Analytical Technique For Calculating The Output Harmonics of An H-Bridge Inverter With Dead Time

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5, MAY 1999 617

Analytical Technique for Calculating the

Output Harmonics of an H-Bridge
Inverter with Dead Time
C. M. Wu, Wing-hong Lau, Member, IEEE, and Henry Shu-hung Chung, Member, IEEE

Abstract—An analytical technique for calculating the harmonic and its harmonic spectrum is obtained by applying the Fourier
characteristics of the output voltage of an H-bridge inverter analysis. However, these methods cannot show the detailed
with dead time is presented. The analysis is based on a three- composition of the harmonic structure. In [7] an analytical
dimensional (3-D) model derived for generating the pulsewidth-
modulated (PWM) pulse train. By applying double Fourier anal- technique based on a three-dimensional (3-D) model, together
ysis, a generalized and elegant mathematical function for describ- with a double Fourier series, has been developed to calculate
ing the harmonic components of the output voltage is formulated. the modulation products. Similar approaches have been used
The function can be divided into two parts: an ideal part rep- in [8] and [9] to analyze the harmonic characteristics of an
resenting the PWM signal without dead time and a correction H-bridge converter. A general expression for the harmonic
part representing the dead-time effect. The function provides
detailed composition of the fundamental component, signal har- components of the PWM pulse train has been derived and
monics, carrier harmonics, and cross-modulated harmonics. The the information of the position and width of each PWM pulse
proposed technique has been verified using examples and the are implicitly described by the Bessel functions, nevertheless,
theoretical predictions are confirmed with the results obtained their methods have not considered the dead time. Recently, the
from simulations using PSpice. dead-time effects on the harmonics have been reported in [10]
Index Terms—Dead time, harmonic analysis, pulse width mod- using a modified 3-D model together with a double Fourier
ulated inverters. series.
This paper presents an analytical method for calculating the
I. INTRODUCTION harmonic characteristics of the output voltage of an H-bridge
inverter with the consideration of dead time. The 3-D model

T HE pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) H-bridge inverter is

widely used in various industrial applications, such as
uninterruptible power supplies, class-D amplifiers, and active
described in [7] is modified to incorporate the dead time for
generating the PWM signal. Double Fourier analysis is then
applied to the 3-D model to obtain an elegant function to
power filters. Despite the fact that close to an ideal PWM describe the harmonic characteristics. This function can be
signal can be generated and applied to a gate driver, the output divided into two parts: an ideal part representing the PWM
waveform of the inverter will practically deviate from the signal without dead time and a correction part representing
expected one due to the nonideal switching devices used in the effects caused by the dead time. With this method, the
the output stage. In fact, the introduction of the dead time dead-time pulse train can easily be computed without using the
[1] for avoiding the cross-conduction current through the leg sophisticated numerical techniques in [5] and [6]. Moreover,
of the inverter during the crossover between the upper and the detailed dead-time effects on the output harmonics can
lower switches produces additional distortions. The distortion easily be studied. Section II shows the derivation of the 3-D
effects caused by the dead time have caused interest among model for generating the PWM pulse train without dead time.
researchers for many years. It has been shown in [2] and Section III covers the detailed derivation of the modified 3-D
[3] that the dead time may invoke operation instabilities model incorporated with the dead time and the analytical
in the AC motor drives. For the application of class D solution for characterizing the harmonics. Simulations using
amplifiers, the dead time produces extra distortions at the PSpice have been carried out to verify the analytical solution
output [4]. Many methods have been developed to evaluate developed, and the properties of the harmonics have been
these distortions. Some approaches [5], [6] use sophisticated studied in detail and the results are given in Section IV.
numerical techniques to find the position and width of the Finally, conclusion is given in Section V.
PWM pulses. The dead-time pulse train can then be computed

Manuscript received January 11, 1997; revised March 19, 1998. This paper II. THE 3-D MODEL FOR
was recommended by Associate Editor J. Suykens. GENERATING THE PWM PULSE TRAIN
C. M. Wu was with the Department of Electronic Engineering, City
University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China. He is now with This section describes the formulation of the 3-D model
the Department of Electric Power Engineering, South China University of for generating an ideal PWM pulse train without considering
Technology, Guangzhou, China. the dead time. The basic configuration of an H-bridge PWM
W-h. Lau and H. S-h. Chung are with the Department of Electronic
Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China. inverter with supply voltage is shown in Fig. 1. The output
Publisher Item Identifier S 1057-7122(99)03881-7. voltage of one leg is denoted by The typical method for
1057–7122/99$10.00  1999 IEEE

Fig. 1. The basic configuration of an H-bridge inverter.


Fig. 3. (a) 3-D Model of the SSNS PWM. (b) Its 2-D representation.
Fig. 2. The conventional representation of the PWM signal.

Fig. 3(a) shows the 3-D model and how the PWM signal
generating an ideal single-sided and natural-sampled (SSNS)
is generated. The projection of the intersections between the
PWM waveform with modulation signal is
3-D function and plane on the plane
shown in Fig. 2. The time axis can also be represented by two
forms the PWM signal. The generation process can also be
different angular abscissas and where and
illustrated in a two-dimensional (2-D) plane, as shown in
are the angular frequencies of the carrier and modulation
Fig. 3(b). The curves represented by (4) in each carrier cycle
signal respectively. The ratio between and is denoted
and the line defined by (2) can be plotted on the plane,
by , i.e.,
as shown in Fig. 3(b). The projection of the intersection points
(1) between these curves on the axis clearly represents the PWM
pulse train. In fact, this 2-D representation is equivalent to
and is also given by present Fig. 2 in angular domains and For reasons of
simplicity, this 2-D representation will be used to illustrate
(2) the derivation of the harmonic characteristics of the PWM
signal in Section III.
The PWM pulse width projected on the axis for a This method can also be applied to the double-sided and
particular cycle of the carrier signal can be expressed as natural-sampled (DSNS) PWM signal and the 3-D function
is defined in (7) within the region and

where is the modulation index. Alternatively, (3) can be

written as
Within the region and , a 3-D
function can be defined as where
The PWM waveform function , representing , is
defined by and a plane governed by (2), i.e.,
The 3-D model of the DSNS PWM and its 2-D represen-
(6) tation are shown in Fig. 4.


Fig. 5. The dead-time effects. (a) Modulation signal vs . (b) Ideal PWM
waveform, upper switch drive signal. (c) Upper switch drive signal. (d) Lower
switch drive signal. (e) Polarity of the current ia . (f) Output voltage va .

found in the literature. In NTEC mode, changes direction

twice or more within one cycle of the modulation signal,
or the duration is not equally shared for both directions for
the case of changing direction once only. In practice, most
of the PWM inverters are operated in TEC mode and the
harmonic analysis described in this section is based on this
Fig. 4. (a) 3-D Model of the PSNS PWM. (b) Its 2-D representation.
situation. It should also be noted that the output current is
not necessarily sinusoidal.
B. The 3-D Model with Dead Time
The detailed derivation of the harmonic characteristics,
When considering the effects of the dead time, the output
based on a 3-D model and double-Fourier series approach in
PWM waveform will deviate from the ideal one. The 3-D
the presence of dead-time for both SSNS and DSNS PWM
model is valid as long as the inverter operates in TEC mode.
inverters, will be described in this section.
During the dead time, both switches in a leg are off. For
an inductive load, the output voltage of an H-bridge PWM
A. Assumptions and Constraint
inverter depends on the output current direction, which causes
All mathematical derivations in following sections are based either the upper or lower body diodes to conduct during the
on the following assumptions. dead time and, consequently, a voltage gain or loss will occur.
1) All the switching devices in the H-bridge inverter are For the PWM pulse train, shown in Fig. 5, when is within
ideal. the region from to and the output current is negative
2) The load is inductive. (i.e., , a gain in output voltage is obtained at the pulse
3) The dead time is inserted prior to the leading edges of trailing edges. On the other hand, when is within the region
the PWM pulses, which are applied to the gate driver, from to and , a loss of voltage occurs
as shown in Fig. 5(b)–(d). at the pulse leading edges.
The dead time is represented by in time domain, The gain and loss of voltage caused by the dead time will
in the angular domain in relation to the carrier modify the shape of the 3-D model and its corresponding 2-D
frequency, and in the angular domain relating to representation for a SSNS PWM inverter is shown in Fig. 6(a).
the signal frequency. The validity of the harmonic analysis is Considering the situation of gaining voltage, the curve will
also constrained by both the direction and its corresponding be replaced by curve Curve is represented by
duration of the output current within one cycle of the and curve is governed by both and the
modulation signal The operating mode of the output dead time. We can use a right-angle triangle to trace the
current can be classified into two modes: two even crossover curve , as shown in Fig. 7. The slope of is
(TEC) mode and non-TEC (NTEC) mode. In TEC mode, and the length is fixed to maintain a constant dead time
changes its direction (i.e., crosses over the zero current As point moves along from to ,
point from positive value to negative value or vice versa) a curve , representing the new trailing edge, can be
once only, and the direction remains unchanged for the half- obtained by tracing the trajectory of point , i.e.,
cycle of the modulation signal, as shown in Fig. 5(e). In fact,
this operating mode has been widely used for the analyses (9)

For DSNS PWM with dead time can be obtained

in a manner similar to that used above. is defined as


and for

(a) (b)
Fig. 6. The 2-D representations of the 3-D model for (a) SSNS and (b)
DSNS PWM with dead time. where
Fig. 6(b) shows the 2-D representation of the 3-D model
for DSNS PWM with dead time.

C. The Harmonic Characteristics of

is a periodic function in both and with period
and can be represented by double Fourier series [9]

Fig. 7. The relationship between
() and

For within the range from to , curve is
replaced by the straight line with slope This new
curve is used to replace the corresponding portion
of to indicate the gain of output voltage, as shown in (15)
Fig. 6(a). Since is much greater than (i.e., for
most applications, the line can be considered in parallel By substituting (10)–(13) into (15) or can be
with axis and, consequently, is given in (10) within expressed as the sum of an ideal part which is for the case
the region without dead time and a correction part to describe the effects
of the dead time. Using the SSNS PWM as an example
can be written as

When is within the region from to and

, a loss of voltage occurs at the pulse leading edges.
The region corresponding to the leading edges is modified,
as shown in Fig. 6(a). The line is replaced by the line
and the slope of the line is With the
same assumption that is given in (11) within
the region The first term corresponds to the ideal part, and the sum of
the second and third terms corresponds to the correction part.
in (6) can also be written as the sum of an ideal part and
(11) correction part, i.e., Similarly,
the ideal part corresponds to the situation without dead time

and the correction part represents the distortion due to the dead
time. For SSNS PWM is given by (16) and (17)

where is the -order Bessel function of the first kind, i.e.,

For DSNS PWM, is given by (18) and (19)







If the dead time is zero, it is obvious that (17) and (19)

will be zero and becomes the solution for an ideal PWM
situation. With different and (16)–(20) give a complete
analytical description of the harmonic characteristics of the
output voltage of a PWM inverter with and without the dead The operating conditions of the second example are as
time. follow: Hz, Hz, s,
than that of the first example. Since is smaller in this case,
As the DSNS PWM is commonly used in industrial ap-
the lower order harmonic will be the phasor sum of several
plications, and its analytical expression is much simpler as
harmonics generated by cross-modulation. For example, the
compared with that of the SSNS PWM, the following discus-
seventh harmonic is contributed by both the seventh signal
sions are based on the DSNS PWM case. In addition, is
harmonic (for and and the cross-modulation
chosen to be an integer for convenience purposes.
harmonic for and From Table II, it can
be seen that when the magnitude of the resultant harmonics is
A. Illustrative Examples
large enough, i.e., larger than 0.08 for this example, the results
In order to verify the analytical solution derived in obtained from both simulations and analytical solutions are
Section III, we use PSpice to perform simulations for consistent. For a small the number of the pulses within
comparison. When deriving the expressions (10)–(13) it is one signal cycle is less than that of a large hence, small
assumed that Two examples with different will errors in the pulse position and width can produce significant
be used to illustrate the effects of this assumption. The first errors in the simulation. On the other hand, the output PWM
example is an inverter with the following operating conditions: waveform is dominated by the harmonics with large power,
Hz, Hz, s, thus the percentage error in those harmonics with less power
V where represents the will be relatively large as shown from simulation results. This
load. Table I shows the results obtained from both simulations explains the large discrepancies between the simulation and
and analytical solution for low-frequency band and frequency analytical solutions for harmonics with lower magnitude, as
band centered around the carrier. It should be noted that the shown in Table II.
contribution to a particular harmonic will be the phasor sum of
several harmonics generated by cross-modulation. For
and the harmonics in the low-frequency band B. Dead-Time Pulse Train
correspond to the signal harmonics. The even harmonics within Apart from providing the harmonic characteristics, the an-
this range are generated for and they not listed due to alytical solution can also be used to generate the dead-time
their negligible values. For and the pulse train using (19) and its validity is verified by simulations.
72nd to 88th harmonics are the cross-modulation products, As the range for and extends to , we only use
except for the 80th harmonic, which is the carrier. It can be a limited range for calculating the analytical solution, i.e.,
seen that the results from both methods are consistent. for and for

Fig. 8. Dead-time pulse trains obtained from both simulation and analytical solution (Np = 16; M R = 16):



Fig. 9. Dead-time pulse trains for different Np and MR combinations. (a) An odd N p = 15 for an even M R = 16. (b) An even N p = 16 for an
odd MR = 17. (c) An even Np = 18 for an odd MR = 17.

For an inverter operated with the following dc component from the sixth term of (19). A dc component can
conditions: Hz, Hz, S, only be generated by the fifth term of (19) and it is given by
V, the results are shown in
Fig. 8 and the positive pulses and negative pulses correspond (21)
to the gain and loss of voltage, respectively. It can be seen
that the position and width of dead-time pulse trains obtained
from both simulation and analytical solution are consistent. However, it should be noted that is affected by a
Since only a limited number of cross-modulation harmonics number of parameters, e.g., and and it can either be either
a positive or a negative value. will equal zero if the
are used for calculating the analytical solution, discrepancies
summation term is zero. For instance, the operating conditions
in pulse amplitude are observed.
for the example shown in Fig. 8 produce an even
The number of pulses within one signal cycle in the dead-
for an even and this implies a zero dc component.
time pulse train, is of particular concern, and it is generally However, if we only change the load to for
agreed that [2]. With our method we have found the same operating conditions, becomes an odd
that is not necessarily In fact, the value of the direct number, as shown in Fig. 9(a), and this implies a nonzero dc
current (dc) component in (19) gives an indication of To component. These two examples show that is very sensitive
obtain a dc component from (19) we must have the cross- to the operating conditions.
modulation frequency equal to zero, i.e., or When is an odd number, there is no combination of
and to produce a dc component from both the fifth and sixth
Considering the situation when is an even number and terms of (19). This implies that may either be or
, there is no combination of and to produce a and is not possible to be an odd number. Fig. 9(b)

Fig. 10. The composition of the fundamental component with an inductive

load. (a)

and (c) show two examples with the same operating conditions
Hz, Hz, S,
V), but with a different load. One is
and the other is It can be seen
from both figures that is equal to 16 and 18
respectively, implying a zero dc component.

C. The Fundamental Component

The output voltage of the fundamental component can
be written as the phasor sum of (the ideal part, which
M =08
is in phase with and (the correction part), i.e.,
Taking into account of the normalization factor Fig. 11. Output current waveform showing (a) the TEC mode for :
and (b) NTEC mode for M = 0:127:
and can be written in complex form as follows:
It can be seen from (22a) that is equal to If we set
as shown in (22c), i.e.,

Considering when and becomes
negligible, (22b) can be written as then and, consequently, the fundamental com-
ponent will disappear, according to (23b). In fact, when
(22c) is close to the value given by (24), the output voltage is
dominated by higher order harmonics and the output current
It can be seen that is proportional to and indepen-
enters the NTEC mode. This shows that our analytical solution
dent of and Hence, decreases as decreases
can only be applied to an inverter operated in TEC mode,
whereas remains unchanged, which implies that one
as mentioned in Section III-A. The boundary value of for
cannot suppress by changing
which the output current will change from the TEC mode to the
With the aid of the proposed analytical method, the rela-
NTEC mode or vice versa is difficult to describe analytically.
tionship between and the load angle , corresponding
Fig. 11 shows the simulation results for two different values
to the signal frequency, can easily be derived. In contrast,
of with the following operating conditions:
it is difficult to obtain this relationship precisely with other
Hz, Hz, S, V.
numerical methods since is unknown and is always assumed
For the output current is operated in the TEC mode,
to be same as [5]. With the assumptions that the load is
as shown in Fig. 11(a), whereas the output current is operated
inductive, the output current is sinusoidal. Fig. 10 shows the
in the NTEC mode for [i.e., the value given by
detailed composition of the fundamental component When
(24)], as shown in Fig. 11(b).
, we can obtain the following relationship [2]:
The relationship between the normalized and the load
angle for different is shown in Fig. 12 and is given
(23a) as the ratio between the dead time and the carrier period. The
operating conditions of the inverter are as follows:
or, alternatively, we can write Hz, Hz, It can be seen that increases
as increases for nonzero However, if becomes too
small, the output current will enter the NTEC mode from the
TEC mode and the curves obtained from the analytical solution
(23b) inside this region become invalid. The boundary value of


Fig. 12. Normalized jV1 j against load angle for different 1 :

Fig. 14. Cmn(ideal) and Cmn(COR) for (a) m = 1 and (b) = 2
m :

the combination of either odd and even or even and odd

Considering the composition of the output harmonics, it is
found that the even harmonics of are solely contributed
from the cross-modulation harmonics when is an even
Fig. 13. Normalized jV1 j against modulation index for different 1 : multiple of
A general investigation of the characteristics of the cross-
modulation harmonics is difficult to carry out due to the
between the TEC and NTEC modes is influenced by all the complexity involved in (20), and case studies will be used
operating parameters of the inverter and it is very difficult to instead. Since the cross-modulation harmonics for and
describe this value analytically. Fig. 13 illustrates the variation are located in the low-frequency band, the performance
of the normalized against for different with the of the inverter may be significantly influenced by them. The
following operating conditions: Hz, case studies will be concentrated on the characteristics of these
Hz, It is obvious that the output voltage is harmonics.
linearly dependent on , which is commonly used to control Since these harmonics are present in both the ideal and
the output voltage. correction parts, a comparison of their corresponding mag-
nitudes is of interest. It can be seen from (18) that the
D. Signal Harmonics magnitudes of the cross-modulation harmonics for the ideal
part are independent of the signal frequency and
For a DSNS PWM inverter without dead time, signal
they are solely depend on the Bessel function
harmonics will not be present, as shown in (18). The dead-
The magnitudes of the cross-modulation harmonics of the
time effect on the signal harmonics is rather simple and is
correction part can be computed from the last two
indicated by the fourth term of (19). It is obvious that the
terms of (19) and is given by (25), which is normalized by
signal harmonics’ magnitudes are proportional to and
a factor of
inversely proportional to the harmonic order Moreover,
the magnitudes are independent of the modulation index
and one cannot suppress these harmonics by reducing It
should be noted that signal harmonics with strong power are Fig. 14 shows an example with the following operating
located in the low-frequency band and they will degrade the conditions: Hz, Hz, s,
performance of an H-bridge inverter. The cross-modulation harmonic
with the largest magnitude in its own family is located at
E. Carrier and Cross-Modulation Harmonics the multiple of the carrier frequency, e.g., for and
The carrier and the cross-modulation harmonics are rep- for In general, the magnitudes of the ideal part
resented by the last two terms in both (18) and (19). It is of the harmonics close to are larger than that of the
obvious that the same harmonics are present in both the ideal correction part in its own family. However, the magnitudes
and correction parts and the harmonic frequencies can only be of the correction part become larger as decreases, since the

Fig. 15. The variation of C mn(COR) versus different v for

f m = 1: (a)


(a) Fig. 17. The effects of M to (a) C mn(ideal) and (b) mn(COR) for
C m = 1:

carrier. In Fig. 17(a) , corresponding to ,

is approximately equal to 0.

A modified 3-D model incorporated with dead time for
both SSNS and DSNS PWM inverters with an inductive load
has been developed. An analytical method for calculating the
harmonic characteristics of the output voltage of an inverter
is presented. An elegant function is derived with the aid of
Fig. 16. The effects of the dead time to C mn(COR) for (a) m = 1 and the modified 3-D model and a double Fourier series. The
(b) m = 2:
solution shows the detailed composition of the fundamental
component, signal harmonics, carrier harmonics, and cross-
modulated harmonics for the situations with and without dead
decaying rate for the correction part is smaller than that of the time. In particular, the validity of the solutions for the DSNS
ideal part. If is small enough, these harmonics become the PWM inverter is confirmed by simulations using PSpice.
low-order even harmonics with relatively large magnitudes. The analytical method described is under the constraint that
From (20) and (25), it can be seen that is the output current must operate in the TEC mode. The solution
dependent on , which is affected by since reveals that the output current will operate in the NTEC mode
will be slightly varied with for when the modulation index less than a boundary value: a
as becomes very small. This situation is condition that is difficult to describe analytically.
illustrated in Fig. 15 with the following operating conditions: From the analytical solution, the dominant effects of the
Hz, s, dead time can be summarized as follows.
The relationship between the value of dead time and 1) The dead time can generate a fundamental component
is also of concern and is given by (20) and which cannot be controlled by This component
(25). Fig. 16 shows an example with the following operating influences the normal control of the output voltage of
conditions: Hz, Hz, the inverters by means of adjusting
It can be seen that is approximately 2) The dead time produces odd harmonics of the signal
proportional to , which is similar to the situation of the signal frequency which cannot be generated by an ideal natu-
harmonics of the correction part, as shown in the forth term ral sampling PWM process. The magnitudes of these
of (19). harmonics are proportional to the dead time and
Fig. 17 illustrates the variation of and inverse proportional to the harmonic order In addition,
against under the following operating conditions: the lower order harmonics of this kind will degrade the
Hz, Hz, s, and performance of the inverters.
It can be seen that both and increase 3) The dead time can produce carrier harmonics and cross-
as increases except for , which represents the modulation harmonics which coincide with those gener-

ated by the ideal natural sampling PWM. From the case Wing-hong Lau (M’88) received the B.Sc. and
studies, it is shown that the magnitudes of the harmonics Ph.D. degrees in electrical and electronic engineer-
ing from the University of Portsmouth in 1985 and
caused by the dead time is approximately proportional 1989, respectively.
to the dead time He joined the Microwave Telecommunications
and Signal Processing Research Unit of the Uni-
versity of Portsmouth Polytechnic in 1985 as a
REFERENCES Research Assistant. In 1990, he joined the City
University of Hong Kong, where he is currently an
[1] N. Mohan, T. M. Undeland, and W. P. Robbins, Power Electronics.
Associate Professor in the Department of Electronic
New York: Wiley, 1995.
Engineering. His current research interests are in
[2] Y. Murai, T. Watanabe, and H. Iwasaki, “Waveform distortion and
the area of digital signal processing, digital audio engineering, audio signal
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Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. 23,pp. 881–886, Sept./Oct. 1987.
[3] D. Leggate and R. J. Kerkman, “Pulse-based dead-time compensator Dr. Lau is a Committee member of the IEEE Hong Kong Section and the
for PWM voltage inverters,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. 44, pp. IEEE Hong Kong Signal Processing Chapter. He is also a member of the
191–197, Apr. 1997. International Steering Committee for APCCAS. He was the Chairman of the
[4] Poon, W. H. Lau, and H. Chung, “A ZVS PWM converter for a full IEEE Hong Kong Joint Chapter on CAS/COM for 1997 and 1998. He was
audio band amplifier,” in Proc. 27th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists the registration Co-chairman of ISCAS’97.
Conf., Baveno, Italy, June 1996, pp. 1261–1265.
[5] P. D. Evans and P. R. Close, “Harmonic distortion in PWM inverter
output waveforms,” Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng.-Elect. Power Appli., vol. 134,
pt. B, no. 4, July 1987. Henry Shu-hung Chung (S’92–M’95) received the
[6] J. A. Taufiq and J. Xiaoping, “Fast accurate computation of the DC- B.Eng. (with first class honors) degree in electrical
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[7] W. R. Bennett. “New results in the calculation of modulation products,”
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Since 1995 he has been with the City University
[8] H. Mellor, S. P. Leigh, and B. M. G. Cheetham, “Reduction of spectral
of Hong Kong, where he is currently an Associate
distortion in class D amplifiers by an enhanced pulse width modulation
Professor in the Department of Electronic Engi-
sampling process,” Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng., vol. 138, pt. G, no. 4, pp.
neering. His research interests include time- and
441–448, Aug. 1991.
[9] J. Shen, J. A. Taufiq, and A. D. Mansell, “Analytical solution to frequency-domain analysis of power electronic cir-
harmonic characteristics of traction PWM converters,” Proc. Int. Elec. cuits, switched-capacitor-based converters, random-
Eng., vol. 144, no. 2, pp. 158–168, Mar. 1997. switching techniques, and soft-switching converters. He has authored over 85
[10] C. M. Wu, W. H. Lau, and H. Chung, “Analytical solution to harmonic technical papers in his current research area.
characteristics of PWM H-bridge converters with dead time,” in Proc. Dr. Chung was the recipient of the China Light and Power Prize and was
IEEE ISCAS’98, June 1998, pp. VI-462–465. awarded the Scholarship and Fellowship of the Sir Edward Youde Memorial
Fund in 1991 and 1993, respectively. He is currently Chairman of the Council
of the Sir Edward Youde Scholar’s Association and an IEEE student branch
counselor. He was the Track Chair of the Technical Committee on Power
Electronics Circuits and Power Systems of the IEEE Circuits and Systems
C. M. Wu was born in Guangdong, China. He Society for 1997 and 1998. His name has appeared in Marquis Who’s Who
received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from South in the World.
China University of Technology, China, in 1983 and
1988, respectively.
He is currently an Associate Professor at the
South China University of Technology. From 1997
to 1998 he was a Research Assistant in the De-
partment of Electronic Engineering, City University
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. His research
interests include cycloconverters, PWM converters
with test quantities output, digital amplifiers, and the
analysis of the nonideal effects in power devices switching.

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