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An integer can be:

A. Only Positive
B. Only Negative
C. Both positive and negative
D. None of the above
Answer: C
Explanation: An integer can be both positive and negative as well as zero.
i.e. …-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3,….
2. A rational number can be represented in the form of:
A. p/q
B. pq
C. p+q
D. p-q
Answer: A
Explanation: A rational number can be represented in the form p/q where p and q are integers
and q is not equal to zero.
3. The value of ½ x ⅗ is equal to:
A. ½
B. 3/10
C. ⅗
D. ⅖
Answer: B
Explanation: ½ x ⅗ = (1 x 3)/(2 x 5) = 3/10
4. The value of (½) ÷ (⅗) is equal to:
A. 3/10
B. ⅗
C. 6/5
D. ⅚
Answer: D
Explanation: (½) ÷ (⅗) = (½) x (5/3) = (1 x 5)/(2 x 3) = ⅚
5. The value of ½ + ¼ is equal to:
A. ¾
B. 3/2
C. ⅔
D. 1
Answer: A
Explanation: ½ + ¼
Making the denominator equal:
2/4 + ¼ = (2 + 1)/4 = ¾
6. The value of (5/4) – (8/3) is:
A. 17/12
B. -17/12
C. 12/17
D. -12/17
Answer: B
Explanation: 5/4 – 8/3
Making the denominator equal:
[(5/4) x (3/3)] – [(8/3) x (4/4)]
= (15/12) – (32/12)
= (15 – 32)/12
= -17/12
7. The associative property is applicable to:
A. Addition and subtraction
B. Multiplication and division
C. Addition and Multiplication
D. Subtraction and Division
Answer: C
Explanation: As per associative property:
A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C
A × (B × C) = (A × B) × C
8. The value of (-10/3) x (-15/2) x (17/19) x 0 is:
A. 0
B. 22.66
C. 20
D. 35
Answer: A
Explanation: Any number multiplied by zero is equal to zero.
9. The additive identity of rational numbers is:
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. -1
Answer: A
Explanation: Any number added to zero is equal to the number itself.
Ex: 5+0 = 5
Therefore, 0 is the additive identity of rational numbers.
10. The multiplicative identity of rational numbers is:
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. -1
Answer: B
Explanation: Any number multiplied by 1 is equal to the number itself.
Ex: 5 x 1 = 5
Therefore, 1 is the multiplicative identity of rational numbers.
11. What is the sum of ⅔ and 4/9?
A. 6/3
B. 6/9
C. 10/9
D. 10/3
Answer: C.10/9
Solution: ⅔ + 4/9
⇒ ⅔ x (3/3) + 4/9
⇒ 6/9 + 4/9
⇒ 10/9
12. What is the product of 2/9 and ¾?
A. ⅙
B. ⅔
C. 1/9
D. ¼
Answer: A. ⅙
Solution: The product of 2/9 and ¾:
⇒ 2/9 x ¾
⇒ (2 x 3)/(9 x 4)
⇒ (2 x 3)/(3 x 3 x 2 x 2)
By cancelling the common terms from numerator and denominator, we get;
⇒ 1/(3×2)
13. What is the reciprocal of 1/9?
A. 9
B. 0
C. 1
D. None of the above
Answer: A. 9
1/9 x 9 = 1
14. What is the value of 100 divided by 0?
A. 0
B. 100
C. 1
D. Undefined
Answer: D. Undefined
100/0 = undefined
15. Which of the following is commutative for rational numbers?
A. Addition and subtraction
B. Addition and multiplication
C. Multiplication and division
D. Subtraction and division
Answer: B. Addition and multiplication
16. Division of rational numbers is associative.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B. False.
Explanation: Division of rational numbers is not associative.
For example,
2/5 ÷ (1/2 ÷ 1/4) = 0.2
(2/5 ÷ 1/2) ÷ 1/4 = 3.2
Hence, 2/5 ÷ (1/2 ÷ 1/4) ≠ (2/5 ÷ 1/2) ÷ 1/4
17. What is the value of ¾ + ⅚ + 2/7?
A. 10/84
B. 134/84
C. 157/84
D. 167/84
Answer: C. 157/84
Solution: Given,
LCM of 4, 6 and 7 = 84
Now, making the denominators the same and adding the given rational numbers, we get;
⇒ 63/84 + 70/84 + 24/84
⇒ 157/84
18. Find the additive inverse of 11/7?
A. 7/11
B. -7/11
C. 11/7
Answer: D. -11/7
Explanation: When a number is added to its additive inverse, then the result is zero,
11/7 – 11/7 = 0
19. How many rational numbers are there in between ¾ and 1?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. Countless
Answer: D. Countless
Explanation: We can write ¾ as 30/40 and 1 as 40/40.
Hence the rational numbers between them are:
31/40, 32/40, 33/40, 34/40,35/40,36/40, 37/40, 38/40, 39/40.
Note: There are countless rational numbers between any two rational numbers.
20. What should be subtracted from -⅔ to get -1?
A. ⅓
B. -⅓
C. ⅔
D. -⅔
Answer: A. ⅓
Solution: Let x is subtracted from -⅔.
-⅔ – x = -1
-x = -1 + ⅔
-x = -⅓

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