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ROLL NO: N20211045


Q1) Create a banner for social media-Instagram and Facebook to

generate awareness among the target women audience to vote.
Women you hold the power to make a
change; the power lies in your hands.

Q2)  write a blog on this campaign expressing your feelings on the

same. You can include 5ws and 1h in your writing to make it
more expressive.

Every women in this country has the right to vote.She can make a
change by voting. Women alone can make a change in the world,if
they really want to. In the campaign jaago re,it says about the
equal rights women have to vote.Women with the help of laws
and fundamental rights can raise their voice if they find any
wrong doings. The  rights of women are violated in many ways
and this needs to stop. Fundamental rights and laws were given to
them so that their rights can be protected and they can make a
change.The Jaago re Campaign was established in 2007 to make
people aware about their rights given to them by the constitution.
By this campaign women will make a a mark of their own. The
power to change lies within the women.The Jaago re campaign
creates a sense of awareness about the problems going around in
the world. The campaign helps people to get influenced by raising
their opinions and views.

Q3) Discuss your thoughts and ideas on this campaign.

My thoughts and ideas on this campaign is that it will really be

helpful for the people who are not aware of the certain rights
given to them by the constitution.If they know about their
fundamental rights ,they will not be easily exploited. They can
raise their voice where they feel ,they are getting exploited.With
social media platforms like Instagram and face book create
awareness as this is an easy medium of media platforms.If women
start voting more and more women will get influenced by seeing
them. The power to make a change lies in your hands states that
the women can be involved in decision making. Equal rights of
voting should be given to both men and women. Women must not
be considered as a weak aspect as they are the change that out
country needs today. Women’s contribution to voting is upto 49%
and it makes a huge difference. In my opinion, this is a really big
number and it matters a lot, which is the reason that women
should come forward and take every possible initiative to make
best use of it and for the betterment of this nation.

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