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Think about this ...

If you gain 10 pounds and 8 pounds

are fat and 2 pounds are muscle, have you really helped
yourself as an athlete? You might as well strap on 8-pound
ankle weights. By eating protein and training hard you can
reverse this and gain 8 pounds of muscle and 2 pounds
of fat. Now you are a leaner, faster and stronger athlete!
That’s the difference that multiple servings of protein and
an elevated nitrogen balance can make, and as you can
see it is a HUGE difference!
While food and nutrients as a whole play a vital role to
the training athlete, protein is really the catalyst when it
comes to making your body stronger. We at Max Muscle
have stated for more than 20 years that multiple servings
of protein (3-5 hours between servings) is extremely
important in building lean muscle mass. The following
chart by Dr. Peter Lemon, a renowned protein scientist, is
a handy guide for suggesting how much protein you need
By Joe Wells, Max Muscle Founder and CEO to consume daily and per meal, based on your weight.

Student Estimated Daily Protein Intake Guide

Total 4 Meals 5 Meals 6 Meals
Daily Average Average Average
Protein Amount Amount Amount

Intake (.8 of Protein of Protein of Protein
x Weight) Per Meal Per Meal Per Meal

100 80 20 16 13
Protein is a Powerful 110 88 22 18 15
Muscle-Building Nutrient! 120 96 24 19 16

rotein is a vital component in building lean muscle 125 100 25 20 17
mass. They key is how much protein should a young 130 104 26 21 17
athlete consume and when. Unlike carbohydrates,
protein cannot be stored as a readily available 135 108 27 22 18
nutrient. Protein is stored in the body as lean muscle mass. 140 112 28 22 19
When your body needs protein to support vital functions, it
relies on immediate protein from your diet (eaten within the
150 120 30 24 20
past 3-4 hours) or it will break down lean muscle mass. As 160 128 32 26 21
an athlete the last thing you want is to lose any lean muscle
mass. Therefore it is vital that you supply your body with
170 136 34 27 23
multiple servings of protein daily. 180 144 36 29 24
Most sports nutrition experts will agree, protein is the
190 152 38 30 25
key factor in getting results from intense physical training.
When protein is ingested, you elevate the nitrogen balance 200 160 40 32 27
within your bloodstream. Elevated nitrogen puts your body
210 168 42 34 28
in an optimal state for building and repairing muscle tissue.
In fact, with a low level of nitrogen in your blood, you will 220 176 44 35 29
begin to deteriorate lean muscle mass. Once again, that’s 230 184 46 37 31
not good!
Many athletes will attest that after they gained 15 or
240 192 48 38 32
20 pounds of lean muscle mass, they actually increased 250 200 50 40 33
their 40 times and vertical jump. This may seem crazy, but 260 208 52 42 35
look at an athlete like Lebron James. He is 260 pounds of
muscle, and jumps higher and runs faster than pretty much 270 216 54 43 36
all of his smaller competitors! He probably has less than 6 280 224 56 45 37
percent body fat, meaning he has about 15 pounds of body 290 232 58 46 39
fat on his entire frame! In short he has a ton of lean muscle
mass to propel his giant body! 300 240 60 48 40

18 WWW.MAXMUSCLE.COM ı November 2009

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