Lesson 11 - Compass Bearing and Correction

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1 Defines True North, Magnetic North and Compass North

True North- is the direction of north geographical pole.

Magnetic North- It is the direction north as indicated by the earth’s magnetic line of


Compass North- The direction north as indicated by a magnetic compass.

True Course(T)- Is the track of the ship measured from the true north in a clockwise

Magnetic Course(M)- Is the track of the ship in relation to the direction of the magnetic
lines of force around the earth. The correcting magnetic course for variation gives the
true course.

Compass Course(C)- Is the reading of a particular ship magnetic compass; that is the

course the compass actually shows. Correcting the magnetic course for variation gives
the true course.

True differs from Magnetic by variation

Magnetic differs from Compass by deviation

Compass differs from True by compass error

Deviation (D or Dev.)- It is the angular distance between the magnetic north and
compass north. It is expressed in angular units and named east or west to indicate the
side of magnetic north on which the compass north lies. Deviation is caused by
disturbing magnetic influences in the vicinity of the compass such as from
induced magnetism in metal decks, bulkheads, masts, stacks boat davits etc.

Variation(V or Var.)- The angle between the magnetic and geographic meridian at any
place, expressed in degrees east or west to indicate the direction of the magnetic north
from true.

Applying Variation and Deviation

If Variation or Deviation is Easterly, the compass card is rotated in a clockwise direction.

This brings smaller numbers opposite the lubber’s line. If the error is westerly, the
rotation is counter clockwise and a large number is brought opposite the Lubber’s line.


A navigator sets up a course at a shore near the ship’s anchorage. The compass is not
being affected by the steel of the ship, is free from deviation and indicates magnetic
direction. From the chart the navigator determines the true bearing of a distant mountain
peak to be 320°. By compass it bears 337°. The ship bears 076° by compass from the
observation spot ashore.

Required: The variation and the True bearing of the ship

Solution: The numerical difference between the true and the magnetic is 17°. Since the
magnetic bearing is the greater, the difference is subtractive when applied to the
magnetic bearing to obtain the true bearing or when correcting. Hence, the variation is
17°W. To find the true bearing of the ship, we are correcting. Hence, the direction is
076°-17°= 059°T.

Answer: The variation is 17° west

                   The True bearing is 059° T

Rules to Find Compass Errors:

1. If Var. and Dev. have the same names, get their sum Add and just follow their
common names.
2. If Var. And Dev. have different names, get their difference Subtract and follow the
name having the greater value


11.2 Calculate True Course from Compass Course

Compass Corrections

Compass to True (Correcting)

1. All Easterly Error (Var. and Dev.) are added +

2. All Westerly Error (Var. And Dev.) are subtracted –

C-Compass Course = can

D-Deviation             = dead

M-Magnetic             = man

V-Variation              = vote

T-True                       = twice at Elections?

Correcting a Compass


1. A ship steers on course 070°C, Deviation= 2°E, Variation= 3°E.

Find her T/C and C/E.

     To find Compass Error: Compass least error east,Compass best error west.

     2. The Compass bearing of an object was observed to 245°PSC. The variation in the
locality was 4° W and deviation 3°E.  Find the true bearing and Compass error.


     To find Compass error if Compass bearing and True bearing are given. Memory aid:
Compass least error East, Compass best error West.


11.3 Calculate Compass Course from True Course

Un correcting a Compass:

True to Compass

1. A ship steers on Course 320° T, Var.5° E, Dev. 3° E. Find the Compass Course
and compass error.


      2. A ship steers on course 190° T. Var. In the locality 2° E, Deviation 5° W. Find the
Compass course and Compass Error.


      3. The charted bearing of a lighthouse was observed to be 220° T. Variation in the
locality 6° W, Deviation 4° E. Find the Compass bearing of a lighthouse and the
Compass Error.


To find Compass Error if True bearing and Compass  Bearing are given:


Solving for compass error

Given True Course (T/C)and Compass Course (C/C)

Compass Error- Is the difference between true north and compass north.

Compass Least error EAST, Compass Best error WEST

11.4: Obtain compass error, using transit bearing:

Example: The charted bearing of two lighthouses in ranges was observed to be 115° T.
The actual bearing was observed to be 120°. Find the compass error.

   True bearing = 115° T

“Compass Least error East, Compass best , Error West”

11.5: Solved for true bearing given the compass bearing and compass error.

11.6: Take a compass bearing of a charted object and lays the true bearing off on
the chart.

(Use plotting charts to perform this activity. Instructor as facilitator)

Recommended Reading Materials : American Practical Navigator by Bowditch, N.

Activity 11. Self assessment questions

1. What is True north, Magnetic north and Compass North?
2. Calculate True Course from Compass Course
3. Calculate Compass Course from True Course
4. What is Compass Error? How do you measure compass error using Transit

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