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F i e l d Strength

Publication for the Philips MRI Community

GRASE Fiber tracking

Center’s business plan highlights 3.0T

quality and applications
Nevada Imaging Centers, Las Vegas emphasizes advanced studies

This article is part of

Field Strength Issue 27
December 2005
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Center’s business plan highlights 3.0T

quality and applications
Nevada Imaging Centers, Las Vegas emphasizes advanced studies

According to William W. Orrison, M.D., Nevada Imaging Centers (NIC, Las Vegas,
Nev., USA), referring physicians and patients alike prefer and seek out the high
quality healthcare providers in any given market.This belief drove Dr. Orrison’s
strategy for NIC’s Spring Valley clinic, which acquired a Philips 3.0T (Intera)
system in 2004. Instead of using the 3.0T system’s power to boost throughput,
Spring Valley harnesses the 3.0T to create superb images and conduct advanced
studies.Today, Spring Valley is an economically viable clinic performing the most
sophisticated studies available, such as diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), MR
William W. Orrison, M.D. spectroscopy (MRS) and BOLD fMRI. It has seen significant gains, especially, in
spinal cord and brain multiple sclerosis imaging.

Whether performed at a 0.2T or 3.0T field service and support. It became operational
"Three years ago I believed strength, U.S. health insurance companies in May 2004 at NIC’s new Spring Valley
3.0T was ready for reimburse MR scans at the same level. clinic.
outpatient operation and Accordingly, many clinics improve their
I wanted to prove that."
cost-benefit ratio by acquiring a relatively NIC’s 1.5T Philips system has provided
cheaper low field system and scanning as 100% uptime, Dr. Orrison notes. “Plus,
many patients as possible. Some might Philips service has been phenomenal. The
regard Nevada Imaging Centers’ (NIC) third reason for selecting Philips is that we
strategy to purchase a more costly 3.0T have an extremely supportive Philips
system as economically counterintuitive. representative.”
NIC radiologist, Dr. William Orrison,
however, had a vision for the 3.0T: calculate While Dr. Orrison believed in the
a reasonable patients-per-day goal and then technological excellence of Philips MR
maximize the 3.0T system’s advanced systems, keeping a 3.0T system up and
imaging capabilities to attract patients and running was the most critical issue. NIC
referring physicians. calculated a pro forma that dictated a
break-even mark of 20 patients per day.
“Three years ago I believed 3.0T was ready Today, the system exceeds that goal by five
for outpatient operation and I wanted to patients, reducing NIC’s initial seven-year
prove that,” Dr. Orrison says. “Secondly, I projected return-on-investment to four
thought 3.0T would raise the overall quality years.
of healthcare and attract both patients and
referring physicians.” Focus on advanced applications

Net Forum
w w w. p h i l i p s . c o m / n e t f o r u m
Dr. Orrison’s 3.0T conviction was reinforced
Spring Valley specializes in a wide range
of neuro MRI cases, and adding the 3.0T
after seeing 3.0T images at Philips’ RSNA system – to NIC’s complement of 0.3T,
Visit the MRI NetForum Community exhibit in 2003 and test-running 3.0T 0.7T, 1.0T and 1.5T scanners (five total) –
to view or download NIC's 3.0T techniques at Philips’ Cleveland facility. has opened the door to additional
After evaluating several vendors’ products, sophisticated studies, which demand high
NIC radiologists chose the Philips 3.0T SNR for higher resolution and/or thin slice
Photo of Dr. Orrison by system based on Philips’ excellent uptime, imaging.

14 Field Strength Issue 27 - December 2005

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FLAIR GRASE Fiber tracking

9-year-old male with post-inflammatory encephalomalacia. The axial FLAIR sequence demonstrates bilateral parietal
encephalomalacia with decreased signal intensity (arrow). Diffusion tensor imaging (32 directions) with fiber tracking
demonstrates marked loss of superior cortical spinal tract fibers in the region of encephalomalacia identified in the FLAIR image.
The images were acquired using the SENSE Head coil.

The most significant difference between “We could run this system like a fast 1.5T
Spring Valley and NIC’s four other imaging scanner as some centers do, but instead we
centers is a marked increase in the diagnosis use it specifically to make more difficult
of spinal cord multiple sclerosis. “We make diagnoses,” Dr. Orrison notes. “A significant
that diagnosis daily now,” he says. “Working percentage of patients we see here have failed
at 1.5T, I might have made it monthly, a diagnosis elsewhere, so we use the scanner "For patients that failed a
possibly weekly at most.” at its maximum capability rather than diagnosis elsewhere, we use
maximum throughput. We concentrate on the scanner at its maximum
Similarly, brain MS studies are considerably high quality and accept that it will take capability rather than
more sensitive at 3.0T, greatly increasing longer. SENSE allows us to keep a higher
maximum throughput."
clinicians’ diagnostic confidence. “I find matrix and more signal averages, so we can
brain MS lesions that I would have difficulty acquire a higher quality scan in the same or
finding or not finding at all at 1.5T, due to less time. SENSE buys us time.”
noise, artifacts or insufficient resolution,”
Dr. Orrison says. “The Philips 3.0T system MR spectroscopy helps to evaluate
has reduced lesion subtlety, improving MS lesions
visualization and enabling us to confidently Spring Valley is exploiting the advantage that
call abnormal lesions.” higher field strength brings to MR
spectroscopy for evaluating the levels of n-
Clinicians have been noting that 3.0T helps acetyl aspartate (NAA), choline and creatine
better to detect MS lesions than 1.5T, Dr. in MS lesions. Differences in metabolic levels
Orrison observes.1 Spring Valley achieves its are seen between active and inactive MS
MS imaging results using conventional T1- plaques and between MS lesions and tumors.
and T2-weighted sequences, FLAIR, DTI
(white matter) fiber tracking, MR
spectroscopy and SENSE and now
preferentially conducts MS studies on the
3.0T system.

“SENSE buys us time”

Spring Valley uses SENSE factor 1.6
(i.e. exactly 1.6 times faster scan time than
without SENSE) on MS exams and nearly
all other studies to afford increases in matrix
or number of signal averages, while avoiding
raising scan time. Jon Gibson, MR Technologist Nevada Imaging Centers, Sping Valley clinic

Issue 27 - December 2005 Field Strength 15

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T2 weighted STIR T2 weighted

33-year-old female with multiple sclerosis. The sagittal T2-weighted image demonstrates focal abnormal signal intensity within
the cervical spinal cord (arrow). The sagittal STIR sequence demonstrates two focal areas of abnormal increased signal intensity
within the cervical spinal cord (arrows). The axial T2-weighted image demonstrates a focal area of abnormal signal intensity
centrally within the spinal cord (arrow). The images were acquired using the SENSE NeuroVascular coil.

FLAIR T2 weighted “In an active lesion, NAA is usually more

normal, choline is elevated and creatine is
decreased. In addition, you may see also see
elevated lactate and lipids,” he says. “Inactive
MS plaques normally have an elevated
myoinosotol level and the choline, creatine
and NAA are typically more normal.”

“Depressed NAA levels are usually associated

with neoplasms,” he adds. “If the NAA is
normal, we’re reasonably confident it’s not a
“MR spectroscopy represents a technique we
don’t perform at 1.5T for the simple reason
that we have 3.0T,” he continues. “Three
Tesla gives us tremendously better spectro-
scopic data across the board and takes
significantly less time.”

DTI fiber tracking’s many applications

MS cases have benefited from Spring Valley’s
use of DTI fiber tracking, as have other
indications involving white matter,
including dementia, head trauma, stroke
The axial FLAIR image demonstrates focal encephalomalacia in the right frontal cortex
secondary to prior head trauma. The coronal T2-weighted image demonstrates right and pre-surgical brain tumor evaluation.
inferior frontal and left superior frontal “coupe-contrecoup” injury from head trauma. At press time, Spring Valley had performed
The axial T2-weighted GRASE sequence demonstrates right frontal encephalomalacia DTI scans for a total of 165 patients,
secondary to head trauma. fMRI demonstrates significantly decreased cortical activity currently conducting 5 to 10 cases weekly.
on the right following motor activation task. The images were acquired using the
SENSE Head coil.
In MS cases, DTI is used to depict
pathology and the three-dimensional
nature of white matter fiber tracts. “Clearly,
a major goal is to diagnose MS earlier to
facilitate earlier treatment,” he says. “It may

16 Field Strength Issue 27 - December 2005

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GRASE Post-contrast

"It’s important to know that

world-class imaging is
available in Las Vegas."

22-year-old male with left visual field defect and left optic nerve glioma. The coronal T2-
weighted GRASE demonstrates focal abnormal signal intensity within the left posterior
prechiasmic optic nerve. The coronal post-contrast T1 SE demonstrates peripheral
contrast enhancement in the focal left prechiasmic optic nerve mass. The images were
acquired using the SENSE Head coil.

also afford a better way to track a patient’s was as up-to-date or impressive as the work “It may take these sites a long time to
response to therapy.” we’re doing,” Dr. Orrison relates. “A local accumulate a healthier, more routine patient
neurosurgeon also said it’s important for group for a study. Our patients are relatively
In head trauma cases, DTI can help doctors people to know that world-class imaging is healthy patients who can participate easily in
determine disruption of white matter fiber available in Las Vegas.” studies, allowing us to get clinical trials done
tracts, such as that wich might occur in a faster.”
rear-end automobile collision, in which an More neurosurgeons are referring to Spring
occupant in the lead vehicle may have Valley, he adds, based on the facility’s MR Spring Valley’s first large patient study will
suffered a shearing injury of the fiber tracts. spectroscopy, DTI, CSF flow and BOLD ultimately recruit 50 to 100 patients with
fMRI. Spring Valley performs two to three multiple sclerosis to evaluate certain imaging
DTI also helps Spring Valley radiologists BOLD fMRI cases per week, including aspects of DTI. “We hope to share the
evaluate different types of dementia, based research on normal patients and also results with other 3.0T users as quickly as
on fiber tract loss. Different dementias patients suffering from stroke, hearing or possible,” he says.
impact different brain regions; Alzheimer’s vision loss and head trauma. BOLD fMRI
disease affects parietal and temporal brain also is employed in studies of language
areas, while the frontal and temporal lobes dominance and for surgical planning of
are primarily impacted in frontotemporal tumor resections.
dementia. “We have been correlating
marked decreases in fiber tracts in areas of Independent imagers contribute to
the brain affected by a particular type of 3.0T clinical knowledge
dementia,” Dr. Orrison says. While Spring Valley has demonstrated
the feasibility of operating a 3.0T system
Stroke can disrupt white matter fiber tracts, in the outpatient environment, bringing
so Spring Valley employs DTI to isolate high quality, advanced imaging to the
affected tracts. While both 1.5T and 3.0T community is only half of the story.
platforms are comparable in general stroke Increasingly, centers like Spring Valley are
MRI, Dr. Orrison says, the 3.0T system conducting 3.0T clinical trials that will
excels in defining brain stem strokes and inform 3.0T diagnostic knowledge and
small strokes. shape utilization.
Philips 3.0T impresses referring “We don’t necessarily scan more patients,
physicians just more of a given type of patient. While 1. Bachmann, R, Reilmann, R, Kraemer, S, et. al.
Multiple Sclerosis: Comparative MR-Imaging at
“A referring neurologist who attended the tertiary centers don’t get high volumes of
1.5 and 3.0 Tesla.
American Academy of Neurology meeting routine cases, we may get thousands of those Scientific Papers (RSNA): Dec. 5, 2003.
told me he didn’t see anything there that in a few months,” Dr. Orrison explains.

Issue 27 - December 2005 Field Strength 17

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