207 - Da Case

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Big Data Analytics

(A) What Analytical systems would you propose that would serve the
companies needs and change?
 This Case explains about how big data helps to gain large advantages for the
 In this context, it is given that Netflix's engaging level would be minimizing
churn rate, increasing user acquisition, providing insight from customer data,
and improving quality and customer experience by minimizing network
 As a result, the organization may choose Diagnostic analytics based on these
 This process or analysis will help to determine the causes of trends and
correlations between variables.

(B) How do you implement the systems? Specify the machine learning
techniques for solving the major problem?
As the primary aim of this case is to segment the customer by their
behaviour there by increase their experience,it can use Clustering algorithm
of Machine Learning.

 Clustering algorithms are unsupervised learning methods.
 They group data points according to similar or shared characteristics.
 Grouping or clustering techniques are particularly useful in business
applications when there is a need to segment or categorize large volumes of

 Examples include segmenting customers by different characteristics to

better target marketing campaigns, and recommending news articles that
certain readers will enjoy.
 Clustering is also effective in discovering patterns in complex data

(C) What are the business benefits for the propose system?

 Clustering algorithm helps to better understand customers, in terms of both

static demographics and dynamic behaviors.
 Customer with comparable characteristics often interact with the business
similarly, thus business can benefit from this technique by creating tailored
marketing strategy for each segment.



(A) What
Analytical systems would you propose that would serve the
companies needs and change?
The problem:

A solution was needed to add structure to these data logs, provide the ability to run
ad-hoc queries when issues occurred and perform analytics against the data to
improve trucking route efficiency. A traditional relational database system would be
too resource-intensive due to volume and velocity. The Client needed a big data
Solution: For Storing

 For properly diagnosing the data and to provide a useful insight from it, we
can implement Hadoop architecture.
 Hadoop is an open-source framework that is used to efficiently store and
process large datasets ranging in size from gigabytes to petabytes of data.
 HDFS(Hadoop Distributed File System) is utilized for storage permission is
a Hadoop cluster. HDFS is designed in such a way that it believes more in
storing the data in a large chunk of blocks rather than storing small data


For Analyzing the stored data

We can use Python for analysing and discovering new insights,using mathematical
and statistical methods and can be provided with understandable charts and graphs for
visualization the analysed data.

(B) What are the pre-processing steps you need to do for before start the
work? How should BA perform risk management for your proposed

As we are performing the analysis Using python we can consider the

following steps of pre-processing.
Importing the libraries.

Import the dataset.

Taking care of the missing data.

Encoding categorical data.

Splitting the dataset into the training and test sets.

Feature scaling.

Risk management by BA:

 The risk tolerance, appetite and threshold of the organization and its
stakeholders must be fully understood, defined and communicated.
 Risk assessment should be carried out in a collaborative setting where team
members can gather to determine the probability,and the impact of the risks.
 The entire exercise of risk analysis culminates in the identification of a strategy
that will enable the organization respond to risks accordingly, instead of being
caught by surprise.


(C) Do you think the role of a Business Analyst is a need for this system? Why?

Yes, business analyst is needed for this system.

Because to,
 Analyzing and evaluating the current business processes a company has
and identifying areas of improvement
 Researching and reviewing up-to-date business processes and new IT
advancements to make systems more modern
 Presenting ideas and findings in meetings
 Training and coaching staff members

By using their key skills such as

 Technical skills
 Analytical skills
 Communication
 Problem-solving
 Research skills


(A) What Analytical systems would you propose that would serve the companies needs and

As Given in the case business are facing many hardships in continuing with the
traditional business system and transactions. The clients and customers are almost
transformed into the digital world and depending on it largely. So, updating with
the ongoing trend would help any business to sustain in the long run and to get
more clients and increase their business process.
The company can utilize tools like these to manage their business digitally.
TensorFlow is an open-source software library. It was originally developed by
researchers and engineers working on the Google Brain Team within Google’s
Machine Intelligence research organization for the purposes of conducting machine
learning and deep neural networks research, but the system is general enough to be
applicable in a wide variety of other domains as well.

Microsoft Azure:
Azure is Microsoft’s cloud platform, just like Google has it’s Google Cloud and
Amazon has it’s Amazon Web Service or AWS.000. Generally, it is a platform
through which we can use Microsoft’s resource. For example, to set up a huge
server, we will require huge investment, effort, physical space and so on. In such
situations, Microsoft Azure comes to our rescue. It will provide us with virtual
machines, fast processing of data, analytical and monitoring tools and so on to make
our work simpler. The pricing of Azure is also simpler and cost-effective. Popularly
termed as “Pay As You Go”, which means how much you use, pay only for that.

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