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B.B.A. LL.B. (5 Year Degree Course) SEM-VI (2009 Course) : SUMMER - 2019 SUBJECT: INSURANCE LAW Day : Time: 02,00 PM 70 05.00 PM Date : 27 i e 10472019 -2019-1594 Max. Marks: 80 NBs 1) Attempt ANY SIX questions including Q. No.1 which is COMPULSORY. 2)Q.No. 1 carries 20 marks and all other questions carry 12 marks each. Q1___ Write short notes on ANY FOUR of the following: 2) Proposal and policy b) Premium ° a) ° 9 Q2 ‘Trace the history of Insurance in India and Qeplain the salient features of Insurance Act 1938 ~ N Q3 State what is IRDA? Explain the find functions of IRDA. Elucidate the structure of IRDA. “= Q4 Explain the concept of Group ngptin Policies. ? QS “In the absence of I EY interest the Insurance Contract becomes void” Explain. » 6 “Lite tnmurance ho ins few fetes Ike slstry conc, adtsion contract, unilatepal cdgtract etc.” Explain. Q.7 “Fire Insurance presupposes existence of fire for claim settlement” Explain the essentials of a fire insurance contract. Q8 “Motor vehicle insurance is a social insurance”. Explain the above statement with reference to third party and no fault liability insurance. Q9 Explain the concept of Marine Insurance with reference to voyage and time policy. Q10 Explain: a) Re-Insurance b)_ Utmost Good Faith B.B.A. LL.B. (5 Year Degree Course) SEM-VI (2015 Course) : SUMMER. ~2019 SUBJECT: INSURANCE LAW (BUSINESS LAW) Day: Toesiay ‘Time: 0200 PM T0.05.00PM Date : 30/04/2019 .. Marks: 60 g-2019-1548 Me Hn All questions are COMPULSORY 2) All questions carry EQUAL marks. Qu Explain the historical development of insurance industry in India, OR “Every Insurance, except Life insurance is an indemnity contract.” Explain this statement with suitable examples. Q2 Compare the provisions of Insurance Act, 193! IRDA Act, 2000. or SS sy 2 Expn Grup nnnane pes in fain ne Q.3 _Blucidate the essential elements of Lihsurance. \On ? Q.3 Explain the concept deviation Qyoyage and the exception to this rule in Marine Insurance. 7 Q4 Discuss the provisions ®bqrding Motor Vehicle Insurance. eo 0.4 Explain the megyhnpf Fire insurance, Qs In a Life insurance policy, the person had given two cheques worth 25,000 each dated 25/01/2018 and 25/02/2018 respectively. He fell ill on 2" of February and expired on 15" of February. His wife is ready to pay cash for the second cheque but is demanding claim of 5 lakhs. Discuss. OR as ‘A person had sent a consignment of tobacco by ship. It was kept in the hold along, with a consignment of some animal hides. Due to dampness, the hides became putrid and this caused the tobacco also to get spoiled. Explain whether the owner can claim insurance damages? B.B.A. LL.B. (5 Year Degree Course) SEM-VI (2009 Course) : WINTER +2018 ~ SUBJECT: INSURANCE LAW Toesdny Time: 0230 PM T0050 PM 2 soniorzo1s W-2018-1378 ax, ‘Max. Marks: 80 1) Attempt ANY SIX questions including Q. No.1 which is COMPULSORY. 2) Q. No. 1 carries 20 marks and all other questions carry 12 marks each. Qu Write short notes on ANY FOUR of ing: a) Premium of the following: b) Perils at Sea ©) IRDA d) Re Insurance ©) Proposal f) Claims Q2 “It is fundamental principle of Insurance Lay at Utmost Good Faith must be observed by the contacting parties" ExplajgQQe above statement with suitable examples. c a3 Trace the history of Insurance in Inti’ and explain the salient features of Insurance Act 1938 Ao ¢ Q4 “Nomination is an essential Apure of a Life Insurance Policy” Clarify this satanent wi iseaong Q5 “Subrogation and ceo is an important feature of an insurance contact” Explain. 26 “Insurable Inte‘el}p a fundamental feature ofan Insurance contract”. Explain the concept of insurabfe interest in Marine Insurance. Q7 “Motor Vehicles Act has made it compulsory for every vehicle to have insurance against third party risks”. Explain the motor vehicle insurance as a social liability insurance. What is “No Liability” insurance? 2.8 “Any contract with aminor is void according tothe Indian Contract Act, but Child Polley is valid in Insurance”, Discuss the Child Policies under Life Insurance. Qo “Insurance of burglary and theft is an important aspect of General Insurance”. Explain the salient features of burglary insurance. Q.10 _ “Fire Insurance contract presupposes existence of fire for getting claim “Explain. B.B.A. LLB. (5 Year Degree Course) SEM-VI (2015 Course) : WINTER - 2018 SUBJECT: INSURANCE LAW (BUSINESS LAW) Day: Thursday W-2018-1339 Time; 02:30PM TO 0530 PM Date : OWtI/2018 Max. Marks : 60 NBs 1) All questions are COMPULSORY 2) All questions carry EQUAL marks. Q.1 Explain the historical development of Insurance Industry in India. oR, Q.1 Explain the fundamental elements of an Insurance Contract. Q.2 “Insurance Contract is characterized by elements of “Utmost good faith’ and Insurable Interest.” Explain. or W Q.2 “Subrogation and Contribution are im; characteristics of an Insurance Contract.” Explain. 7 a3 “Destruction by actual fire is essential Fire Insurance.” Explain. \Qor é Q.3 “Life Insurance contract is nQQJan indemnity contract.” Why? Discuss with examples. Qy Q.4 “Perils ofthe sea explains ‘essential feature of Marine Insurance.” What is the meaning of Perils of ase 2 N on Q.4 “Deviation of GQyze is not allowed under Marine Insurance.” Which are the exceptions to this Tule? Q.5 _Inone case, a lady hid her jewels in the fire place before going out. After coming back, she accidently lit the fire. Her jewelry got destroyed. Can she claim insurance? oR Q.5 __ Aship had pipes made of PVC which were eaten up by rats. Sea water enteted the hold and destroyed the grain kept in it. Can this insurance be claimed? B.B.A. LL.B. (5 YEAR DEGREE COURSE) SEM-VI (2009 COURSE) : SUMMER - 2018 SUBJECT: OPTIONAL-Il (B) INSURANCE LAW 2 Wednesday me, 0230 PN TO 0550 PM 2 Mouser S+2018-1243 Tien Max. Marks : 80. » Attempt any S1X questions in all including Q. No. 1 which is COMPULSORY. Q.No. 1 carry 20 marks and all other question carries 12 marks each. Q.1 Write short notes on any FOUR of the following: 8) Double Insurance b) Re-insurance ©) Life Insurance Societies @) Glass Plate Insurance ) Proposal Premium Q2 Describe the historical development of insurance in India. Which are the types of insurance policies in India? 3. Compare and contrast the salient features of Insurance Act, 1938 and IRDA- Q.4 Discuss the essential elements of a Life Insurance Contract. Q5 “Utmost Good Faith and Insurable Interest are essential features of Tnsurance contract” Discuss the meaning and nature of the above terms. Give examples. 6 “Marine insurance includes the terms-perils of the sea, voyage and deviation of vehage.” Discuss the essential features of Marine insurance contract and the above terms. When is deviation allowed? Q.7 “Motor Vehicle Insurance is a social insurance.”. Discuss the above statement and explain comprehensive and Third Party Insurance. Q8 “Group Insurance Poticies are used 19. control employes turnover.” Explain the salient features of Group insurance Policies. 9 What are the essential features of Fire Insurance Pol jes? Q.10. What is the mesning of Subrogation and contribution in insurance contract? Give examples. B.B.A. LI B.A. LL.B. YEAR DEGREE COURSE) SEM-VI (2015 ‘ SOURSE) : SUMMER - 2018 UBJECT: INSURANCE LAW (BUSINESS LAW) Saturday Saturday 5918-1210 Time, 0230PMTO 08.30 PM Max. Marks: 60 NBs 1) Altquestions are COMPULSORY All questions carry EQUAL marks. Qi a4 a4 Qs Discuss the essential elements of Life Insurance. oR “Life Insurance Contract is an Alleatory contract and it is a contract of 1 lleatory cont i Adhesion.” Explain, : ‘ Discuss the nature and scope of Insurance Regulatory Authority Act, 2000 or Discuss the development of Insurance Industry in India. Motor Vehicle Insurance is also considered a social insurance.” Explain this statement with reference to Third Party Insurance. oR Explain the concept of Double Insurance and Re-Insuranes utmost Good Faith is the basic principle of every Insurance Contra * Explain, The woncept of Utmost Good Faith in marine and life insurance, oR Discuss the meaning of Proposal and Policy in an Insurance Contract. In one ease, Mr. *Y" used to take an ayurvedic medicine for stomach ache. He In one Sijisclose this in his Life Insurance policy. Within one year of taking poliey, he died of stomach uleer. Discuss ee ether his family will get the claim. or Jighbori jue to wind the Ina fire insurance case, a neighboring shor. caught fire and duc Ingared shop suffered destruction. Explain ‘ehether claim can be realized. B.B.A. LLB. (5 YEAR DEGREE COURSE) SEM-VI (2009 COURSE) : WINTER - 2017 SUBJECT: OPTIONAL-II (B) INSURANCE LAW Day : Tuesday Time 9230 PM TO 05.30 PM Date: 10/10/2017 Ser fax. Marks : 80. NB ). No. 1 which is COMPULSORY. 1) _ Attempt any STX questions in all including mn carries 12 marks each. 2) Q.No. 1 carry 20 marks and all other ques QA Write short notes on any FOUR of the following: a) Subrogation b) Contribution ©) Nomination a) Assignment ©) Mediclaim 1) Public Liability Insurance Q2 “Insurance covers the financial risk of the person.” Explain the essentials of an insurance contract. Q3. Trace the development of insurance in India. Q.4 “Marine insurance is the oldest insurance in the world.” Discuss the nature of matine insurance with reference to perils of the sea, deviation of voyage and its exceptions. Q5 “Life insurance contract is a unilateral contract. It is also an aleatory contract.” Discuss the essential elements of a Life Insurance Contract, Q.6 “In Fire Insurance, ignition of fire must take place for realisation of claim.” Discuss the salient features of Fire Insurance. Q.7_ “Motor vehicle insurance is also a social insurance.” Discuss the reason for this statement. Also explain the concept of Third Party Insurance. Q8 “Utmost Good Faith and Insurable Interest are essential features of Insurance contract.” Discuss the meaning of the two with suitable examples. Q9 “IRDA is the regulatory body of the Insurance sector.” Discuss the structure, powers and functions of IRDA. Q.10 Explain the concept of Group Insurance Policies. MAHIPATGAD - VI (2009 Course) : SUMMER - 2017 subject : Optional - It b) Insurance Law TIMIMTUITINIIT time : 02.30 Pat TO 05.30 PM 34858 Max Marks : 80 Total Pages : 1 4 Attempt ANY SIX questions including Q.No.1. Which is 1) COMPULSORY. ) Q-No 1 carries 20 marks and all other questions carry 12 marks. 2 SECTION-1 write notes on ANY FOUR of the following: inds of Insurance 8) Double Immance — ») Life Insurance Society ° Marine Adventure d insurable Interest ©) Borslary Insurance What is contract-of-insurance? What is its nature? Explain the fundamental principles of insurance. “Good faith lies at the root of the insurance contracts” Discuss the principle with reference to fire and maririe insurance. What is life insurance contract? Discuss its essentials elements. What is the meaning of firc in a fire policy? Is loss accrued in establishing of fire coverable as a loss caused by fire? Define a contract of merine insurance what are the essentials features of such a » contract? What is meant by deviation of voyage in marine insurance? When its is excluded? Discuss in detail proposal and policy with respect te life insurance contract, Discuss the compulsory or third party insurance under the Motor Vehicle Insurance. Discuss the nature and scope of Insurance Regulatory Authority Act, 2000. y subject : Optional - 11 b) Insurance Law oe” ee LNCUDNIENIN IM Time: 02.30 Pat TO 05.30 PM 28598 ‘Max Marks :80 Total Pages: t ‘apt any SIX questions ineluding Q_No. 1 which i COMPULSORY. pan $25 20 marks and all other questions carry 12 marks each. ain any FOUR of the following: sonal Accident Insurance pe purelary Insurance postrine of ‘Subrogation .¢ interest in Fire Insurance insurance Mutual Insurance Companies Re- Insurance qnsurance is a contract on speculation’? Explain with relation to life, fire and marine Insurance. Define contract of Insurance and explain various types of Insurance. Explain the features of Insurance Regulatory Authority Act, 2000. Distinguish between an Assignment and Nomination in Life Insurance. What is the meanings of ‘Proximate Cause” in law of fire Insurance? Ts theft venitted during the confusion fallowing an outbreak of fire is the insurer jiable on fire policy to make good the loss by theft? Define a contract of Marine Insurance. What are the essential features of such a contact? What is a voyage policy? Does the deviation of a ship from the voyage contemplated affect the ifisurers liability? Explain the concept of utmost good faith and insurable Interest under Insurance aw. ‘Motor vehicle insurance is a boon in today’s heavy traffic for the innocent person walking on the road’. Comment. * . * * subject : Optional - 11 b) Insurance Law DMEM Time : 02.30 PM TO 05.30 PM 25727 MaxMarks:80 Total Pages :1 — 1 six questions including Q. No. 1 which is COMPULSORY. mp ‘carsies 20 marks ‘and all other questions carry 12 marks each. : Cicmeuened 5s any FOUR of the following: waite 3 _jnsurance yo) Re ‘i ! tion 3) Contsibu' 1 Sergtary Insurance ©) Dyarine POCY d posses ‘inder marine Insurance Risk 77 pefine ‘Insurance’ and describe its main characteristics. » faa «gris fundamental principle of Insurance Law that Utmost Good F ‘ith must be observed by the v catracting parties’. Explain the above ‘Statement with suitable Seamples- What do you understand by “Insurable interest’ in connection with the Life, fire of and marine insurance? Explain with examples. at are essentials of Life Insurance contract? Ts the contract of Life Insurance QS contract of indemnity? gs Distingnsh between an assignment and a nomination in Life Insurance. q What is the meaning of “Proximate cause’ in law of insurance? If theft is committed during the confusion ollowing an outbreak of fire, is the insurer able on a fire policy to make good the loss by theft? marine insurance. What are the essential features of such a qs Define a contract of contract? 9 Discuss the nature and scope of Motor Vehicle Insurance. i . ati ee ee When is it excursed? What are effects of an unjustifiable deviation? og ‘ect : Optional - 11 b) Insurance Law (DIATE Time : 02.30 PM T QIAO sso rote: subj | .No, 1 which is COMPULSORY. {questions cs rry 12 marks each. _—— any 1X questions including y S520 marks and all other empt any & AtNo. 1 caries a notes on any FOUR of the following: ance Companies ¢ contract waite sho | Insur of Life Insuranc Insurance scope of, Personal Accident Insurance Subrogation Premium State the salient features of Insurance Act, 1938. Explain the concept of utmost good faith and insurable interest in an insurance contract. what is ‘Life Insurance Contract’? Discuss the various types of Life Insurance } Policies. Explain the concept of ‘Proposal’ and Policy under Life Insurance Contract. Discuss the Third Party or Compulsory Insurance of Motor Vehicle. what is a voyage policy? Does the deviation of a ship from the voyage contemplated affect the insurer’s liability? When is deviation excused? What is marine adventure? Examine the concept of maritime perils. tract? What are the What are the essential features of a Fire Insurance °O various rights of the insurer under such a contract? jaw relating to Public Liability Insurance. Explain the provisions of I MAHIPATGAD - VI (2009 Course) : WINTER - 2014 subject : Optional -11 b) Insurance Law YANO TT Time : 02. a De eerie ae TocnaO 1X questions including Q, No. 1 which is Cor ANY 90 marks and all other questions carry 12 ame CEES ORY. yrite Short notes ANY FOUR of the following:- weit utmost good faith. subrogation. Change in Voyage in Marine Insurance. Indemnity. proposal and Policy. Reinsurance. « scope of Mutual Insurance Companies and Co-Operative Life iscuss th aa 's under Insurance Act, 1938. Insurance Societie: Discuss “ Assignment” and “Nomination” in the light of Life Insurance Contract. what is contract of insurance? How it differs from wagering agreement? piscuss the contract of Fire Insurance in the light of principle of indemnity. Elucidate the scope of third party risk under the Motor Vehicles Act 1988. Explain the features of Public Liability Insurance. Explain the following: - Perils of sea. Deviation. Discuss the history & development of various types of insurance. What are the essential of Life Insurance Contract? Distinguish between Life and Fire Insurance. senna eee J Qo Q.10 MAHIPATGAD - VI (2009 Course) : APRIL / MAY - 2014 Subject : Optional - 11 b) Insurance Law INCA ‘Time : 02.30 PM TO 05.30 PM. Max Marks ; 80 Total Pages: 1 < ‘Attempt ANY SIX questions including Q- No. 1 which is COMPULSORY. neo No. 1 carries 20 marks and all other questions carry 12 marks each. yrite short notes on ANY FOUR of the followin 3) Life Insurance Corporation $) Insurance Regulatory Authority ¢) Contract of indemnity 4) Types of fire policies f) Subject matter of contract ‘of marine insurance #) Warranties in a contract of marine Insurance sqnsurance is a contract on speculation”. Examine this statement in relation to life, fire and marine insurance, ‘A contract of insurance is a contract ‘of utmost good faith’. Explain. What are the different types of life insurance policies? Explain briefly. Distinguish between an assignment and 8 nomination in life insurances bringing out Dieanly the rights of the assignee and nominee. What do you understand by the term ‘maritime perils’? What marine adventures may BE the subject matter of a contract of marine insurance? What is meant by deviation of voyage in marine jngurance? When is it excused? acteristics of fire insurance contract? Define a fire insurance contract. What are the char: Explain the nature and scope of Motor Vehicle Insurance. Explain briefly: 3) Public Liability Insurance b) Burglary Insurance MAHIPATGAD - VI (2009 Course) : OCT. / NOV. - 2013 Subject : Optional-IT b) Insurance Law ja0y > LMMO LEE ST ‘Time : 02.90 PM TO 05.30 PM 1 Max Marks : 80 Total Pages : 1 yt #71 10/2013 i 1) Attempt ANY SEX questions including Q. No. 1 which is COMPULSORY. write Short notes ANY FOUR of the followi |) Double Insurance: py Standard Fire Policy. @) Marine Adventure. 4) Burglary Insurance: ) Mutual Insiirance companies. f) _ Insurable Interest-in life Insurance. , Discuss the nature of insurance contract and types of insurance in the light of history of insurance Sector. Discuss the scope of Fire Insurance policy in the light of loss by fire. ‘ What is proposal? What are the general terms and conditions in policy? A Explain the following: - a) Change in voyage b) Deviation. 6 Discuss the nature and scope of Personal Accident Insurance: 7 Elaborate the role of Insurance Regulatory Development Authority Gnder Insurance Regulatory Development Authority Act, 1999 18 What is Marine Insurance? What are the types of ‘Marine Insurance Policies? 9 Elucidate the nature of Life Insurance and formation of Life Insurance contract. 2.10 “Utmost good faith lies at the root of insurance Contract” Comment. errerry WUCMAN subject : Optional - 11 b) Insurance Law Time: INTO ‘ime : 02.30 PM TO 05.30 PM Max Marka: 80 Total Page al ath {g1X questions including Q. No.1 which i Y Sip marks and all ther questions ears 160 UESORY. each. —___ wu FOUR of the following: y ASSO’ of sea Q, rete ci Fo ant fiability jent insurance i. q contract of insurance? ‘What is its nature? what is ® se meant by insurable interest? When must it subsist in case of fire, marine and life what is mer act? 0-3 jnsurance © the procedure for affecting 2 life insurance policy. Discuss ife insurance & contract of indemnity? Can the insurer avoid liabilit Is the contract of HE ins ofthe assured is not corect? eas on the ground ustrate the rule of caus? proxima in marine insurance. jo.6 Explain and il Q.7 What is meant by deviation of voyage in marine insurance? What are the effects of unjustifiable deviation? Q.8 Whatis the meaning of fire in a fire insurance policy? What types of losses or damages are covered by fire policy? Q.9 Explain third party insurance of motor vehicles. Q.10 Explain the following: a) Re- insurance b) Utmost good faith a Ne subje' ct : Optional-IT b) Insurance Law [OOM Time = 02.20 PM TO 05.30 PM 3619 MaxMarks:80 Total Pagea:) i : it questions including Q. No. 1 which is CO} Marks and all other questions carry 12 cmsea six 1 ANY weet ais) choble body which controls the functions of the insurance industry". pois * regulatory 2 gxplain- ce contract 15 8 contract of indemnity”. Explain the various features of insurance qpsoran' 03 contract: cancept of ‘utmost good faith and insurable interest in an insurance contract. in the a4 Bapuitable examples. eae ony surance are a part of general insurance", Explain the characteristics a urglary insurance: of fire and b' ce is a boon in today's heavy traffic for the innocent person 6 Mate ds Expl Q.7. | "Nomination isan essential feature of insurance", Explain the process of nomination. @.8 Explain the various policies r Life Insurance along with the children policies. Q.9 "Representations and warranties are important in an insurance contract". Explain, Q.10 "Proximate cause has to be determined before ascertaining any claim settlement." Explain. cea k Tt re a? a3 os Q6 1Q.10 Wo ee : jal features of Insurance contract, in the cessentii Explain ry insurance scontraét i based on the foundation of utmost good faith, Explain. "Eve ogy the absence of Insurable interest the insurance contract becomes void". Explain. ste nswanee Som features like alleatory contract, adhesion contact, unilateral ‘contract etc." ‘Explain. - V1 (2009 COURSE) TAP OPTIONAL - 11: by INSURER UAY = 2012 NCE LAW LU Time 2-3, Max. Marks G water. OBIE OPM -Te 5:20 P| any SIX questions including Q. No. 1 which i jes 20 marks and all oth “vl ich is COMP" 4 carn ler questions carry 12 marks oy: tes 07 ANY FOUR of the following: age HM and pOuley wet Ps a) pret ate cause 9 reer Qe ciency os stor of Insurance in India and explain the salient features of Insurance Act, pace 1938: a7 Explain the powers and functions of IRDA. Elucidate the structure of what §5 a ss ae "pire Insurance presupposes existence of fire for claim settlement". Explain the essentials ofa fire insurance contract. "Motor vehicle insurance is social insurance". Explain the above statement with reference to third party and no fault liability insurance. Explain the concept of Marine Insurance with reference to, voyage and time policy. ke

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