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1. Fault location using single-ended data

1. 1 TAGAKY Method
The general expression of the impedance seen by a relay for the six conventional
impedance loops is for a single-line power network

ZR = = m ZL1 +
IR KI (1.1)
KI is the ratio of the current at the relay over the change of the current due to the fault:

KI =
I R (1.2)
and KR a factor depending upon the fault location and the network constants as shown in
Table I. Equation (1.1) can be expressed as:

VR = m ZL1 I R + Rf K R I R

VR = m ZL1 I R + Rf K R (I R – I LD)
where ILD is the pre-fault or load current.


Ea Eb

Fig. 1 Single line network

We can multiply (1.4) by the conjugate of the change in the current:

VR conj( I R  I LD )  m ZL1 I R conj( I R  I LD )  R f K R ( I R  I LD ) conj( I R  I LD )



Principle of single and double-ended data fault location

VR conj( I R  I LD )  m ZL1 I R conj( I R  I LD )  R f K R abs( I R  I LD ) 2
For single-phase-to-ground faults, if the system is homogenous, i.e. the phase angles of
all the impedances in the single line network are equal and K R will be areal number if:

ZL1  ZS1  ZR1  ZL0  ZS 0  ZR0

KR as provided in table I is then a real number so that we can write:

imag R f  K R  abs( I R  I LD )2  0 
and equation (1.6) can be expressed as:

imag VR  conj( I R  I LD )  imag m  ZL1 I R  conj( I R  I LD )

m is a real number so that, equation (1.9) can solve the value of m:

imag [ VR conj (I R – I LD)]

imag [ZL1 I R conj (I R – I LD)] (1.10)
In order to implement, equation (1.10), the load current needs to be memorized and the
fault type selection needs to be established. A modified Tagaky technique allows
circumventing these two difficulties.
Equation (1.10) can be applied for any fault type. The proper VR and IR have to be
introduced however together with the proper pre-fault current or load ILD

In Table I, we have:

ZL0  ZL1
K0 L 
ZL1 (1.11)

I 1R I 2R ZR1 + (1 – m) ZL1
C1 = C2 = = =
I 1F I 2F ZL1 + ZS1 + ZR1 (1.12)

I0R ZR0 + (1 – m) ZL0

C0 = =
I0F ZL0 + ZS0 + ZR0 (1.13)
In equations (1.10) and (1.11), I1F, I2F and I0F are respectively the positive, negative
sequence and zero sequence currents at the fault location. The subscript R indicates the
relay location.
The positive and negative sequence networks are homogenous if the angles of the source
impedances are equal to the angle of the line impedance. C1 and C2 will then be real

Principle of single and double-ended data fault location

numbers. If the angles are not absolutely equal, then C1 and C2 will be close to a real
number. How close they are to a real number is what we call the degree of homogeneity.

ZL1  ZS1  ZR1

In the same fashion, the zero sequence network is homogenous if the angles of the source
impedances are equal to angle of the line impedance. C0 will then be a real number.

ZL0  ZS 0  ZR0


Table I Expression of KR

Fault Type KR

A-to-G 3
KR 
 
2 C1  C0 ( 1  K 0 L )

B-to-G 3
KR 
 
2 C1  C0 ( 1  K 0 L )

C-to-G 3
KR 
 
2 C1  C0 ( 1  K 0 L )

A-B, A-B-G 1
2 C1

B-C, B-C-G 1
2 C1

C-A, C-A-G 1
2 C1

1.2 Modified TAGAKY Method

Consider a single phase A-to ground fault at a per-unit distance m from the left bus, the
next relation gives the voltage VA at the relay:

I 2R
VA  m ZL1 I R  R f 3 I 1F  m ZL1 I R  R f 3
C2 (1.16)
where the current IR supplied for this impedance loop is:

Principle of single and double-ended data fault location

I R  IA  K0 L I 0R
Remember that for a phase-A-to-ground fault, we have at the fault point:

I 0F  I 2F  I 2F
Let us multiply both terms of equation (1.16) by the conjugate of the negative sequence

I 2R conj( I 2R )
VA conj( I 2R )  m ZL1 I R conj( I 2R )  R f 3
C2 (1.19)
We end up with:

abs( I 2R )2
VA conj( I 2R )  m ZL1 I R conj( I 2R )  R f 3
C2 (1.20)
If the system is homogenous, C2 is a real number and we will have:

 abs( I 2R )2 
imag  R f 3  0
 C2  (1.21)
Equation (1.20) can be re-written as:

imag VAconj( I 2R )  imag m ZL1 I R conj( I 2R )

m, the distance to the fault being a real number, it can be extracted from the right-hand
side of equation (1.22) and be expressed as:

imagVA  conj( I 2R )
imagZL1  I R  conj( I 2R ) (1.23)
Replacing IR by its value, we finally get:

imagVA  conj( I 2 R )
imagZL1  ( IA  K0 L I 0R )  conj( I 2R ) (1.24)
In equation (1.24), all variables are readily available at the relay and the distance to the
fault can be computed.
Remembering that for a phase-B-to-ground fault, we have:

I 0F  I 2F 120  I 1F   120

Principle of single and double-ended data fault location

the same rational that led to equation (1.24) can be applied to phase-B-to-ground faults:

imagVB  conj( I 2R  1120 )

imagZL1  ( IB  K0 L I 0R )* conj( I 2R  1120 ) (1.26)
And finally, knowing that for phase-C-to-ground faults, we have at the fault point:

I 0F  I 2F   120  I 1F 120
so that we get for a phase-C-to-ground faults:

imagVC conj( I 2R * 1  120 )

imagZL1* ( IC  K0 L I 0R )* conj( I 2R * 1  120 ) (1.28)
The same rational could be applied by using the zero sequence current at the relay.
Starting from equation (1.16) and using the zero sequence current:

I 0R
VA  m ZL1 I R  R f 3 I 0F  m ZL1 I R  R f 3
C0 (1.29)
Following the same rational and assuming that the zero sequence network is
homogeneous or C0 is a real number, we end up with:

imagVA conj( I 0R )

imag ZL1* ( IA  K0 L I 0R )* conj( I 0R )  (1.30)
En consequently for phase-B-to-ground faults:

imagVB conj( I 0R )
imagZL1* ( IB  K0 L I 0R )* conj( I 0R ) (1.31)
And finally, for phase-C-to-ground faults:


imag VC conj( I 0R ) 

imag ZL1* ( IC  K0 L I 0R )* conj( I 0R )  (1.32)
The best solution depends then upon the more homogenous of the two sequence
networks, the negative or zero sequence networks.
The modified Tagaky can be applied to single-phase-to ground faults and double-phase
faults. Additional assumptions are required for double-phase-to-ground faults.
The viability and accuracy of the single-ended fault location depends essentially upon
two factors:
1. The value of the fault resistance and the degree of homogeneity.

Principle of single and double-ended data fault location

2. The presence of a parallel line. Because of the zero sequence coupling, the fault
location equation is no longer valid.

2. Fault location using double-ended data

Define the following variables:
ZL1: line positive sequence impedance
m: distance to the fault from the left extremity in per unit of the line length
V2L: negative sequence voltage phasor on the left extremity
I2L: negative sequence current phasor on the left extremity
V2R: negative sequence voltage phasor on the right extremity
I2R: negative sequence current phasor on the right extremity



m Z1L (1-m) Z1L



Fig. 2.1 Negative sequence network

For short and medium length lines, the fault location can be determined using the
property that at the fault point, the voltage drop from either extremity is equal, so that we
have (see Fig. 2.1):

V 2 L  m  ZL1 I 2 L  V 2 R  ( 1  m )  ZL1  I 2 R (2.1)

From equation (2.1), the distance m can be computed as:

V 2 L  V 2 R  ZL1  I 2 R
m (2.2)
ZL1  ( I 2 L  I 2 R )

Since m is a real number and the outcome of equation (2.2) could have a small imaginary
part, we have to take the real part of equation (2.2):

 V 2 L  V 2 R  ZL1  I 2 R 
m  real   (2.3)
 ZL1  ( I 2 L  I 2 R ) 
The advantage of equation (2.3) is that any effect from the fault resistance has been
A major advantage of the two-ended fault location using the negative sequence network
is that it is immune to zero sequence coupling: a parallel line does not have any impact
on the fault location.

Principle of single and double-ended data fault location

A major shortcoming of the negative sequence network method is that it does not work
for tri-phase fault. One could resort then to the positive sequence network as shown in
figure 2.2.



m Z1L (1-m) Z1L



Fig. 2.2 Positive sequence network

Fault location formulas using the positive sequence network are similar to the ones used
with the negative sequence network. The difference is that the pre-fault current has to be
subtracted from the calculated positive sequence current at the relay location.
Equation (2.2) used in the case of the negative sequence network becomes when applied
to the positive sequence network:

V 1L  V 1R  ZL1  ( I 1R  I 1R pre _ flt )

m (2.3)
ZL1  ( I 1L  I 1L pre  flt  I 1R  I 1R pre _ flt )

As for equation (2.2), we take the real part to get a real distance m:

 V 1L  V 1R  ZL1  ( I 1R  I 1R pre _ flt ) 

m  real   (2.4)
 ZL1  ( I 1L  I 1L ) 
 pre  flt  I 1R  I 1R pre _ flt

In this last equation, we have:

V1L: positive sequence voltage phasor on the left extremity
I1L: positive sequence current phasor on the left extremity
I1Lpre_flt: pre-fault positive sequence current phasor on the left extremity
V1R: positive sequence voltage phasor on the right extremity
I1R: positive sequence current phasor on the right extremity
I1Rpre_flt: pre-fault positive sequence current phasor on the right extremity

Principle of single and double-ended data fault location

3. Example of application
We have a 400 kV transmission line with a phase-A-to-ground fault at 33% of the line
length from the left side. The fault resistance is 8.75 Ohms primary. The line secondary
parameters are:
Z1= 2.3019 +j 32.9193 Ohms
Z0=34.164+j 127.50 Ohms
The next secondary voltages and currents are recorded during the fault on the left hand
side line extremity
VAL =69.9450 – j 19.5875
VBL =62.1958 – j 67.68521
ICL =-0.1185 – j 0.1016
IAL =0.5715 – j 2.8522
IBL = 0.0891 – j 0.1472
ICL = -0.1185 – j 0.1016
The next secondary voltages and currents are recorded during the fault on the right-hand
side line extremity
VAR =77.8525 –j 19.4403
VBR =-61.4240 –j 67.6931
ICR =-0.1210 + j 0.0032
IAR =0.3292 – j 1.6383
IBR =0.08653 – j 0.0423
ICR =-0.1210 + j 0.0032
Based on this the next sequence quantities can be calculated for the left-hand side:
V2L =-6.4091 – j 0.0171
I2L =0.1823 – j 0.9692
V1L =83.1743 – j 19.6387
I1L =0.2086 – j 0.8493
I0L =0.1807 – j 1.03368
V2R =-3.9518 + j 0.0562
I2R =0.1024 – j 0.5995
V1R =85.4949 –j 19.5298
I1R =0.1286 – j 0.4797
I0R =0.0983 – j 0.5592

The load current can be obtained simply by subtracting the negative sequence current
from the positive sequence current. That provides the pre-fault current at both
IALLD= I1L-I2L= 0.02633 + j 0.1199
IARLD= I1R-I2R= 0.02627 + j 0.1198

Principle of single and double-ended data fault location

Using the Tagaki method from the left-hand side, we get for the distance using equation

imag VAL  conj( IAL  K0 L  I 0 L  IALLD )

imag ZL1  ( IAL  K0 L  I 0 L )  conj( IAL  K0 L  I 0 L  IALLD )

Using the Tagaki method from the right-hand side, we get for the distance using equation

imag VAR  conj( IAR  K0 L  I 0 R  IARLD )

imag ZL1  ( IAR  K0 L  I 0 R )  conj( IAR  K0 L  I 0 R  IARLD )

m= 0.6953
Using the modified Tagaki from the left-hand side and using negative sequence
polarization according to equation (1.24), we get:

imagVAL  conj( I 2 L )
m =0.3345
imagZL1  ( IAL  K0 L  I 0 L )  conj( I 2 L )

Using the modified Tagaki from the right-hand side and using negative sequence
polarization according to the same equation, we get:

imagVAL  conj( I 2 L )
m =0.6747
imagZL1  ( IAL  K0 L  I 0 L )  conj( I 2 L )

Using the modified Tagaki from the left-hand side and using the zero sequence
polarization according to equation (1.30), we get:

imagVAL  conj( I 0 L )
m =0.3358
imagZL1  ( IAL  K0 L  I 0 L )  conj( I 0 L )

Using the modified Tagaki from the right-hand side and using the zero sequence
polarization according to the same equation, we get:

imagVAR  conj( I 2 R )
m =0.6739
imagZL1  ( IAR  K0 L  I 0 R )  conj( I 2 R )

Using data from both extremities and using the negative sequence network, we get from
equation (2.3):

 V 2 L  V 2 R  ZL1  I 2 R 
m  real   =0.3349
 ZL1  ( I 2 L  I 2 R ) 
Using data from both extremities and using the positive sequence network, we get from
equation (2.4):

Principle of single and double-ended data fault location

 V 1L  V 1R  ZL1  ( I 1R  I 1R pre _ flt ) 
m  real   =0.3373
 ZL1  ( I 1L  I 1L ) 
 pre  flt  I 1R  I 1R pre _ flt

It appears that the modified Tagaki with negative sequence polarization or using data
from both extremities with either the negative or the positive sequence network provide
the best results.

Lecture notes, Gabriel Benmouyal, Schweitzer Electric

Principle of single and double-ended data fault location


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