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 Ali Kamal
 Bsc, Pet. Eng. Baghdad Univ. Iraq. Petroleum Dpt.
 Msc, Koya University, Kurdistan.
 Assist Lecturer
 Petroleum Engineering Dept.
 Faculty of Engineering
 Koya University.
 Tel: +964(0)770 1449721
 Email:

2022-02-26 14:52 Ali Darwesh 1

• The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of the internal
fluid friction.
The gas viscosity is not commonly measured in the laboratory
because it can be estimated surely from empirical correlations.


Two popular methods

• • Carr-Kobayashi-Burrows Correlation Method
• • Lee-Gonzalez-Eakin Method
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Carr-Kobayashi-Burrows Correlation Method

• Developed graphical correlations for estimating the viscosity of NG

as a function of T, P, and gas gravity, as in the following steps:

• Step 1. Cal. the Ppc, Tpc, and Ma from the specific gravity or the

composition of the NG.

• Correct these properties for the presence of the non-HC gases (CO2,
N2, and H2S) should be made if they are present in concentrations
greater than 5%.

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• Step 2. Obtain the viscosity of the NG at one
atmosphere and the temperature of interest
from Figure 2-5.

• Non-HC fractions tend to increase the viscosity

of the gas phase and their effect can be
expressed mathematically by the following

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• Step 3. Cal. the Ppr and Tpr.

• Step 4. From Ppr, Tpr, obtain the viscosity ratio

(µg/µ1) from Figure 2-6.

• The term µg represents the viscosity of the gas

at the required conditions and can be
calculated by multiplying the viscosity at one
atmosphere and system temperature, µ1, by
the viscosity ratio.

• The following examples illustrate the use of the

proposed graphical correlations:

2022-02-26 14:52 Ali Darwesh 120

The Carr-Kobayashi-Burrows Correlation Method
• Example 2-13
• Using the data given in Example 2-12, calculate the
viscosity of the gas.

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Not include

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Physical properties of primary interest include:
• • Fluid gravity
• • Specific gravity of the solution gas
• • Gas solubility
• • Bubble-point pressure
• • Oil formation volume factor
• • Isothermal compressibility coefficient of undersaturated crude oils
• • Oil density
• • Total formation volume factor
• • Crude oil viscosity
• • Surface tension

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Crude Oil Gravity

• The crude oil density is defined as the mass of a unit

volume of the crude at a specified P and T.

• It is usually expressed in Ib/ft3.

• The specific gravity of a crude oil is defined as

• Both densities are measured at 60°F and atmospheric


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• In the petroleum industry it is common to use API for
density and specific gravity.

• API is related to the specific gravity by the following


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2022-02-26 14:52 Ali Darwesh 131
• Estimate the specific gravity of the solution by using
Equation 2-69:

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• Rs is defined as the number of standard scf of
gas that will dissolve in 1 STB of crude oil at
certain P and T.
• A typical gas Rs curve is shown in Figure 2-7.
• As the P is reduced from the initial reservoir
Pi, to the Pb , no gas evolves from the oil and
consequently the gas solubility remains
constant at its maximum value of Rsb.
• Five empirical correlations for estimating the
gas solubility are given below:

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• Standing (1981) expressed his proposed graphical correlation in
the following more convenient mathematical form with an
average error of 4.8%.

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Example 2-17
• The following experimental PVT data on six different crude oil
systems are available.
• Results are based on two-stage surface separation.

Using Standing’s correlation, estimate the Rs at the Pb pressure and

compare with the experimental value in terms of the absolute
average error (AAE).
2022-02-26 14:52 Ali Darwesh 135

1.Subtract measured from another.

2.Divide on measured.
3.Multiply by 100.
4.Sum and find avarge

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Not Include

2022-02-26 14:52 Ali Darwesh 137

Bubble-Point Pressure
• Several graphical and mathematical correlations have been
proposed to cal. Pb during the last four decades.

• These correlations are essentially based on the assumption that

the Pb is a strong function of …

2022-02-26 14:52 Ali Darwesh 138

Standing’s Correlation
• Based on 105 experimentally measured Pb on 22 HC systems from
California oil fields, Standing (1947) proposed a graphical
correlation for determining the Pb of crude oil systems.
• The correlating parameters are the Rs, gas gravity, oil API gravity,
and the system temperature.
• The reported average error is 4.8%.
• In a mathematical form, Standing (1981) expressed the graphical
correlation by the following expression:

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Example 2-23


Predict the bubble-point pressure by using Standing’s


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• McCain (1991) suggested that by replacing the specific gravity
of the gas in Equation 2-77 with that of the separator gas, i.e.,
excluding the gas from the stock tank would improve the
accuracy of the equation.

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Example 2-24
• Using the data of Example 2-23 and given the following
separator gas gravities, estimate the Pb by applying Standing’s

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Oil Formation Volume Factor
• The Bo is defined as the ratio of the volume of oil (plus the gas
in solution) at the prevailing reservoir T and P to the volume of
oil at standard conditions.

• Bo is always greater than or equal to unity.

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Standing’s Correlation
• Standing (1981) showed that the Bo can be expressed more
conveniently in a mathematical form by the following equation with
an average error of 1.2% :

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Material Balance Equation

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Example 2-29

Calculate the Bo factor at the Pb Pressure. Compare the

result with the experimental values and calculate the
absolute average error (AAE).

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2022-02-26 14:52 Ali Darwesh 150

Isothermal Compressibility Coefficient of Crude Oil (Co)
Co are required in solving many reservoir engineering
problems, including fluid flow problems and
determination of the physical properties of the
undersaturated crude oil.

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The Petrosky-Farshad Correlation

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Example 2-30
• Using the experimental data given in Example 2-29, estimate
the undersaturated Co by using the Petrosky-Farshad
correlations. Calculate the AAE.

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