
o Where appropriate use tag lines to control the load.
o Except where special provision is made, do not allow anyone to pass under or ride upon the load.
The area should be kept clear.
o Make a trial set down, ensure the sling will not become trapped and the load will not tip when the
slings are released. Use supports which are strong enough to sustain the load without crushing.
o Never drag slings over floors etc. or attempt to drag a trapped sling from under a load.
o Never use a sling to drag a load.
o Place the hooks of free legs back onto the master link and take care to ensure that empty hooks do
not become accidentally engaged.
o Never use slings in contact with chemicals or heat without the manufacturer’s approval.
o Never use damaged or contaminated slings.
o On completion of the lift return all equipment to proper storage.

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