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Topic 2: Current Trends in

Educational Technology (Post-

Harvinder Kaur, PhD
The Internet & Its Impact on Education
• In what way the Internet has impact on the
way we learn?
– Access millions of resources
– Digital books
– Email will bring quick response
Internet in
• Schools
– Table 2.1
• Higher Education
– Table 2.3
• Let’s do Activity 2.1
• The use of Web to support teaching and
learning as well as to manage courses
• Also referred as online learning.
– Any learning that uses the Internet to deliver
some form of instruction to a learner/learners
separated by time, distance or both (Reiser &
Dempsey, 2002)
• What is your understanding of e-learning?
The Learning Management System
• A platform for the institution’s online learning
environment by enabling the management,
delivery and tracking of learning activities
Top 20 LMS softwares ...

Group 1: What do you like about myInspire?

Group 2: What would you like to see improved in myInspire?

Group 3: Do you think LMS will be useful in your organisation?


Group 4: How would you evaluate and select a suitable LMS for
your organisation’s needs?
Stages of E-Learning
• Foundation
• Academic resources are available on the institution’s website
(eg. Administrative information, announcements to students,
Stage 1 course outliens, course schedules, reading lists, sample exam
questions, quizzes, useful resources.

• Integration
• Provisions of online exercises/self-assessment quizzes/online
tutorials for difficult concepts.
Stage 2
• Online discussions help complement conventional f2f learning

• Innovation
• The use of ‘e’ elements in innovative & collaborative ways (e.g
virtual lab, virtual reality)
Stage 3 • Prominent experts from other parts of the world interacting
with students
Online Discussions
• Able to reach out millions of other Internet users
• Lecturers beginning to use computer-mediated
communication/online forums/online discussions
to encourage free flow discussions among
students in-between classes
• Used for discussing cases, scenarios, assignments
and other learning tasks
• Benefits:
– Can’t meet up
– Sharing ideas/resources
• Discussion in class room ...issues
• Discussion in the online forum
– Observe netiquette
– Social platform (in particular for distance learners
who are feeling lonely)
– Need to be planned & implemented correctly
Collaborative Learning
• Collaborative learning is based on the idea that
learning is a naturally social act in which the
participants talk among themselves.
• It is through talk that learning occurs
• Existed before the emergence of the Internet
• More practical on the Internet – as not everyone has to
available online at the same time
• It is an active versus a passive way of learning, where if
done correctly will lead to engaged learning.
• Suitable for adult learners → able to contribute to rich
discussion based on their experiences
Myths of E-Learning
• Do you think e-learning is the way to go?
• Does it work? Why?
• Let’s discuss the Myths of e-learning
• What are the key points learned from this

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