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Low-Light Image Enhancement via Pair of

Complementary Gamma Fun ons by Fusion

Problem statement:-

To enhance the images taken in low-light environment using fusion

method by pair of complementary Gamma func on.
Proposed Method:-

• These func ons are used to achieve the balance between

underexposure regions & overexposure region.
• shows two original low-light images and their corresponding maps by
respec vely.
• From (a) and (b), it can be seen that the enhanced images by GC s ll
haven’t abundant details and sa sfactory contrast.
• From (a) and (c), it can be found that the output image by is darker
than the original low-light images.
• While from Figs. 3 (a) and (e), it can be found that the output image
by is brighter than the original low-light images.
• The following is a qualita ve analysis from the perspec ve of
func on. All the below analysis is based on the premise of x ∈ (0, 1).
• First of all, for ε < 0, the power exponent func on y = x ε sa sfies
• In other words, for κ1 < κ2, the power exponent func on y = x κ1
sa sfies that:
x κ1 > x κ2
(1 − x)γ > 1 − x
y = 1 − (1 − x)γ < 1 − (1 − x) = x
(1 − x)1/γ < 1 − x
y = 1 − (1 − x)1/γ > 1 − (1 − x)=x
{ y1 = 1 − (1 − x)γ
y2 =(1 − (1 − x)1/γ )γ}
Block diagram:-
Block Func ons:-

In this block,we convert the images from rgb(red,green,blue) to
hsv (hue,satura on,value).
Hue-color por on of model,expressed between 0 to 360.
Satura on-describer amount of gray in a par cular color.
value-describes the brightness.
• Generally we cannot separate color informa on from luminance in
rgb but hsv is used to separate image luminance from color
informa on & is easier so for that reason we convert image from rgb
to hsv .
ØV & Mapping:-
In this block the value component of origin mapping image is
firstly processed by gamma enhancement according to the equa on.
where yi is mapping image from original image
ci is the weigh ng factor given as
_ _
ci=vi/Ʃ vi
where vi is the average value of image yi
The output given from the previous block func on is followed by
the detail enhancement according to equa on.

I2 = (v+2H(v)-G*H(v)) /2
I2=second input image for fusion
v=value component of original image
H(v)=Histogram equaliza on opera on on value component
G=Gaussian kernel func on
the output image from the mapping & sharpening block is
given as input to fusion to fusion block in which the images are
decomposed in Laplace pyramid & finally the weight maps are
decomposed to Gaussian pyramids & we get the enhanced image.
I output(x,y)=Ʃl ud (Ʃi=12Gl (wi(x,y))Ll(Ii(x,y)))
wi(x,y) =normal used weight map
given as wi(x,y)=wi(x,y)/Ʃi wi(x,y)
And finally the outputs of fusion block & the hue,satura on values of
original image together are transformed from hsv2rgb.

The output of fusion process and hue, satura on values are
together transformed from hsv to rgb.

• In this sec on, we evaluate the performance of the proposed

method. First, we present our experiment se ngs.Then, we evaluate
the proposed method by comparing it with other state-of-the-art
methods in both subjec ve and objec ve aspects.
• To fully evaluate the proposed method, one hundred images with low
illumina on from various scenes have been tested.
• Test images come from Lee and Kim, Fu et al, Wang et al, Guo et al,
and our team. All images are processed in MATLAB R2017b on a PC
running Windows 10 OS with 32G RAM and 2.1GHz CPU.

• Three low-light images, which are named Street, Sea and Church are
shown in Fig.from le to right.
• successively illustrate the enhanced results from CE , AGCWB , FE ,
BIMEF , LIME ,SRM , LECARM and the proposed PCGF method.
• CE:- Contrast Enhancement.
• AGCWB:-Adap ve Gamma Correc on with Weigh ng Distribu on.
• FE:-Fusion-based Enhancement.
• BIMEF:-Bio-Inspired Mul -Exposure Fusion Framework.
• LIME:-Low-Light Image Enhancement Map Es ma on.
• SRM:-Structure-Revealing low-light image enhancement robust
Re nex Model.
• LECARM:-Low-Light Image Enhancement using the Camera Response
• Some zoom-in detailed patches are also shown on the right of each
enhanced image.
• we can find that LIME causes color distor on. output images by FE
are somewhat over-enhancement.the whole brightness by both CE
and AGCWB is s ll insufficient.
• the enhanced Sea image by BIMEF has a faint halo round the sun and
the enhanced Church image by BIMEF has a faint halo near upper
right of the roof.
• the enhanced Sea image by SRM has low local details outside of the
ship. the light in all three enhanced images by LECARM is not well
• For the Church image, our enhanced image has clear contour for the
cloud behind the cross on the roof and it has clear edge on the roof.
By and large, our method can preserve image details and naturalness
effec vely.
• We can find that enhanced images by CE are s ll a li le dark and
have poor visual quality.Enhanced images by AGCWD don’t preserve
details in bright regions.
• BIMEF is effec ve in preserving the naturalness, but enhanced
images are also a li le dark.LIME can effec vely improve the overall
• The details of enhanced image by SRM are not prominent enough.
• we employ NIQE, ILNIQE ,SSEQ ,and BRISQUE to objec vely evaluate
the results of our method.
• These no-reference metrics are widely used for performance
evalua on in the field of low-light image enhancement.
• NIQE (Natural Image Quality Evaluator) assesses image quality
without any knowledge of distor ons or human opinions.
• ILNIQE (Integrated Local NIQE) can comprehensively capture local
distor on ar facts through integra ng quality aware features by a
local mul variate Gaussian model.
• SSEQ,which is a Spa al-Spectral Entropy-based Quality index,can
assess distorted image’s quality and achieve very good.
• BRISQUE (Blind/Referenceless Image Spa al Quality Evaluator)
quan fies naturalness losses resul ng from distor ons by using scene
sta s cs of locally normalized luminance coefficients in the image.
• The smaller all these indexes, the be er the performance.
Besides,values for PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ra o) are also given.
• In this paper, we define a pair of complementary gamma func ons
(PCGF) by which we can obtain an underexposed version and an
overexposed version of the original low-light image.
• Two input images used for fusion are derived from the enhanced
image by PCGF and the enhanced image by proposed sharpening
method, respec vely.
• Experiments show that proposed method can significantly enhance
the detail and improve the contrast of low-light image.
• Objec ve and subjec ve assessment between different methods
show its out performance.
• Besides, we will try to apply the proposed PCGF for foggy image
dehazing, underwater image enhancement and saliency detec on
and soon.
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