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Chapter 2 entities to be incorporators (not as

mere initial subscribers under the old

Incorporation and organization of private
Code), and removed the Philippine
residency requirement for the majority
of the incorporators.

2. As to the directors or trustees, the Code

The persons who seek a corporate franchise removed the prescribed minimum
must meet the prescribed requirements, not number of directors (previously no less
only at the time of incorporation but during the than five (excep) for special
corporation's existence. corporations, and removed the
Philippine residency requirement for
majority of directors.
The State grants corporate franchise on the
assumption that the same will not be used for 3. The Code removed the minimum capital
purposes that are unconstitutional, illegal, requirements, unless required by
immoral, contrary to government rules and special laws. However, the increase in
regulations. The Commission is the main agency capital remains subject to the 25%
tasked to monitor and determine compliance subscription and 25% payment of
with such requirements. subscription rule.

Title II provides the basic requirements in order 4. The authorized capital stock may now
to secure a corporate or primary franchise, i.e., be paid and expressed in any lawful
the privilege to acquire a juridical personality currency.
and deal with third parties. The incorporators
must ensure that their corporate objectives,
articulated rules and capital structure must 5. In lieu of a separate treasurer's affidavit
comply with law. Where the law requires a required under the old Code, the Code
secondary franchise (or a special license to incorporated the prescribed
engage in a regulated activity), proof of the attestations (regarding minet, tell the
concerned regulator's approval is additionally receipt of initial subscription payments)
required. into the articles of the incorporation.
The treasurer-in-trust remains to be
primarily responsible in attesting to the
Changes introduced by the Code: corporation's initial capital.

The Code simplified the requirements in

forming a corporation. Notably: 6. The Code introduced a more effective
1. As to the incorporators, the Code criterion relative to the use of corporate
removed the prescribed minimum name, i.e., it must be "distinguishable
number of incorporators (previously no from that already reserved or registered
less than five except for special for the use of another corporation." It
corporations), permitted juridical also incorporated in the standard form
of the articles of incorporation an the prescribed minimum number of
undertaking to change corporate name. incorporators.
7. The treasurer must be a resident (but
A single person may form a corporation sole or
need not be a citizen) of the Philippines.
on person corporation, the requirement for
The Code, however, retained the
limited of incorporators is demanded by
prescribed qualifications (under the old
practicality and convenience.
Code) for the president (who must be
and corporate secretary (who must be a Incorporators are typically the nominated
Filipino citizen). directors or members, who will initially manage
8. Corporations may now file their the corporation. The law generally requires the
application for registration through same number of members of the Board.
electronic means. However, the number of trustees may be more
than 15.
February 23, 2019 is effectivity of the revised
Role of incorporators

Incorporators form the corporation. They attest

SEC. 10. Number and Qualifications of
to the truthfulness of their proposed corporate
Incorporators. – Any person, partnership,
charter. They may be held civilly and/or
association or corporation, singly or jointly with
criminally liable should their representations
others but not more than fifteen (15) in
turn out to be inaccurate. They do not lose their
number, may organize a corporation for any
status as incorporators even when they
lawful purpose or purposes: Provided, That
subsequently disassociate themselves from the
natural persons who are licensed to practice a
profession, and partnerships or associations
organized for the purpose of practicing a In Care Best International, Inc. v. SEC," the
profession, shall not be allowed to organize as a Supreme Court pointed out that the
corporation unless otherwise provided under incorporators must state their legal names, not
special laws. Incorporators who are natural fictitious names or aliases that they are-not
persons must be of legal age. Each incorporator authorized to use. "Incorporation is a mere
of a stock corporation must own or be a grant of privilege from the State and, in order to
subscriber to at least one (1) share of the capital be entitled to such privilege, the requirements
stock. A corporation with a single stockholder is and the procedures for the grant thereof must
considered a One Person Corporation as be complied with."
described in Title XIII, Chapter III of this Code.
Incorporators, not the same as initial subscriber,
The revised code introduced changes on the While the law limits the number of
prescribed number of incorporators, their incorporators, it does not limit the number of
residency and qualifications. original subscribers or contributors. The latter
are not required to verify the corporate charter.
Prescribed number
It is sufficient the articles of incorporation
The law limits the number of incorporators. It indicate their names, nationalities, residence,
should not be more than 15. The Code removed and their capital contribution.
Prescribed qualifications the appraisal right of dissenting stockholders in
accordance with the provisions of this Code. A
Unlike in the old Code, incorporators need not
corporate term for a specific period may be
be natural persons. Juridical entities in
extended or shortened by amending the articles
whatever form (such as partnerships,
of incorporation: Provided, That no extension
associations, or corporations) may qualify as
may be made earlier than three (3) years prior
incorporators. Natural persons, partnerships or
to the original or subsequent expiry date(s)
associations may only form a corporation for
unless there are justifiable reasons for an earlier
the exercise of a profession if so authorized by
extension as may be determined by the
special law.
Commission: Provided, further, That such
Natural persons who form a corporation must extension of the corporate term shall take
be of legal age and have legal capacity to enter effect only on the day following the original or
into a contract. The Code does not prescribe a subsequent expiry date(s). A corporation whose
residency requirement. Unlike in the old Code, term has expired may apply for a revival of its
majority of incorporators need not be residents corporate existence, together with all the rights
of the Philippines. and privileges under its certificate of
incorporation and subject to all of its duties,
In all cases, the incorporators must be debts and liabilities existing prior to its revival.
subscribers. They must have financial interest in Upon approval by the Commission, the
the corporation. corporation shall be deemed revived and a
Issues for clarification certificate of revival of corporate existence shall
be issued, giving it perpetual existence, unless
These changes introduced by the Code give rise its application for revival provides otherwise.
to several issues such as: (a) whether a juridical No application for revival of certificate of
entity may be the lone incorporator and its duly incorporation of banks, banking and quasi-
authorized representative (a natural person) as banking institutions, preneed, insurance and
signatory; and (b) whether a natural person may trust companies, non-stock savings and loan
be the lone incorporator/signatory, with a associations (NSSLAs), pawnshops, corporations
juridical entity or entities as subscriber(s). engaged in money service business, and other
financial intermediaries shall be approved by
the Commission unless accompanied by a
SEC. 11. Corporate Term. – A corporation shall favorable recommendation of the appropriate
have perpetual existence unless its articles of government agency. Page 5 of 73 SEC. 12.
incorporation provides otherwise. Corporations Minimum Capital Stock Not Required of Stock
with certificates of incorporation issued prior to Corporations. –
the effectivity of this Code, and which continue
to exist, shall have perpetual existence, unless
the corporation, upon a vote of its stockholders
representing a majority of its outstanding
capital stock, notifies the Commission that it Change in legislative policy
elects to retain its specific corporate term The old Code operated on the premise that the
pursuant to its articles of incorporation: parties in the corporate relations, like in any
Provided, That any change in the corporate contract, intended a fixed date when their
term under this section is without prejudice to contract will end and they receive back their
investments. On the part of the State, corporate permits dissenting corporate act is only majority
franchise being a mere privilege should likewise of the capital stock.
come to an end. Where the corporation does
not seek an extension, it is deemed dissolved on
the day following the last day of its fixed term. Corporations with expired terms
Where the corporation seeks an extension, the
Commission is given the opportunity to
determine whether it has complied with the The law extends the benefit to a corporation
terms of its franchise in which case it is entitled with expired term, It does not extend such
to another term. benefit to a corporation whose dissolution was
The Code does not follow this premise decreed by the Commission or the courts.
anymore. It is presumed that shareholders Further, its dissolution is presumably
when they incorporated assented to the unintended, and not upon the determination of
perpetual character of their contract. Their its board and concurred in by the prescribed
corporate relations will only end upon number of its shareholders or members. As
agreement between or among the prescribed such, its assets have not yet been liquidated
number of shareholders or involuntarily upon and distributed to its stakeholders. Finally,
the court's or Commission's determination. there should be no intra-corporate dispute.
However, despite a perpetual term, the Otherwise, courts should first resolve any
Commission is not ousted from its regulatory serious disagreement among its stakeholders. A
authority to periodically or as the need arises, corporation with expired term as described
monitor compliance and impose sanctions. above may apply for revival of its corporate
existence. Interestingly, the law does not
specify who may file the application on behalf
of the corporation.
Amendments introduced by Code-

The code removed the term limit of a

corporation. An existing corporation may opt SEC. 12. Minimum Capital Stock Not Required of
out from the current rule by notifying the Stock Corporations. – Stock corporations shall
commission, following the approval of its not be required to have a minimum capital
shareholder and without prejudice to the stock, except as otherwise specifically provided
appraisal right of dissenting shareholder. by special law
Board action is only necessary when exigencies
of business demand the change, and business
owners may not have anticipated the same.
They must confirm whether they agree to the
board's proposed change. For this purpose, the
law requires the approval of shareholders who Authorized capital stock.
contributed substantial amount of capital, The "authorized capital stock" refers to the
including holders of non-voting shares. This is minimum amount of capital which the
the only instance where the corporation corporation will receive when it issues all its
shares. This is the product of the par value of
each share, and the total number of shares that without par value shall be deemed fully paid
the corporation is authorized to issue under its and non-assessable and the holder of such
charter. The corporation may raise a higher shares shall not be liable to the corporation or
amount of capital when it issues shares at a to its creditors in respect thereto: Provided,
premium. That no-par value shares must be issued for a
consideration of at least Five pesos (P5.00) per
This information is particularly relevant to the
share: Provided, further, That the entire
government regulators issuing a secondary
consideration received by the corporation for its
license, and to major corporate creditors. This
no-par value shares shall be treated as capital
permits them to assess the ability of the
and shall not be available for distribution as
corporation to raise their prescribed capital
without further approval from the Commission
The amount of subscribed capital stock
and its shareholders. Thus, "banks, trust,
represents the value of assets that are
insurance, and preneed companies, public
considered as a corporate trust fund. The
utilities, building and loan associations, and
prospective creditors may rely on this amount
other corporations authorized to obtain or
as their buffer fund against corporate losses. In
access funds from the public, whether publicly
case the remaining assets of the corporation are
listed or not, shall not be permitted to issue no-
insufficient to pay off their claims, they may
par value shares of stock.
collect the subscription receivables from the
A corporation that will solely issue no par shares concerned subscribers. These subscribers, even
has no authorized capital stock. However, it though they have not yet fully paid their
shall have an authorized number of shares that subscribed amount, generally have all the rights
it may issue. and liabilities of a shareholder, The pre-
incorporation subscription (as basis of the pre-
incorporation subscribed capital stock reflected
The "subscribed capital stock" in the articles of incorporation) is generally
irrevocable, "unless all of the other subscribers
refers to the committed amount of capital consent to the revocation, or the corporation
which the corporation will receive from its fails to incorporate within (six months from the
existing subscribers, more specifically when it date of subscription) or within a longer period
does not require upfront full payment from its stipulated in the contract of subscription." "No
subscribers, Its paid portion forms part of the pre- incorporation subscription may be revoked
"paid-up capital," while its unpaid portion is after the articles of incorporation is submitted
invariably described as the "subscription to the Commission. The Commission generally
receivable." This is ordinarily the product of the has six months to act on the application for
par value of the subscribed share, and the total registration.
subscribed shares. This may reflect a higher
amount when the corporation issues shares at a

-Minimum capital, not required -

A corporation that solely issues no par shares The Code deleted, Section, 3 of the old Code,
has no subscribed capital stock. It should be specifically:
recalled: "(shares) of capital stock issued
fleeted the twin: financial institutions, such as banks, banking
and quasi-banking institutions, preneed,
"Sec. 13. Amount of capital stock to be
insurance and trust companies, NSSLAs,
subscribed and paid for the purposes of
pawnshops, and other financial intermediaries,
incorporation. -
capital requirements are related to risks and are
- At least twenty-five percent (25%) of the enforced by their respective regulators.
authorized capital stock as stated in the articles
SEC. 13. Contents of the Articles of
Incorporation. – All corporations shall file with
incorporation must be subscribed at the time of the Commission articles of incorporation in any
incorporation, and at least twenty-five (25%) of the official languages, duly signed and
per cent of the total subscription must be paid acknowledged or authenticated, in such form
upon subscription, the balance to be payable on and manner as may be allowed by the
a date or dates fixed in the contract of Commission, containing substantially the
subscription without need of call, or in the following matters, except as otherwise
absence of a fixed date or dates, upon call for prescribed by this Code or by special law:
payment by the board of directors: Provided,
(a)The name of the corporation;
however, That in no case shall the paid-up
capital be less than five Thousand (P5,000.00) (b)The specific purpose or purposes for which
pesos." the corporation is being formed. Where a
corporation has more than one stated purpose,
the articles of incorporation shall indicate the
The law has removed the capital constraint in primary purpose and the secondary purpose or
forming a corporation. This makes the use of purposes: Provided, That a non-stock
corporation attractive to small businesses. It has corporation may not include a purpose which
left to the sound discretion of the incorporators would change or contradict its nature as such;
in determining the capital that the corporation
(c)The place where the principal office of the
needs to operate its business. This leaves
corporation is to be located, which must be
creditors to be on their own and compels them
within the Philippines;
to evaluate whether they will extend credit to
the corporation, given their stated capital stock. (d)The term for which the corporation is to
It should be recalled the capital of the exist, if the corporation has not elected
corporation represents the amount of trust perpetual existence;
fund creditors may rely on as cushion against
(e)The names, nationalities, and residence
losses. Pursuant to the "shareholders' last"
addresses of the incorporators;
principle, creditors have priority over the
shareholders in the satisfaction of their claims (f)The number of directors, which shall not be
from the remaining assets of the corporation. more than fifteen (15) or the number of
trustees which may be more than fifteen (15);
In economic terms, the adequacy of capital
varies. It depends on the riskiness of the (g)The names, nationalities, and residence
corporation's business. The prescribed capital addresses of persons who shall act as directors
may give the illusion of lack of protection if it is or trustees until the first regular directors or
too low, or constitutes a barrier to entry if it is trustees are duly elected and qualified in
too high. In the case of especially regulated accordance with this Code;
(h)If it be a stock corporation, the amount of its occasion to deal with the entity concerned, the
authorized capital stock, number of shares into evasion of legal obligations and duties, and
the reduction of difficulties of administration
which it is divided, the par value of each,
and supervision over corporations.
names, nationalities, and residence addresses of
the original subscribers, amount subscribed and
paid by each on the subscription, and a SEC. 14. Form of Articles of Incorporation. –
statement that Unless otherwise prescribed by special law, the
articles of incorporation of all domestic
corporations shall comply substantially with the
The importance of real name in corporation: following form:

Philips Export BV. vs. CA, 206 SCRA 457

TCourt declared that a corporation's right to

use its corporate and trade name is a property
right, a right in rem, which it may assert and
protect against the world in the same manner
as it may protect its tangible property, real or
personal, against trespass or conversion. It is
regarded, to a certain extent, as a property
right and one which cannot be impaired or
defeated by subsequent appropriation by
another corporation in the same field (Red
Line Transportation Co. vs. Rural Transit Co.,
September 8, 1934, 20 Phil 549).

Identical names: cannot be considered under

corporation law

In Lyceum of the Phils. vs. CA, 219 SCRA 610,

the court said “Under the corporation code, no
corporate name may be allowed by the SEC if
the proposed name is identical or deceptively or
confusingly similar to that of any existing
corporation or to any other name already
protected by law or is patently deceptive,
confusing or contrary to existing laws. The
policy behind this provision is to avoid fraud
upon the public, which would have the occasion
to deal with the entity concerned, the evasion
of legal obligations and duties, and the
reduction of difficulties of administration and
supervision over corporations. “

"identical or deceptively or confusingly similar"

to that of any existing corporation or which is
"patently deceptive" or "patently confusing" or
"contrary to existing laws," is the avoidance of
fraud upon the public which would have
SEC. 15. Amendment of Articles of
Incorporation. – Unless otherwise prescribed by
this Code or by special law, and for legitimate
purposes, any provision or matter stated in the
articles of incorporation may be amended by a
majority vote of the board of directors or
trustees and the vote or written assent of the
stockholders representing at least two-thirds
(2/3) of the outstanding capital stock, without
prejudice to the appraisal right of dissenting
stockholders in accordance with the provisions
of this Code.

The articles of incorporation of a nonstock

corporation may be amended by the vote or
written assent of majority of the trustees and at
least two-thirds (2/3) of the members.

The original and amended articles together shall

contain all provisions required by law to be set
out in the articles of incorporation. approve through a "vote or written
Amendments to the articles shall be indicated assent," i.e., voting by mail or proxy.
by underscoring the change or changes made, Except in close corporations, the law
and a copy thereof duly certified under oath by does not explicitly permit a higher
the corporate secretary and a majority of the voting requirement.
directors or trustees, with a statement that the
amendments have been duly approved by the C. The amendment, if approved by the
required vote of the stockholders or members, Commission, is binding to all parties,
shall be submitted to the Commission. i.e., all shareholders or members
(including those who didnot approve
The amendments shall take effect upon their the same), the corporation and the
approval by the Commission or from the date of State. However, the law permits
filing with the said Commission if not acted dissenting shareholders to exercise
upon within six (6) months from the date of their appraisal right, in accordance with
filing for a cause not attributable to the the Corporation Code

The law imposes special requirements for the

adoption and implementation of certain
corporate actions. The same must be complied
When parties subscribe to the capital of the with in addition to the general requirements of
corporation, there is an assumption they agree an amendment to the articles of incorporation
to the terms set by the incorporators, as where the action entails an amendment.
supplemented by law. Unlike ordinary contract
where subsequent changes may be initiated and
upon consent of all parties, the law permits
changes in the relationship between the
corporation and its owners but only in the
following manner:

A. Only the board through the majority

vote of its members may initiate the
amendment of the articles of
incorporation. The shareholders or
members may not directly do so. The
board invested with authority to
evaluate and assess the propriety of the
proposed amendment. This
requirement is not affected by the new
rule empowering a shareholder or
member to requisition a special
meeting and propose its agenda.
B. 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock or
membership, respectively, is sufficient.
Not all shareholders or members need
to approve the proposed amendment.
The shareholders or members may

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