Sociatal Problems Intervention That Good Education Can Do To Resolve Them

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Ana Katrina C.

Corvera Beed-01
Mrs. Carmencita Jubas LIFE AND WORKS OF RIZAL
1. Poverty Poverty is more, much more than just
not having enough money. And by
education often referred to as the
great equalizer, it can open the door
to jobs, resources, and skills that a
family needs to not just survive, but
thrive. Since education is so
connected to many of the ways we
can end extreme poverty, it’s also an
element that we integrate into a
several areas of our work, including
emergency response.
2. Unemployment and Unemployed means you don't have a
Underemployment job, while underemployment means
the job you have is inadequate.
Sometimes it is used when talking
about people who are working in a
lower capacity than one in which they
are qualified. Higher levels of
education increase the chance an
unemployed person will emerge with
a comparable wage and reduce the
time required to find new
3. crime Education reduces crime rates. It is
thought that much of the reason is
based on employability. When a
person is educated, not only are they
more aware of social norms and
choices, but they are more likely to
see the possibility of “a better life.”
4. corruption Among the most common causes of
corruption are the political and
economic environment, professional
ethics and morality and, of course,
habits, customs, tradition and
demography. Education can measure
to prevent corruption in the above
areas include: personnel:
strengthening the legal foundations
and building awareness with regard
to performance orientation and
corruption prevention; establishment
of codes of conduct.
5. Philippines Dept As some of us know that Philippines
has a huge dept. to be pay. By
education we been thought to save
money skills such as budgeting,
investing, borrowing, taxation, and
personal financial management.
6. West Philippine Sea Still ongoing problem that Philippines
trying to solve is the West Philippines
Sea. The educators also call on the
Philippine government to follow the
precedents of its neighboring
Southeast Asian countries in
responding to Chinese aggression. By
education your self you are aware on
your rights and fight for what is ours.
7. Injustice education encourages students to
take an active role in their own. We
claim a social justice orientation,
especially so that we can find places
reciprocal community relationships,
involve a system wide approach, and
entail. Teaching that inspires justice-
oriented citizenship
8. Increase of Price We can address through education
the increase of price in goods.
9. drugs Being employed, a person is less
likely to fall into a life of drug abuse
or theft. The ability to purchase items
helps prevent the need or desire to
steal them. Training in school also
provides social coping skills and goal-
oriented planning strategies. These
tools allow a person to cumulatively
build a plan for success in adulthood
through the process of their academic
career. The educated person will
therefore be more prepared to enter
the workforce, and society as a
whole, than the person who has not
had these experiences.
10. Early Pregnancy Comprehensive Sex Education Might
Reduce Teen Pregnancies, Study
Suggests. Summary: New research
suggests that comprehensive sex
education might lead to less teen
pregnancy, and there are no
indications that it boosts the levels of
sexual intercourse or sexually
transmitted diseases.
11. Climate Change Education is an essential element of
the global response to climate
change. It helps people understand
and address the impact of global
warming, increases “climate literacy”
among young people, encourages
changes in their attitudes and
behaviour, and helps them adapt to
climate change related
school and in the classroom helps
conserve energy and reduces
pollution and greenhouse gases from
resource extraction, manufacturing,
and disposal.
12. Poor Leadership While education may enhance some
aspect of a leader's skills, it cannot
make a leader on its own. We believe
that ensuring quality education for
all is not only central to the
achievement of all of the Global Goals
but in particular the goal to end
extreme poverty.
13. Health Care Education typically leads to better
jobs, more money and many other
benefits, including better health
insurance, which leads to better
access to quality health care. Higher
earnings also allow workers to afford
homes in safer neighborhoods as well
as healthier diets
14. Gun Violence he youth must be educated enough
to avoid being recruited by these
groupsof CPP-NPA youth recruitment
in the city. Through access of
education will help stop the
recruitment of civilians and IP youth
by the NPA in remote
15. Education By education we can also fight for
other students who is not fortunate
enough to be at school. As a result, it
is hard for them to do anything about
it. And with uncertainty about the
kinds of skills the jobs of the future
will require, schools and teachers
must prepare students with more
than basic reading and writing skills.
Students need to be able to interpret
information, form opinions, be
creative, communicate well,
collaborate, and be resilient
16. Voting rights Education help us to address people
for there right to vote and don’t be
deprive for money.
17. Racial Discrimination education can address and eradicate
18. Economic issues A country's economy becomes more
productive as the proportion of
educated workers increases since
educated workers can more efficiently
carry out tasks that require literacy
and critical thinking. In this sense,
education is an investment in human
capital, similar to an investment in
better equipment.
19. Job Discrimination Education as the primary factor in
preventing all forms. Through
education we can learn moral value
on everything and stop job
20. Civil Rights Without education you wouldn’t
know that you possess the kind of
right. Education will help you and
serve as an eye opener to see things
clearly and will help you to end
injustice around you.

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