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30, will be treated as malpractice. ion, appeal to evaluator and /or equations written eg, 42+8 Important Note :{..On completing your answers, compulsorily draw diagonal cross lines on the remaining blank pages. 2. Any revealing of idemifcati USN 10CS842 Eighth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June / July 2014 Software Testing Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100 Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting at least TWO questions from each part. PART—-A a. Explain errors, faults and failures in the process of programming and testing with a flow diagram. (08 Marks) b. Briefly explain about functional testing and structural testing. (08 Marks) c. Draw the dataflow diagram for a structured triangle program implementation, _ (04 Marks) a, With example, explain about boundary value analysis and mention its limitation. (04 Marks) b. With neat figure, explain about i) Robustness testing ii) Worst case testing. (06 Marks) c.. Explain about, i) Strong normal equivalence class testing. ii) Strong Robust/€quivalence class testing. c (04 Marks) . d. Write equivalence class test cases for the triangle problem, (06 Marks) a, Write a structured triangle program draw the program graph and find the DD paths, DD path graph for the triangle program. (08 Marks) b. For the program graph G(P) and.a set of program variable V define the following : i) Defining node of variable. “ i) Usage node of variable. Definition use path with respect fo variable. iv) Definition clear path with resgen} toy . (04 Marks) c. Explain about, i) du-path test coverage metricés vith data dw diagram. > ii) Style and technique to find slice of program. (08 Marks) a. Explain about specification'~"based life cycle model. __ (06 Marks) b. Briefly expiain about.SATM system, draw the context diagram, ER model and decomposition tree for SATM system. (08 Marks) c. ased integration. (06 Marks) PART-B : a. lath about functional strategies for thread testing. >. (10 Marks) b. it client / server testing. (10 Marks) a. Witha‘rleat diagram, explain the relation of verification and validation activities with respect to-artifact produced in software development project. + (08 Marks) b,-.Explain the six principles that characterize various approaches and technique for analysis jv and testing. (12 Marks) Define Scaffolding Distinguish between Generic versus specific Scaffolding briefly. (08 Marks) b. Explain about: i) Test oracles ii) Capture and Relay iii) Test cases (12 Marks) Write a short note on the following: ‘a. Quality and processes. b. Risk planning. c. Test and analysis strategies & plan. d. Quality goal. 20 Marks) aewee 1, Oncompl z / 8 [LLL Ty LL 06CS842, USN [ Eighth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2013 Software Testing Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100 te a, b. b. & Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting atleast TWO questions from each part. PART-A Discuss the quality attributes in detail, to determine the software quality (08 Marks) Discuss.the types of test metrics used in software testing, in detail. (12 Marks) Explain with an example, how the testing is classified, (12 Marks) Briefly discuss the defect management system, (08 Marks) Discuss in detail, the systematic procedure for equivalence pattitioning method. (08 Marks) Explain in detail, category partition method. (12 Marks) Define cause and effect and discuss the notations used for the cause effect graph, (10 Marks) Define the following terms with examples : i) Predicate @ compound predicate ii) Singular Boolean expression. (06 Marks) Create an abstract syntax tree for the Boolean expression : (a s). (04 Marks) PART-B Define the following terms i) Statement adequacy criteria and statement coverage ii) Condition adequacy criteria and condition coverage iii) Path adequacy criteria and path coverage iv) Brach adequacy criteria and branch coverage (12 Marks) Write short notes on i) Procedure call testing ii), The infusibility problem. (08 Marks) Draw the control dependency tree for the following procedure : Public int ged (int X int Y) ( Int temp :¥ While (Y Return X: } (05 Marks) Define the following terms and show where these exists in Q6(a) procedure i) Definition of variable ii) Use of variable iit) Kill iv) Definition clear path v) Immediate dominator (10 Marks) Briefly discuss inter-procedural analysis. (05 Marks) lof2 Define scaffolding. What is its purpose in testing? Define the following terms in IEEE definition: i) Test case ii) Test case specification iii) Adequacy criterion iv) Test obligation vy) Test suite vi) Test execution. Explain the following i) Test oracles ii) Comparison based oracle iii) Partial oracle. Discuss quality goals in sofiware testing. Write short notes (any four) i) System testing ii) Acceptance testing iii) Regression testing iv) Usability y) Integration testing strategies: nese 2of2 06CS842 (04 Marks) (06 Marks) (10 Marks) (04 Marks) uss | | | | | ] 06CS842 Eighth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, December 2012 Software Testing Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100 Note: Answer FIVE full questions atleast TWO questions from each part. 3 PART-A = 2 — 1 a. Define software quality. Explain the different measures of software quality (10 Marks) a b. With the help of a test and debug cycle, explain testing and debugging process. (05 Marks) = c. Write a sample test plan and test cases for the sort program. (05 Marks) = 2 a. Define path, What do you mean by complete, feasible and infeasible path? Give one = example for each and explain, with diagram. (10 Marks) a b. What is goal directed testing? What are different goal directed testing techniques available to test the computer software? Explain each of them, in detail (10 Marks) 3 a. Write the steps involved in creating the Squivalence classes, (08 Marks) b, What is category partition method? With diagram explain the different steps in category partition method. (12 Marks) 4 a. Which are the basic elements of a cause — effect graph? Explain with diagram. Also write a the cause — effect graph for the web based computer sale application. (12 Marks) s b. Discuss predicate testing, with respect to Boolean operator fault, relational operator fault and g arithmetic expression fault, (08 Marks) 3 PART-B 3 5 a. Explain statement testing and branch testing criteria. (08 Marks) g b. Define path adequacy criterion. Explain condition and path testing analysis of structural é testing with an infeasibility problem. (08 Marks) a cc. Compare structural testing criteria. (04 Marks) 6 a. What are definition use pairs? Write an algorithm for finding the GCD of two positive integers, identify definition — use pairs, definition clear path, also write the data dependence and control dependence graph of GCD method. (12 Marks) b. Describe data flow testing criteria, in detail (08 Marks) E 7 a. Detine the different testing terms used in the construction of test specifications and test sei cases. (08 Marks) 2 What is scaffolding? Explain the purpose of scaffolding, in det: (06 Marks) z ¢. Discuss the importance of test oracles (06 Marks) a 8 a. Discuss the dependability properties. (08 Marks) = b. Describe the different integration testing strategies. (08 Marks) c. What are the different steps in the process of verifying and validating the usability? Explain. (04 Marks) USN 06CS842 Eighth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June 2012 Software Testing Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100 Note: Aaswer FIVE full questions, selecting at least TWO questions from each part. PART-A 1a. Explain with a supporting flow graph the concept of errors, faults and failures in the process of programming and testing. (10 Marks) b. Explain the types of metrics used in software testing and their relationships. (10 Marks) 2 a. Explain the elements of static testing and distinguish between walkthroughs and inspections. (10 Marks) b. Explain how saturation effect is observed during the testing of complex software systems with supporting figure. (10 Marks) 3 a. List the techniques for test selection from informal and rigorously specified requirements and with an example explain any one technique from this list. (10 Marks) b. Explain the steps in the category-partition method. (10 Marks) 4 a. Explain the procedure for generating a decision table from a cause-effect graph. (10 Marks) b. Explain fault propagation by giving example. (10 Marks) PART-B 5 a. Explain different elements in control flow, discuss them with regard to testing, adequacy criterion and coverage. (15 Marks) b. Write short notes on procedure call testing. (05 Marks) 16 a. Deine the following by giving necessary examples: i) Use of a variable: ii) Definition of a variable; iii) Direct data dependency: iv) Definition of clear path. (08 Marks) b. Define the various data flow testing criteria. (08 Marks) c. Write a short note on data flow coverage with complex structures. (04 Marks) 7 a. Explain the following: i) Test case ii) Test case specification Be iii) Test suite a iv) Adequacy ve v) Test obligati (10 Marks) =" b. With reference to test execution, explain the concept of scaffolding and test oracles. 2 (10 Marks) 2 z 8 a. Explain integration testing strategies (08 Marks) g b. Compare system, acceptance and regression testing. (08 Marks) ~ c. Write short notes on clean room process model. (04 Marks) eee ¢ treated as malpra 1g blank pages. draw diagonal cross ‘your answers, computso {mpoitant Note : 1. On compi « (TOT Eighth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, December 2011 Software Testing Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, selecting at least TWO questions from each part. PART—A 1 a. Define software quality and quality attributes. Explain briefly, (08 Marks) b. Define testing and debugging, With a neat diagram, explain a test and debug cycle briefly. (10 Marks) c. Define the terms: i) Correctness ; ii) Reliability. (02 Marks) 2 a. Define contro! flow graph (CFG). Draw the CFG for x” (x to the power y) program: and write the algorithm, basic block and complete paths, (12 Marks) b. Briefly discuss the defect management system. (08 Marks) 3 a. Discuss in detail boundary - value analysis with an example. (08 Marks) b. What are the various steps involved in category - partiction methods? With the neat diagram explain these steps briefly. 5 (12 Marks) 4 a. Describe cause — effect graphing, with an example and also write the procedure used for the generating tests using cause ~ effect graphing (08 Marks) b. Explain briefly, what are the notations used in cause ~ effect graphing. (08 Marks) c. Explain the three classes of faults for a predicate testing (04 Marks) PART-B 5 b. c, 6 a b. © Toa b. © Boa b, Define the following terms : i) Statement adequacy criteria ; i) Statement coverage ; iii) Condition adequacy criteria ; iv) Condition coverage ; Vv) Path adequacy criteria; vi) Pathcoverage. (09 Marks) problem. Explain with an example. (05 Marks) Compare the subsumption relation among structural test adequacy criteria. (06 Marks) List out the DU and DU pair for the following procedure : i) public int ged (int x, int y) { ii) inttmp; iii) while (y! = ) { iv) unp=x%y; vy) ox=ys vi) y=tmp; vii) } viii) retum x; ix) } (06 Marks) Draw the CFG and data dependency graph for the Q.6(b) procedure, (08 Marks) Write a note on DF testing criteria. (06 Marks) Define the following testing terms in brief as stated by IEE! i) Testcase ii) Test case specification iii) Testsuite ; iv) Test or test execution. (04 Marks) Define scaffolding and it's purpose with an example. (04 Marks) Write short notes on : i) Adequacy criteria ; ii) Test oracles ; Self checks as oracles. (2 Marks) Describe the dependability properties in detail. (12 Marks) Explain in detail any four integration testing strategies. (08 Marks) keeee 1g blank pages. draw diagonal cross lines on the remaining 1g your answers, compulsorily 50, will be treated as malpractice. aluator and /or equations written eg, 4248 USN [ | | 06CS/IS835 Eighth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2011 Information and Network Security Fae: Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100 Note: Answer FIVE full questions selecting at least TWO questions from each part. PART-A 1 a. Define policy and explain issue'specific security policy. (10 Marks) b. Explain the importance of incident response planning strategy. (10 Marks) 2. a. Whatis firewall? Explain categories of firewalls based on processing mode. (40 Marks) b. What are virtual private networks? Explain different techniques to implement a virtual private network. (10 Marks) 3. a. Explain network based intrusion detection and prevention systems. (10 Marks) b. Describe the need of operating system detection tools. (10 Marks) 4 a. List out the elements of cryptosystems and explain transposition cipher technique. (10 Marks) b. Who can attack eryptosystems? Discuss different categories of attacks on cryptosystems. (10 Marks) PART-B 5 a. Compare active and passive attacks. (05 Marks) b. With a neat diagram, explain network security model. (07 Marks) c. List out the differences between Kerberos version 4 and version 5. . (08 Marks) 6 a. Explain PGP message generation and PGP message reception techniques. (10 Marks) b, Describe S/MIME functionality. (05 Marks) c. Explain S/MIME certificate processing method. (05 Marks) 7 a. Describe SA parameters and SA selectors in detail. (10 Marks) b. Describe Oakley key determination protocol (10 Marks) 8 a. Explain SSL handshake protocol with a neat diagram. (10 Marks) b. List out the key features of secure electronic transaction and explain in detail. (10 Marks) eee 50, will be treated as malpractice. Any cevealing of identification, appeal to evaluator and /or equations written eg, 42+8 7 a | aL Eighth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, December 2010 Software Testing rr a a us} PTT} i tie] 06CS842 Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, selecting at least TWO questions from each part. PART-—A 1 a. How do you measure software quality? Discuss correctness versus reliability pertaining to programs. (10 Marks) b. Discuss the types of metrics used in software testing and their relationship. (10 Marks) 2 a. Explain software testing and hardware testing over fault models, test domain and coverage. (04 Marks) b. Iltustrate various test — generation strategies over a short note. (04 Marks) c. Classify testing techniques for dynamic testing, in detail. (12 Marks) 3 a. Consider an application program of your choice and condition. Partition the input domain using unidimensional and multidimensional partitioning. Construct two sets of test — data. Test for the above, using the equivalence classes. (10 Marks) b. Write short notes on: i) Boundary — value analysis ; ii) Category — partition method. (10 Marks) 4 a. Devise the procedure for generation of test, using cause — effect graphing. (10 Marks) b. What is predicate testing, its fault model and testing criteria? (10 Marks) PART-—B 5 a List the different elements in control flow. Discuss them with regard to testing, adequacy criterion and coverage. (16 Marks} b. Explain the procedure call testing. (04 Marks) 6 a. Describe definition — use pairs with a suitable example. (06 Marks) b. What is reaching definition? Hlustrate with an algorithm by applying flow equation. (06 Marks) c. Define the various data flow testing criteria. (08 Marks) 7 a. Define the following : i) Test case ; ii) Test case specification ; iti) Test obligation iv} Test suite : v) Test execution : vi) Test adequacy criterion. (06 Marks) b. What is scatfolding? Describe generic and a application specific scaffolding. (08 Marks) c. Briefly explain the test oracles. (06 Marks) 8 Write short notes on the following : a. Integration testing b. System testing c, Acceptance testing d. Regression testing. (20 Marks) 2. Any revealing OF IORI ee 2 jae es BAG a 32 FF. 4 we F eee pireGier 0 7 Eighth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, May/June 2010 Software Testing Max. Marks:100 Time: 3 brs. Note: Answer any FIT VE full questions, selecting at least TWO questions from each part. PART-A 1 a. Explain different quality attributes of a software. (08 Marks) Explain with a neat diagram, the testing and debugging cycle. (08 Marks) c. Consider the following: Requirement | : It is required to write a program that inputs two integers and outputs the maximum of these. Comment on its completeness. (04 Marks) 2 a. Using a diagram, discuss the summary of test generation strategies. (08 Marks) Consider the following Java method. public stati string collapseNewlines(string argstr) { char last = argstr.charAt(0); stringBuffer argBut = newstringBuffer( ); for (int cldx = 0; cldx < argstr.length( ): eldx++) char ch = argstr.charAt(cldx); if (ch! = ‘\n’ || last! = ‘\n’) argBuf.append(ch); last = ch; } return argBuf.toString ( ); } Identify the basic blocks, their entry points and exit points. Draw the contro! flow graph. (08 Marks) c. Explain the terms: walk through $ and inspection of code, (04 Marks) 3 a. Illustrate the complexity of test selection problem, with an example. (04 Marks) What is equivalence partitioning? How are the various types of variables partitioned? Give one example to each. (08 Marks) c. Explain with an example the process of boundary value analysis. (08 Marks) 4 a, What is cause-effect graphing? Explain the generic procedure to generate lists from cause effect graphing. Show the basic elements of cause effect graphing. (10 Marks) b. Define the following three predicate testing criteria: ¥ BOR-, BRO-, BRE-. Write the procedure to generate BOR- constraint set. (16 Marks) 1 of 2 Bo om p 06CS842 PART —B What are the differences between functional and structural testing? (04 Marks) Show with an example, how statement adequacy criterion is not sufficient to identify faults in the code. (08 Marks) What is multiple condition/decision coverage criteria? Illustrate how this reduces the no. of test cases required to test a compound condition, (08 Marks) Define the following giving examples: i) Definition of a variable ii) Use of a variable ili) Definition of clear path iv) Direct data dependency. (08 Marks) Ulustrate the generation of spurious execution paths while data flow analysis through procedure calls. (08 Marks) Give an example when DU paths can be exponential and explain how. (04 Marks) Explain the following terms: 1) Test case it) Test case specification lil) Test obligation iv) Test suite v) Test or test execution vi) Adequacy criterion, (06 Marks) Write a note on Scaffolding (07 Marks) Explain with example: i) Test oracle it) Comparison based oracle iti) Partial oracle. (07 Marks) Write short notes on: System testing Acceptance testing Regression testing Clean room process model (20 Marks) Kk kk

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