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SPE 90339

Modern Carbon/Oxygen Logging Methodologies: Comparing Hydrocarbon Saturation

Determination Techniques
Ramsin Y. Eyvazzadeh, Oscar Kelder, A.A.Hajari, Shouxiang Ma, Abdallah M. Behair; SPE, Saudi Aramco

Copyright 2004, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and One of the most important factors in managing reservoirs is an
Exhibition held in Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 26–29 September 2004.
accurate determination of water saturation. The accuracy of
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in a proposal submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
this value is very critical in time based measurements that are
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to used in tracking reservoir depletion, enhanced recovery,
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at workover strategies and injection water breakthroughs. This
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
parameter is even more sensitive in large fields, where small
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is variations in water saturation calculations can translate into
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to a proposal of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The proposal must contain conspicuous large volumes of hydrocarbons.
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. The carbonate field in this study was discovered in 1950’s
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
and an enhanced oil recovery project was initiated in 1970’s.
Since then, several types of waters with varying amount of
Abstract salinities have been injected. This salinity variation has
Recent advances in Carbon/Oxygen (C/O) logging technology caused complexities in the saturation computations that rely
have provided measurements that have become more on accurate measurements of formation water resistivity, i.e.
quantitatively robust in reservoir monitoring projects, resistivity tools. Resistivity measurements are used in
especially in mixed salinity environments. Enhancements in empirical equations to calculate fluid saturations based on
tool design, characterization and interpretation algorithms known formation water resistivity. In formations that contain
have contributed to increases in precision and accuracy of fresh waters and unknown water salinities, these equations
fluid saturation measurements. produce answers with large uncertainties. These limitations
Even though these innovations have led to major have contributed to the development of the Pulsed Neutron
improvements, fluid saturation profiles provided by different Spectroscopy (PNS) tools. The tools use neutron generator
service companies are often varied. The variations are due to produces high energy neutron that collide with different types
differences in tool designs and interpretation methodologies of elements that are present in the formation. These collisions
and thus, a unique solution is not always provided. The produce gamma ray signature values that are used to measure
inconsistencies in answers are generally not understood due to the relative abundances of elements. Two of the most
characterization complexities of the formation and the important elements are carbon and oxygen. The abundances
borehole environment including cements, casing, fluid types, of these elements are directly used to calculate volume of
etc. hydrocarbons.
As a consequence, a study was conducted in a large C/O logging, introduced in the 1960s, has been
Middle Eastern carbonate field to evaluate and compare commercially available since the 1970s. The earlier
accuracy and precision of different types of Pulsed Neutron technology was cumbersome, difficult to use and often
Spectroscopy (PNS) tools in a controlled environment. provided unreliable answers. In the 1990s several new
Several open-hole wells were chosen and logged with the generation of tools were introduced by the three major logging
latest types of tools under identical conditions with well companies; Schlumberger, Halliburton and Baker Atlas. In
defined environmental parameters, thus enabling accurate comparison to the older tools, these new tools have high
correlations between tool responses and fluid saturations. The output neutron generators with better detectors and
accuracy of the results was then evaluated based on a characterizations that provide more accurate and precise
comparison to core, production logs, pulsed neutron sigma, answers.
resistivity and fluid sample data. Even though these tools operate on the same principles,
This paper presents the results of the study and illustrates service companies have taken different avenues of
how differences in service company tool designs, technological developments and methodologies, which have
characterizations and interpretational methodologies affect resulted in non unique solutions among the vendors.
fluid saturation computations in this field. In addition,
recommendations are provided on job planning and utilization
of this technology in large scale reservoir monitoring projects.
2 SPE 90339

In this paper, we examine these differences in two wells. illustration of the windowing technique that is used to
In the first well, saturation data from Nuclear Magnetic determine elemental yields.
Resonance (NMR) were compared to C/O and laboratory core
measured saturation data, to determine the applicability of this 40 35 pu fw ss
technology in this field. In the second well, resistivity and
capture data were used as references to compare data from X5 36 pu oil ss
three different types of PNS tools. 30
26 pu fw ls
The tools presented in this paper do not represent all of the

Normalized Counts
available technology. There are some other logging
companies that also provide this service. Due to tool Si Ca C O
availability, comparisons were only made between the three
major service companies, Schlumberger, Halliburton and
Baker Atlas.
In addition, C/O technology offers many different
applications that are not discussed in this paper. The primary
focus is to compare the computation of saturation by inelastic
spectral measurements that are crucial in mixed salinity 0

reservoirs. 2 4 6 8
Energy (MeV)

Figure 2 -- Windowing and spectral based techniques are used to

Carbon-Oxygen logging compute the relative abundance of carbon and oxygen in the
Gamma ray spectroscopy measures gamma ray counts in time formation.
and gamma ray energies. Elements when bombarded with
neutrons emit gamma rays at specific energies levels. The In the inelastic mode, the most important measurement is
number of the gamma rays is proportional to the relative the ratio of the carbon to oxygen yields. Test pit
amounts of the elements. Naturally occurring and the induced characterizations provide charts that relate this value to the
gamma rays are counted and sorted by energy levels to fluid saturations, as illustrated in figure 3.
produce a spectrum. This spectrum is then processed to
identify the concentrations of the elements figure 1.
6" Openhole, Limestone Formation

Count Rates 1.8

Oil Borehole
Water Borehole


C /O

1.4 ∆ C/O
SO = X / ∆ C/O
1.3 X


Energy 1.1

Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Porosity (p.u.)

Figure 1 – Inelastic as well as capture spectrums are used to

determine elemental yields Figure 3 --The standard Fan chart is used to calculate the volume
of hydrocarbons based on porosity and Carbon/Oxygen ratios.
C/O tools use generators that produce high energy
neutrons that are emitted into the formation. Emissions of In this figure, a saturation point is determined by a
neutrons produce three types of collisions; inelastic, elastic crossplot of porosity and C/O. In addition to these charts,
and absorption. In the inelastic spectrum, carbon and oxygen service and oil companies have locally developed relationships
yields are used to compute hydrocarbon volumes. In the that are generally based on Monte Carlo simulations and local
elastic mode the neutron losses its energy until it’s absorbed in reservoir knowledge.
thermal energy levels. In these interactions, elemental yields
such as, silicon, calcium, chlorine, hydrogen, iron, etc are Tool Design/Characterization
determined. In the last decade, several new pulsed spectroscopy tools have
One of the most difficult aspects of this measurement is been introduced in the industry. In this study, Schlumberger’s
the differentiation of elemental yields within these spectrums. Reservoir Saturation tool (RSTPro)*, Halliburton’s Reservoir
Energy peaks from different elements can often cause Monitoring Tool (RMT-Elite) ** and Baker Atlas’ Reservoir
background noise. Windowing and spectral techniques are Performance tool (RPM) *** were evaluated in two wells in
often used to overcome these problems. Figure 2 is an this carbonate reservoir.
* Mark of Schlumberger
** Mark of Halliburton
*** Mark of Baker Atlas
SPE 90339 3

These tools represent the latest technologies that are presently Interpretation: Two methods are used to determine elemental
available in carbon-oxygen logging. yields, spectral and windowing. Spectral techniques match
Even though all of these tools operate on the same elemental signatures to the entire spectrum to determine
principle, they are vastly different in design and elemental yields. This approach creates good accuracy but
characterization. The following is a brief outline of published reduced precision. In the second technique, windows around
material to these tools. the elemental energies are used to determine elemental yields
(figure 2). This method increases the precision, but reduces
Reservoir Saturation Tool-Pro* (Schlumberger) accuracy. In order to combine the positive aspects of both
New generations of C/O tools called the Reservoir data sets, Schlumberger developed a mathematical model,
Saturation Tools were introduced in 1991, by Schlumberger. called Alpha processing*, that combines the accuracy of the
These tools featured newer detectors and with higher output spectral data to the precision of the windowing method.
generators that delivered much better results than their C/O, measured from yields, are computed individually in
predecessors. In 1999 a new service called the RSTPro was each detector and then they are transformed into saturation
introduced that greatly enhanced the ability of these tools to using a data base of measured tool responses in known
make more precise and accurate measurements. environmental conditions by the following equation;
There are two versions of these tools, RST-C and RST-D. The
RST-C tool has a diameter of 1.6875 inches and RST-D tool
has a diameter of 2.5 inches. C K1 + K 2φS 0 + K 3Y0
= , (1)
Detectors: These tools have two gadolinium-oxy-ortho-silicate O K 4 + K 5 (1 − S 0 ) + K 6 (1 − Yo )
(GSO) detectors. Due to the statistical nature of this
measurement, detector density plays an important role in where C and O are the carbon and oxygen yields, So is the
resolution and efficiency in gamma ray detection. These formation oil saturation, Ø is porosity and Y0 is the borehole
detectors are among the highest density crystal detectors. holdup. The coefficients Ki represent the sensitivities of
There are many features that make one detector better than the matrix, formation fluid and borehole fluids to carbon and
next. Table 1 is an outline of the detectors and key features oxygen. The values for these coefficients are determined in
that are presently being used by the three service companies. calibration test pits. In equation 1, C/O measurements are
Detector technology has been one of the key technological very sensitive to the borehole fluid effects, thus fluid holdup
advancements of this field. measurements are very essential to the computation of
hydrocarbon saturation. In the RST-C tool, borehole fluid
Tool Geometry: One of the primary goals in C/O logging is to fraction should be determined by production logging tools, as
maximize formation signal and minimize environmental the formation and bore hole sensitivities are the same for both
effects. The RST-D is the only tool in the market that detectors. Focused shielding in the RST-D enables borehole
provides shielding, where the near detector is focused to the holdup measurements, since the near detector is more sensitive
borehole and the far detector is focused to the formation. Tool to the well bore fluids.
characterization, modeling and hold up measurements are
some of the key features that are enhanced by this design. In Reservoir Monitoring Tool-Elite (Halliburton)
addition, both detectors are simultaneously used in the The Reservoir Monitoring Tool – Elite (RMT-Elite) is the
interpretation of fluid saturations. Figures 5 and 6 are newest version of Halliburton’s carbon-oxygen tool. It is a
examples of interpretational parallelograms that are used to dual detector tool with a diameter of 2.125 inches. This larger
calculate oil saturation from both the near and the far diameter tool has enabled greater accuracy and precision than
detectors. Note the increase in the tool fidelity on the Y-axis previous smaller versions of this tool.
in figure 5 (RST-D) with respect to figure 6 (RST-C). The
increase in the fidelity is due to the shielding in the RST-D The following are some of the key features:
Detectors: The RMT has dual Bismuth Germinate (BGO)
Calibration: Differences in tool electronics, detectors, and detectors that are 1.4 x 6 inch and 1.4 x 1 inch for the far and
generators cause tool to tool variations. In large scale the near detectors, respectively. Table 1 provides a
monitoring projects, this variability can often generate comparison of the available detectors. These are the highest
inconsistencies in the interpreted saturation data. Spectral density detectors that are used in the market.
calibration, based on characterizations of standard
measurements, has been used to overcome this problem. Calibration: Horizontal water-filled field calibrator is used to
Several RST tools were calibrated in test pits to develop field calibrate the following:
algorithms that are used to calibrate each of the spectral
channels. These calibrations are then carried to the field tools • Measurement the spectral non-linearity of each
by the field calibration tank. detector, for a real-time correction.
• Calibration of the near and far ratio’s.

* Mark of Schlumberger
Correction of the differences in the spectrum by
means of gain applied to the pulse height spectrum.
4 SPE 90339

• Verification of neutron generator output to correct Calibration: Horizontal water filled tank and quality control
value to achieve specific count rate. curves are used to minimize tool to tool variability.
• Resolution of dead time of detectors.
• Measurement of hydrogen peak resolution. Interpretation: There are several methods that are used to
• A check of the electronics tool systems. determine hydrocarbon saturation values with this tool. One
of the most effective that was used in this study is the
Dead time, pileup, nonlinearity and spectral gain and offsets Dynamic Response Generator (DRG) **, figure 7. The DRG
are some of the features that are used to minimize tool-tool utilizes a database that contains thousands of laboratory
variation. measured environments that relate carbon/oxygen to saturation
values. This method determines saturations at every modeled
Interpretation: A windowing method is used to determine condition at every depth level.
elemental yields. These yields are corrected for environmental
effects by algorithms that are developed in test pit facilities. C/O vs. Resistivity logging
The corrected data is put into a CarbOxSat* model that utilizes Recent technological advancements have greatly enhanced
the following equations; resistivity and PNS logging tools. Slim array induction tools
as well as newer cased-hole logging tools have also provided
LIRI = (0.32 Vls + 0.30)(1- φ ) + 1.505, (2) for new options for reservoir monitoring.
Even though both of these technologies have their merits,
there are limitations and aspects that make one measurement
The lithology ratio LIRI is calculated from the fractional superior to the next. The following factors should be taken in
volume of calcite and porosity ( φ ). The coefficients in this consideration with carbon-oxygen and resistivity logging.
equation are determined in laboratory test pits. An
independent measurement of the C/O can then be calculated • Formation water salinity range and profile.
by the following equation; • Bore-hole conditions.
• Re-invasion of bore-hole fluids.
∆CO = COIR -0.15LIRI + 0.07 φ - 0.263 + A , (3) • Resistivity contrast.
• Porosity range.
where COIR is the Carbon/oxygen ratio, and A is a constant • Scaling/acidizing.
that removes any residual effects. ∆CO is then the corrected • Casing condition.
C/O ratio. The constant A in this equation is either set in • Cement condition.
known zones of 100% water or known saturations. The oil • Completion restrictions.
saturation can then be calculated by the following equation;
These factors should be evaluated in every well and thus
1 − .35φ ∆CO careful consideration should be taken in the pre-job planning
Soil = 1.53 − , (4) phase of every logging job. This in turn will minimize the
φ ∆CO + 0.19Chc introduction of systematic errors in the final answers. In
addition, random errors that are inherent in the tool
Where φ is the porosity, Chc is the carbon index of the oil. measurements should also be considered. The three major
service companies provide carbon-oxygen job planners that
compute the random errors based on porosities, bore-hole
Reservoir Performance Monitor (Baker Atlas) conditions and acquisition speeds. These planners are used to
A new multi-detector slim pulse neutron instrument was optimize acquisition of data by calculating uncertainty in the
introduced in 1998. This tool features 3 detectors that are analysis based on these variables.
used in several different logging modes. This tool features A new method has been developed that utilizes Monte
pulsed neutron capture, C/O, holdup imaging, activation water Carlo simulations to determine uncertainties in saturation
flow, gravel pack evaluation and fracture efficiency modes of computations based on resistivity data. Figure 1 illustrates a
logging. graph where errors in resistivity based saturations are
compared to errors in C/O saturations, under the same
Detectors: Three sodium iodide crystal detectors, short conditions. In this example, Schlumberger’s RST-D planner
spaced, long spaced and extra long spaced are used to was used to calculate saturation error in a 15 pu formation. As
optimize the logging signal. C/O measurements are made shown in this graph, errors in the resistivity analysis increase
between the two closest detectors. A Dual Detector as the formation waters become fresher and at a point they
optimization method is used that combines the effects of the become greater than the errors that are associated with C/O
high signal to noise ratio and high sensitivity borehole effects logging. As this figure only represents one condition, several
of the near detector to the low signal to noise ratio with a simulations with varying porosity and electrical parameters
weighing method that maximizes the fidelity of the calculated would be needed for a complete evaluation.
saturation values. The third detector is used for activation of
oxygen, which is used to determine cross flows and water * Mark of Halliburton
** Mark of Baker Atlas
velocity in horizontal wells.
SPE 90339 5

Error in Saturation Carbon-Oxygen Vs. Resistivity Samples from the MDT were used in conjunction with a
tracer material to determine formation water resistivity (Rw)
0.3 and hydrocarbons movability at several intervals. Laboratory
tests from these samples showed a variation from 7000 to
1 Standard Deviation

70000 ppm NaCl Rw’s. This variation in the RW profile
0.2 produced large errors in resistivity calculated saturations.
POR = 15%
0.15 Figure 8 illustrates resistivity saturation analysis as compared
to sponge core data. As shown in this figure, water saturations
15% from resistivity analysis did not compare well with the core
0.05 data. In addition to these results, an NMR Log-Inject-Log
method was used to calculate oil volumes. This method
0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000
utilizes a direct measurement of NMR fluid signal, which is
independent of formation salinity. As shown in this figure,
there is an excellent match between the NMR and core
Figure 4 -- This figure illustrates the saturation errors that are measured values. NMR and core measured values were used
associated with C/O and resistivity logging data under same
as benchmarks.
C/O tools were then run in conjunction with production
Well Evaluations logging tools. Several passes were made with the RST-C and
A large scale reservoir monitoring project initiated in a large RST-D in both shut-in and flowing conditions. Figure 9 is a
carbonate field has prompted an assessment of technologies log that illustrates saturation results from sponge core and
that provide accurate and precise saturation measurements. RST-D, RST-C shut-in and flowing passes. As shown in this
The main objectives of this study were to evaluate the figure, all of the tools provided saturation results that are in
feasibility of this technology in this field and to compare the agreement, except for the RST-C tool that was logged in
latest technologies available in the industry. In order to flowing condition. Since, the RST-C does not have shielding;
achieve these objectives two wells are chosen based on the both near and far detectors are sensitive to borehole
following criteria: environment. This sensitivity adds uncertainty to the
calculated saturations by a reduced dynamic range in the
• Good bore-hole conditions (open-hole completion). interpretations. In this well, water saturations from this tool
• Known lithology, porosity. are higher than the references. The tool movement in flowing
• Complete logging suites. conditions can be attributed to these differences. In addition,
decrease in the dynamic range, due to shielding, is also
• The ability to shut-in and flow wells.
attributed to the results. Schlumberger does not recommend
• No mechanical restrictions (tool sizes, casing, tubing).
flowing well conditions for the RST-C tool. The RST-D
• Good Reservoir Quality. flowing and shut-in results showed a good comparison. This
• Extensive laboratory core data. was expected, since the well did not have any movable
hydrocarbon. RST-D flowing data had the best comparison to
Well-A sponge core data. Analysis from Well-A has shown very
The first well chosen in this study was a newly drilled well promising results for future application of this technology in
placed close to an injector. The primary purpose of the well this field
was to determine the remaining oil saturation behind the flood
front. Initially, a study was conducted in nearby wells to Well-B
determine the homogeny of lithology, porosity and rock type The objective in Well-A was to determine remaining oil
as described by petrophysical facies. saturations, (ROS). In order to determine the effects of
A comprehensive logging program included the borehole fluid and changes in formation saturation, a well with
following: 50% water cut was selected as a candidate. Well B was
completed in May 2000, and was a candidate for propellant
• Initially: Drill 5.875 inch hole. stimulation. Logging objective was to optimize the treatment
• Coring: Sponge core. interval for which the OWC or unflushed zones needed to be
• Log: Resistivity-Density-Neutron-Gamma Ray. determined. One of the primary objectives was to determine
• Log: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (base log). the oil saturation in zone B (figure 12).
• Ream out the hole to 8.5 inches with doped MgCl2 Well-B is an open-hole completed producing well. Again,
Mud. a complete geological and petrophysical analysis of nearby
• Log: Nuclear magnetic Resonance. wells showed homogenous rock types. Since core data was
• Log: Schlumberger’s RST-D, shut-in condition. not available in this well, an alternative benchmark was
• Log: Schlumberger’s RST-C, shut-in condition. needed.
• Log: Schlumberger’s RST-C, flowing condition.
* Mark of Schlumberger
• Log: Schlumberger’s RST-D, flowing condition with
Production Logging Tool.
• Formation Tester (MDT*).
6 SPE 90339

A test program was developed to compare C/O data from resistivity based saturation data and C/O job-planners were
all three service companies against saturations computed from used to optimize the saturation results.
resistivity and pulsed neutron capture sigma based data. The two wells tested in this study, showed promising
A comprehensive logging program that extended for 11 results on the application of these tools in this carbonate field.
days included the RST-D, RMT-E, RPM, production logs and
slim hole array induction log. The following is a summary of the conclusions:

Table 2 is an overview of the sequence of operations. Figures • Well-A: RST-D data was much more reliable in
10 through 13 show the results of the analysis from these flowing conditions than the RST-C. Since
logging runs. characterization and calibration methodologies are the
The following observations were made from this well study: same for the two tools, we have concluded that
shielding enhances the interpretation by an increase in
• Borehole fluid sampling and sigma well bore the dynamic range, illustrated figures 5 & 6.
measurements showed good matches with salinity • Well-A: Resistivity results did not compare well with
waters above 100,000 ppm NaCl solutions. In these core measured, fluid samples, NMR and C/O data. In
salinity ranges, robust saturation measurements can most situations, resistivity data is used as a benchmark
be expected from both resistivity and pulsed capture to C/O logging. Due to this high uncertainty, this
sigma logs. should not be practiced in formations that contain
• Normalized sigma measured values for the three fresh waters and/or variable formation waters.
companies were identical, thus providing for the • Well-B: RST-D, water volume from C/O flowing
similar saturation profiles (figure 10). compares well with results from Sigma and resistivity,
• Hydrocarbon saturations measured by resistivity and provided formation salinity changes derived from
sigma data compared well in the entire logged borehole sigma and bottom hole fluid samples.
interval (figure 10). • RPM, the water volumes tens to be overestimated
• Comparing the difference between the flowing and relative to Sigma and resistivity results for both shut-
shut-in passes. The RST-D data provided reasonable in and flowing analysis.
reinvasion profiles. RPM did not show much of • RMT-Elite, the water volume from C/O flowing
reinvasion effects, while a large difference was appears to be reasonable consistent with results from
noticed with the RMT-Elite. (figure 11) Sigma and resistivity, but is sensitive to fluid flow
• RST-D inelastic data matched well with both sigma from formation and borehole holdup. In Zone A,
and resistivity data. (figure 12,13) caliper logs showed a small washout. Large
• RPM data overestimated water volumes with respect differences were observed between the shut-in and
to references. (figure 12,13) flowing passes.
• RMT-Elite data showed reasonable results in most of • RPM data was not affected by the washouts.
the sections except in zone A in figure 12, where it • C/O interpretations are generally performed by the
overestimated the water saturation. In this zone, high service companies by “Black boxed” models. The
water production rates were measured by production empirical relationships used in RMT-E interpretation
logs. are more transparent and local modifications are easily
• In zone B & C, Benchmark saturation data from provided.
resistivity and Sigma data supported by C/O results • Presently, Halliburton is characterizing the RMT-E to
from RST-D and RPM, and did not provide clear the reservoir in this study.
evidence of unflushed intervals and the stimulation • Time Lapse reservoir monitoring projects should be
job was cancelled. An assessment based on RMT-E performed by a single vendor to minimize uncertainty.
data alone would have left at least two zones
candidate for propellant stimulation. References
• RST-D’s borehole hold up measurements compared 1. Hemingway, J. et al., “Introduction to Enhanced Carbon-
well with production logging results. The results are Oxygen Logging for Multi-Well Reservoir Evaluation “,
key in sigma logging measurements. SPWLA 1999
• RPM does not provide good hold-up results. 2. Simpson, G. A. et al, “Introduction Experiences of a New
High Accuracy Though-Tubing Pulsed Neutron Reservoir
Management solution in Asia-Pacific” SPE APOGCE 2001
Conclusion 3. Badruzzaman A., et al., “ Accurate Oil Saturation
One of the key elements in successful C/O interpretation is Determination Using Carbon/Oxygen Logs in Three Phase
pre-job planning. Formation water salinity, bore-hole Reservoirs”, SPWLS 39th Annual Logging Symposium,
conditions, re-invasion of bore-hole fluids, resistivity contrast, Keystone, May 26-29 1998
porosity, scaling/acidizing, casing condition, cement condition 4. Medhat Mickael.,”Dynamic Multi-parameter Interpretation
and completion restrictions need to be taken into consideration of Dual-Detector Carbon/Oxygen Measurements”, SPE
prior to any job. In addition, pre job planning should involve Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 1999
a sensitivity analysis. As shown, Monte Carlo simulations on 5. Simpson, G.A. et al., “Field Experience with a New
Carbon/Oxygen Logging System in Complex Well bore
and Formation Conditions”, SPE Annual Technical
SPE 90339 7

Conference and Exhibition held in New Orleans, Louisiana

6. Chandran, T. et al.,“Waterflood Saturation Measurement
with Carbon-Oxygen Tools in a Middle-East Carbonate”
SPE AbuDhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and
Conference 2002
7. Eyvazzadeh, R. et al., “Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and
Carbon/Oxygen Logging Improve determination of
Residual Oil Saturation: A case study from the Minas
Field” SPE APOGCE 1999.
8 SPE 90339

Figure 5 -- RST-D interpretation: Based on characterized near and

far Carbon/Oxygen ratio’s from near and far detector. Note the Figure 6 – RST-C interpretation: Based on characterized near and
wider dynamic range of this tool with respect to the RST-C. far carbon/oxygen ratios from near and far detector.

6-12" OPEN -
& CASED -HOLES Salinities measured from
CUSTOM MDT samples




0.1-0.9 GM /CC 0-40 P.U.



Figure 7 – Dynamic Response Generator, Software that is used to

correct for environmental effected and calculate saturation on
level by level basis
Figure 8 – The area under the outline is the salinity values
measured from the MDT Sampling. The salinities ranged from
7000 to 70000 ppm NaCl’s. The Red curve in Track 3 is the
saturation from NMR analysis. The star points are the results
from core data, while the Blue curve is the result from resistivity
SPE 90339 9


RST-C Shut-in

RST-D Shut-in



Figure 9, Well-A Comparison of the RST-C, flowing and RST-D flowing and Shut-in passes and resistivity.
10 SPE 90339

Track 1 Track 2 Track 3

Figure 10. Well-B A comparison of the between sigma passes from the three service companies. Track 1 reveals the normalized sigma
passes. Track 2 is the saturation that is provided from Schlumberger on the Sigma passes (RED, flowing and Blue, Shut-in). The other two
companies did not provide saturation data from sigma. Track 3 is the comparison of the RST borehole sigma salinities and the downhole
sampling points.
SPE 90339 11

Track 1 Track 2 Track 3

Track. 11 Well-B, Comparison of the Flowing and Shut-in passes between the three companies, Track 1 is the data from Halliburton.
Track 2 is the data from Baker Atlas and Track 3 is the data from Schlumberger. The green shaded area represent the moved oil and
blue is the displaced water.
12 SPE 90339

Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 Track 4

Zone A

Zone B

Zone C

Figure 12 . Well-B, Comparison of the C/O results from Halliburton , Schlumberger and Baker Atlas. Track 1 RMT-Elite,
Track 2 Baker Atlas, Track 3 Schlumberger, Track 4 Resistivity analysis. The green shaded area is the measured oil
SPE 90339 13

Schlumberger RST-D Baker Atlas RPM

Halliburton RMT

Figure 13. Well-B, Statistical comparison between the three service companies. As shown, Schlumberger RST-D provides the best match. In
these cross plots, water volumes from the resistivity analysis is compared to the C/O results.
14 SPE 90339

Detector Properties

Crystal Nal BGO GSO

• Relative light output 100 13 20

• Energy resolution
(at 662 keV for a 1-cm3 crystal) 6.5% 9.3% 8.0%
• Density (g/cm3) 3.67 7.13 6.71
• Effective atomic number 51 75 59
• Primary decay constant (nsec) 230 300 56
• Fragile? Yes No Slightly
• Hygroscopic? Yes No No
• Dewar system required? No Yes No

Table 1. This table illustrates some of the key features of the detectors that are used today. NaI is used in RPM
by Baker Atlas, BGO is used in the RMT by Halliburton and RST (Schlumberger) uses the GSO detector.

DAY-1 DAY-2 DAY-3 DAY-4 DAY-5 DAY-6 DAY-7 DAY-8 DAY-9 DAY-10 DAY-11 DAY-12 DAY-13 DAY-14


Table # 2. Sequence of operation for Well-B.

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