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Result Driven Professional with extensive experience in public safety, community

development, criminal justice system, sales, budgeting, public speaking and man
agerial leadership.
Budgeting & Cost Controls Consumer/Client Experience
Military & Managerial Leadership Strategic Planning
a 10+ years of successful experience working with the community, both establish
ing and maintaining business relationships.
a Exceptional problem solver / decision maker, driven to succeed through strong
interpersonal and negotiation skills.
a Balance risk with leadership via conceptual thinking and vision.
a Superb mentor, inspirational leader who spurs or motivates employees to maint
ain peak performance and productivity levels while simultaneously maintaining hi
gh morale across the board.
a Organize and assimilate information accurately and professionally, while hand
ling details under pressure.
AIDS Arms, Inc, Dallas, TX
2007 a" 4/2010
Case Manager
Managed a caseload of 60+ clients who where either drug addicts and/or mentally
ill, all living with HIV/AIDS. Connect clients to community resources such as m
edical, financial assistance, and/or housing, ensuring that they followed up on
referrals and documenting their progress. Travel to clientas home, community re
source location, and HIV testing locations. Taught at-risk individuals sex educ
ation and STD/HIV prevention at substance abuse facility.
Key Accomplishments
a Educating the public on the causes of HIV/AIDS and prevention methods.
a Volunteering at health fairs, registering and administering HIV test.
a Assisting clients in their effort to become self sufficient.
Casa Shelter, Dallas, TX 2/2007 a" 11/2007
Youth Care Specialist
Manage up to 13+ children, who were either runaway or in child protective custod
y, until permanent placement was found. Assign cleaning chores to residents, pr
epare meals, help with homework, coordinate and take residents to different outi
ngs, sit in on different groups held for residents and dispense medication to re
sidents. Track progress and incidents involving residents throughout the day. W
ork as a team with other peers to ensure the days goals where accomplished.
Key Accomplishments
a Teaching residentas responsibility.
a Exposing residents to different activities and places, through groups and out
a Teaching residents the importance of teamwork and how to work as a team.
Southwest Funding, Cedar Hill, TX 2006-9/2007
Loan Officer
Assist clients with challenged credit, assisted in correcting flaws on credit re
ports, verified client information, and communicated with banks and other lender
s. Analyze client finances in order to determine the home loan amount for which
they qualify. Specialize in VA loans, FHA loans, and refinancing home loans.
Work closely with mortgage processors, lenders, and real estate agents. Stay cu
rrent on federal and state guidelines and regulations, followed up on sales lead
s, spoke with real estate agents about current programs that would assist their
Key Accomplishments
a Assisting home buyers with the purchase of a home.
a Assisted clientas with the highest level of professionalism and customer serv
a Closed on all loans originated, with little or no defect.
Boys & Girls Club, Dallas, TX 3/2007-8/2007
Educational Director
Manage 15+ staff members and the daily activities of the club. Organize educati
onal groups/programs for club members. Reviewed curriculum with staff to ensure
that material would be presented correctly. Facilitate weekly staff meetings t
o address any issues and to update staff on new developments within the organiza
tions. Establish and maintained business relationships with outside agencies in
order to bring speakers and other educational programs to the club. Complete p
ayroll for staff and work closely with the executive director to ensure that the
club operated within budget. Enforce club policy, issuing discipline and ackno
wledging achievements.
Key Accomplishments
a Implementing strategy that ensured club operated within budget
a Creating groups that educated youth on subjects, such as: peer pressure, edu
cation, sex.
a Provided a safe, fun-filled, and educational atmosphere for youth after schoo
l and during summer break.
Dallas Police Department, Dallas, TX
1999 a" 6/2006
Police Officer
Responsible for enforcing state and federal laws, along with city ordinances. P
atrol assigned areas, investigated crimes and processed crime scenes, accountabl
e for testimony in court, complete reports for every arrest/offense responded, a
nd occasionally work undercover. Interviewing witnesses and suspects and arrest
ing and detaining individuals.
Key Accomplishments
a Ensured crime on my beat stayed low by implementing community policing.
a Wrote professional, detailed reports following each offense and/or arrest.
a Taught L.E.T.S (Law Enforcement Teaching Students) in public schools.
United States Army National Guard
Assist with the set-up of combat field hospitals. Organize, managed, and invent
oried supplies, ensuring everything was accounted for and reporting any missing
items. Supervise and participated in training exercises such as: HAZMAT traini
ng, biochemical training, and combat rescue. Brief senior supervision personnel
on daily activities.
Key Accomplishments
a Assisted unit in getting high marks for mission readiness during inspections.
a Successfully lead training exercises to ensure mission readiness.
a Successfully completed enlistment time, exiting with an Honorable Discharge.
Master of Science * Forensic Psychology * Argosy University * Dallas, TX (gradua
te 5/2011)
Bachelor of Arts * Criminal Justice * University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Pine
Bluff, AR
Loan Officer Certificate* Champion Real Estate School* Dallas, TX
Special Honors/Awards/Certifications
T.C.L.E.O.S.E. certified, Loan Officer Certification, Army Service Ribbon, and N
ational Defense Medal
Community Activities
Dallas Police Department SantaCop, Lifewalk volunteer, Martin Luther King Center
volunteer (registering and administering HIV test), Kwanza Fest volunteer (regi
stering and administering

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