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tt doesw't have only the force of Law, it also caw be implemented by the state, once the Legislation has come out it applies on everybody and whether you Like it or wot You have to follow it. tt overrides all other sources, it caw be of two types: The mother Legislation what we called as Constitution The statutory legislations (w any case of all the sources of Law, Legislation is at the top of the ladder. As far as legislation is concerned it is always based ow public policy which is the main source of it. The common good is always the base of legislation. As a general rule, it has to follow aw ethos weather of customs or what is good for public. However, certain Legislation which we called as revolutionary Legislations Which we called revolt against the established system, these legislations may not be popular Legislations. But then it is immaterial that whether in Legislation is popular ov wot, it is basically determined by the public policy which is maximum good of maximum people. Hence anything which goes against the ethos of modern society, common good, Constitution of our nation, cawnot be allowed to remain. There may be revolts from the society from vartous pockets of society but tt is always based ow balance of convenience, some people may suffer but the majority, Has a benefit and that is why sense Legislation is for a common good, Popular good or be called as a good of entire public and it is based ow public policies that is why legislation is a supreme source of any personal Law. As far as Hindu Law is concerned, it was a very highly compartmentalised Law, it was steeped iw customs which were unfortunately based ow caste also a Lot of deadwood had gathered over centuries which were against the ethos of our modern constitution. The entire Hindu philosophy or ethos though at the inception, Hinduism Did wot Rvow of auy such tncongruities, it was wot supposed to be based on inequalities but then we saw over the pertod of centuries, A Lot of deadwood had gathered, it was such a deep set deadwood, but even the Constitution had to mention Hindutsm whether it was article 25 or it was abolition of untouchability in article 17, so deep was the seepage of this negative aspect which was of course wot the basic philosophy of vedas at that time. The owly answer to set right there is abnormalities Which are gathered Over centuries what is revolutionary legislation. tt is not only after the Constitution the state has woke up for the need of refining and redefining all the aspects of Hindu Law, even the Britishers were also aware of this, awd that is why the entire source of legislation starts wot after the Constitution in the post independence Era but also in the British times.

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