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Creating columnn using Format Drop-Down Menu.

l : Select the text.

2: Click Format and select Columns command. Columns dialog box will be
3: Select number of columns, width of columns, spacing etc.
4: Click OK to apply options.
Creating table using Table menu:
l. Open a new document.
2. Click table Menu.
3. Click insert table.
4. A dialog box will appear.
5. Set number of columns and number of
6. Click ok
To access paragraph formatting Options l-
Navigate to the Menu Bar
2- Select "Format">> "Paragraph".
Title Bar: The bar top of the application window which contains the title
of the application, minimize (-), Maximize or restore (G) and cfose(X)
Menu Bar: - The bar aftß,r title bar, which contains the name of the
menu (file, edit, view, insert, format, table, window and help). The
menu bar, contains the all commands of the MS-word.
Standard Tool bar : - The bar below the menu bar, which contains the
short commands of the menu.(E.g. new, open, save, print, print previews,
cut, copy, paste, format painter, undo, redo etc.
Status Bar: - The bar bottom of the application window which
contains the
The most important attributes of paragraph formatting are:.
l. Line and Paragraph Spacing
2. Margins
3. Indents
4. Text Alignment
5. Adjusting Tabs
Word menu bar
Drop down menu
Tool bar
Status bar
Formatting Bar
Creating table

Formatting menu
Paragraph formatting
Borders and shading
Spell checking
i. 24 Hour Market
Since the forex market is worldwide. trading
is contin market open somewhere in the
world. Trading starts in Australia on Sydpy
evenirw and ends after m ets Friday.

2. High Liquidity
Liquidity is the ability of an asset to be
converted int( any price discount. In this
means we can move into and out of foreign
currency with minimal price rr


1.24 Hour Market
Since the market is worldwide. trading is continuous as long as there is a
market open somewhere in the world, Trading starts the markets open in
Australia on evening. and ends after maket' in New York on fridav.
2. High Liquidityy

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