Georgia Williamson 24 Napoleon Way Greenwith, SA, 5125 14, February 2022 Government of Australia

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Georgia williamson

Napoleon way
Greenwith, SA, 5125

14, February 2022

Richard Colbeck
The Australian Minister for Sport
Government of Australia
Dunrossil Dr, Yarralumla ACT 2600

Dear Mr Colbeck,
My name is Georgia williamson and I’m a student at Kings Baptist Grammar School, Richard
you were a kid once, right? Did you play a sport? As a year 12 student I’m concerned that
schools are not investing or encouraging high school students to participate in sports. How
would you feel if your kids could not do a sport they loved because money or them not
being encouraged to join sport? Are you aware the 40% of students have not been involved
in sports due to the lack of exposure, I would hope as the minster of youth and sprot that
you have the same concerns about the reasons of downfall; Money, the culture of
performing to a certain standard and school Aren’t promoting sports to the correct age
group. Why are you not doing anything to fix this?

Richard are you aware that the ASC dedicated $160 million into Australian government
sporting programs in 2017, but where is all that money going? I’ll tell you with very little
effort I was able to find out that most of that money is going to year 7-9 but what able the
older year levels. How is that fair, tell me? Why is it fair to only target them what about
everyone else. High schoolers need to be encouraged to take part in sports just as much as
the younger age groups and that on the Australian government. Year 12 have the highest
rate of dropping competitive /social sports due to lack of enthusiasm and confidents. So
why can’t some of the million-dollar budget go towards programs and workshops to help
the high school students feel more confident in joining a sport and getting more active.
Coaches and teachers have a massive influence on students and teammates. So sports
should be fun it should be used as a an escape that students use to just relax. Parents
should feel that students are receiving the most out of these sports practices and games,
and feel that the money that is dedicated to the sports is being used properly, don’t you
think that’s a good idea?

Currently, with everything that is happening in the world, you minster can’t say that Money
isn’t a contribute to the downfall of high school student. Up to 30% of high school students
have jobs and earn money, but what about the other 70% where does their money come
from? Parents spend more then $300 on sports, for just one child! That is just for a school
sport not even club. Richard your 3 kids play sports, you would hate to be in a financial
situation where you can’t afford the sport your kids wanted to do? Did you know that a lot
of parents tend to be the baren of bad news when it comes to this. A man of your authority
of power has the resource and evidence to make the change needed. Sport vouchers should
be offered to all year levels of high school, I don’t see why not. Research has shown that
they are no relevant or viable reason how it would affect the sporting community. This is
about the community, right? The last 3 years have been had on a lot of family, covid-19 has
made people redundant and has caused parents to step down or even unemployed. Covid
hasn’t just made your job harder, but it has made family’s everyday life change.

Most parents what they students to thrive in the opportunity of doing a sport that they will
enjoy. That’s why its vital for schools to promote and support athletes. Sports are so
beneficial to high school students especially year 12 because it helps create life skill that
they with use throughout adulthood. Being able to lead while also work in a team is so
important when transitioning into workplace and that’s what most sporting industries
promote and teach. Creating workshops and activities that make student excited to do
sports is important because if they feel like they are being listened to them will show more
respect to the game and will continue to learn life skill to help them with after school life.
The importance of students meeting and connecting to new people is essential to the
growth and development of students. Sports is where they can possibly meet life-long
friends and form connection with people outside their social groups. Think of your kids,

I hope that this information has made you really consider that my concerns are serous and I
hope to be apart of a fitter future, with your help and support you can be the change that
you want for your children!

Kindest regards Georgia williamson

References 2022. Australian Government - Wikipedia. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 2 March
Politics, N., Economy, B., Tech, S., Medicine, H. and Lifestyle, C., 2022. 5
Reasons Why High School Sports Benefit Students. [online] The NYU
Dispatch. Available at: <
school-sports-benefit-students/> [Accessed 2 March 2022]. 2022. [online] Available at:
th_participation_project-full_report_acc2.pdf> [Accessed 2 March 2022]. 2022. Sports Vouchers - Office for Recreation, Sport
and Racing. [online] Available at: <>
[Accessed 2 March 2022].
They Vote For You. 2022. How does Richard Colbeck vote on issues that matter to
you?. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 2 March 2022].

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