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CBSE Term II Political Science Class 11th 5

No-Confidence Motion the Parliament smoothly. The constitution has made certain
The most powerful weapon that enables the Parliament to provisions to ensure smooth conduct of business and made
ensure executive accountability is the no-confidence motion. the presiding officer, the final authority in regulating the
The government has to retain the support of the party or business of the legislature.
coalition to maintain its majority in the Lok Sabha. If a Furthermore, another way to control the behaviour of the
no-confidence motion against the government is passed, the member by the presiding officer is, anti-defection law, which
government loses majority. Thus, the Parliament can means that a legislator who is elected on one party’s ticket is
effectively control the executive and ensures a more restricted from defecting to another party.
responsive government.
The presiding officer of the House is the authority who takes
As a result, Parliament can exert effective control on the final decisions on all such cases.
executive and ensure that the administration is more
If it is proved that a member has defected, then such member
responsive. However, it is critical for this reason that the
loses the membership of the House. Besides, such a person is
House has sufficient time at its disposal, that members are
also disqualified from holding any political office like
interested in discussion and actively participate, and that
ministership, etc.
both the administration and the opposition are willing to
compromise. Defection occurs when a member fails to appear in the House
The number of sessions of the Lok Sabha and State when asked by the party leadership to do so, votes against the
Legislative Assemblies, as well as the amount of time spent party’s instructions or willingly departs the party’s
debating, has steadily decreased during the previous two membership.
decades. Furthermore, the Houses of Parliament have been
hampered by a lack of quorum, as well as a boycott of Parliamentary Officials
sessions by opposition members, depriving the house of the Speaker
capacity to regulate the executive through debate. In our parliamentary democracy, the Speaker’s Office plays a
critical role. The Speaker’s Office has been defined as
Parliamentary Committees representing the full authority of the House of Commons,
The Parliament has appointed various committees for distinct while members of Parliament represent individual
legislative purposes and for day to day business of house. The constituencies. Speakers serve from the date of their election
parliamentary committees performs functions such as study until the first meeting of the Lok Sabha after the dissolution of
the issue of consideration in legislation, study the demands the one to which they were elected.
for grants made by various ministries, expenditure incurred
He or she is eligible for re-election. The Speaker’s position is
by various departments, investigating the cases of corruption,
etc. a constitutional one. The Speaker is bound by the provisions
of the Constitution as well as the Rules of Procedure and
Since 1983, India has developed a system of Parliamentary Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha.
Standing Committees to supervise the work of various
departments, their budgets, expenditure and bills that come While the Speaker ceases to be a member of the House when
up in the house relating to department. the Lok Sabha is dissolved, he or she does not vacate his or her
office. The Speaker can resign at any time by writing to the
Joint Parliamentary Committees are set up for the purpose
Deputy Speaker under his or her hand.
of discussing a particular bill or investigating financial
irregularities. Members of these committees are selected Speaker of the Lok Sabha can be removed by the Lok Sabha
from both the houses. The committee system have occupied a by a resolution passed by an effective majority (more than
position of eminence in our country and has reduced the 50% of the total strength excluding vacancies) of the House.
burden on the Parliament, as many important bills have been The Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha are
referred to committees. No bill can become law and no budget elected from among its members by a simple majority of
will be sanctioned unless approved by the Parliament but it members present and voting in the House. As a result, there
has been viewed that the Parliament rarely rejects the are no specific qualifications for being Speaker.
suggestions made by the committees.
Deputy Speaker
Regulation of the Parliament If the Speaker of the Lok Sabha is absent due to death or
Parliament is the forum of debate and through its debate sickness, the Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha serves as the
Parliament performs all its vital functions. Such discussions presiding officer. In India, the role of Deputy Speaker is
must be meaningful and orderly to carry out the functions of traditionally given to the opposition party.

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