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ROLL NO: 2123531
Q1. What is ‘composition’ in a visual presentation? Why is it important?
What are the different elements that go into a composition? Explain based
on relevant examples.

The term composition means "putting together". Composition is the act of

arranging elements within a work of art. It can be applied to any part of art,
from music to drawing and writing to photography. It is mainly used anywhere
without changing with various terms, such as design, form, formal structure and
depending on context.

If your composition is poor, your work will be lacking as well. Even if you have
a good range of values, correct proportions, and have mastered the medium,
your art may be considered a failure if the composition is poorly executed.
The arrangement and positioning of elements within a work affect how people
react to what we create.

These elements in the art can be used to arrange or organize the visual
components to please the artist and, one hopes, the viewer. They contribute to
the structure of the art's layout and the presentation of the subject.

Balance- to create a sense of whether the symmetrical or radial symmetry is

Contrast- They relate to colour contrasts and a sense of understanding of
dark/light or repetition of a few elements and structures.
Movement- connects with a feeling of motility accomplished through the plans
of items that guide the watcher's eyes.
Rhythm- is a little more generalized 'beat' of an artwork.
Leading lines- are suggestive lines that direct attention around a painting.
These constitute the Elements of Composition in Visual Presentations.

Composition is essential because it shapes the viewer's experience of the

artwork. Composition is a big part of making a piece eye-catching and
dynamic, calm and soothing, or disorienting and off-kilter.
Conventional compositions can be achieved with the techniques such as The
rule of thirds.
Rule of thirds is connected with isolating a picture into thirds evenly and in an
upward direction to abstain from bisecting, which isn't outwardly satisfying.
This standard likewise figures out where the point of convergence ought to be
put to accomplish a powerful arrangement.

In scene shots, it's normal to situate the skyline along with the focal point of the
casing; however, this can give the photograph a "split in two" feel.
Counting another article, for example, the tree in the photograph above, and
position it as indicated by the standard of thirds. This gives an "anchor", a
characteristic point of convergence for the scene.
When we divide this picture using the rule of thirds, and when we look into
this picture intensely, we can see that the tap water has been running
continuously for a long time. And we also know the road is empty, and no one
is available to close the running tap water. But we see that the tree beside it is
getting watered and helping it grow. Looking at this picture, we can say that tap
and tree are solitude and assume this timeframe is taken during pandemic times
when no one was levitating, and roads was ghosted.

“The anatomy of the picture is always more important than the anatomy of
the subject.”
-Marc Awodey
Q2. Attempt an analysis of any one of these advertisements. Closely look at
the various factors that work here to communicate certain specific
meanings. Give a title to your analysis.

Advertisement Chosen –


The three-and-a-half-minute ad, titled 'Reunion,' is a fictional reunion between

long lost best friends, Baldev Mehra from India and Yusuf from Pakistan, which
showed true friendship, happy childhood memories, separation, and
reconnecting with a tender past. The Reunion advertisement addressed the
sensitive issue of partition and tore apart friends and families. On the other
hand, the partition devastated both countries in 1947, separating their

One day Baldev shows his granddaughter Suman an old, dated photograph of
two children. He tells her that he and his best friend, Yusuf, lived in Lahore and
used to fly kites near a stone age-gate near a park and "steal" Jhajariyas from
Yusuf's family sweet shop. Many decades later, Baldev still thinks of Yusuf and
misses him. This motivated Suman to use her grandfather's story details and
locate Yusuf s family sweet shop via Google. She connects with Yusuf's
grandson and helps the best friends reunite on Baldev's birthday.

The advertisement has all the earmarks of being a short film rather than a
business. Friendship is an extraordinary sort of adoration, and genuine
companions stay together regardless of how far separated they are or how
various they are. Set against India and Pakistan's lovely and vivid settings, it
recounts the two nations' segment subsequently isolated the account of two
young men who were once dearest companions yet.

For some narrators, the inquiry isn't much of what to say as it is how to say it.
Over the entire course of time, society has utilized and looked for new
apparatuses to all the more likely impart our accounts to other people, from cave
compositions to books and distributing, to the message, to radio and
communicate TV, to Facebook and Twitter, to stylish new cell phone
This shows how Google doesn't look at your religion or your place of origin. It
is accessible to all and at all times. May it be searching just a silly thing, to
searching for the oldest sweet shop in Lahore that sells "Jhajariya."

For this situation, Google utilizes a video to offer itself to India and Pakistan
and review one's own set of experiences and the possible accounts of the
numerous families, companions, friends, and family who the 1947 India-
Pakistan segment might have isolated. This video is enthusiastic. Stories like
this one permit you to feel an assortment of feelings without managing the
results of those feelings.

Emotions like wonder, dread, mental fortitude, and cherish can be tried in the
personalities of the individuals who pay attention to a story. Because of hearing
such reports, we, as a rule, recall the sensations of feelings that can set off
recollections or make a resolve. Hearing stories can stir portions of one's
passionate life that have been lethargic or still can't seem to be investigated.
Here, we can see the emotion of 2 best friends meeting after a very long time
and recollecting all the best moments they had in their life. The warmth and
comfort they felt after hugging would be the best gift to those who missed and
waited for this for a very long time and got a part.

Music is vital in promoting, yet choosing a suitable theme is considerably more

significant. Music takes the buyer to somewhere else that quietness neglects to
do. The piece contains the dynamic to help assemble and support connections
for a brand and its buyers; however, it will not have all the earmarks of being a
considerable contribution to promoting. The music in this ad was flawlessly
picked because of the setting and topic of the notice; it had the society tune of
sentimentality, which likewise depicted the Bond of Baldev and Yousuf with
the most extreme flawlessness. The ad, in the end, takes a smooth turn and the
development made in the future when Baldev and Yousuf embrace each other
creates an energetic environment.


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