Why AR Is Important VGB

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Why AR Is Important: Social, Political, Economic,

Ecological, Philosophical, and Practical Reasons for COs1

 Gerry Bulatao

Why AR Is Important AR = (LTI + SSD) x (SICB – ROVI).

 Introduction Here AR stands for agrarian reform; LTI, land

 Social Reasons tenure improvement; SSD, support service
 Political Reasons delivery; SICB, social infrastructure and
 Economic Reasons capability building; and ROVI, resistance of
 Philosophical Reasons vested interests. Never discount ROVI because
 Practical Reasons for COs the rear guard action of vested interests like big
landlords, despite the law, can undermine
program implementation. But SICB can
The heart of agrarian reform is land tenure counteract ROVI, with the support of those who
improvement (LTI). Without making the take the law seriously. If SICB is stronger than
farmer secure in his hold on the land, we are ROVI, it has the effect of multiplying the
just doing community development, former positive effect of (LTI + SSD) and not just
DAR Secretary Ernie Garilao (1992-1998) used adding to it.
to say. On the other hand, if the program stops
at LTI, it may mean promoting equality in
poverty. So support service delivery (SSD) is Introduction: Meaning of AR
very important, too.
AR = (LTI + SSD) x (SICB – ROVI).
But these should not be mere gifts to simple
peasants. It is important to engage AR -- Agrarian Reform;
communities of farmers in LTI-SSD processes. LTI -- Land Tenure Improvement;
That’s why another vital component is social SSD -- Support Service Delivery;
infrastructure building and strengthening SICB -- Social Infrastructure and
(SIBS), according to DAR Secretary Butch Capability Building;
Abad (January-April 1990). DAR now refers to ROVI -- Resistance of Vested Interests
this as social infrastructure and local capability
building (SILCAB). We will use the term
social infrastructure and capability building
(SICB), but included in this will be not only Social Reasons
local efforts or processes geared to empowering
direct beneficiaries of LTI and SSD, but also Agrarian issues are great as stimuli for
our endeavours to generate positive support for organizing farmers or farm workers. There are
the reform program. many examples of strong organizations
constructed around agrarian reform.
To summarize these concepts, one may use the
following formula: Since "having" may enhance "being," the

Why Agrarian Reform Is Important / 1

landowning farmer's self-esteem may rise,
especially if he participates in the process of
securing his own land tenure. This may remove Political Reasons
a possible obstacle to his fuller participation in
community development.  AR may help level the electoral
playing field.

 No enduring rural peace without

Social Reasons AR.

 “Having” may enhance “being.”  AR may lead to greater people’s

participation in political processes.
 Landowning farmer’s self-esteem
rises, especially if he has  AR coupled with community-driven
participated in the process of development and participatory local
making his land tenure secure. governance would deepen
 This may remove a possible
obstacle to fuller participation in
community development.
Economic Reasons

The lack of tenurial security may prevent the

Political Reasons farmer from adopting new agricultural
technology taught him as it may still be the
LTI may break up the hold of a big landowner landowner who decides what to plant and when.
on a block of voters dependent on him. This This may make it unwise to invest in
hastens the levelling of the political playing agricultural extension for small farmers.
The incentive to produce more and to invest
Without agrarian security, there can be no more time and money to make his land more
enduring peace in the countryside. productive will be much lower if the farmer
does not control the resource.
LTI may lead to greater public participation of
former tenants and farmworkers in political Hence, LTI may help to develop the farmer as a
activities, increasing their stake in democratic producer and, as his income rises, as a
society and making it more likely that they will consumer as well.
defend it.
When coupled with SSD and SIBS, LTI is
If LTI is related purposively to community expected to lead to an improved quality of rural
development and participatory local life and the development of caring
governance, it would deepen democracy and communities, thus reducing migration to urban
allow the countryside to move beyond ballot centers or other countries.
box democracy. It would combine
representative with participatory democracy.

Why Agrarian Reform Is Important / 2

Economic Reasons (1) Economic Reasons (2)

 Lack of tenurial security impedes  Properly designed and implemented,

adoption of new agri technology, as AR would improve quality of rural
it is the non-cultivating landowner life and reduce migration to urban
who decides what and when to centers and other countries.
 It may benefit landowners because it
 It may be unwise to invest in frees up capital tied to land for more
agricultural extension for small productive and profitable
farmers before LTI. investments.

 Without secure tenure, farmers  It is good for the economy as a

have inadequate incentive to invest whole. Greater demand for goods
more time and money. and services by farmers now better
off combined with more capital for
 LTI helps develop farmers as productive enterprises stimulates
producers and consumers. further economic growth.

It may also be good for the landowner because The trouble with land speculation is that the
it frees capital tied up with land for more value of the land often rises not primarily on
productive and profitable investments. account of the owner's work or investments but
due to increase in population -- in other words,
It is good for the economy as a whole. Greater because of relative land scarcity: growing
demand for goods and services by farmers now demand, diminishing supply -- or due to
better off combined with more capital for
productive enterprises stimulates further
economic growth. Growth is necessary to make Economic Reasons (3)
or keep a society equitable--and no one wants a
society where people are equally poor--but it is Growth is necessary to make or keep a
likewise true that lack of equity retards growth society equitable, just as lack of equity
because it limits people's purchasing power. retards growth.

LTI, however, may be bad for land speculators, AR may be bad for land speculators,
i.e., people who treat land simply as a people who treat land as a commodity
commodity subject solely to the rules of the subject solely to the rules of the
marketplace and want to hold on to it regardless marketplace.
of whether it produces anything or not, because
they think that the value of the land will rise so But land values are not due to
that they can then sell it at a high price and speculators but to growth of demand
make a huge profit. and improvements in infrastructure.

So windfall profits should be taxed


Why Agrarian Reform Is Important / 3

government's improvement of transportation unless they have secure access and control of
and communication infrastructure, which in land -- in other words, some kind of title or
turn may tempt owners to convert farm land to certificate of stewardship.
urban commercial, industrial, or residential
purposes. If the value of land increases
dramatically due to such reasons, it is morally Ecological Reasons
right for the government in representation of
society to impose very high taxes on windfall  Interlacing farms, forests, and
profits. factories is good for the

Ecological Reasons  Government must preserve the

most fertile land, especially when it
Modern human settlements theory would has invested in irrigation. The best
interlace farms, forests, and factories as the best way to achieve this is to ensure
way to take care of the environment. owner-cultivatorship and
reservation of the land for farming.
This means that government should preserve
the most fertile agricultural land for farming,  Will government or investors spend
especially when it has made a large investment more to set up infra in hilly or stony
in installing irrigation facilities. areas so that industrial and
residential sites could locate there?
The best way to do this is by giving ownership
to the cultivators of the soil and declaring such  Ignoring AR may have adverse
land an "integrated protected area" reserved for consequence for agri development
agricultural use.
and ecological nurturance.
However, this also presumes more political will
than the present government may have and
Philosophical Reasons
readiness to spend more for setting up
communications and transportation
Land is a free gift of nature or a special creation
infrastructure in hilly and stony areas
of Almighty God from which springs life. No
marginally useful for farming -- or enticing
one may own land in the sense of an absolute
investors to spend for this -- so that more
lord so that he or she may do with the land as
industrial and residential areas would be located
he or she pleases.
on such hillsides.
According to the Comprehensive Agrarian
Not taking LTI seriously may have adverse
Reform Law of 1988, "...land has a social
consequences for agricultural development and
function and land ownership has a social
ecological nurturance. If the hills in one
responsibility" (RA 6657, Section 2, Paragraph
barangay remain bald, erosion will continue
and water table levels will decline. These hills
will probably not be reforested if owned by
In a sense, only the Divine Lord owns land
someone who resides, say, in Metro Manila.
absolutely and all human landowners are
Farmers are unlikely to plant trees or use
merely stewards.
sloping agricultural land technology (SALT)

Why Agrarian Reform Is Important / 4

People have no right to misuse, abuse, or not
use land. Still another formulation is the following which
recognizes a right to ownership conferred
Like responsible stewards, human owners of implicitly by work on the land as well as by
agricultural land must make it productive while need for ownership: "The State
ensuring that the next generation will inherit it shall...undertake an agrarian reform program
with its fertility intact. founded on the right of farmers and regular
farmworkers, who are landless, to own directly
or collectively the lands they till...." (1987
Philosophical Reasons (1) Constitution, Article XIII, Section 4).

 Land is a free gift of nature or a

special creation of Almighty God Philosophical Reasons (2)
from which springs life.
 Persons who give the most value to
 No person may own land like an land due to their labor and who
absolute lord to do with the land as most need to own the land for
he or she pleases. The Divine Lord various reasons have the strongest
alone owns land absolutely and all moral right to own.
human landowners are merely
stewards.  Another way of saying this: LTI is
based on the land-to-the-tiller
 CARL of 1988 declares that “land principle.
has a social function and land
ownership has a social  A third formulation: “The State shall
responsibility.” (RA 6657, Section 2, …undertake an agrarian reform
Paragraph 10). program founded on the right of
farmers and regular farmworkers,
 People have no right to misuse, who are landless, to own directly or
abuse or not use land. collectively the lands they till….”
(1987 Constitution, Article XIII,
 Responsible stewards must make Section 4)
land productive while ensuring that
the next generation will inherit it
with its fertility intact.
Practical Reasons
for Community Organizers

The persons with the best right to own land are Why is LTI important to a community
those who give the most value to the land due organizer (CO)? Taking up LTI as an issue
to their labor and those who most need to own around which to mobilize people is one of the
the land for social, economic, ecological, or best ways to initiate action in a barangay. It is
political reasons. also a good way to ensure broad participation of
the rural community so that benefits are not
Another way of saying this is that LTI is based limited to a few.
on the land-to-the-tiller principle.

Why Agrarian Reform Is Important / 5

Neglecting LTI may have the effect of leaving
out a large number of people in the CO's Practical Reasons for COs
assigned barangay.
 Mobilization around LTI issues
It may also result in the domination of the ensures broader participation.
barangay's development process by individuals Neglecting LTI may result in
who stand to lose something when LTI is excluding many households.
implemented, and thus oppose it when it is
introduced, making permanent a situation  Individuals who stand to lose
where a large segment of the barangay something when LTI is implemented
population may be unable to fully participate in may dominate the barangay’s
and benefit from the development process. development process and oppose
LTI. Poor farmers may be unable to
Even if the first issues for mobilizing barangay participate in community processes
folk are related to basic services and and benefit from development.
infrastructure -- which more commonly are
confronted prior to land issues -- it is necessary  Basic services and infra lack may
that the initial social investigation immediately be the initial issues for mobilizing.
takes into account the land tenure situation and But social investigation must
agrarian issues, lest action and opportunities for discover early who farms what but
leadership be restricted to those whose interests doesn’t own and who owns what
may conflict with the land-to-the-tiller but doesn’t farm, lest landless
principle. farmers be excluded from action
and opportunities for leadership

Excerpts from "Agrarian Reform: Democracy at Work"

by President Fidel V. Ramos, 15 June 1995*
The work in the next three years...will depend on how much we can strengthen the economic capacity
and the political will of government to push the program... on how we can sustain the continued support
of the farmers for the program and their readiness to take advantage of CARP's windows of
opportunity... on encouraging more cooperation from some landowners to the extent that they will
transform their remaining resistance into collaboration in the democratization of landownership.

My appeal then, on the seventh year of the program, is for all of us to get our acts together in the service
of agrarian reform. Let us finish the job.

To the landowners, I invite you to join us as co-creators of rural prosperity. I fully understand that land
ownership is a very emotional, frequently volatile, issue. But the future of our country lies in a more just
sharing of our productive resources. The time has come to shift capital from land to industry, especially
I call on . . . (government) leaders who (obtained) the people's mandate during the 8 May elections, to be
with us in this bold trek to a brighter future . . . . For the legislative branch, I ask you to help us with the

Why Agrarian Reform Is Important / 6

vital enabling legislation to strengthen agrarian reform. No more exemptions! Pass only those bills that
keep our agrarian reform program strong and viable.

For the non-government organizations and the people's organizations, I urge you to continue working
with us, particularly at the grassroots communities. As we all know, there are not yet enough organized
farmers groups in the country. This is a weakness which we can together effectively solve.

For the people's organizations, I ask not only that you stay on the land but (that you) make it extremely
productive and efficient. In this way, you will be adding even more value to your already considerable
contribution to the nation's economy.

My call then is for us to continue trusting each other -- and continue working together.

* President Fidel V. Ramos, "Agrarian Reform: Democracy at Work," Seventh CARL Anniversary
Celebration, Malacañang, Manila, 15 June 1995, included as an appendix in the 05-06 June 1995
ARRD National Consultation Proceedings, p. 142

FN: AR Papers-Why AR Is Important-Txt & Slds-070610

The bulk of this article comes from KAISAHAN Occasional Paper No. 95-04, Notes on CO and LTI in a SIAD Project, by
Gerry Bulatao, then KAISAHAN Executive Director, October 1995.

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