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 Office Administration SBA

1. 1. 1 Title An investigation into the Records and information Management, Sales Managing and Customer Service of PC Clinic Company Limited of #15 King
Street, Princesʼ Town.
2. 2. 2 AIMS The purpose of this is study are: To identify the core function of the sales, marketing and customer service. To determine how feedback from
customer service would help improve the business Whether filing is done manually or electronically.
3. 3. 3 FUNCTIONS OF THE DEPARTMENTS Marketing Department The main functions of the Marketing Department include: Organising promotional activities
Budgeting Advertising Publishing Liaising with advertising entities Sales Department The main functions of the Sales Department include: Maintaining sales
records Monitoring stock control Liaising with other departments Customer Service The main functions of Customer Service include: Communicating with
both customer and company Take care of the customer complaints Ensure customer satisfaction
4. 4. 4 LETTER OF CORRESPONDENCE November 5th, 2015 Darren Ali Manager of PC Clinic Private Limited Company #15 King Street Princesʼ Town Dear Mr Ali, My
name is Amirah Ali and Iʼm a form five student of Cowen Hamilton Secondary School. Iʼm writing to ask permission to conduct a research for my Office
Administration School Based Assessment (SBA). Iʼll be mainly focusing on the Records and information Management, Sales Managing and Customer Service.
My survey and questionnaire would not hinder the company in anyway. Iʼll be mainly interviewing the Marketing, Sales and records department in your
company. It will be greatly appreciated if you would grant me permission to do the interview. All information collected will be confidential. I can be
contacted at 702-9954 or 655-6878. Yours sincerely, _____________________ Amirah Ali
5. 5. 5 METHODOLOGY The SBA was conducted at PC Clinic Private Limited Company. A primary sourceprovides direct or first-hand evidence about an event,
object, person, or work of art. Secondarysources describe, discuss, interpret, comment upon, analyse, evaluate, summarize, and process primary
sources. Secondarysourcematerials can be articles in newspapers or popular magazines, bookor movie reviews, or articles found in scholarly journals that
discuss or evaluate someone else's original research. Primary Sources Secondarysources Questionnaire Internet Formal Interviews Textbook ADVANTAGES
OF PRIMARY SOURCESS DISADVANTAGES OF PRIMARY SOURCES You'll get first hand The person may give you wrong information about the topic information
ADVANTAGES OF SECONDARY SOURCESS DISADVANTAGES OF SECONDARY SOURCES You will be able to obtain the Not all of the information information
needed faster obtained from the internet is accurate
6. 6. 6 QUESTIONNAIRE My name isAmirahAli.Thisquestionnaireispartof researchfor my Office AdministrationSchool- BasedAssessmentproject.Itwill be
greatlyappreciatedif youanswerthe questionnairehonestly. Sex: male  female Age: ________ Department: Marketing Customer Service Sales Job
title: _________________________ Years of Service: ___________________ 1) Are Records and Information Management done in your company? Yes No
2) If yes how is it done? Manually Electronically 3) If done manually how is it organized? Alphabetically Geographically Numerically Other
_________________ 4) How are your filing cabinets and supplies organized? Horizontal Vertical Lateral Open shelves 5) If done electronically how is
it organized? Alphabetically Geographically Numerically Other _________________
7. 7. 7 6) How is the filing system set up in your organization? Centralized Decentralized 7) State why.
_____________________________________________________________________ 8) What is the main function of the Customer Service in the organization?
_____________________________________________________________________ 9) What is the main function of the Marketing Department in the
organization? _____________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________ 10) What is the main function of the Sales Department in the organization?
_____________________________________________________________________ 11) Are there any customer feedback established in the business to help
promote sales? Yes No 12) How do you analyse the data from the feedback, do you try to improve the problem?
_____________________________________________________________________ 13) Identify and health and safety regulation followed in your organization.
8. 8. 8 SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITES Date Activities Comments 29-10-15 Title and aims Coming up with aims wasnʼt difficult 05-11-15 Letter of Correspondence It was
printed, reviewed by my teacher and the stamped. 9-11-15 Methodology and Questionnaire The questionnaire was done and prove read. 7-12-15 Going to
visit the business Visited the business to examine the environment. 10-12-15 Distribution of questionnaire and conducted interviews Visited the business
gave the questionnaire out and did the interviews. 04-01-16 Analysis of Data was written up Review the answers to the questionnaire and 07-01-16 Doing the
written report Writing the report was a little tricky due to the fact that thereʼs an word limit 07-01-16 Preparing business document This was easy because I
had an idea of what an business document looks like. 11-01-16 Assessing how the equipment used has an impact on the firm. The questionnaire and
interview gave me the answers. 14-01-16 Preparing the bibliography Fairly easy to do.
9. 9. 9 Regulations Since PC Clinic is a Private Limited Company it must be incorporated and therefore must give to the Registar of Companies the following
documents: Memorandum of Association Articles of Association Statement of Authorized, Registered or Nominal Capital. The business area was
properly ventilated and there were a lot of emergency exits in the firm. The company also set policies on dress code and the behaviour of the staff. These
regulations were brought to my attention while doing the interview with the employees. One rule which I had to comply with while carrying out this project
was the dress code.
10. 10. 10 REPORT The major findings or accomplishments that were found in this project were; the marketing departmentʼs main function are too, organise
promotional activities, designing and managing marketing strategies, budgeting, advertising, publishing and liaising with advertising entities. I also found
out the main functions of the Customer Department is to build long term relationships with the customers of the business, to respond to enquiries or
complaints of the customers. The Sales Departmentʼs main functions are too, maintain sales record, monitoring stock control and to liaise with other
departments. Some of the problems which where encountered while doing this research are as follows: Some employees were fearfulto answer the
questions honestly because of fear of victimization from their employer. Because of certain policies some of the information was withheld because of
confidentiality resulting in inadequate data. Some employees had hesitated to conduct said interview because of their workload. The timing of my
interview did not coincide with the employeesʼ. One way to solve the above problems is ensuring strictest confidentiality with regarding to data collection,
also ensuring that Iʼve met the employees criteria with regards their timing.
documents Very useful to store information. 10-12-15 Index Cards They are used to create index for a filing system. Very useful to store information. 10-12-
15 Label These are applied to the tabs with names of the files. Very useful to store information. 10-12-15 Compact disk CD Compact disk are used to load
programs onto computers and to store data. Very useful to store information.
13. 13. 13 BIBLIOGRAPHY Reid J Finisterre S Payne L Longman Office Administration for CSEC- 2nd edition Pearson 2012

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