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Probiotics, prebiotics, and the host microbiome:

the science of translation

Petschow, B., J. Doré, P. Hibberd, T. Dinan, G. Reid, M. Blaser, P. D. Cani, et al. 2013. “Probiotics,
prebiotics, and the host microbiome: the science of translation.” Annals of the New York
Academy of Sciences 1306 (1): 1-17. doi:10.1111/nyas.12303.

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Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. ISSN 0077-8923

Issue: Annals Reports

Probiotics, prebiotics, and the host microbiome:

the science of translation
Bryon Petschow,1 Joël Doré,2 Patricia Hibberd,3 Timothy Dinan,4 Gregor Reid,5 Martin Blaser,6
Patrice D. Cani,7 Fred H. Degnan,8 Jane Foster,9 Glenn Gibson,10 John Hutton,11
Todd R. Klaenhammer,12 Ruth Ley,13 Max Nieuwdorp,14 Bruno Pot,15 David Relman,16
Andrew Serazin,17 and Mary Ellen Sanders18
Transcend Biomedical Communications, LLC, Youngsville, North Carolina. 2 Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
(INRA), Paris, France. 3 Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts. 4 University
College Cork, Cork, Ireland. 5 Western University and Lawson Health Research Institute, London, Ontario, Canada. 6 New York
University School of Medicine, New York, New York. 7 Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain Drug Research Institute,
WELBIO (Walloon Excellence in Life sciences and BIOtechnology), Brussels,∗ Belgium. 8 King & Spalding LLP, Washington,
D.C. 9 McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. 10 University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom. 11 The University
of York, York, United Kingdom. 12 North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina. 13 Cornell University, Ithaca, New
York. 14 University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 15 Institut Pasteur de Lille, Lille, France. 16 Stanford University
School of Medicine, Stanford, California. 17 Matatu LLC, Washington, D.C. 18 Dairy and Food Culture Technologies, Centennial,

Address for correspondence: Mary Ellen Sanders, Ph.D., Dairy and Food Culture Technologies, 7119 S. Glencoe Ct.,
Centennial, CO 80122.

Recent advances in our understanding of the community structure and function of the human microbiome have
implications for the potential role of probiotics and prebiotics in promoting human health. A group of experts recently
met to review the latest advances in microbiota/microbiome research and discuss the implications for development
of probiotics and prebiotics, primarily as they relate to effects mediated via the intestine. The goals of the meeting
were to share recent advances in research on the microbiota, microbiome, probiotics, and prebiotics, and to discuss
these findings in the contexts of regulatory barriers, evolving healthcare environments, and potential effects on a
variety of health topics, including the development of obesity and diabetes; the long-term consequences of exposure
to antibiotics early in life to the gastrointestinal (GI) microbiota; lactose intolerance; and the relationship between
the GI microbiota and the central nervous system, with implications for depression, cognition, satiety, and mental
health for people living in developed and developing countries. This report provides an overview of these discussions.

Keywords: microbiome; probiotics; prebiotics; intestinal microbiota; health disorders

bial composition are associated with pathology and

disease. Indeed, the number of published studies
Major advances have occurred in our understanding on microbiome-related research has increased four-
of the composition and metabolic capabilities of mi- fold between 2005 and 2012. Much remains to be
crobial communities in the human body, gains made learned, however, about how to translate this infor-
from revolutionary advances in DNA sequencing, mation to probiotic or prebiotic interventions that
metagenomic analytical techniques, and computa- may modify the microbiome and promote human
tional biology. These strides have greatly increased health.
our understanding of the bacterial genomes present A one-day conference, “Probiotics, Prebiotics,
in these microbial communities, the boundaries of and the Host Microbiome: the Science of
normal variation, and how variations in micro- Translation,”1 hosted by the New York Academy of
Sciences, the Sackler Institute for Nutrition Science,
[∗ Correction added after publication 26 November 2013: and the International Scientific Association for Pro-
an error in this affiliation was amended.] biotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP), including experts in

doi: 10.1111/nyas.12303
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1306 (2013) 1–17 C 2013 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences published by Wiley Periodicals, 1
Inc. on behalf of New York Academy of Sciences.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
Probiotics, prebiotics, and the host microbiome Petschow et al.

the fields of microbiome research, probiotics, and on modeling and projections of costs and benefits,
prebiotics, met on June 12, 2013 in New York City and is subject to many uncertainties that can only be
to review the latest research on these topics, dis- reduced by the collection of long-term epidemiolog-
cuss the implications for public health, and increase ical data linking interventions with lifetime health
communication and collaboration. The conference outcomes. However, some HTA agencies, such as
was divided into five sessions and included oral and the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excel-
visual presentations, as well as a panel discussion. lence (NICE) in England and Wales, are developing
methods to address the analytical and data issues.
Putting probiotics, prebiotics, and the
Assessment of the economic feasibility of pro-
microbiome into translational context
biotic or prebiotic interventions is further compli-
The conference opened with a presentation by John cated by the variability in products, intervention
Hutton (University of York, United Kingdom) on protocols, local study procedures, populations tar-
the economic challenges associated with probiotic- geted and trial outcomes. These differences must
and prebiotic-based interventions. Hutton said that be addressed across centers to allow advancement
during the past 20 years economic evaluation has of tools in the domain of probiotics and prebiotics.
become a widespread practice in the pharmaceu- Going forward, the approach described by White-
tical sector, including cost versus benefit analyses head et al.3 for assessing the economic viability of
to aid decision making about utilization and reim- a nutritional intervention for irritable bowel syn-
bursement of disease treatments.2 In fact, health drome (IBS) might serve as a good model for eval-
technology assessment (HTA), including the uating probiotic- or prebiotic-based interventions.a
demonstration of the cost-effectiveness of new In order for economic evaluation of probiotics and
products, has become an essential tool for gauging prebiotics as nutritional interventions to succeed,
the value of drug-based approaches worldwide. The quality data (especially involving disease interven-
economic evaluation methods used in comprehen- tions), behavioral changes by individuals, and eco-
sive HTA consider a number of elements, including nomic drivers must become part of the overall health
clinical (e.g., efficacy and safety), economic, social outcome process.
(equity of access), and political (incentive for inno-
Programming the microbiome
vation) aspects.
The value of nutrition for achieving improved Metagenomic studies of the human intestinal mi-
health outcomes has become recognized. Conse- crobiome reveal that the human gut carries, on
quently, nutritional products are now considered average, about 540,000 microbial genes, represent-
to be a health technology. However, the economic ing the dominant microbes in this ecosystem.4 Ap-
evaluation methods used in HTA are more diffi- proximately 55% of these genes constitute the core
cult to apply in the context of nutrition, where metagenome (i.e., are genes shared among at least
reduction of disease risk is the most frequent aim. 50% of individuals), while many other genes appear
It appears unlikely that HTA methods can be used to be unique and/or present in less than 20% of
to bridge the boundary between drug and food individuals.
(including probiotics and prebiotics) in the imme- The second conference session, moderated by
diate future because of the difference in endpoints David Mills (University of California, Davis), had
needed for supporting data in each category. Addi- presentations on the early development of the in-
tional clarity is needed on the business model for testinal microbiota and how fluctuations in the
economic evaluation of general public and disease human microbiome can correlate with changes in
prevention benefits, compared to disease treatment human health. The aim of the session was to pro-
claims. For disease-specific interventions, higher ev- vide an overview of the initial programming of the
idential standards will be expected in jurisdictions
where healthcare system funding is sought. For more
general interventions to change dietary behavior, as a
These economic evaluations, however, are useful only for
with many public health policies, the benefits in health effects that are sufficiently substantiated; for IBS,
terms of disease-risk reduction may not be realized for example, see Hungin et al., 2013. Alimentary Pharma-
until well into the future. HTA in this context relies cology & Therapeutics. doi:10.1111/apt.12460.

2 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1306 (2013) 1–17 

C 2013 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences published by Wiley Periodicals,

Inc. on behalf of New York Academy of Sciences.

Petschow et al. Probiotics, prebiotics, and the host microbiome

intestinal microbiota and how environmental fac- and a capacity for abrupt temporal shifts in species-
tors or therapeutics can alter the composition and and strain-level composition. The long-term effects
contribute to various metabolic disease states. of these differences are not fully understood. A key
David Relman (Stanford University School of emerging question in the field is how these early
Medicine) opened the session with a perspec- life differences in microbiota development influence
tive as an infectious disease specialist and clinical health through childhood and later in life.
researcher interested in variation in microbial di- Evaluation of the compositional structure of the
versity patterns as a function of time (microbial infant gut microbiota over time indicates that eco-
succession) and in response to perturbation. Rel- logical states persist for days or weeks, followed by
man described the initial acquisition and develop- abrupt transitions to alternative states. These dis-
ment of the gut microbiota during the early weeks tinctive, successive equilibrium states are observed
of life, and emphasized its significant role in human in both preterm and term babies, although the com-
health and disease. In addition to contributing to position of their communities differ significantly
food digestion and nutrition and the regulation of at the earliest days of life. Periods of stable phy-
metabolism, the gut microbiota is involved in devel- logenetic composition at the taxonomic level of
opment and terminal maturation of host mucosa, genus and species may belie underlying shifts in
regulation of immune system target recognition and the abundances of strains with different functional
responses, and resistance to colonization and in- potential.7 Bifidobacteria eventually appear in most
vasion by pathogens. Humans are born essentially babies, typically detected between 1 and 2 months
devoid of an intestinal microbiota, but this highly of life. In general, members of enterobacteria and
important ecological system is soon acquired after bifidobacteria appear early on, Bacteroides spp. at
birth and eventually comprises over 90% of the cells about the middle of the first year, and butyrate-
of the human adult. Despite the advances in tools producing Faecalibacterium and Roseburia toward
and techniques for studying the human gut micro- the end of the first year of life. Considerable intra-
biome, a number of questions remain about its early and interpersonal variation in fecal bacterial com-
acquisition and succession. munity structures is observed during the first year
Relman and colleagues study the assembly of the of life, and intrapersonal variation decreases as a
gut, oral, and skin microbiota of infants during function of age.5 The emergence of an adult-like
the first several years of life to better understand microbiota pattern occurs by the third year.8 While
the development of habitat specificity and the fac- changes in diet appear to be associated with major
tors underpinning compositional variation during shifts in the structure of the infant microbial com-
this critical timespan. Multiple factors appear to in- munities, the relative role of other variables (e.g.,
fluence the early succession of the gut microbiota medications, nutrition, phages, parasitic burden) is
in individual infants, including mode and timing not well understood.
of birth, host genetics, diet, environmental expo- Martin Blaser (New York University School of
sures (other humans, animals, medications), and Medicine) is leading a research effort on the de-
health status. Evidence from a number of studies velopmental pathway for the microbiome during
indicates that the fecal microbiota of the vaginally early life, exploring how perturbations may in-
delivered newborn resembles that of the maternal fluence later risk of various disorders.9 During
gastrointestinal tract or vagina, while that of his presentation, “Impact of antibiotic exposures
cesarean-delivered newborns resembles that of the on the developing microbiota,” Blaser reminded
maternal skin.5,6 Various taxonomic groups are ac- the audience that medical interventions can affect
quired early during a window of permissivity and the composition of the microbiota, with poten-
persist over time, possibly undergoing shifts in pop- tial effects on metabolic and immunologic devel-
ulation from dominant to subdominant, while other opment. Examples include antibiotics administered
taxonomic groups may be acquired later or dis- to mothers or infants, cesarean delivery, and use of
appear altogether (Fig. 1). Recent studies using basic infant formula. The collective effects of these
cultivation-independent evaluation of the fecal mi- exposures, over time and following transmission
crobiota of premature infants have revealed a low from exposed mothers to infants, may reduce the
level of diversity, high inter-individual variability, diversity of the gut microbiota. Low-dose antibiotics

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1306 (2013) 1–17 

C 2013 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences published by Wiley Periodicals, 3
Inc. on behalf of New York Academy of Sciences.
Probiotics, prebiotics, and the host microbiome Petschow et al.

Figure 1. Relative changes in community structure and composition of the intestinal microbiota in early life. (A) Vertical lanes
correspond to sample days, and gray-shaded boxes represent the relative abundance of different taxonomic groups. (B) Relative
abundances of major bacterial phyla represented in each sample. (C) Significant events with relevance to the infant’s diet that may
have influence on microbiota changes. From Koenig JE, et al.54

have been used to enhance weight gain and growth antibiotic exposures in early life not only affect the
of livestock, so early exposure to antibiotics could developing microbiota, but also may affect the risk
influence the risk of obesity, metabolic syndrome of obesity, metabolic syndromes, and autoimmune
and associated conditions in humans.10 A striking diseases.
correlation is observed when comparing geographic A number of other reports have drawn atten-
distribution patterns in the United States for rates tion to an association between alterations in the
of obesity and antibiotic use (Fig. 2), although the intestinal microbiota and obesity or insulin re-
causal relationship is unknown. sistance. In his presentation titled, “When the
To study the effects of early microbiome perturba- programming goes awry: diabetes, obesity, and be-
tion, Blaser and colleagues have developed animal yond,” Patrice D. Cani (Université catholique de
models to evaluate the effects of continuous sub- Louvain, Belgium) discussed how disruptions in
therapeutic antibiotic treatment from pre-weaning the programming of gut microbiota may contribute
to adulthood (STAT model) or pulsed antibiotic to the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes
treatment for 3–5 day periods at developmental (T2D). While a number of studies have associated
stages of late pre-weaning, weaning, and adulthood changes in the gut microbiome with metabolic dis-
(PAT model) on gut microbiota composition and eases, the causality remains to be proven in hu-
other developmental factors. These studies have mans. Cani described studies into the mechanism
shown short-term changes in the microbiota com- underlying this association, and specifically the con-
position of the ileum and colon, and liver adiposity cept of metabolic endotoxemia—that is, an increase
and lipogenesis gene expression, as well as long- in plasma lipopolysaccharide (LPS) levels—as one
term effects on host morphometry, metabolism, and of the triggering factors that can lead to the de-
immune cell populations.9 The results suggest that velopment of metabolic inflammation and insulin

4 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1306 (2013) 1–17 

C 2013 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences published by Wiley Periodicals,

Inc. on behalf of New York Academy of Sciences.

Petschow et al. Probiotics, prebiotics, and the host microbiome

Figure 2. Comparisons between the geographical distribution of obesity (left) and antibiotic use in the United States, 2010
(right). Obesity trend data were from the CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System ( Antibiotic
prescriptions were from a national survey of out-patient pharmacy records, as described by Hicks, et al.55

resistance associated with obesity.11 High-fat di- interaction with the host that control gut perme-
ets have been shown to alter the gut microbiota ability and metabolism during obesity and T2D.
composition. Cani and colleagues have previously They showed that levels of Akkermansia muciniphila
demonstrated that mice treated with antibiotics are are decreased in the gut microbiota of mice fed
resistant to diet-induced metabolic endotoxemia, high-fat diets and in ob/ob mice, while feeding the
fat mass development, metabolic inflammation and mice prebiotics (inulin-type fructans) restores these
insulin resistance.12 Similarly, several studies have populations.20 Transfer of A. muciniphila to high-
demonstrated that germ-free (GF) mice are pro- fat diet–induced obese mice led to decreased fat
tected against glucose intolerance, metabolic in- mass gain, increased fat oxidation, and restored
flammation, and insulin resistance, which suggests gut barrier function in the colon. Viable, but not
that the microbiota may be involved.13,14 The mi- heat-killed A. muciniphila, increased mucus layer
crobiota of high-fat–fed mice or obese (ob/ob) mu- thickness, decreased plasma LPS levels, and coun-
tant mice can also transfer the obesity/T2D pheno- teracted the diet-induced metabolic disturbances.20
type to ex-GF mice.13,15 Other studies have shown These studies demonstrate that the gut microbiota
that antibiotic treatment protects mice from this influences energy homeostasis; that bacterial com-
diet-induced obesity,12,16 while prebiotics lead to pounds contribute to low-grade inflammation and
reduced body-weight gain and fat deposition and gut permeability in obesity and T2D; and that cer-
protect against hepatic steatohepatitis in obese and tain types of bacteria within the gut microbiota, such
T2D rats.17 Cani and colleagues have shown that as A. muciniphila, may play a role in preventing these
nutritional or genetic-induced obesity and type 2 obesity-related conditions.
diabetic rodents display gut barrier dysfunctions Another perspective on the role of the gut mi-
leading to the leakage of LPS and possibly other crobiome in the development of metabolic disor-
microbiota-derived factors.12 They found that gut ders was presented by Max Nieuwdorp (Univer-
microbiota metabolites can interact with the en- sity of Amsterdam, the Netherlands). Nieuwdorp
docannabinoid system,18 as well as with enteroen- and collaborators have been investigating the role
docrine L cells to alter gut permeability (Fig. 3), of the gut microbiota in health and disease us-
possibly through production of GLP-1, PYY, and ing fecal transplantation. While fecal transplanta-
GLP-2.19 tion has been practiced for centuries, since 1958
Additional studies have used prebiotics and pro- only 500 case reports exist on treatment of patients
biotics to identify novel mechanisms of bacterial with recurrent Clostridium difficile infection, IBS,

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1306 (2013) 1–17 

C 2013 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences published by Wiley Periodicals, 5
Inc. on behalf of New York Academy of Sciences.
Probiotics, prebiotics, and the host microbiome Petschow et al.

Figure 3. Interactions between gut microbiota and the endocannabinoid system: impact on gut barrier function and metabolic
inflammation. Obesity (nutritional or genetic) is associated with changes in the gut microbiota composition and pathophysiological
changes, whereby the endocannabinoid system tone is altered. This phenomenon is associated with the development of gut per-
meability, metabolic endotoxemia, metabolic inflammation, and altered adipose tissue metabolism (adipogenesis). From Delzenne
NM, et al.56

inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), or multiple chain fatty acids (SCFA) butyrate and propionate.
sclerosis.22 Modern procedures involve bowel lavage No change was observed in food intake or weight
for 4–6 hours followed by either colonoscopy or among groups; this is interesting, as obesity can re-
duodenal infusion of fecal homogenates prepared sult from increased food intake as well as altered
from healthy screened donors (following a question- nutrient content. A more striking improvement
naire on bowel habits, travel history, medications, in insulin sensitivity was observed in one subject
and screened for an extensive list of fecal and blood- following FM transplant from a specific allogenic
borne pathogens). A recent study by Van Nood donor. This result correlated with higher levels of
et al.21 showed a 92% cure rate, with an increase in Eubacterium hallii (anaerobic Gram-positive Firmi-
microbiota diversity for over 6 months, in patients cute) in the small intestine. Recognizing that other
with recurrent C. difficile infection. studies have shown that certain groups within the
Nieuwdorp and collaborators then conducted a gut microbiota may have diagnostic and clinical
randomized controlled trial in obese subjects to in- value in predicting T2D in obese patients (e.g.,
vestigate the effects of fecal transplantation on in- Roseburia species, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii,
sulin resistance using hyperinsulinemic euglycemic Lactobacillus gasseri),23 Nieuwdorp et al. have since
clamp techniques and evaluation of gut microbiota investigated E. hallii and generated data suggesting
composition.22 Subjects were randomized to receive that four weeks of daily gavage with cultured
fecal microbiota (FM) from homogenates of their E. hallii in male db/db mice is safe and has beneficial
own feces (autologic) or from healthy, lean donors effects on glucose metabolism, most likely through
(allogenic). Results showed a significant improve- altered fecal SCFA production.24 Additional studies
ment in insulin sensitivity in subjects receiving al- are planned to evaluate the safety and potential ben-
logenic FM lasting for up to 6 weeks, but no change efits of E. hallii for improving insulin sensitivity in
in those receiving autologic FM. Infusion of allo- humans.
genic FM also led to changes in the composition Collectively, these studies suggest that the gut mi-
of the fecal and small intestinal microbiota (mostly crobiota per se and certain bacterial products in
butyrate producers) and a reduction in fecal short particular, play a role in the development of obesity

6 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1306 (2013) 1–17 

C 2013 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences published by Wiley Periodicals,

Inc. on behalf of New York Academy of Sciences.

Petschow et al. Probiotics, prebiotics, and the host microbiome

and changes in insulin sensitivity. Future research for change, execute the change, and drive the change
needs to confirm causality in humans and clinical with data.
relevance with respect to gut microbiota, as well as Their main tactical approach is to design an inter-
explore mechanisms of action and use of probiotics vention based upon sound rationale (whether med-
or prebiotics. ical, scientific, or social), test it in a real situation,
measure and modify it, then continue until the im-
plementation is optimized. By building the will of
Translating research to transform health
all the change makers, objectives can be met and
tangible improvements achieved.
Public health is confronted with complex systems
that have outcomes with multiple determinants that
Panel discussion
interact in obscure ways. As a result, changes to pub-
lic health systems often lead to unintended conse- In translating these learnings to probiotics, Burns
quences. The third session, moderated by Gregor and an expert panel, including Rowena Pullan
Reid (Western University and Lawson Health Re- (Pfizer Consumer Health Care), Bruno Pot (In-
search Institute, Canada), consisted of a keynote stitut Pasteur de Lille), and David Mills, restated
presentation by Harry Burns (Chief Medical Officer the importance of public–private partnerships to
for Health, Scotland) and a panel discussion that drive public policy change. And while the strength
considered potential pathways and issues involved of evidence for probiotics is clear in a number of
with translating research advances to influence pub- applications26 (such as treating necrotizing entero-
lic health policy. The goals of the session were to colitis in premature infants,27 preventing antibiotic-
understand the factors involved with influencing a associated diarrhea,28 improving urogenital health
healthcare system—at the country, state/province, in women,29 and countering infection and allergy
or local community level—and discuss how best to related to respiratory health30,31 ), these data need to
apply this knowledge in transforming research find- be collated, presented to changemakers, and used as
ings on probiotics and (to a lesser extent) prebiotics a means to shift medical practice. This is currently
to change public health policy. a major challenge in the United States, where any
In his keynote lecture, Burns provided examples product (including yogurt) being tested to treat,
of how a quality improvement model under his lead- prevent, or cure disease must be investigated as a
ership led to significant reductions in hospital in- drug, while fewer barriers exist in Canada and other
fection rates (e.g., ∼90% reduction in C. difficile), countries.
hospital mortality rates, infant mortality rates, and General concern was expressed by the audience
improved clinical record keeping. A key reason about the regulatory view of probiotic food research
stated for the success of this model was the involve- and how it can be used to substantiate market ap-
ment and complete buy-in from hospital personnel proval and claims. The regulatory approval path
and other key constituents. One example of this col- for probiotic foods is complicated, particularly go-
laboration is the Early Years Collaborative (EYC),25 ing through the FDA. Pot responded to questions
whose objective is to support and drive practical ac- about the situation with probiotics at the European
tion under a broader partnership program aimed at Food Safety Authority (EFSA). He explained that
delivering a shared commitment to give children the the EFSA position on probiotics is inconsistent with
best start in life and to improve the life chances of precedent established by other dietary substances.
children, young people, and families at risk. The EYC For example, the data on the health benefits of pro-
effort aims to (1) deliver measurable improvement biotics are more extensive and of higher quality (i.e.,
in outcomes and reduce inequalities for Scotland’s evaluating nonessential endpoints) than data for
vulnerable children; (2) put Scotland on course to most vitamins and minerals as health supplements
shift the balance of public services toward early in- that have been accepted by the EFSA. Yet, no probi-
tervention and prevention by 2016; and (3) sustain otic claims have been approved by this government
this change to 2018 and beyond. The strategy used agency. Regulatory barriers now exist in the Euro-
for implementing such changes involves the follow- pean Union to use of the word probiotic on foods. It
ing actions: understand the problem, build the will is seen as an unapproved health claim, and as such is

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1306 (2013) 1–17 

C 2013 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences published by Wiley Periodicals, 7
Inc. on behalf of New York Academy of Sciences.
Probiotics, prebiotics, and the host microbiome Petschow et al.

not allowed despite mounting scientific evidence of teric nervous systems, pituitary and gut hormones,
beneficial effects. There are clear challenges with the and the gut inflammatory systems (Fig. 4). Her
regulatory framework in the United States and the research uses a well-established behavioral test—
European Union, but those involved with probiotics the elevated plus maze (EPM)—to examine ex-
and prebiotics must continue to do quality research ploratory behavior and is used to assess anxiety lev-
and communicate the outcomes of that science in els. Typically, conventional mice spend most time
more efficient and effective ways. in closed-arm areas (harm avoidance) of the EPM
A large gap currently exists in frontline health compared to open-arm areas. Extending from ear-
care providers’ understanding of probiotics, pre- lier studies observing that GF mice show enhanced
biotics and the human microbiome, and certainly stress-reactivity,33 Foster et al. found that GF mice
on how to interpret the vast data sets from omics demonstrated reduced anxiety-like behavior in the
studies. The benefits of advances in microbiome re- EPM (more time in open arms, both in duration
search and probiotics will only be realized when and numbers of visits), compared with specific
new technologies from omics are integrated into pathogen–free (SPF) mice.34,35 The reduced anxiety
medical diagnostics, and when medical students, behavior persisted when GF mice were colonized
physicians, and administrators are educated on the with SPF microflora during adulthood (ex-GF), but
health benefits and cost-savings potential from pro- not when colonized at an earlier age, demonstrating
biotics. Clear messages need to be crafted and di- that gut–brain interactions influence central ner-
rected at key target audiences, such as consumers, vous system wiring early in life. The low anxiety–like
politicians, doctors, pharmacists, and others. One phenotype was accompanied by long-term changes
new initiative, Gut Microbiota for Health,32 aims to in plasticity-related genes in the hippocampus and
bridge this information gap with clinicians through amygdala.
annual meetings and an interactive website with ba- The researchers have also been examining the
sic information on probiotics/prebiotics and the gut interplay of leptin and central circuits for stress-
microbiome. Lessons might be learned from similar reactivity and feeding in the presence or absence
initiatives in the clinical field, such as the European of the gut microbiota. They found that leptin-
PathoNGenTrace project, which aims to extract use- insufficiency in GF mice leads to long-term changes
ful functional (clinically relevant) information from in the expression levels of the brain’s leptin recep-
the whole genome sequence.b tors, as well as certain peptides such as neuropep-
David Relman inquired about the cost to collect tide Y (NPY), which influence corticosterone levels
the data needed for regulatory approval. Cost sav- and thus plays pivotal roles in the stress response.
ings in health care are difficult to evaluate. Burns The response of different strains of mice and the
pointed out that although governments value cost- role of serotonin or other feedback mechanisms are
saving interventions, changes are often adopted sim- unclear. While many questions remain, continued
ply because they improve well-being and they are the work in this exciting area may shed light on how
right thing to do. Burns felt that the public is not developmental factors and the intestinal microbiota
impressed by cost-effectiveness. influence the interface between metabolic diseases
and mood disorders.
Impact of gut bacteria on brain
Gary Frost (Imperial College London, United
development, circuitry, and behavior
Kingdom) reported on another area of study regard-
While many general press articles on gut microbes ing the effects of gut microbiota on brain activity,
discuss the apparent link to obesity, there has also namely, the effect of dietary prebiotics and asso-
been a marked increase in discussions of gut– ciated production of SCFAs such as acetate, pro-
brain interactions. Jane Foster (McMaster Univer- pionate, and butyrate on hypothalamic neuronal
sity, Canada) has been using conventional and GF activity and obesity. It is widely believed that the in-
mice to study the gut–brain axis, which involves the creasing incidence of obesity is associated with low
complex interplay between the autonomic and en- consumption of fermentable fibers and high intake
of dietary carbohydrates. Frost and colleagues are in-
vestigating the mechanisms involved in the decrease
See in body weight and improved insulin sensitivity that

8 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1306 (2013) 1–17 

C 2013 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences published by Wiley Periodicals,

Inc. on behalf of New York Academy of Sciences.

Petschow et al. Probiotics, prebiotics, and the host microbiome

Figure 4. Pathways involved in bidirectional communication between the gut microbiota and the brain. Multiple pathways exist
through which the gut microbiota can modulate the gut–brain axis. They include endocrine (cortisol), immune (cytokines), and
neural (vagus and enteric nervous system) pathways. The brain recruits these same mechanisms to influence the composition of the
gut microbiota, for example, under conditions of stress. The hypothalamus–pituitary– adrenal axis regulates cortisol secretion, and
cortisol can affect immune cells, alter gut permeability and barrier function, and change gut microbiota composition. Conversely,
the gut microbiota and probiotic agents can alter the levels of circulating cytokines, and this can have a marked effect on brain
function. Both the vagus nerve and modulation of systemic tryptophan levels are strongly implicated in relaying the influence of
the gut microbiota to the brain. In addition, short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are neuroactive bacterial metabolites of dietary fibers
that can also modulate brain and behavior. ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone; CRF, corticotropin-releasing factor. From Cryan
and Dinan.57

occurs with increased intake of nonabsorbable fer- mary L cells. In other studies, they demonstrated
mentable carbohydrate. Feeding mice high levels of that acetate decreases appetite in mice following
nonabsorbable fermentable carbohydrate leads to intraperitoneal administration, is capable of cross-
decreased adiposity and increased levels of plasma ing the blood–brain barrier, and has a direct effect
GLP-1, one of several anorectic gastrointestinal hor- on the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus stimulating
mones produced by enteroendocrine L cells in the anorectic signals. These observations are consistent
colon, and capable of suppressing neuronal activity. with the hypothesis that SCFAs have positive bio-
Animal studies have shown that enteroendocrine L logical effects involved with improved appetite reg-
cells contain G protein–coupled SCFA receptors and ulation and glucose homeostasis. Additional studies
release gut hormones such as GLP1 and PYY.36 Us- are planned to evaluate the effects of direct colonic
ing a primary colonic cell model, Frost et al. found delivery of SCFAs (e.g., propionate esters) on release
that SCFAs stimulate PYY release from human pri- of gut hormones and appetite regulation in humans.

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1306 (2013) 1–17 

C 2013 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences published by Wiley Periodicals, 9
Inc. on behalf of New York Academy of Sciences.
Probiotics, prebiotics, and the host microbiome Petschow et al.

Helen E. Raybould (University of California, the greatest needs. Andrew Serazin (Matatu, LLC)
Davis) described her group’s work on the gut–brain set the stage by presenting the challenges involved
axis as it relates to regulation of GI function and food in these activities. Studies into the microbiome are
intake. Luminal chemosensors found on enteroen- one of the most active areas of the life sciences today,
docrine cells that line the intestine transmit signals according to Serrazin, since the isolation of restric-
to the central nervous system (CNS) via the vagal af- tion enzymes nearly forty years ago. Shifting con-
ferent neurons, which in turn influence GI function sumer preferences and dietary patterns, at least in
through parasympathetic pathways and eating be- the United States, underlie drastic changes in con-
havior through effects on higher brain centers. Stud- sumption of major nutrient classes with concurrent
ies were designed to evaluate changes in microbiota rises in chronic disease. Escalating healthcare costs
and gut epithelial function that may be connected and demands of an aging population have led to
with hormonal pathways. These pathways, which in- a growing preference for self-treatment or preven-
fluence food intake and obesity, were assessed using tion of disease including wellness approaches. To be
Sprague-Dawley rats fed a high-fat diet to induce ei- successful in developing widely distributed probi-
ther an obesity-prone (DIO-P) or obesity-resistant otic and prebiotic products, the surge of scientific
(DIO-R) phenotype.37 Using bacterial 16S rRNA inquiry into the structure and function of the micro-
measurements, they showed a decrease in total bac- biome must be matched by a focused and transpar-
terial density and an increase in the relative propor- ent effort to engage industry, health policy makers,
tion of Clostridiales in high-fat–fed rats regardless and the general public.
of phenotype, while an increase in Enterobacteriales Extending such products to people in need in
was only seen in the microbiota of DIO-P rats. The emerging economies will present a whole new set of
DIO-P group also exhibited increases in intestinal challenges. Most of the world’s 7 billion people are
permeability, which resulted in elevated plasma LPS currently experiencing significant alterations in dis-
levels, and Toll-like receptor 4 activation. The data ease burdens, dietary patterns, and lifestyle. This has
suggest that DIO-P rats are unable to transmit sig- been dramatically documented in countries such as
nals to the brain that involve cholecystokinin (CCK) India and South Africa, where it is common to find
regulation of vagal afferent neuron transmissions high levels of both malnutrition-induced stunting
to communicate satiety in response to food intake. and obesity in the same population, which is indica-
Further studies show that, compared with a normal tive of nutritional deficits that manifest in opposite
diet, paracellular permeability, transcellular perme- forms.
ability, and mucosal inflammation are increased by Products derived from advances in our under-
feeding a Western diet and these changes can be standing of the microbiome are part of an entirely
prevented by feeding Bifidobacterium infantis and new field at the union of nutrition and medicine,
prebiotic bovine milk oligosaccharides (MOs). Col- and their applications are likely to be profound in
lectively, these results suggest that consumption of a meeting future challenges in food and nutrition.
high-fat diet may induce changes in the gut micro- Successful translation of advances made in micro-
biota and increase low-grade inflammation that ul- biome research to probiotic and prebiotic products
timately contributes to the development of diabetes will require the following: (1) an open, engaged,
and obesity. Additional investigations are expected and realistic research community with clear goals,
to clarify how specific prebiotic/probiotic combina- including sharing of potential benefits through
tions may modulate gut function and inflammatory commitment to global access; (2) recognition that a
responses to delay the onset of, or even prevent, broad number of foods and ingredients shape mi-
diabetes and obesity. crobiome structure and function and, in turn, can
affect the health of consumers; (3) regulation based
Reaching people in need with probiotics
on meaningful biomarkers and defined outcomes;
and prebiotics
and (4) trusted products with a clear health benefit
The final session, moderated by Ruth Ley (Cornell to consumers.
University), consisted of a series of short presenta- Gregor Reid partnered with Patricia Hibberd
tions with a focus on translating scientific innova- (Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts Gen-
tions in pro- and prebiotics to reach the people with eral Hospital) in a presentation titled, “From yogurt

10 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1306 (2013) 1–17 

C 2013 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences published by Wiley Periodicals,

Inc. on behalf of New York Academy of Sciences.

Petschow et al. Probiotics, prebiotics, and the host microbiome

Figure 5. Comparison of worldwide distribution of life expectancy patterns with rates of malnutrition-related mortality. Countries
with high death rates due to malnutrition are typically associated with low life expectancy. From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.
org/wiki/File:Esperanza_de_vida.PNG; and World Health Rankings for death rates:

to vaccine for the developing world.” Reid explained tors to conduct a randomized, double-blind, con-
that a striking relationship exists when comparing trolled trial in which HIV patients who had no prior
global longevity patterns and mortality rates due to antiretroviral treatment were given yogurt fortified
malnutrition (Fig. 5). Countries in Africa tend to solely with either micronutrients (control group) or
have among the lowest life expectancy and the high- with both micronutrients and L. rhamnosus GR-1
est rates of malnutrition-associated deaths. High (probiotic group) for 4 weeks. Although the results
rates of malnutrition and mortality also appear to from this pilot study did not show improvements
occur in countries with low milk consumption rates, in CD4+ T cell counts due to probiotics, there were
leading to the question of whether milk-based pro- unexpected social benefits, such as economic em-
biotic interventions could be used to prevent, or powerment of women involved with the commu-
treat, major causes of morbidity and mortality in the nity kitchen efforts. Additional studies are underway
developing world. Reid described a project (West- to evaluate other possible benefits of L. rhamnosus
ern Heads East) run by students, staff, and faculty at GR-1, including improved tolerance of HIV med-
Western University in Canada that established com- ications, binding of aflatoxin B1, and reductions
munity kitchens in Tanzania, Kenya and Rwanda in blood levels of certain toxic metals (mercury, ar-
to prepare yogurt supplemented with L. rhamno- senic, lead, and cadmium). Reid concluded by saying
sus GR-1 and other local micronutrients. The aim that this grass-roots community effort and associ-
of the project is to provide communities suffering ated research should serve as a model to encour-
high rates of HIV and malnutrition with a source of age others to help reduce malnutrition and improve
quality nutrition augmented by beneficial bacteria. health in other underdeveloped areas around the
Preliminary studies with L. rhamnosus GR-1 have world.
shown benefits for improving gut barrier function Hibberd discussed the use of probiotics to en-
and weight gain, reductions in fungal infections and hance immunizations in resource-limited settings.
diarrhea episodes, and increases in overall energy The World Health Organization’s (WHO) Ex-
levels. These observations led Reid and collabora- panded Programme on Immunization has helped

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1306 (2013) 1–17 

C 2013 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences published by Wiley Periodicals, 11
Inc. on behalf of New York Academy of Sciences.
Probiotics, prebiotics, and the host microbiome Petschow et al.

increase childhood immunizations against diseases six times more likely to claim they were lactose toler-
such as polio, diphtheria, pertussis, measles, and ant post-treatment. When compared to the placebo
tetanus. While such efforts have saved an estimated group, subjects fed GOS/RP-G28 showed only mi-
20 million children’s lives over the last 20 years, in nor changes in microbiota composition on day 36,
2011 over 23 million children received no immu- but statistically significant major shifts in the micro-
nizations at all. A key reason for this is that gaps biota occurred at day 66. Changes in the microbiota
exist in the cold-chain distribution systems needed by day 66 included increased abundance of Fae-
to preserve the potency of the vaccines. Hibberd calibacterium prausnitzii, Lactobacillales, and Rose-
described her and collaborators’ efforts to create buria spp. within the Firmicutes phyla; increases in
vaccine-delivery vehicles by genetically engineering (Lac+ ) Oscillibacter and Dorea spp.; and a reduction
the probiotic bacterium Bacillus subtilis to display in some Clostridia class members. Expanded stud-
vaccine antigens; B. subtilis was chosen because it ies are planned to confirm these changes in the fe-
can withstand extreme environmental conditions. cal microbiota of lactose-intolerant individuals that
Hibberd and colleagues have created non-injectable, were clinically responsive to dietary adaptation to
thermo-stable vaccines for tetanus and rotavirus, GOS/RP-G28.
with plans to extend to pertussis, diphtheria, and Joël Doré (Institut National de la Recherche
other major causes of childhood diseases. The engi- Agronomique, France) provided an excellent
neered vaccines are stable at 45 ◦ C without refrig- overview of research and clinical studies on the
eration for more than 1 year, and have been shown anti-inflammatory properties of F. prausnitzii, and
in animal safety and immunogenicity studies to be described studies conducted by his group aimed
safe and capable of producing protective levels of at evaluating the mechanisms of crosstalk between
antibodies when administered intranasally, sublin- F. prausnitzii and host cells that may underlie its
gually, or transdermally.38,39 Plans are underway to role as a mutualistic commensal. He set the stage by
conduct testing of the B. subtilis vaccine platform pointing out that research studies conducted during
in humans under an IND, which could eventually the past decade have demonstrated an association
lead to a viable approach for providing childhood between certain chronic immune diseases and dys-
vaccines that do not require the cold chain, needles, biosis of the intestinal microbiota40–42 A recurrent
or administration by skilled personnel, in resource- theme in many of these studies is the observation
limited settings. that such chronic immune disorders are associated
Lactose intolerance continues to be a problem with the presence of low-grade inflammation on the
for over 40 million people in the United States. host side and a reduction of some important antimi-
Research by Dennis Savaiano (Purdue University), crobial commensal species on the microbiome side.
Andrea Azcaarate-Peril (UNC Microbiome Center), Most likely, other factors such as diet, genetic predis-
and Todd Klaenhammer (North Carolina State Uni- position, environment, and lifestyle also contribute
versity) is evaluating the clinical effects of feed- to the low-grade inflammatory state and changes in
ing a highly purified, short-chain galactooligosac- microbiota composition (Fig. ??). F. prausnitziii is
charide (GOS/RP-G28) on lactose intolerance and one example of a potentially beneficial intestinal
changes in the composition of the colonic micro- commensal, based on anti-inflammatory proper-
biota (using terminal restriction fragment length ties demonstrated in preclinical studies.41 Levels of
polymorphisms (TRFLP) and 16S rRNA pyrose- F. prausnitzii are found in low abundance in patients
quencing). In a randomized, double-blinded study, with Crohn’s disease,40 colorectal cancer, obesity,43
they fed GOS/RP-G28 to lactose-intolerant adults or IBS.44 In one study, administration of F. praus-
for 36 days and collected stool samples at the start nitzii provided protection from endoscopic inflam-
of the study (day 0), after GOS treatment (day 36), mation relapse 6 months after surgery in 20 patients
and 30 days after GOS feeding was stopped (day 66); with active CD requiring ileocecal resection.41
consumption of dairy products was encouraged in Doré and colleagues are also investigating
both placebo and intervention groups after day 36. bacteria–cell crosstalk using a functional metage-
Lactose digestion and overall symptoms of lactose nomics approach to better understand how al-
intolerance improved in subjects fed GOS/RP-G28 tered intestinal ecology may contribute to a chronic
compared to a placebo group; subjects on GOS were immune condition. Human cell lines have been

12 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1306 (2013) 1–17 

C 2013 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences published by Wiley Periodicals,

Inc. on behalf of New York Academy of Sciences.

Petschow et al. Probiotics, prebiotics, and the host microbiome

Figure 6. Alterations of the gut microbiota and low-grade inflammation may contribute to a cycle of events that induces a chronic
state in immune-mediated diseases. Interventions that target the combined modulation of gut microbiota and inflammation may
be the most effective way to manage such conditions.

engineered with stably transfected reporter genes, given product. The intended use of a product can
allowing them to assess modulation of transcrip- be determined by a number of factors, including
tion regulators such as NF-␬B, AP-1, or PPAR-␥ , or claims, labeling, promotions, and by endpoints of
production of proteins such as TSLP, TGF-␤, or Fiaf. clinical investigation. Based primarily on these types
High-throughput screening of interactions between of communications, the product will be deemed a
over 20,000 metagenomic clones bearing large ge- drug, food, dietary supplement, or medical food.
nomic inserts of culturable and noncultured bacte- The various claim structure for these different prod-
ria and human cells have allowed the identification ucts can be summarized as follows:
of several bioactive clones that modulate cellular ac-
tivities with relevance to immune response, prolifer-
ation, or metabolism. The genes involved are iden-
r Drug/Biological product: Focus is on the cure,
tified and relevant bioactive signal molecules are treatment, mitigation, or prevention of dis-
identified using biochemical or genetic approaches. ease, although these products can also affect
Results from such studies may help unravel mecha- the structure or function of the human body
nisms by which commensal bacteria modulate cellu- (biological products are drugs derived from
lar functions, which may lead to exploration of ways live microorganisms).
to favorably modulate probiotic–host interactions.
r Foods or dietary supplements:
In the closing presentation, Fred Degnan (King & ◦ Health or “qualified” health claim: Char-
Spalding, LLP) discussed the perspectives of the U.S. acterizes the relationship between a nutri-
FDA on clinical study requirements as it relates to ent, dietary supplement, or food, and the
regulatory classifications for probiotic-containing reduction in risk of a disease or health-
products. A probiotic product can be classified in related condition. An approved health claim
different regulatory categories depending on the must be supported by “significant scientific
product’s intended use, including drug, food, medi- agreement,” while “qualified” health claims
cal food, food additive, or dietary supplement. There are based on “emerging” scientific evidence.
are implications for each classification in relation to Both must be pre-reviewed by the FDA via
the nature and degree of regulatory requirements a petition process or on the basis of state-
and, ultimately, for claim substantiation and market ments by an authoritative body.
access. ◦ Structure/function claim: Describes the ef-
As a general rule, the FDA determines the degree fect of a food, food component, nutrient or
of regulation for clinical trials and assigns product dietary ingredient on the “structure or any
classifications on the basis of the intended use for a function of the body.” May not imply or

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1306 (2013) 1–17 

C 2013 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences published by Wiley Periodicals, 13
Inc. on behalf of New York Academy of Sciences.
Probiotics, prebiotics, and the host microbiome Petschow et al.

express usefulness in the cure, mitigation, cess as drug studies; such studies will need to avoid
treatment or prevention of disease. drug-type endpoints. The intended use will dictate
r Medical food: For a patient under medical su- regulation, but examples of appropriate food targets
pervision for the “dietary management of a include human studies intended to establish health
disease or condition for which distinctive nu- claims, structure/function claims, or medical food
tritional requirements have been established claims. In conclusion, to avoid FDA imposition of
by medical evaluation” and which cannot be a requirement for an IND, Degnan recommended
addressed by the diet alone. (1) conceiving and designing studies that consider
the intended use and a clear understanding of reg-
A clinical study involving an FDA-regulated arti- ulatory categories; (2) using caution in document-
cle can evoke certain requirements. If a company or ing/substantiating non-biological product use; and
individual wishes to conduct a human study on a (3) consulting with FDA’s Center for Food Safety
probiotic intended for prevention or treatment of a and Applied Nutrition.
disease, they will be required to follow a more rigor-
ous regulatory pathway. Typically, this will require
filing an IND application (21 CFR Part 312), which The conference “Probiotics, Prebiotics, and the
must be submitted before initiating studies in hu- Host Microbiome: The Science of Translation” pro-
mans. The IND will be expected to contain extensive vided a forum in which recent developments and
information for the review process, including, but the potential benefits of translating research ad-
not limited to, a description of Institutional Review vances in the human microbiome, probiotics, and
Board review (21 CFR Part 56) and informed con- prebiotics into robust nutritional and therapeu-
sent (21 CFR Part 50); how the product is made, to tic applications to promote health were examined.
ensure that safe, high-quality manufacturing pro- The number of genes in the microbiome is es-
cesses are used; and, often, data from preclinical timated to be more than 300-fold higher than
animal toxicology studies to demonstrate that it is the total number of human genes, which high-
safe to proceed with human clinical studies. As in lights the existence of a highly complex micro-
other countries, the regulatory system has been set biota ecosystem with the potential for profound
up so that only a drug, not a food, can treat, pre- effects on metabolism and immune function. Signif-
vent, or cure disease. Questions were raised during icant advances have been achieved and further stud-
the meeting as to why this bureaucratic distinction ies will greatly enhance our understanding of the
still remains in place today. human microbiota and its role in health and disease
Guidance issued by the FDA in October, 2010 development.
on “Determining whether human research stud- It is well established that the intestinal micro-
ies can be conducted without an IND”45 had par- biota plays a critical role in gastrointestinal devel-
ticular relevance for studies involving probiotics. opment and function while regulating host inflam-
This document included language suggesting that matory responses and immune homeostasis.47,48 A
an IND would be required for studies in which a rapidly growing body of evidence now also indi-
live organism (e.g., virus, bacterium, or fungus) is cates that the microbiota acts as a metabolically ac-
administered to subjects to study “the pathogene- tive organ, capable of interacting with several host
sis of disease” or “the host response to the organ- systems beyond the gastrointestinal tract, including
ism.” The strictest interpretation of this statement the brain, urogenital tract, and respiratory tract.49–51
could be that any probiotic investigation would re- Recent research suggests the gut microbiota is capa-
quire an IND. Other guidance by the FDA issued ble of influencing fat storage and metabolism,52,53
in February 2012 focuses on clinical trials with live which may position it as a key target in the fight
bio-therapeutic agents,46 with specific reference to against obesity in conjunction with dietary, exer-
language being “applicable” to the prevention, treat- cise, and other interventions. Disruptions in the
ment, or cure of disease. However, this document ac- early programming of the gut microbiota or al-
knowledges that a basis exists for conducting human terations of adult-like microbiota may contribute
studies on food (including dietary supplements) to the development of obesity and T2D. Proposed
that do not require the same IND application pro- mechanisms include effects on hormone-based

14 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1306 (2013) 1–17 

C 2013 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences published by Wiley Periodicals,

Inc. on behalf of New York Academy of Sciences.

Petschow et al. Probiotics, prebiotics, and the host microbiome

satiety, energy salvage, appetite regulation, and LPS- executing the changes in policy, and driving these
induced metabolic endotoxemia. The use of probi- changes with strong, reproducible data.
otics and prebiotics that target specific changes in As we get closer to understanding the potential
the microbiota and its crosstalk with the host to im- mechanisms by which particular probiotic organ-
prove lipid metabolism and insulin resistance are isms interact with the microbiota, it will be a missed
exciting potential options for improving the man- opportunity if the quality of probiotic research stud-
agement of what is arguably the 21st century’s major ies does not improve to meet the needs for either
public health issue. evidence-based medicine or nutrition. Standard-
The gut–brain axis is a highly complex sys- ization of probiotic/prebiotic study methods and
tem comprising interactions that involve the au- protocols, clear understanding of the characteris-
tonomic and enteric nervous systems, pituitary tics, purity, and stability of test agents, and accurate
and gut hormones, and gut inflammatory systems and balanced reporting of study results are urgently
that are capable of influencing nerve function and needed. In parallel, it will be important to educate
pathways, and ultimately behavior. Central ner- healthcare professionals, regulatory authorities, and
vous system wiring may be influenced by gut–brain the public to understand the appropriate use and
interactions early in life, and alterations in the mi- documented safety and benefits of probiotic or pre-
crobiome may influence behaviors related to specific biotic products. Presentations and discussions dur-
disease conditions. Examples include the possibili- ing the conference reiterated that there is no opting
ties of either influencing the microbiota with pro- out of this paradigm shift, but rather a matter
biotics to modulate cholecystokinin (CCK) output, of when and how the innovations from micro-
which in turn regulates vagal afferent neuron trans- biota/microbiome and probiotic/prebiotic research
missions involved in communicating satiety and will become part of everyday life. For those in the
avoiding obesity, or providing prebiotics to encour- field, the regulatory antiquity and recalcitrance of
age fermentative production of SCFAs that stimulate many physicians to move from a pharmaceutical-
release of gut hormones, which in turn influence hy- based patient-management perspective to a more
pothalamic neuronal activity involved with appetite holistic one that includes recommendations of food
regulation. and supplement-based products to both general
Many questions remain regarding the develop- and patient populations remain among the impedi-
ment of the microbiota in the young infant, and ments to progress. Meanwhile, regulatory issues on
whether probiotic/prebiotic interventions at this pro- and prebiotics remain a point of concern. High-
time would be effective in supporting the develop- quality human research conducted on the general
ment of a lifelong microbiota for health. Much needs population is required to convince regulators of the
to be learned about how the microbiota is assem- legitimacy of health benefits of foods. Many con-
bled, what influences community structure succes- vincing probiotic studies have been done on popu-
sion, and which factors contribute to its long-term lations that are outside the scope of foods or supple-
stability in both health and illness. It seems likely ments. However, the safety and lack of side effects
that the future roles of probiotics and prebiotics will for these products is a strong plus. Thus, it is in-
go beyond traditional gastrointestinal illnesses, par- cumbent upon those in the field to help strengthen
ticularly as the role of the microbiota and the CNS the body of evidence and merge the knowledge in a
and other organs is better understood. Novel appli- manner that allows consumers and patients to reap
cations in the future may include chronic immune the benefits sooner rather than later.
disorders, and anxiety-like behaviors or psychiatric
illness. The development of such products is certain
to face increased scrutiny over costs and benefits to The conference “Probiotics, Prebiotics, and the Host
support decisions about utilization and reimburse- Microbiome: The Science of Translation” was jointly
ment for disease management. Influencing public presented by The Sackler Institute for Nutrition
health policy to more effectively adopt the use of Science at the New York Academy of Sciences and
such products will require clear understanding and The International Scientific Association for Pro-
communication of the health benefits, building the biotics and Prebiotics in New York, New York,
will for change with providers and policy makers, 12 June 2013. The conference and open access of

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1306 (2013) 1–17 

C 2013 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences published by Wiley Periodicals, 15
Inc. on behalf of New York Academy of Sciences.
Probiotics, prebiotics, and the host microbiome Petschow et al.

this publication were also generously supported (in 5. Palmer, C., E.M. Bik, D.B. DiGiulio, et al. 2007. Development
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colonization in a premature infant. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
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NIH Division of Nutrition Research Coordination 8. Yatsunenko, T., F.E. Rey, M.J. Manary, et al. 2012. Human
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