Goal Setting Questions

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Name: dr.

Tiara Dewi Tina

Leadership Style (assignment 2): Mixed
Team competency Score (assignment 3):

1. What one thing if I do today, will profoundly improve the way I work?
Choose to be happy because I have another family (ER team) and return to
remembering the goals that have been mutually agreed with the team through
meetings and the quality goal of "creating a pleasant workplace"

2. What are my strength and weakness?

a. Strengths: it is easy to make decisions and solutions if there are obstacles in

the field, can see the problem or something that has the potential to be
problematic, which will then be formulated into the data, innovative, work
fast, be fair indiscriminately, even though they are my family,
b. Weakness: impatient, sometimes I force my will, it's hard to be able to trust
100% of people, overthinking

3. How am I going to build on my strengths?

Diligently seek knowledge through books, web, seminars, training, and develop
360 degree assessment.

4.How am I going to correct my weakness? learn to hold back, learn to be more

patient, learn to brainstorm more often with the team and or with the boss

5. Where do I want to be in 5 years time (Vision) – Professional– Not more than 2

Become CEO and consultant especially for ER

6. What are my Short term (1-­ 2 YEAR) Goals towards my 5 year professional
growth vision

1. grow to be a good and wise leader in assessing all problems,

2. create a pleasant work environment without any fear,
3. bring our department to become one of the mainstays in society
4. improve soft skills, especially in negotiating with higher parties
5. reliable by many people

7. What is my mid/log term (2-­­4 YEAR) Goals towards my 5 year professional

growth vision

1. creation of services with excellent service

2. can create a healthy ER management
3. can fix the system that is less precise
4. can create new systems that can be applied to the internal needs of ER, for
comprehensive service
5. can be an example of an emergency room for other hospitals use

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