Week 9 Assignment Questions-2

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Week 9 Assignment

Crime Scene Investigation Questions

The questions below are examples of questions you might be asked by a police investigator or in a
court of law. Please answer the following to the best of your ability:

1. On what date and time did you enter the crime scene? When did you leave?

I entered the crime scene on March 14, 2022 at 14:30 and left at 15:00.

2. What was the purpose of you entering the crime scene?

The purpose of entering the crime scene was to assess if the patient could benefit from any life-
saving measures.

3. Did any other allied services enter the scene with you?

Police had already entered the scene prior to my arrival. Otherwise, no other allied services entered
the scene with me.

4. What path did you take when you entered the room? When you left the room?

I entered the room initially veering to the left to avoid the bloody footprints on the scene and assess
the patient. I determined the patient had head trauma and circled from the patient’s feet end to
perform my assessments from the right of the patient. I ensured to avoid touching the potential
weapon on scene and to not contaminate the bloody footsteps. I left the room following the same
path out.

5. What size and type of footwear were you wearing?

I was wearing size 9 original SWAT boots.

6. What PPE were you wearing?

I was wearing nitrile gloves, a surgical mask, and safety glasses.

7. Did you touch the victim? If so, how did you move them?

Yes, I did touch the victim. I placed my right hand on the patient’s right anterior shoulder and my
other hand on his hip move the patient into a left lateral position to inspect if the patient had
evidence of lividity.

8. Did you move the victim?

Yes, as per above I moved the patient into left lateral position and then returned him to his original
position as best as I could.

9. What assessments did you do to determine that the patient was deceased? If the patient was
obviously dead (code 5), what signs of obvious death did you note?

I extended the patient’s left arm to inspect for rigidity, which was not found. I checked for any
outpouring of brain matter from the head trauma, which was not present as well. Lastly, I checked
for signs of dependent lividity, which was found and indicated that the patient was obviously dead.

10. What injuries did the patient have?

Pt. was found unconscious laying prone on the ground. Pt. was GCS 3. Pt. had approx. 20 mL of
blood next to the patient's head. Pt. did not appear to be breathing.Pt. had no neck trauma. Pt. had
no carotid pulse. Pt. had some depression to the top right side of his skull. Pt.'s forehead was
noticeably bloody. Pt. had no stab wounds to the chest. Pt. has lividity to the chest with some
purplish tone to the skin and otherwise pale. Pt. has no chest rise and fall. Pt.'s abdomen has
purplish tone and pale otherwise showing signs of lividity. Pt. has no stab wounds noted to the

11. How much blood did you notice at the scene?

I noticed approximately 20 mL of blood on the scene.

12. What treatments did you perform on the patient?

I performed no treatments on the patient.

13. Did you speak to a physician and if so, what did you tell them? If you did not speak to a
physician, why not?

No, I did not speak with a physician as the patient met obvious death criteria.

14. Why was the patient not transported to the hospital?

Same as above. Pt. was code 5.

15. Did you touch anything in the room?

I only touched the patient and the patient’s medication.

16. Did you move anything in the room?

I slightly moved the patient’s medication when I picked it up to check it.

17. Was there a chance the scene was tampered with before your arrival?

Not that I am aware of, but there is no way for me to confirm.

18. Did you notice anything unusual about the victim or the crime scene?

Yes, there was two bloody weapons on the ground. One was a blade, but I could not find any
lacerations on the patient. There was blood on the blade as if it cut someone, but I could not find
one on the patient.

19. Did anyone say anything to you about the victim or the scene?

I only spoke with the police on scene. The bystanders were gone before I could ask them any

20. Is there anything else you think is important to mention that you haven’t acknowledged yet?

I was not able to determine details about the patient as it was unknown on scene.

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