Case Based Questions: (Ncert)

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14 CBSE Term II Political Science Class 11th

5. How has the system of parliamentary committee Ans. (i) Adjournment motion, Questions Hour, Zero Hour,
affected the overseeing and appraisal of legislation No-Confidence Motion are some of the instruments of
by the Parliament? [NCERT] exercising control.
(ii) The Question Hour is scheduled for the first hour
Ans. The system of parliamentary committee has influenced
every day during the sessions of Parliament, where
the overseeing and appraisal of legislation by the
ministers have to respond to questions raised by
Parliament, as most of decisions regarding the technical
members .
points of legislation are referred to these committees.
(iii) Zero hour is the time when Member of Parliament can
The Parliament rarely rejects any of the suggestions raise issues of urgent public importance.
made by the committee. There are over twenty standing
committees related to various departments that works 2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the
on the issue of budget and its expenditure related to questions that follow.
their respective departments. These committees also Parliamentary Officials Speaker In our parliamentary
supervise the bills related to their department that democracy, the Speaker’s Office plays a critical role.
comes in the house. The Joint Parliamentary The Speaker’s Office has been defined as representing
Committees investigate financial irregularities. the full authority of the House of Commons, while
Thus, parliamentary committees have reduced the members of Parliament represent individual
burden on the legislature and saved time, as the constituencies. Speakers serve from the date of their
Parliament meets only for a limited time during its election until the first meeting of the Lok Sabha after
sessions. However, on most occasions, the Parliament the dissolution of the one to which they were elected.
makes only minor alterations to the draft of the bills, He or she is eligible for re-election. The Speaker’s
while it approves them. This has diluted the position is a constitutional one.
Parliament’s appraisal of legislation to a large.
The Speaker is bound by the provisions of the
l Case Based Questions constitution as well as the Rules of Procedure and
Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha.
1. Read the passage and answer the questions that While the Speaker ceases to be a member of the
follow. House when the Lok Sabha is dissolved, he or she
The legislature in parliamentary system ensures does not vacate his or her office. The Speaker can
executive accountability during policy making, resign at any time by writing to the Deputy Speaker
implementation of law or policy through various under his or her hand. Only a resolution of the
devices which are Deliberation and Discussion House passed by a vote of all members of the House
The members of the legislature get an opportunity at the time will remove the Speaker from office. The
to deliberate on the policy direction of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha, the
executive during law making process. Apart from lower House of the Indian Parliament are elected
deliberating on bills, control may also be exercised from among its members by a simple majority of
during general discussions in the House. The members present and voting in the House. As a
Question Hour is held every day during the result, there are no specific qualifications for being
sessions of Parliament, where ministers have to Speaker.
respond to questions raised by members. Zero (i) What is the tenure of the Speaker of the Lok Sabha?
Hour where members are free to raise any matter (ii) Which type of majority is required for the election of
that they think is important, Half an Hour Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha?
discussion on matters of public importance and (iii) What is the election procedure to appoint Deputy
adjournment motion are some of the instruments Speaker of the Lok Sabha?
of exercising control. Among the various Ans. (i) Speakers serve from the date of their election until the
instruments of exercising control over executive, first meeting of the Lok Sabha after the dissolution of
the question hour is proved to be the most the one to which they were elected. He or she is
prevalent and effective as the issue of public eligible for re-election.
interest such as price rise, availa- bility of food (ii) The Deputy Speaker of the lower house are elected
grains, atrocities on weaker sections, ryots, black from among its memeber by a simple majority of
marketing, etc. are questioned. members present and voting in the House.
(i) What are the instruments of Parliamentary Control? (iii) The Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha, the lower
(ii) What is Question Hour? House of the Indian Parliament are elected from
among its membrs by a simple majority of members
(iii) What is Zero hour?
present and voting in the House.

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