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IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation Vol. 28 No.

5 , October 1993 755

Aging Phenomenology and Modeling

Gian Carlo Montanari

and Luciano Simoni

Istituto di Elettrotecnica Industriale,

Universita di Bologna, Italy

This paper reviews aging phenomenology and life modeling,
illustrates different approaches, showing their advantages and
applicability limits and raises problems relevant to practical
applications of models and evaluation of materials endurance.
It deals with the fundamentals of phenomenological aging the-
ory and life modeling, and shows a collection of electrical and
combined-stress life data for different materials. Electrical,
thermal and multistress life models are presented, valid for
insulating materials and systems showing either linear or curvi-
linear behavior. Particular attention is given to threshold-life
models under combined thermal-electrical stresses. General
aging equations for single and multiple stresses are presented,
and the life surface for combined thermal-electrical stresses is
introduced. Generalization to N stresses of life and aging mod-
els is discussed. Finally, statistical processing of data and de-
termination of model parameters are mentioned and graphical
methods for material characterization are proposed.

EVERAL papers have been written in the last ten years
S dealing with aging phenomena in solid insulating ma-
terials and systems. Many life models, degradation mech- C C O R D I N G to IEC and IEEE Standards [l],aging
anisms and life-test procedures have been proposed. De-
sign protocols are now available for insulating materials
A is defined as occurrence of irreversible, deleterious
changes in insulating materials or systems which affect
and systems in use for several years, but introduction of their serviceability, i.e. their ability t o satisfy requested
new insulating materials and the need to increase service performances. Causes of aging are applied stresses and
stresses in insulation of power apparatus ( e . g . cables for
factors of influence. Changes may affect chemical com-
energy transmission) and t o overcome unpredicted prob- position and physical properties. Hence, aging diagnosis
lems in service operation (e.g. water treeing) are forcing and evaluation can be realized by resorting to observation
new research in aging phenomenology and modeling.
of appropriately selected properties, which are sensitive
to aging deterioration.
This paper reviews aging phenomenology and life mod-
eling, illustrates different approaches, showing their ad-
vantages and applicability limits and highlights problems These concepts can be translated into mathematical
relevant to practical applications of models and evalua- language, for insulating materials, as follows. Referring
tion of materials endurance. to applied stresses SI, Sz, . . . S N ,as the primary causes

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75 6 Montanari et al.: Aging Phenomenology and Modeling

of aging, the dependence of aging A , on the property p applied stresses with time, that is
selected t o evaluate aging can be written BS [2-61

A = F(P) (1)
where p = P/Po is the observed (diagnostic) property in When p decays to a limiting value p~ below which the
relative terms (property P relative to the initial value, Po, insulation is unable to maintain serviceability, it is as-
for the unaged insulation). A is a dimensionless quantity sumed that failure occurs. At that moment, the aging
and p must be related to failure, i.e. failure occurs when time becomes lifetime L , and Equation (3) gives
p reaches a limiting value p ~ .
A L = F ( P L )= R ( S 1 , S z, . . . , S N ) L (4)
The authors believe that the definitions of ‘factor of in-
fluence’ and ‘aging factor’ in IEEE 1064 and IEC 505 are where A L is the aging limit or aging a t failure. Equa-
misleading. The factor of influence is defined as ‘A specif- tion (3) can then be called the general aging equation,
ic physical (?) stress imposed by operation, environment and Equation (4) the general life equation.
or test that influences the performance of an insulation
system or electrical equipment’, and aging factor is ‘a If A L is a characteristic parameter for an insulation,
factor of influence that causes aging’. The lists of fac- Equation (4) shows that life L and aging rate R are in-
tors of influence (IEC 63 Sec. 75 and IEEE 1064) include versely proportional quantities. A L is then a characteris-
applied stresses together with phenomena that influence tic quantity allowing comparison between materials to be
aging rate, but are a consequence of applied stresses, as realized [5-81. Indeed, by dividing ( 4 ) by (3), it follows
partial discharge and charge injection. In EPRI report that
2986-4, May 1992, contaminants, crosslinking byprod- A = AL- (5)
ucts, cavities are also included among aging fa.ctors of L
influence. which shows that, whatever the trend of the property, PI
the cumulative or total aging A varies linearly in time,
We think that primary and secondary causes of aging increasing from 0 to the maximum value A L for t = L .
should be distinguished. The former are applied stresses For the same fraction t / L of consumed life, A is lower
which cannot be seen a.s factors of influence, while the lat- for materials having low A L . Therefore, the definition
ter are factors which are able to affect the aging rate, but of aging permits a comparison of materials to be done.
only when stresses are applied. A consistent definition of If only the conditions of materials a t any aging time in
aging factor should be, e.g. ‘factor imposed by operation, comparison with the initial ones are of interest, one can
environment, technology, or test that influences the per- use a simpler quantity, damage, defined as [9]
formance of an insulation system or electrical equipment
subjected to stresses’. According to these observations,
in the following general phenomenological theory of ag-
ing, only applied stresses are referred to and factors of that is, the portion of consumed life. The remaining life
influence are not mentioned. is obviously 1 - D, and the final value of D = 1. As
mentioned, the damage theory does not allow compari-
The aging rate R is given by son between different materials, which must instead be
performed through the value of the aging a t failure A L .
dt From a geometrical point of view, Equation (3) and (4)
R can be assumed to depend only on stresses, not on time +
represent spaces in N 2 and N +
1 dimensions, respec-
t (this corresponds to a monotonic time variation of prop- tively [IO].
erty P , as often recorded, if one neglects an initial short
stabilization period). In particular, R can Se described In the case of a single stress S that is only one stress
by an additive relationship when stresses are applied in applied or prevailing over other stresses, the general aging
sequence and mutual interactions are not expected, while Equation (3) represents a surface in a three-dimensional
more complex expressions (multiplicative, mixed) should space with p , S and t as coordinates. A geometrical rep-
be used for simultaneous stresses, depending on the in- resentation of the general Equation (4) is given by the
tensity of interaction. intersection of this surface with the plane p = p ~the , fail-
ure plane. This intersection provides the life line (stress
A simple solution for the integral of Equation (2) is S vs. life L ) . When two stresses, e.g. electrical and ther-
achieved under the assumption of constant amplitude of mal, are applied simultaneously (combined stresses), the

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IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation Vol. 28 No. 5, October 1093 75 7

general aging equation does not permit a visible repre- 3. OVERVIEW OF LIFE
sentation, because there are four variable quantities, i.e.
SI, Sz, p and t. The general life equation represents a
surface in a three-dimensional space, the axes of which
are SI, Sz and L. For S1 = 0 (or so low that it cannot ODELS for thermal, electrical and mechanical stress-
affect insulation life), the life line under stress S z , and
analogously, for Sz = 0, the life line under stress SI, are
M es, singly applied, have been available for several
years. The so-called Arrhenius model for thermal stress
obtained. This is the basis for the concept of compati- and the exponential and inverse-power models for eiectri-
bility, which is fundamental for life modeling (as will be cal and mechanical stresses are widely used [3,6,8,12-151.
seen later). The electrical models are essentially phenomenological,
even if the exponential law can be correlated to thermal-
The lines for L = const (which become surfaces for ly or electrically activated processes, where an activation
three applied stresses) are also interesting, particularly energy provides an estimate of the insulation endurance
for evaluation of the service stresses; the line for L = L,, to applied stress. The above mentioned models are appli-
where L , is the expected service life for a selected failure cable to stresses of constant amplitude; the correspond-
percentile, can be obtained by intersecting the life sur- ing life lines are straight lines in appropriate coordinate
face with plane L = L,. This curve gives the couples systems. Inverse-power and exponential models for pro-
(S1, Sz) which can be applied to obtain the life L , when gressive electrical stress (linearly increasing voltage) are
any other stress or factor of influence is absent. Plotting also available [16- 191. multistress life models have been
of this curve is possible because the lines a t L = const for obtained first for electrical and thermal stresses simul-
long times approach each other and become very similar, taneously applied (combined thermal-electrical stresses).
so that only one or two points of the line L = L , may They are derived from the Eyring model, originally pro-
be sufficient to draw the line [6,11]. It must be empha- posed for reaction rate under constant thermal stress [20].
sized that the shape of this line may allow evaluation of The effect of application of electrical stress is taken in-
the ability of materials to endure combined stresses; the to account by introduction of two terms: the first low-
greater the curvature, the larger the (SI,Sz) area where ers the free energy of the thermal degradation process,
life is longer than L , and so the better the material be- and the second, of exponential type, multiplies the ther-
havior in combined stress conditions. mal rate [21j. On this basis, phenomenological models
for combined thermal-electrical stresses, have been devel-
From the shape of the curve an index can thus be de- oped, where interactions of electrical and thermal stresses
rived, the stress-compatibility index (SCI), which pro- are accounted for using a multiplicative law, in which the
vides an evaluation of the long-term material behavior combined-stress life (in relative terms with respect to a
for combined stresses [ 7 , 8 , 111. reference life determined by the absence of electrical stress
and a t low temperature) is the product of the single-stress
The picture reported above is simplified. Thermal tran- lives, with however the introduction of a correction term
sitions, different electrical aging mechanisms and envi- [6,22-261. These models are explained as functions of
ronmental conditions can occur in insulating materials or electrical stress and temperature, so that they provide
systems, leading to nonmonotonic time variation of the the life surface, the intersections of which with constant-
properties. Several factors of influence may be present, stress planes give straight life lines in appropriate coordi-
able to accelerate the aging rate significantly for a given nate systems.
combination of stresses (e.g. contaminants, cavities, pro-
trusions, additives, etc.). The complexity increases when An innovative test procedure and a corresponding life
tests try to reproduce the real service conditions. In this model have also been proposed by the theory of equal-
case, time-varying stresses ( e . g . overvoltage transients, ization of aging processes [27,28]. This theory is based
temperature cycles) and various factors of influence, as on application of the reaction rate theory to equalize the
well as actual environmental conditions, may have to be rates of the predominant aging processes, with the pur-
considered. Moreover, failure is a phenomenon with a pose of life prediction of materials or even insulation sys-
stochastic nature; therefore, life inference and insulation tems.
characterization require appropriate statistical tools.
Other thermodynamic models for combined thermal-
However, the above model is useful to give a general electrical and thermal-mechanical stresses, still based on
picture of the aging process and to point out the role of the Eyring relationship, have been presented recently [29-
the various quantities involved, as well as to introduce 311. However, their parameters are not thoroughly ex-
criteria for life and aging investigation. plained as a function of temperature and electrical or

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758 Montanari et al.: Aging Phenomenology and Modeling

mechanical stress, so that they do not provide life sur- in which the tests have been carried out. It is signifi-
faces as the multistress models do, but only electrical or cant to observe that such a distinction involves important
thermal life lines a t each aging temperature. A feature practical consequences. If, indeed, the threshold value is
of these models is that they can describe both linear and high enough to have a practical interest, the insulation
curvilinear life lines, the latter tending to infinite life as design should be based on it, whereas if this does not oc-
electrical stress tends to 0. cur, the endurance coefficient, on which the slope of the
life line depends, becomes the main quantity to be taken
Curvilinear electrical life models valid for combined into account [49].
thermal electrical stresses and, particularly, threshold life
models, have been proposed for several years as an an- In the first case the insulation design is substantially
swer to lots of data, relevant to various insulating mate- free of statistical and dimensional considerations, which
rials and systems, which (in semilog or log-log plots) tend are essential when linear models are assumed valid even
to electrical threshold, i.e. to infinite life, a t low stresses for service stress extrapolation [50,51]. In fact, designing
[23,32,33]. Some of these models have been based upon below thresholds of applied stresses and factors of influ-
the assumption of a particular failure mechanism [32,33], ence should ensure high insulation reliability, independent
but their parameters are not explained as a function of of the insulation size [42,52,53].
temperature. Others are mostly characterized by a phe-
nomenological approach [8,23] (even if the Eyring model A problem for life model application to experimental
remains the reference), and provide a thorough descrip- results is the determination of the model parameters with
tion of insulation multistress life which allows the life sur- their confidence levels. It seems evident that the larger
face to be drawn. This approach raises some important the number of parameters, the better the ability of the
questions for insulation multistress characterization, in model to describe the material behavior, often complex
particular, model compatibility and establishes an organ- and extremely variable from one material to another and
ic tool for life inference for any number of simultaneously according to the stress range. A model derives its va-
applied stresses [6,10,11,34]. lidity and usefulness mainly from the ability to fit the
experimental data. However, this might not be true for
The question of whether or not insulating materials practical applications. In fact, failure is a stochastic pro-
do have electrical thresholds has been debated broadly, cess and often data are associated with wide confidence
but nowadays it is recognized that each insulation should intervals. Moreover, uncertainty in parameter estimates
have a value of stress below which, in the absence of oth- rapidly increases with their number, and mathematical
er stresses and factors of influence, aging does not occur, algorithms normally available for parameter estimation,
then life becomes theoretically infinite. This considera- such as least square regression maximum or likelihood
tion is the starting point of the search for a unique model [54-561, may give rise to convergence problems as the
of general validity, applicable to both linear or curvilinear number of the parameters increases [42,57]. Accuracy of
life lines [35]. parameter estimates can be improved partially by increas-
ing the amount of d a t a available from aging tests (e.g. by
The existence of electrical thresholds has physical [36, performing more life tests a t different stress levels, en-
371 and experimental support [17,23,32,38-451, while less larging sample sizes, reducing censoring degree) , but this
data are available for thermal thresholds [6,41,46,47]and increases the cost of test cycles and might still not provide
mechanical thresholds [48]. In fact, accelerated aging accurate enough parameter values [58]. Therefore, the
tests, performed for a few thousands hours, are usual- model selection should be preceded by reasonable eval-
ly unable to reveal a tendency towards a threshold, un- uation of experimental data, with the aim to choose the
less the material has a low activation energy and a high appropriate stress ranges where the model can be applied.
threshold temperature, which is not common. The stress range selection has the purpose of making pos-
sible the reliable choice of the most appropriate model for
However, curvature of the life lines for multistress con- the available set of data, that is, the model providing the
ditions may provide more evidence, because superimpo- best fit by the smallest number of parameters. The lowest
sition of stresses shortens life, making it possible to de- stress range limits should obviously be as close as possi-
termine in not too long times whether the life lines are ble to expected service conditions if extrapolation or, in
straight or curved. Therefore, a distinction between lin- general, evaluation of the service stresses is the purpose
ear and threshold life models is normally related to purely of the test cycle [57].
phenomenological considerations, i.e. the need to fit ex-
perimental d a t a which may indicate a linear or curvilinear An overview of the more recent trends in aging and life
trend of the life line, often depending on the stress range modeling should emphasize the fractal approach which

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IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation Vol. 28 No. 5, October lSg3 759


25 I \ 5

: 10 1 oL

Figure 1.
1 0’ 104 Llfr (I,.)
lc-i lo-’ 1

Figure 2.
lo 10’ lo3
Life ( h l

Electrical life curves of polyamide and PTFE (af- Electrical life curve in semilog and log-log for PET
ter [65])in semilog coordinates. film with surface discharges (after [SS]).
treats tree growth in polymers as a fractal phenomenon GO1
and tries to correlate fractal dimensions with physics and
statistics of treeing [36,59,60]. However, many steps may
have to be taken for the practical applications of fractal
theory to insulation aging or life characterization. Diag-
nostic tools for aging detection, particularly partial dis-
charge measurements and associated pattern recognition
systems (realized, e.g. by neural networks [61,62]), are
also being used to develop new criteria for degradation
and residual life evaluation [63,64].

I I 1

EFORE examining the various models proposed for in-

B sulation life, we present in this Section some of the
most significant experimental data reported in the liter-

Most of the d a t a are pertinent to electrical life a t room

or higher temperatures. The lines often are obtained by
linear interpolation of the experimental points in log-log
plot (log E vs log life), thereby assuming an inverse-power
law as electrical life law. In several cases, however, espe-
cially when the tests are prolonged for thousands of hours,
the electrical lines show a clear tendency towards horizon-
tality, evidence that the threshold stress has a practical

This tendency appears even in old tests reported by

Olyphant [65], as shown in Figure 1 for polyamide and
polytetrafluoroethylene specimens. Dakin showed in 1971
[66] evidence of a threshold for polyethylene terephtha-
late ( P E T ) (Figure 2), and this led him to propose a
a threshold tendency after -
Hirose tested a polyimide film a t 180’C [42] and found
1000 h, with a value slightly
lower than 10% of the breakdown strength (Figure 5). In

- 1

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760 Montanari et al.: Aging Phenomenology and Modeling



- 22cc

Figure 6
Electrical life line of a cycloaliphatic epoxy resin,
in semilog and log-log plot. (after [6]) (Electric
stress is related to the initial electric strength).

1 E'Eso

1C 1c c 13oc
Life ihl

Figure 7.
Electrical life lines at different temperatures of
LD polyethylene in log-log coordinates (after [6]
(Electric stress is related to the initial electric
strength) .
I t I I J o
12 12

1 10 10'
Llfe i l l 1

Figure 5 .
Electrical life curve of polyimide film at 18O"C, in
semilog and log-log plot (after [42]).
this case, too, th: curve is S-shaped in log-log plot.
20 -
All the following results have been obtained in the au-
thor's Laboratory. In Figure 6 the electrical life line at 10
room temperature for a cycloaliphatic epoxy resin is re-
ported in both semi-log and log-log plot [6], giving again
evidence of the S-like shape in log-log plot, whereas the 10-1

first part of the curve is leveled with a linear ordinate Figure 8.

Electrical life lines at different temperatures of a
composite material in semilog plot (after [23,35]).
Figure 7 is for specimens of LDPE [6]: no threshold
appears, on the contrary the lines tend to take a down- can be seen, the threshold value, high a t room tempera-
ward curvature with rising temperature. Figure 8 shows ture (more than 20% of the breakdown strength), rapidly
the electrical lines a t four different temperatures for a decays with temperature down to 0 a t the highest test
comDosite material (Dolvimide-PET-Dolvimide~1351. As temDerature.

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IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation V o l . 28 N o . 5 , O c t o b e r 1993 761

M . oc


5 0 , 000
I I:


10 5,OGC




10 50 100 150 200 250 OC

Figure 9.
10 20 GO 90 110 "'
Thermal life lines at different electrical stresses of
a bisphenolic epoxy resin (after [6,35]. Figure 10.
Thermal life lines at different electrical stresses of
The thermal endurance graph usually is reported by XLPE-insulated cable models (after [41,67]).
researchers as linear interpolation of the experimental
points in an Arrhenius plot. The d a t a refer always to
temperature acting alone, and the shifting from linearity
is rare in tests performed in accordance with the interna-
tional standards for thermal endurance characterization
of materials. When combined thermal-electrical tests are
carried out, the thermal lines with applied voltage are
generally curved. For example, Figure 9 exhibits several
curves a t various values of electrical stress for a bisphe-
nolic epoxy resin [6,35]. The lines show, even for not too
long times, a clear tendency towards a thermal threshold
when an electrical stress is superimposed. This might be
an indication of curvature even of the thermal endurance
graph (without electrical aging), but detectable only a t
absolutely impractical times. A similar trend of the ther- 10 sw 1000 104 Io5 hou:s
mal life lines (even though slightly complicated by an t';c fO failure

opposite curvature a t short times) is shown in Figure 10

for XLPE-insulated cable models. Figure 11.
Electrical life lines at different temperatures of
XLPE-insulated cable models in semilog plot (af-
Figures 11 and 12 are for the same cable models test-
ter [41, 671).
ed a t constant voltage and temperature in air [41]. The
electrical life lines (Figure 11) are rather similar to those Figure 12 is very interesting. It shows the E-T curves
reported in [40], even if the threshold values are a lit- a t prefixed life, which exhibit strong downward curva-
tle lower. Since tests a t temperatures > 9O'C were per- ture for high temperatures. Two points of the threshold
formed, it has been possible to assess that the threshold line have been obtained experimentally, the point a t 11
disappears above 1OO'C. kV/mm and room temperature, which corresponds to the

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762 Montanari et al.: Aging Phenomenology and Modeling





10 50 60 90 100 110 130


Figure 12.
E - T curves of XLPE-insulated cable models (af-
ter [4P,351). tcmpernturc

Figure 14.
E - T curves of EPR-insulated cable models (after [35]).
lation did not show threshold, on the contrary, like LDPE,
its electrical lines a t higher than room temperature (and
perhaps even a t room temperature a t very long times)
present a strong downward curvature (Figure 13). Fig-

ure 14 provides the E - T curves; the curve for lo5 h
(obtained by extrapolation) yields a SCI of 1.5.


>-;, I >:-2 ,:-, I ,' '
1 I
- 7 2
- r d
Life ,*.I
I_ 1 !
Figure 13.
Electrical life lines at different temperatures of a general approach to multistress life models let
EPR-insulated cable models in log-log coordi-
nates (after [35]).
us start from the experimental observation that si-
multaneously applied stresses normally produce a degra-
electrical threshold, and the point a t 100°C without elec- dation effect which is far greater than that obtained by
trical stress which can practically be considered the ther- the sum of the aging rates relevant to each stress, but
mal threshold. Starting from these two extreme points, slightly lower than that derived by a simple multiplica-
the line has been drawn easily with a shape similar to that tive law. Therefore, a correction term must be added [6,
of the long-term lines. The stress compatibility index is
- 1.3.
23,341 and the following general expression, valid for N
simultaneously applied stresses, is proposed [7,8]:
Figures 13 and 14 are relevant t o ethylene-propylene
rubber (EPR)
\ , insulated cable models 135.501. This insu- L I J

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IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation Vol. 28 No. 5, October 1993 763

where L is the multistress life L1 . . . L N are single-stress convenient expression of the Arrhenius model is obtained
lives for stresses SI, . . . S N , respectively, Lo is the ref- by assuming a reference temperature 8, inside the limits
erence life (at a reference temperature, e,, and in the of the model validity. If thermal aging can be neglect-
absence of any other stress producing aging), and ed for any electrical stresses a t temperature do, thermal
G(S1, Sa,. . . S N ) is the correction function. stress can be defined as

Equation (7) satisfies the requisites of generality and

compatibility, that is, holds for linear and curvilinear
(threshold) life models and provides multistress life for and the Arrhenius relationship can be written as
any combination of stresses, hence single-stress life when
all the other stresses are zero or negligible. However, for LT
practical applications, the stress ranges should be select-
- = exp(-BT)
ed on the basis of experimental data and service require-
ments, in order t o identify the most appropriate single- where B = A E / ~ and Lo is the life a t temperature Bo,
stress life models t o be used in Equation (7). as said above. Equation (12) provides a straight line on
the logLT vs. T plot, B being its slope. Hence, B is a
5.1.1 M O D E L S FOR ELECTRICAL A N D fundamental parameter for thermal endurance character-
T H E R M A L STRESSES ization. In fact, IEC Standard 216 [69) recommend the
following figures to be presented: HIC (the halving inter-
val, related to B), TI (the temperature index), and TC
Linear models (the 95% lower confidence bound of T I ) .

Linear models normally used for electrical life are expo-

nential and inverse-power models, which provide straight Recently, the possible occurrence of the so-called com-
life lines in E - log L and log E - log L plots, respectively. pensation effect in phenomena related to thermal aging
For single electrical stress a t temperature 8, (i.e. when has been noted. The compensation effect has been ex-
other stresses are absent or negligible), these models can plained as a linear dependence between activation en-
be written as [6,49] thalpy A H and entropy A S of a thermally-activated degra-
dation process [31,70]. Some researchers have found that
L E = exp[-h(E - E,)] (8)
a similar effect relates the ordinate intercept to the slope
LO of the life line, with reference to different failure criteria
[71]. Taking into account this effect, Equation (12) would
change as follows [72,73]
where E , is the value of electrical stress below which elec-
= exp[-T(kl log L o + kz)] (13)
trical aging can be neglected and failure under multistress
conditions is the consequence of aging produced by the
other stresses [8,35,41,50,68], Lo is life for E = E , and Once Equation (8) or (9) and (12) or (13) have been
h and n are the voltage endurance coefficients for the ex- inserted into the general Equation (7), the term G ( E , T )
ponential and inverse-power models, respectively. These must be identified. Compatibility requires, in general,
coefficients are the reciprocal of the life line slope; there- that the N dimensional life surface is able to describe any
fore, they constitute, in addition to a life value a t high ( N - i) dimensional surface obtained when one or more
stress, a fundamental quantity for endurance characteri- applied stresses become zero or negligible (i = 1, . . . N -
zation and design purposes when one of the above models 2).
is held valid in the considered stress range (which possi-
bly should be enlarged down to the extrapolated service
stress). In the case of combined thermal-electrical stresses, the
surface in three-dimensional space must provide the elec-
The Arrhenius model is still widely used for thermal trical life line a t T = 0, and the thermal life line a t
life inference. It is usually written as E - E, = 0. Since

where AE is the activation energy of the degradation pro- according t o the compatibility conditions L I L O = L E / L ,
cess, k the Boltzmann constant and 8 the absolute (ther- for T = 0 (LT = L o ) and L / L o = L T / L , for E = E ,
modynamic) temperature. L’ is life for 8 = CO. A more ( L E = L o ) ; thus, G = 1 in both cases [34]. The simplest

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764 Montanari et al.: Aging Phenomenology and Modeling

expressions for G ( E , T ) which satisfy the above condi-

tions are
G ( E , T) = exp[b(E - E,)T] (15)
when the exponential electrical model of Equation (8) is
used in (7), or

for the inverse-power model, Equation (9).

Therefore, the resulting combined-stress life models are,

for exponential and inverse- power electrical life laws, re- Figure 15.
spectively [6,8,23,25,34] Life surface under combined thermal-electrical
stresses for linear life models (after [SI).
L = L,exp[-h(E - E,) - BT + b(E - E,)T] (17) by nondimensional terms, DE and D T , which tend to 0
when E tends to Et, and 8 tends to et,, respectively [34].
The simplest expressions for these terms are

If Equation (17)is rewritten as

L = Lo exp{-[B - b(E - E , ) ] T }exp[-h(E - E,)] (19)

its derivation from the Eyring model in accordance with
the above mentioned approach [21] is apparent.
The corresponding single-stress models become
These models are characterized by four parameters, i.e. LE - exp[--h(E - E,)]
-- (22)
h or n, L o , B and b, and provide the life surface shown L o ( E - E,)/(Et, - E o ) - 1
in Figure 15, valid for stress ranges where insulation life
can be described by linear relationships. The whole sur- which is the exponentia1 (ETM) (very
face, or part of it (depending on the limits of the model’s similar to that first proposed by Dakin [66,17,23]), and
validity) may be used for insulation characterization and LT - exp(-BT)
evaluation as well as for design purposes. To reach this - - (23)
Lo (T/Tto) - 1
goal, the lines E - T a t constant life are particularly sig-
nificant, as already mentioned. i.e. the Arrhenius threshold model (ATM).

Threshold models Note that in these equations Lo loses the meaning of

life a t temperature 8, (which is infinite) and becomes
Insulation which shows evidence of a tendency towards only a model parameter (roughly, it can be described as
horizontality o f t h e life line a t test stresses close to service the life that the material would have if its life line would
conditions can be characterized by threshold models. be linear instead of curved). Starting from models (22)
and (23), the following equation for combined stresses has
In the case of combined thermal-electrical stresses, com- been derived [23,61
patibility requires that both electrical and thermal mod- Lo exp[-h(E - E,) - BT + b(E - E,)T]
els are affected by the thresholds. A correspondence ex- L= (24)
ists between electrical threshold and thermal threshold: +
( E - E o ) / ( & , - Eo) T/Tto - 1
electrical threshold decreases from Et, a t temperature 0,
down to 0 a t temperature et,, and, correspondingly, ther- This model provides the life surface shown in Figure 16.
mal threshold varies from T = 0 (e = e,) for E = Et, to It is characterized by six parameters, that is, h, B , 6 , L o ,
Tt, (e = et,) a t electrical stress E, [35]. Et, and Tto. Due to the quite large number of parameters,
their estimate by methods such as maximum likelihood
Among the life threshold models which can be intro- is difficult and, in any case, uncertainty in the calculated
duced in general Equation (7), two can be obtained easily values may be remarkably high, even with many experi-
from Equation (8) and (12) (or (13)), by dividing them mental data [58]. However, this is the price to be paid for

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IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation Vol. 28 No. 5 , October 1993 765

show (as seen in Section 4) a curved threshold line (SCI

different from 1). The expression of D has been modified
suitably by adding a term proportional to ET, so as to
yield a hyperbola instead of a straight line [8,35]:
Lo exp[-h(E - E,) - BT + b ( E - E,)T]
L= (25)
E-E. + T - kbT(E-Eo) - 1
Eto-Eo Tto Tto(E-Eto)

Equation (25) contains one more parameter kb to be esti-

mated. However, it can be assumed that this parameter
is not independent of the others (especially b), and it is,
in fact, possible to write it as a function of them [35].
Figure 16.
Life surface under combined thermal-electrical Boundary conditions of model (24) or (25) can be sum-
stresses for threshold life models (after [SI). marized as

achieving a model that covers the whole range of electrical 1. L = LE for 8 = 8, (T = 0),
and thermal stresses where it is assumed to describe in- 2. L = LT for E = E,,
sulation endurance adequately. Besides the electrical life 3. L -+00 for 8 + B o , if E = Etor
lines a t constant temperature, obtained by intersecting 4. L -+ 00 for E + E,, if 8 = et,
the life surface by planes a t constant T , the surface can
supply thermal life lines a t constant E (among them the These conditions can be exploited to achieve an eas-
single-stress line, or Arrhenius graph, for E = E,, pro- ier, even if approximate, estimate of model parameters.
viding that appropriate diagnostic properties and failure Indeed, the single-stress models (22) and (23) can be pro-
criteria are used for thermal-endurance data processing cessed to calculate their parameters ( L o ,Et,, Tt,, h, €?),
[41,47,74]). In fact, the same failure criterion should be while b can be calculated by Equation (24). An expression
used for both thermal and electrical stress; since failure similar to (24), but valid for electrical life lines described
consists in electrical breakdown when voltage is applied, by an inverse-power threshold model, is achieved by sub-
the only criterion for thermal life consistent with that of stituting (E - E,) with log(E/E,) [23]. It results again
electrical life is given by the condition that breakdown in a six-parameter multistress model, representing a life
would occur if voltage were applied. This can be realized threshold surface in log(E/E,), log T , log L coordinates.
by application of a small electrical stress, unable to pro- Likewise, a model similar t o (25) has been proposed for
duce aging but able to give rise to breakdown when the insulating materials with electrical life governed by an
material is aged by temperature; or by measurements of inverse-power model [35]. It must be noted that in the
electric strength, because the decline of this property re- case of a threshold the inverse-power model for electri-
veals changes in the material that would favor breakdown cal life may have different expressions; one of them is the
in the case of voltage application [8]. following [49,57,75]
In addition to electrical and thermal lines, isochronal
lines, or loci of the values of E and T corresponding to
a chosen life value, when simultaneously applied, can be
obtained from the life surface, intersecting it by planes Other electrical life models could be used, provided
a t L = constant. In the case of the threshold models, that the corrective term is explained according to syn-
the most interesting isochronal line for design purposes ergism and compatibility conditions. A four-parameter
is that pertinent to infinite life, i.e. the threshold line. threshold model has been derived from the ETM (Equa-
It collects the pairs of threshold values (Et, Tt), ranging tion (22)), considering a shape factor able to improve
from (Et,, 0) to (E,, T,,), which bound the a.rea where life d a t a fitting, particularly in correspondence of the curva-
is infinite. The ratio of this area to that of the triangle ture of the life line [57]
[(Et,,O ) , (E,, 0 ) , (E,, Tt,)] gives the stress compatibility
index (SCI) [ 111.

The equa.tion of the threshold line is D = 0, where D

is the denominator of the model. In the case of Equation This model (4pETM) has shown excellent agreement
(24) a straight line is obtained (SCI=l): this, however, is with several samples of d a t a obtained from different in-
not in agreement with experimental d a t a which usually sulations and aging temperatures.

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766 Montanari et al.: Aging Phenomenology and Modeling

A combined-stress life model can be obtained starting If exponential models are taken for electrical and me-
from single threshold models a t four parameters, by rais- chanical lives, the multistress model becomes
ing the denominator of Equation (25) to an exponent p,
L = L, exp{[h - bT - b”(M - M,)](E - E,)
a function of E and T . If this function is such that p = 0 (30)
for no-threshold materials and p > 0 for threshold mate- - ( m - b’T)(M - M O )- RT}
rials, the model thereby obtained may be applied to any and what is reported above, holds in coordinates E, M ,
material and constitutes a general model for combined T and log L. The previously mentioned problems for pa-
stresses [35]. rameter determination and the need to define, for each
insulation under study, the stress ranges where validity
Other models applied to describe electrical life, even a t of the model is acceptable, still exist. Usually, however,
elevated temperatures, will be seen later. knowledge of the whole insulation behaviors of little in-
terest and fewer d a t a are necessary for characterization
and design purposes, so this reduces the number of pa-
rameters to be determined.
For example, for L = const a three-dimensional surface
Linear models is obtained, the intersections of which with the coordinate
planes give the constant life curves for that value of L.
For combined thermal-electrical-mechanical stresses, the In particular, determination of the service surface, for
same procedure used for thermal-electrical stresses can be L = L , (service life), would allow the service stresses to
adopted. An expression often employed to describe me- be derived and the stress compatibility indices known,
chanical life, based again on the inverse-power model, is and this permits evaluation of the long-term multistress
behavior of the tested material [7].

Threshold models
where M is mechanical stress and m the mechanical en-
The same procedure already shown for linear models is
durance coefficient (with the same meaning as n, Equa-
still valid for threshold models. A mechanical threshold
tion (9)). Therefore, Equations (9) (or (8)), (12) (or
model should be inserted into the multistress life equa-
(13)), and (28) can be substituted in general Equation
tion; this equation might be, for example, of the type
(7), and the expression for G ( E , T, M ) determined by
compatibility criteria. Since temperature affects both
the electrical and mechanical endurance coefficients, this
means that logG = bTlog(E/E,) for M = M O ,and
logG = b’Tlog(M/M,) for E = E, (therefore, for E =
E, and M = M O then log G = 0 and thus G = 1, life The wide number of parameters characterizing the mul-
having to coincide with the thermal one). In addition, tistress threshold models makes even more complex the
the electrical and mechanical endurance are reciprocal- study of the insulation behavior; however, what is really
ly influenced by each other (i.e. the lines log E - l o g M of interest is given by the threshold values and the stress
a t constant life are curved), thus for T = 0 logG = compatibility indices, and the number and duration of the
b”[log(E/E,) log(M/M,)] (which gives again G = 1 for tests for such a determination seems not too impractical
E = E, and M = M O ) . In the four-dimensional space if a rational plan is adopted [10,58].
log L, log E, log M and T a hypersurface is obtained, the
intersections of which with the planes T = 0, E = E, 5.2 THERMODYNAMIC APPROACH
and M = M O give the combined electrical-mechanical, TO MULTISTRESS MODELS
thermal-mechanical and thermal-electrical life surfaces,
respectively, all of them similar to the life surface shown
in Figure 15. The lines T or log E or log M vs. log life Thermodynamic approaches t o thermal and multistress
are straight while the lines (one stress vs. the other) are models mostly originate from the Eyring expression for
curved (constant life curves). The equation of this 4- the reaction rate constant in thermal aging, that is [20,
dimensional surface, derived from the above assumptions, 701
can be written as
log L = log Lo - [n- b T - b”log(M/M,)] log(E/E,)
- ( m- b’T) log(M/M,) - BT where k and h are the Boltzmann and Planck constants
(29) and A G is the free energy, corresponding to the height

- 1

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IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation Vol. 28 N o . 5 , October I993 76 7

of the energy barrier to be overcome for development of

degradation reactions. The life model can be derived from
(32) remembering the relationship of inverse proportion-
ality between reaction rate constant and life. It provides
linear life lines in log(LT0) vs. l / O plots and is an alterna-
tive to the Arrhenius model of Equation (10). This model
can even be rewritten taking into account the compensa-
tion effect [31,73], as follows
Ic31nC- k4
LTO = C e x p (33) l t ' 0 .
9 20ODC

where C , k3 and k4 are the model parameters, functions

of A L , h, IC and the thermal expansion coefficient [31].

In order to take into account electrical and mechanical

0.1 2
1c 1: 1o3 10 1"s 1 06
stresses, applied together with temperature, it has been Llfe (mlnl
Figure 17.
speculated that these stresses lower the free-energy bar-
rier relevant to thermal degradation, so that the overall Electrical life lines at different temperatures of
reaction rate proceeds faster. This approach has given capacitors (after [21]).
rise to both the so-called Zhurkov model for combined function of electrical stress, in order to give a satisfacto-
thermal-electrical stresses [14,75] ry d a t a fit [30]. Therefore, these models fit experimental
results derived from electrical or mechanical life tests a t
L = C1exp
where A H M is the activation energy of the fracture pro-
(34) chosen temperatures.

An objection to the above approach can come from

cess, 7 the activation volume for submicrocrack forma- consideration that the contribution of electrical stress to
tion, C1 a material parameter), and the Crine models aging in multistress conditions is, generally speaking, du-
for combined thermal-electrical and thermal-mechanical al, as already mentioned. In fact, it consists not only of
stresses [31,76] lowering the free-energy barrier (as in (35), (36)) but of
h AG producing its own degradation process, with a mechanism
L M - exp -csch
2ke Ece [- (35) of electronic nature which prevails except in the case of
low electrical stresses and high temperatures. This can
h AG be taken into account as follows
L M -exp -csch
2ke AG A+(E)
L =hexp
where e is the electronic charge and 6 the width of the Ice - -
k0 -
energy barrier. Equations (35) and (36) simplify for high
electrical and mechanical stresses, where aging reaction where A @ ( E ) takes into account the energy barrier low-
goes prevailingly in the forward direction, to exponential ering by electric stress.
form (obtained by substituting sinh with an exponential
function). Equations (35) and (36) provide electrical or The expression thereby obtained has formal identity
mechanical life lines a t a chosen temperature, in semilog with Equation (17) if the term A + ( E ) is explained by
plot, which are straight a t high stresses, but tend to infi- a linear relationship. Therefore, Equation (37) consti-
nite life when electrical and mechanical stresses approach tutes a general multistress model which provides a phys-
zero. In contrast, Equation (34) provides straight lines in ical support to the phenomenological models derived by
semilog plot M vs. log L . a multiplicative law.

These thermodynamic life models have undoubtedly The same procedure may be applied for multiple thermal-
the attraction of being governed by parameters direct- mechanical stresses, referring to Equation (34). An equa-
ly related t o physical quantities, but cannot be consid- tion similar to (37) is obtained again, where M replaces
ered proper multistress models. In fact, their parameters E . This shows that the exponential model has a phys-
are not fully explained as functions of temperature. For ical basis even in the case of mechanical stress, thus its
example, the width of the energy barrier 6 for electri- use as an alternative to the inverse-power model is not
cal stress, a function of temperature [77], must be also a unfounded.

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768 Montanari et al.: Aging Phenomenology and Modeling



The results of combined thermal-electrical or thermal-

mechanical life tests are often investigated by plotting
electrical life lines a t the different test temperatures.

Electrical life models, the parameters of which are un-

explained functions of temperature and, eventually, of
other applied stresses or factors of influence, can be rapid-
4 i
ly obtained from those valid for single electrical stresses. lo2 10' in in
Life lhl
To this purpose, it is necessary to rewrite the electrical
Figure 18.
models in such a way that their parameters can be deter-
mined more easily. For example, Equations (8) and (9) Electrical life curves, at probability 63.2%, de-
can be rewritten as rived by the four-parameter exponential model,
relevant to data obtained by combined-stress tests
L E = L H exp[-h(E - EH)] (38) performed on XLPE cables at 20 and 90°C (after
LE = LH I&]
r ~ 1 - n
where E H is the highest value of the electrical stress range
where the model is thought valid, a t the test temperature,
and LH is the corresponding time to failure. The model
parameters in this case are LH and n (or h ) , and L H is
far simpler to determine than Lo. The parameters are
functions of temperature, and Equations (38) and (39)
provide a set of straight electrical life lines (in semilog or
log-log plots) for combined stress conditions. As an ex-
ample, Figure 17 shows the electrical life lines, a t three
different temperatures, relevant to mica capacitors sub-
jected to combined thermal-electrical life tests [21]. in2 lu3 104 105
Life I h )
Figure 19.
The same procedure can be used for threshold models.
With reference t o ( L H ,EH)instead of ( L o ,Eo),the ETM Electrical life curves, at probability 63.2%, de-
of Equation (22), becomes rived by the four-parameter inverse-power model,
relevant to data obtained by combined-stress tests
performed on XLPE cables at 20 and 90°C (after

and the inverse-power model (26) has the form The 4pETM, already described, seems the most appro-
priate to describe the long-term electrical behavior over a
wide range of temperatures; with reference to ( E H ,L H ) ,
this model is written as
where Et is the electrical threshold a t generic tempera-
ture 6. Both models are characterized by three parame-
ters which are functions of temperature. Other electrical
life threshold models, also valid in multistress conditions,
have been proposed in the literature. Among them, a Another four-parameter threshold model, based on the
three-parameter model based on evaluation of damage inverse- power relationship, has been presented in [53,
due to electrons injected by the field-emission process, 571. It derives from Equation (39), where the voltage en-
according to the Fowler-Nordheim equation [78], is dis- durance coefficient n, is considered a function of electrical
cussed in [53,57], but it is omitted here because the ex- stress; the following expression for n( E) is proposed [57]
perimental d a t a fit is generally quite poor compared to
the models dealt with above [57].

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IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation Vol. 28 N o . 5 , O c t o b e r 1993 769

As an example of application of the models above, in It can be noted that both four-parameter models could
Figures 18 and 19 the electrical life lines a t failure prob- be used in the general Equation (7), in order to achieve
ability 63.2% based on the 4-parameter models, starting a multistress life model thoroughly explained in a select-
from the experimental points obtained a t two different ed temperature and electrical stress range. However, the
temperatures for XLPE cable models and already report- number of model parameters thus resulting would become
ed in Figure 11, have been drawn [57]. so large as t o give problems in their determination and
accuracy. Some indication of temperature dependence
As can be seen, the agreement is very good for both of the model parameters was achieved by processing da-
models. The satisfactory behavior of the models is due t a samples derived from combined- stress life tests per-
to an appropriate selection of electrical and thermal stress formed a t four different temperatures on XLPE cables
ranges where the models are applied. In some cases, when and Nomex-Mylar-Nomex specimens. Such a dependence
models are used to treat data from accelerated life tests, may be assumed to be of the exponential type [53]
and test stresses cover a wide range from very high to
low values, the life models above described may not fit (44)
well the whole d a t a set (e.g. for S-shaped life line the where P is the generic parameter ( E H , Eto, h or n,).
first part of the line is not represented by the above mod- As a first approximation, can be assumed constant
els). This induces us to use more complex models (such with T for a material or insulation system, and equal to
as that proposed by Bahder et al.,discussed later), which the average of the values estimated a t the different test
involve a larger number of parameters, or to restrict the temperatures. This is substantially in accordance with
stress range where the models are applied. The latter the simple exponential threshold model where = 1.
solution is appropriate when the stress range is restrict- The shape parameter, evaluated for several sets of data
ed to neglect the experimental points which correspond relevant to different test temperatures and insulations,
to the highest test stresses and the shortest lives in min- has been shown to be scattered around a slightly larger
utes or hours. Therefore, life models should hold for sets mean value (1.2) [53]. However, many more data are
of data from intermediate to low stresses, which provide required to identify the most suitable expression for the
information about insulation behavior close to expected temperature dependence of the parameters. Therefore, a
service stresses [57]. This procedure is also justified by way to develop models for temperatures different from the
the consideration that the true model, able to describe test ones is to resort t o regression of parameter values vs.
the aging processes occurring in insulating materials, is thermal stress and refer to extrapolated or interpolated
often hidden by technological features, like curing tech- values.
nique, test cell, test methods, etc. Hence, in practice the
life model becomes a mathematical description of insu-
Finally, an interesting electrical life model, derived un-
lation behavior, which derives its validity and usefulness
der the assumption that electrical degradation is due to
from its ability to fit experimental data.
partial discharge evolution from local electrical field con-
Yet, the purpose of modeling is not only this. An ap- centration, was proposed by Bahder et al. [33]
propriate phenomenological model should allow under-
standing of the general laws which govern material behav-
ior by means of experimental results which are, howev-
er, influenced by material technology and test conditions.
This may be the reason why it is necessary to make the It may be applied also for be combined thermal-electrical
models more and more complex in order to enable them stress, provided that the parameters are calculated from
to fit the actual data. The purpose of researchers is to multistress data. The life line, on log E vs. log L plot,
discriminate what is intrinsic in the material behavior. has the characteristic S-shape, nearly straight a t high
Something has been done in this field. For example, if stresses, curved downwards a t intermediate stresses and
specimens that failed during an electrical life test are sub- a tendency towards horizontality for E approaching the
jected to electrical strength measurements, performed a t threshold value Et and well describes the experimental
many locations of the aged surface, the average of the trend.
breakdown strength values compared with that for un-
aged specimens can give information about the aging con- This accurate description of the life line which allows
ditions of the specimens a t the failure time. If the value the range of model validity to be enlarged from high to
for aged specimens is close t o that for the unaged ones, low stresses, is due to the presence of five parameters in
it means that failure has occurred because of poor tech- the model, i.e. E T , b l . . . b 4 . Complexity of the model
nology (of specimen or aging cell) and not due to a low requires a large amount of experimental d a t a to achieve
intrinsic quality of the material under consideration [49]. accurate parameter estimates, and in practice prevents

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770 Montanari et al.: Aging Phenomenology and Modeling

a model generalization in the temperature domain. By for selection of the lowest test-stress levels. The latter are
neglecting the upper part of the line it is possible to verify the most expensive tests, due to their length, and a bad
that model (45) coincides with the exponential threshold choice of the test-stress values may give rise to incomplete
model [35]. information, and even to the need to stop the test (due to
a n excessive test duration [41,58,79]) before occurrence
of any specimen failure.
BEHAVIOR IN MULTISTRESS Sample size and kind of test development, i.e. com-
plete, single or progressively censored [80,81] may affect
CONDITIONS AND DATA significantly the accuracy of parameter estimates and also
PROCESSING best-fitting model evaluation [79-831. Finally, the combi-
nation of stresses according to expected service conditions
may provide significantly different results with respect to
HARACTERIZATION of insulating materials and sys-
C tems is usually achieved by accelerated functional
(life) tests, which are tests performed a t chosen values
single-stress testing. Use of insulation system models al-
so may provide misleading indications for insulation sys-
tem design (however, for power cables estimates made on
of applied stresses (and, eventually, factors of influence).
models may sometimes be related to full-size systems by
Acceleration is needed to shorten test times, but cannot
means of dimensional effect relationships [50,51]).
be too strong since evaluation of insulation serviceability
is normally requested. Acceleration may be realized by Statistical processing is a fundamental requisite for test
increasing stress frequency (when stress is an alternating d a t a handling, as well as insulation characterization and
quantity, such as electrical stress) or stress magnitude. In design evaluation. The results of accelerated life tests,
order to be closer to the expected service conditions, sev- that is, failure times associated to test-stress values, are
eral stresses and factors of influence are applied together usually treated by Weibull or lognormal distributions, in
(multistress). .order to obtain life points, a t chosen failure probabili-
ties, which allow the life line to be drawh [84]. The
When the purpose of life tests is characterization of new best-fitting model has to be selected by comparing dif-
materials or insulation systems, tests should be planned ferent models on the basis of their data fit. This requires
so as to provide a set of experimental d a t a (stress fail- model parameters to be estimated with sufficient accu-
ure times) which can support application of a life mod- racy. As previously mentioned, an estimate of param-
el. Indeed, model parameters are the tool for material eters can be realized by different methods, such as least
characterization and comparison, and model definition in square regression or maximum likelihood, but some prob-
a suitable stress range, which includes service require- lems in obtaining mathematical solutions for the required
ments, provides information on design stresses. Clearly, algorithms have to be expected, especially for more than
this picture involves some assumptions, such as the valid- four model parameters. In addition, the estimate accu-
ity of the model for stresses different from the test values racy strongly decreases when the number of parameters
(in particular lower), and the possibility to relate the test grows. The goal to estimate lives a t selected failure per-
data, often realized on insulation models and in simulated centiles may be reached by generalizing the probability
service-aging conditions, to actual service requirements. distribution used to process failure-time data to the whole
For these reasons, planning of a test cycle, as well as ex- stress range where the life model is applied. This can be
perimental d a t a processing, is important in the study of achieved if the stress dependence of the scale parameter
insulation endurance. of the probability distribution is explained by means of
the best-fitting model [42,51,52,68,85- 871. In this way,
A brief survey of requisites for test design and realiza- attempts to get rough estimates of design stresses, which
tion, and d a t a processing should mention the following must correspond to very low failure probabilities, may be
items: to choose a set of test-stress values able to give the realized and confidence limits of life lines determined.
most complete information on material behavior in not
too prolonged test times; to use test cells, specimens and Sometimes, graphical procedures can be used advanta-
aging conditions representative of actual service aging; geously to determine parameters or indices for material
and to obtain a n amount of d a t a sufficient for accurate characterization, relevant to the stress-life values of more
model parameter estimates and for statistical processing. practical interest. The method proposed in [6,11,41,88]
can be extremely useful to obtain a great amount of in-
These items are not trivial. For example, optimum formation on insulation multistress endurance. Briefly,
design of life tests should start with knowledge of high- this graphic procedure, called combined analysis meth-
stress performance, in order to obtain some information od (CAM), consists of plotting N +
1 different graphs,

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IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation Vol. 28 No. 5 , October 1993 771

where the results of life tests are set. For example, in the significant degradation). Therefore, Equation ( 3 ) and (4)
case of combined thermal-electrical stress, three graphs can be rewritten as [6-81
are considered: the electrical life graph, collecting elec-
trical life lines a t different temperatures, the thermal life (46)
graph, collecting thermal life lines a t different values of
electrical stress, and the constant-life graph (or E - T
graph), where isochronal lines, loci of the applied stress- AL = F ( 0 )= R ( E ) L (47)
es for selected lives, are reported. Comparison of these where E S is electric strength measured a t t i m e t and E S ,
three graphs provides a powerful tool for investigation is initial electric strength, measured on specimens before
of insulation endurance. Indeed, the drawing of lines aging.
on one graph, on the basis of experimental results, adds
graphically estimated points to the other graphs, so that A law for electric strength time variation was derived
the amount of information on insulation behavior grows and connected with life models, obtaining the following
and isochronal lines, possibly close to expected service general equation for aging and endurance of materials,
requirements, can be plotted. The significance of these valid for single electrical stress [5,6,18,24,90]:
lines has been emphasized already, because they provide
indices for combined-stress endurance evaluation.

Therefore, even ignoring any theoretical model, evalu- where N is a general voltage endurance coefficient, de-
ation of the insulation quality and, likely, of the design fined for any type of life line, straight or curved, and
stresses, (as well as of the thresholds, if they have practi- given at any point ( E , L ) of the line by the reciprocal of
cal values) can be performed. It must be pointed out that the slope of the straight line connecting that point with
the long-term material behavior under combined thermal- the initial one, ( E S , , t o ) ,t o being the time to failure a t
electrical stresses can be foreseen by means of knowledge constant stress E = ES,. N is obviously a function of
of only three indices: the thermal and electrical thresh- electrical stress, for example according to Equation (43),
olds, or even the values of electrical and thermal stresses where in this case n, is the value of N for E = ES,. If
corresponding t o long life (for example the T I for ther- E S = 0 is put in Equation (48), the life equation should
mal stress), and the so-called stress-compatibility index, be obtained, as can be verified immediately in the case of
already explained [8,11]. Equation ( 9 ) , remembering that (L,E,)" = (toES,)n.

Equation (48) has been generalized for multistress con-

7. DEVELOPMENT OF ditions in the following way [6-8,931

where N and L have the appropriate expressions for any

this Section the phenomenological aging theory, il-
lustrated in Section 2, is dealt with again in order to
show its application for better understanding of the aging
considered condition. Equation (49) constitutes a gener-
al model for insulation aging, when electric strength is
taken as the property for aging evaluation, regardless of
process and of the quantities which affect it. the type of applied stress. For this reason N is the on-
ly parameter explained in (49) (in addition to ES,), the
With reference to the general Equations (1) to (5), it other parameters, relevant to the various stresses and ag-
has been possible t o explain the aging model when elec- ing factors which produce aging, being included in the
trical stress is among the applied stresses, taking electric expression of life L and eventually in the dependence of
strength as the diagnostic property for aging evaluation N on such stresses.
[5,6,8,18,89-931. It is, in fact, a common experience
that aging under multiple or single electrical, thermal and In the case of combined thermal-electrical stresses, de-
mechanical stresses, normally gives rise, after significant scribing the electrical life by the inverse-power law (Equa-
aging times, to a noticeable decrease of electric strength tion ( 9 ) ) and thermal life by the Arrhenius law (Equa-
of insulating materials and systems. Generally, after an tion (12)), it follows that
initial slow decrease, electric strength steeply falls to ze-
ro, which corresponds to insulation failure (it must be
observed that, owing to the strong decrease of electric
strength in the last part of the material life, even values with N ( T ) = N -bT, which provides the combined-stress
close to 50% are valid end points, being an indication of life model (18) for E S = 0 and the single-stress aging

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772 Montanari et al.: Aging Phenomenology and Modeling

model (48) for T = 0. Equation (50) is, in fact, a simple with p = E S / E S , . By putting f ' ( p ) = p N , it follows that
example of the equation of the four-dimensional aging hy-
persurface: condition E S = 0 gives the intersection with
the failure plane, which provides the life surface, while
the condition T = 0 gives the electrical aging surface a t
A= 1
t P
R d t = J P N dp
1 (53)
room temperature. -
- 1 - pNt' - 1- (ES/ES,)Ntl
N+1 N+l
Coming back to (48), let us observe that this equa- and thus
tion is the basis for application of the so-called N-method 1
Ar, = A ( E S = 0) = - (54)
for electrical endurance evaluation of insulating materials. N+1
This method consists of censoring a t time t an electrical
aging test performed a t stress E , and subsequently car- As previously mentioned, AL is then a function of the
rying out electric strength tests on the aged specimens. endurance characteristics of an insulation [6,8]. The larg-
If similar tests have been made on a set of unaged spec- er N is, i.e. the less steep the slope of the life line, the
imens, all quantities are known in Equation (48), N ex- less aging and the better the material endurance.
cepted, which can then be calculated. Once N is known,
life L a t electrical stress E can be analytically or graph- 8. CONCLUSIONS
ically determined [6,8,18,49]. By repeating the test for
of aging and life behavior of insulating
different values of E , the electrical life line can be plotted
point by point. This method can be used as an alterna- I NVESTIGATION
materials and systems is a subject of great interest for
electrical engineers. It still needs settled bases for further
tive to, or together with, the conventional one (performed
up to spontaneous breakdown of all or a t least the ma- theoretical developments, and research.
jority of specimens). The changes of N give immediate
information on the shape of the line: if N increases from The contributions given by this paper have been ad-
one test to another, that means an upward curvature, and dressed to show fundamental achievements on aging and
thus a possible tendency towards a threshold. life modeling, and underline some of the numerous inher-
ent problems, relevant to determination of multistress life
and aging models, their use to process experimental da-
If electric strength measurements are carried out a t
t a and their limits of application, as well as to describe
many locations of the same specimen, the mean value
some practical procedures. The overview of life models
of electric strength and its scatter can be obtained; this
has shown the difficulties in obtaining satisfactory mod-
gives a good evaluation of aged specimens and permits
els which represent the insulation behavior under multi-
determination of their inherent endurance, while sponta-
ple stresses over the range of stresses. There are, in fact,
neous failure largely depends on specimen homogeneity.
many events which determine the results of life tests, and
The line thus plotted is then an 'intrinsic' one, practically
the aging mechanisms are not always completely known.
the limit to which the specimens endurance tends by im-
Therefore, several parameters and indices are often used
proving the manufacturing technique. Therefore, it can
in life and aging models, in order to achieve good quality
be said that by this method the intrinsic endurance of an
of fit to experimental data, to evaluate and compare ma-
insulating material is determined, very significant in eval-
terials, and to obtain reliable design stress estimates. On
uating whether the material is or is not worth improving
the other hand, insulation systems consist of materials of
by a more sophisticated and expensive technology.
so many different types and characteristics and are manu-
factured in so many different ways, that it seems unlikely
Let us finally observe that by comparing (49) with gen- that only one model, for a combination of stresses, can
eral Equation (5), it follows that provide a good description of their behavior. If materials
A = A L -t= A L
[1- (2) ]
and not systems are considered, things are simpler and
the use of valid life models is possible.
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(2) it follows that Insulaton Systems. Part 1: General Principles and
Guide to Application, 1975; IEC T C 63 (Sec.) 75,
t D
1992. IEEE 1064, IEEE Guide for Multifactor Stress
Functional Testing of Electrical Insulation Systems,

-- I

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