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Name:  ________________________ 1 What’s Eve doing today?

Class:  ________________________ A looking for a holiday

B working in a local shop

C finding a job
1 [WIDGB4_EoYtest_Listening1.mp3] You will
hear two friends, Sarah and Jack, talking
about their school project about extreme
sports. Listen and decide if the sentences are 2 What does Rob say about a job?
True (T) or False (F).
A He’s got a summer job.
1 Sarah believes that extreme sports
are dangerous. __ B He can’t wait to start work.

2 Jack says people do risky things C Eve should get a summer job.
because they like the way it feels. __
3 What are Rob’s holiday plans?
3 Sarah’s mum can’t stop going to
the gym. __ A He’s going to stay with his cousins.
4 Sarah is impressed by someone B He’s going camping with his family.
doing more than 400 marathons. __
5 The man who ran 401 marathons C He’s not going to have a holiday.
didn’t suffer any injuries. __
6 Sarah found a lot of scary stories
about extreme athletes. __ Two:

7 The free runner saw an inspiring You hear two friends, Julia and Mike, talking
programme on TV about free running. __ about job interviews.
8 The free runner attended his first race 4 What advice does Mike give Julia about body
when he was fourteen. language?
9 When the free runner was eighteen he A Sitting up straight is important.
attended his first race. __
B She must answer all the difficult questions.
10 Jack is surprised that an extreme
sport can be a career. __ C Avoid looking the interview in the eye.


5 How prepared is Julia?

2 [WIDGB4_EoYtest_Listening2.mp3] You will A She’s done quite a lot of research.

hear four short dialogues about work and
jobs. Listen and choose the correct answers B She knows all about the job.
to the questions – A, B or C.
C She doesn’t know where to start.

You hear a girl talking to a boy called Rob about

6 Where did Julia find out about the job?
their plans.
A a website
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B a magazine USE OF ENGLISH

C a newspaper 1 Choose the correct options to complete the

0 She was very ___ because she had lost her
Three: phone.
A determined B satisfied
You hear a man interviewing a woman for a job. C miserable D joyful

7 What does the woman say about herself? 1 The teacher boosted my ___ when she said I
could pass the exam easily.
A She deals well with stressful situations. A experience B confidence
C energy D opportunity
B She could be more organised.
2 Who did you ___ for in the school election?
C She really wants the job.
A vote B sign C join D choose
3 People should help to ___ up the environment.

8 Why does the woman talk about the school A wash B protect C save D clean
prom? 4 Jeff got ___ from his job because he was lazy.
A quit B trained C fired D stopped
A to give an example of past work experience
5 Dan can’t eat nuts because he’s ___ to them.
B to show how she can keep calm in difficult
A dyslexic B infected
C asthmatic D allergic
C to show that she’s good at organising events 6 The hotel ___ we stayed in was fantastic.
A which B where C whose D who
7 They let ___ fireworks at the end of the party.
A out B off C up D down
You hear two friends talking about a holiday job. 8 We’d like to see him, ___?
9 What did Phil have to do first in the morning? A wouldn’t we B won’t we
C hadn’t we D don’t we
A clean the equipment
9 We need to concentrate ___ studying for the
B prepare the vegetables exams.
A for B to C on D with
C check the ingredients
10 He doesn’t fancy ___ to that restaurant.
A to go B going C to going D go

10 What was the chef like? /10

A He was always angry.

B He used to shout a lot.

C He was helpful.


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Mr John, _______________________________
teacher, is talking to my parents.
8 We spent all our money yesterday so we didn’t
go out last night.
If we hadn’t spent all our money, we
_______________________________ out last
9 I wasn’t able to write my essay.
I didn’t _______________________________
my essay.
10 They won’t come if they can’t get time off from
They _______________________________
unless they can get time off from work.
2 Complete the second sentence so that it
means the same as the first one. Use no more
than THREE words.
0 This is my book.
This book belongs to me.
1 We arrived here last week.
We _______________________________ since
last week.
2 She started learning English three years ago.
She _______________________________
English for three years.
3 I want to go to the beach, but I can’t.
I wish _______________________________ to READING
the beach. 1 Read the text about living in a society with
4 Have you read that book yet? many different cultures, and decide if the
sentences are True (A) or False (B). If there is
I’d like to _______________________________
not enough information to choose True or
have read that book.
False, choose Doesn’t say (C).
5 She might win the competition and get some
1 Today, schools are the only places where there is
money. a mix of cultures.
If she wins the competition _____________ A True B False C Doesn’t say
__________________ some money.
2 George believes that having different cultures in
6 You should really go to the hospital. a society is good.
If _______________________________, I’d go A True B False C Doesn’t say
to the hospital.
3 George believes that people in multicultural
7 Mr John is talking to my parents and he’s my societies do not welcome new immigrants.
A True B False C Doesn’t say

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4 George thinks that students who mix with people In today’s global society, more and more people
from different countries understand the world are no longer living in the countries in which they
better. were born. This means that there is a huge mix of
A True B False C Doesn’t say cultures and ideas in schools, workplaces and
5 George says that they have a lot of celebrations residential areas. This is a really a positive thing in
at his school. my view. We have the chance to learn about
different traditions and cultures and to participate
A True B False C Doesn’t say
in different celebrations. In societies where there
6 George has taken dance classes at school. is a long history of immigration, people seem to be
A True B False C Doesn’t say very tolerant and accepting of any new arrivals,
and the communities live and work well together.
7 George says that geography classes are so
much more interesting. In schools where there is a large number of people
A True B False C Doesn’t say from different backgrounds, students benefit from
a better understanding of the world by being able
8 George says that sometimes parents come to to talk to someone from a different country. They
school and talk about their countries.
also have to learn how to welcome new people
A True B False C Doesn’t say into their world. It can be hard starting a new
9 Most students came here to find a better job. school in your own country. Think how much
A True B False C Doesn’t say
more difficult it would be in another country.

10 George often eats in Chinese and Indian Our school is very multicultural and we celebrate
restaurants. the traditions of each country represented, which
means that we often have parties. The students of
A True B False C Doesn’t say
the country make the special food that they would
/10 have back home and bring it to school. They also
teach us any special dances or songs for the
celebration and we are able to understand each
other so much better. Geography classes are no
longer just written words on a page or pictures on
a video. We can talk to people who have lived in
every kind of climate and learn about their lives
Sometimes their parents will come into the school
to give a talk about their country. We learn what
they used to do there and the reason why they
decided to change countries. Most of the students
in my school came here because their parents
work with large multinational companies, but
there are a few students who had to leave their
homes because life was too difficult for their
families or too dangerous.
Without people travelling to different countries,
we would not live in such interesting

George’s View of Multicultural Life

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2 Look at the three book reviews and then

match the books A, B or C to the questions.

Which book …
1 has characters the reader
didn’t like? ____
2 is about someone who can’t
do something? ____
3 has a very young main character? ____
4 has a character that solves
crimes? ____
5 wasn’t as good as previous
books by the same writer? ____
6 includes a character who seems
to imagine things? ____
7 has a lot of factual information? ____
8 made the reader cry? ____
9 made the reader feel confused TEENAGE BOOK REVIEWS
at one point? ____
A Where Are You?
10 is written differently from the
writer’s usual way of writing? ____ This family mystery has an amazing plot and a
great ending. The only disappointing thing about it
was that it gets quite confusing in the middle of
/10 the book. The characters were very realistic, and I
liked the main character, the girl, Vanda. She’s
very strong and is the one who finally realises
what is going on and catches the criminal, even
though nobody will believe her at first. Her
/60 parents think she’s ill and that she’s seeing things
that don’t exist. I would recommend this book to
my friends if they enjoy mystery and adventure.

B Don’t Talk To Me
This is an unusual book about a young boy who
doesn’t want to speak to anyone, especially his
parents. He hasn’t been able to speak since he was
twelve when he had an accident on his bike, and
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the doctors can’t understand why he doesn’t speak

anymore. But there is one person who can
communicate with him and it is his much younger
sister, Sophie, who’s only three. She follows him
everywhere and chats to him all the time without
expecting a response. When he gets angry with
her, she just smiles and hugs him. She becomes an
expert at reading his body language. She uses her
simple love and child’s view of the world to help
him recover where doctors had failed. I cried over
this story, but it’s an amazing novel about family

C Not Again!
I’ve read the first three books in this science-
fiction series and really loved them, but this one is
not as good as the first three. The two main
characters are robots and have not been given a
personality. It was impossible to like them. The
human characters don’t appear till more than
halfway through the book. There is too much
scientific explanation at the beginning, which is
boring and impossible to understand for anyone
who doesn’t like science. I don’t know why the
author decided to change his style with this one
and I think a lot of fans will be disappointed.

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