ADS-B Vulnerabilities and A Security Solution With A Timestamp

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ADS-B vulnerabilities and a security solution with a timestamp

Article  in  IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine · November 2017

DOI: 10.1109/MAES.2018.160234

14 977

3 authors, including:

Yoohwan Kim Sungchul Lee

University of Nevada, Las Vegas University of Nevada, Las Vegas


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Feature Article: DOI. No. 10.1109/MAES.2018.160234

ADS-B Vulnerabilities and a Security Solution with a

Yoohwan Kim, Ju-Yeon Jo, Sungchul Lee, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, USA

S transponder functions [2]. Mode S-capable transponders reply

INTRODUCTION with a globally unique 24-bit aircraft identifier to the ground-based
Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) is the foun- radar upon interrogation. Its data rate is 1 Mbps and the frame size
dation of NextGen Air Traffic Control (ATC) system, and all aircraft is either 56 or 112 bits. Mode S transponders also send out un-
must be equipped with it by January 1, 2020. Despite the importance solicited transmissions once per second to enable Airborne Col-
of ADS-B, it has been developed without security considerations lision Avoidance System (ACAS), called Mode S Short Squitter
and is subject to various types of attacks. A trustworthy ADS-B sys- (56-bit), but this frame only contains the 24-bit aircraft identifier
tem will make the NextGen system more reliable and make air trans- (ID), not the location information. On the other hand, 1090 ES uses
portation safer. But current safety measures are inadequate and many Extended Squitter (112-bit), which contains a 56-bit data field for
research proposals are not yet practical or cost-effective. the ADS-B data (i.e., location data) which provides the location
We developed a practical method that can reject virtually all accuracy of about 5.1 meters. This frame is continuously broadcast
spoofed ADS-B messages by monitoring the signal propagation approximately twice per second (every 0.4 to 0.6 seconds) from
time between senders and receivers. To measure the actual propaga- all aircraft. The format of 112-bit ADS-B Position Squitter frame
tion time, the method uses a small timestamp value; hence, we call is shown in Figure 2. The 56-bit location data within the ADS-
it “ADS-B with Timestamp” (ADS-BT). ADS-BT monitors the dis- B packet is not the raw GPS data. To reduce the size of the raw
crepancy between the time of flight based on the timestamp values GPS data, ADS-B uses a transformation method called Compact
and the time of flight based on the location data. In spoofed ADS- Position Reporting (CPR) where the data is broken into two pieces
B messages, the discrepancy between the two diverges over time, and put in two packets (odd and even). To decode the location,
which allows us to identify spoofed ADS-B messages accurately. the receiver must receive both ADS-B packets. This requirement
In this article, we discuss the security vulnerabilities of ADS- introduces a further delay in decoding and results in an increased
B, challenges of developing ADS-B security schemes, and current discrepancy between the true location and the decoded location.
approaches. We then describe the concept of our proposed ADS- ADS-B is considered the central component of the NextGen
BT and show how it can reliably reject attack packets. and ADS-B transmitters must be installed in all aircraft by January
1, 2020 [3]. It will replace radar as the primary surveillance meth-
od used by ATC. Although prices are dropping [4], ADS-B devices
ADS-B OPERATION are still quite expensive. The typical cost for ADS-B Out devices
ADS-B uses a Global Navigation Satellite System, typically a ranges from $2,000 to $5,000, and ADS-B In devices from $300 to
global positioning system (GPS), to determine the aircraft's posi- $1,000 [4], [5]. The percentage of aircraft equipped with ADS-B
tion. It then periodically broadcasts the aircraft's position, speed, receivers is nevertheless steadily increasing, as they are to become
and altitude to ground stations or other aircraft in the vicinity [1] mandatory for most aircraft around the world by 2020. Roughly
(see Figure 1). 70% of all commercial passenger aircraft (80% in Europe, 60% in
While there are three types of ADS-B transmission frequen- the U.S.) are equipped with an ADS-B transponder [6].
cies, i.e., 1090 MHz Extended Squitter (ES), 978 MHz Universal
Access Transceiver (UAT), and the very high frequency (VHF)
data link between 108 and 137 MHz, the 1090 ES is considered the
most cost-effective because it is an extension of the existing Mode
ADS-B has been developed without security considerations and
Authors' address: University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Computer is therefore subject to various types of attacks [7]. Since ADS-B
Science, 4505 Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89154 USA,
does not have any encryption or authentication measures, an at-
E-mail: (
Manuscript received October 30, 2016, revised May 29, 2017, tacker can eavesdrop on the communication easily [1], [8], alter
and ready for publication August 20, 2017. legitimate messages, or inject nonlegitimate messages into the
Review handled by W. Walsh. communication system. Injecting multiple bogus messages can
0885/8985/17/$26.00 © 2017 IEEE cause ghost aircraft flooding on the controller's surveillance sys-


tem, which can lead to a Denial-of-Service (DoS) condition [7]. It and allows ATC to accommodate more traffic. If the location data
can also show numerous ghost aircraft on a cockpit display, forcing is untrustworthy, the ATC capability will be significantly reduced.
pilots to change their course and/or velocity. Attackers can also de- Unfortunately, the aforementioned attacks significantly degrade
lete messages by transmitting jamming signals, which causes air- the effectiveness of the NextGen ATC system. Currently, the air-
craft disappearance, or modify messages by transmitting conflict- craft locations are tracked by primary and secondary surveillance
ing ADS-B messages against legitimate ADS-B messages. ADS-B radar. But once NextGen is fully deployed, the system will rely on
requires two message frames to decode the location (even and odd the ADS-B, so the trustworthiness of the ADS-B data is critical to
frames) and by transmitting a fake message for each legitimate air traffic safety.
message, the decoding process can be easily fooled. By combining Moreover, there is a trend to integrate the ACAS and ADS-B
these attacks, attackers can cripple the ATC operation and bring a data. ACAS allows airplanes to avoid collision by probing each
great danger to air transportation. other and measure the probe-response time delay [9], [10], but it
has some limitations, i.e., short distance, low accuracy, slow up-
date rate, and high cost. ADS-B, on the other hand, offers higher
WHY IS THE ADS-B SECURITY IMPORTANT? accuracy, finer grain aircraft separation, longer range, lower cost,
Accurate location data through ADS-B enables a more efficient and ubiquity from 2020, which will lead to higher dependence on
use of the airspace for aircraft separation and directional guidance, the ADS-B.

Figure 1.
ADS-B operation.


ADS-B Vulnerabilities and a Security Solution with a Timestamp

Figure 2.
Current ADS-B message format.

Even without attacks, ADS-B lacks a secondary mechanism that can protect the communication and prevent the attacks in a broad-
can confirm the location in case of a transmitter malfunction. There cast network. It includes noncryptographic schemes on the physi-
have been a number of device malfunctions reported in ACAS and/ cal layer and cryptographic methods. Secure location verification
or other avionics systems that have led to dangerous situations [11], authenticates the claimed location using the data from the senders
[12]. Such unverified ADS-B data can cause a significant hazard in and other ADS-B participants.
air transportation or inefficiency in ATC. Now, with the prolifera-
tion of the unmanned aircraft system (UAS) and their integration
to the National Airspace System, the role of ADS-B is becoming SECURE BROADCAST AUTHENTICATION WITH
increasingly important as a growing number of UAS will employ
ADS-B [13], [14]. The ADS-B devices in UAS pose a special chal-
lenge as they may use lower quality electronics, suffer from less Cryptography is one of the common methods to secure commu-
rigorous maintenance, and malfunctions can be overlooked. This nications in wireless networks, which requires distribution of en-
could cause wrong ADS-B data to be transmitted inadvertently. cryption keys to the participants of ADS-B systems. One of the
Without a mechanism to correct these problems, the unverified proposed methods is the use of public key cryptography with a
ADS-B data could cause a significant hazard to air transportation. It challenge/response format [16]. Retroactive key publication is a
is important to correct these shortcomings as the number of ADS-B variation of public key cryptography, which sends a partial public
units will grow continuously due to Federal Aviation Administra- key with every message [17]. The receivers can buffer all the mes-
tion (FAA) installation requirements for ADS-B. sages and decrypt them using the collected public key. A recent
study suggests the use of Staged Identity-Based Encryption, which
uses receiving parties' identities as public keys for encryption [15].
CHALLENGES FOR DEVELOPING ADS-B SECURITY However, cryptographic methods generally require a large space
METHODS within the ADS-B message frame to store the encrypted data or
hash values, making them rather impractical.
First, the ADS-B frequency space is already crowded with not only
ADS-B but also with Mode-S radars and transponders. Due to the
limited bandwidth capacity, increasing the ADS-B packet size with SECURE BROADCAST AUTHENTICATION WITH
any kind of security data is very difficult. Second, a protocol stan-
dard change in ADS-B will require retrofitting the existing devices,
including onboard ADS-B devices, ACAS with embedded ADS-B, Noncryptographic schemes are used to identify suspicious activi-
ADS-B ground stations, and the radar systems. This will require sig- ties. Fingerprinting identifies what they are based on the unique
nificant investment of money and time, making it impractical. Third, characteristics of devices such as the operating system, drivers,
the solutions that do not require a protocol standard change tend to clocks, and radio circuit [18]. There are three possible techniques
be bulky and expensive, making it less suitable for on-board use. that may be employed in ADS-B, namely software-based finger-
printing, hardware-based fingerprinting, and channel/location-
based fingerprinting [19]. Software-based fingerprinting uses
SOLUTIONS FOR ADS-B SECURITY distinctly different patterns or behavior of software operating on
A number of security methods on ADS-B have been studied, equipment. Hardware-based fingerprinting is to identify devices
but it has been challenging to apply them to a practical use due based on unique hardware differences such as differences in turn-
to various shortcomings. In achieving ADS-B security, there are on/off transient, modulation of a radio signal, and clock skew.
two groups of approaches, i.e., secure broadcast authentication and Channel/location-based fingerprinting is based on received signal
secure location verification [15]. Secure broadcast authentication strength, channel impulse response, or the carrier phase. However,


Kim, Jo, and Lee

these methods require sophisticated devices and higher manufac- acteristics. While they offer ADS-B data filtering capability to
turing cost, and have a nonzero false positive ratio due to their some degree, it is not complete for a number of reasons.
statistical approach.
1. Radar system data: The location accuracy of radar is much
coarser (5 to 300 meters) than ADS-B (up to 5.1 meters) and it
SECURE LOCATION VERIFICATION is infrequently updated (6 to 12 seconds) due to its mechani-
cal rotation. This introduces a significant delay and inaccuracy.
These techniques include multilateration, group verification, dis-
Therefore, not all ADS-B data can be verified effectively us-
tance bounding, Kalman filtering, data fusion, traffic modeling,
ing radar surveillance data. Furthermore, it is envisioned that
using received signal strength or angle of arrival of signal. Mul-
the ADS-B system can eliminate the use of radar in the future.
tilateration technique can geometrically calculate an unknown
Continued use of radar systems can diminish the benefit of
location from a precise distance between four or more known lo-
cations [20]. The time difference of arrival can be obtained from
several antennas in different locations that receive the same signal 2. There are about 650 ADS-B ground stations in the U.S., and
at different times. Another way of utilizing multilateration is group they are equipped with TDOA measurement features [24].
verification. It verifies the location claimed by a nongroup aircraft They are very accurate down to a few nanoseconds (roughly
using multilateration by a group of aircraft [7]. Distance bounding equivalent to a few feet in distance), so in theory, the multilat-
finds the upper bound of locations by sending a challenge to the eration should be able to filter out all invalid packets. However,
receiver and getting a response [7]. The upper bound is calculated as explained before, ADS-B requires an even and odd packet
based on the speed of radio wave. The actual location can be cal- pair to decode the CPR data. During this time, the aircraft
culated using the differences in distance among the measurements could have moved significantly. In a crowded airspace with
from the various ground stations. Other methods use received sig- a lot of ADS-B transmission, packet losses due to collisions
nal strengths and calculate the source location or use directional among ADS-B packets are quite common. If one of the pair
antenna to triangulate [7]. However, most of these methods require is lost, the receiver must get another from the next 10 packets.
real-time communication and additional bandwidth. The commu- This process can introduce a lot of error, possibly hundreds of
nication link itself can be attacked, and more importantly, they can- meters of error. If there are bogus ADS-B messages within the
not function as a standalone unit. Increased manufacturing cost and error range, it is difficult to verify their accuracy.
lack of backward compatibility make them less practical. Another
3. UAT signals offer some verification capability with timing of
method based on Doppler frequency shift compares the predicted
the signal, but it still has some limitations: 1) it only allows for
Doppler shift amount with the actually observed one, and identi-
a roughly 1 Hz range update rate; 2) it only allows transmission
fies spoofed ADS-B frames from the discrepancy [21], [22]. This
timing variations of up to 500 nanoseconds (ns) off Coordinat-
method can work alone without a third party assistance, but will
ed Universal Time; and 3) it may have significant multipath er-
require a hardware modification.
rors [25]. Besides, it can cover only the systems using UAT, but
Kalman filtering is already used to filter and smoothen GPS
not the more common ones based on Mode S ES 1090 MHz.
position data in messages in ADS-B [23]. It is an important tool
for filtering out noisy signals and smoothing over missing data for Finally, the verified signal may be safely used by the ATC, but
multilateration approach. Data fusion verifies the data obtained not by the aircraft in the air. To make the filtered ADS-B data avail-
within the system by comparing it with the data coming from other able to them, it should be rebroadcast over Automatic Dependent
independent sources, e.g., the fusion of ADS-B and radar. Traffic Surveillance-Rebroadcast (ADS-R) or Traffic Information Sys-
modeling can be created from historical data and machine learn- tem-Broadcast (TIS-B), which consumes significant bandwidth
ing methods to detect deviations from normal ADS-B behavior and also causes a delay. As these protocols do not have any security
[7]. The technique can also be applied to establish red flags for measure either, they could also be attacked, which leaves the vic-
intrusion detection system so that the technically and physically tim aircraft to sustain an attack continuously. So, a reliable onboard
impossible data are reasonably dropped to reduce the strain on the ADS-B security system is still needed.
ADS-B system and prevent spoofing or DoS attacks. While these
algorithms offer cost-effective screening method, they cannot be
used by themselves to verify ADS-B signal completely.
The proliferation of UAS introduces a new problem for ADS-B
signal verification. Although Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BV-
CURRENT PRACTICE AND LIMITATIONS LOS) flights are not approved yet, it will bring a lot of benefit to
UAS community once approved. In the UAS Traffic Management
FAA APPROACHES FOR ADS-B SECURITY (UTM) for BVLOS operation, ADS-B will be essential for track-
FAA currently uses the ground infrastructure to evaluate the in- ing purposes.
tegrity of the received ADS-B messages using three methods: 1) However, the current methods are not effective in UTM environ-
Comparison with the radar tracking data, 2) Multilateration with ment. Small UASs generally fly at lower altitudes than large manned
Time Difference Of Arrival (TDOA) at multiple ground stations, aircraft and their transmission power is very limited (e.g., less than
and 3) Ranging to a ground station based on the UAT signal char- 1 watt), so it is difficult for ground stations to receive their ADS-B


ADS-B Vulnerabilities and a Security Solution with a Timestamp

messages. (There are only 650 ADS-B ground stations in the U.S.
and the distance from the UAS to the ground stations may be dozens
of miles.) Conventional radar systems cannot track them effectively
either. UASs also fly shorter distances and more densely populated
in the airspace than their manned counterparts, potentially as close
as hundreds of feet. Therefore, a more fine-grain control and more
frequent location update are necessary for their traffic control. How-
ever, ADS-B ground stations are intended only for high-flying com-
mercial aircraft and are too sparsely located for UAS. Their purpose
is to separate aircraft by 5 to 10 nautical miles, not hundreds of feet
as required in UTM. Thus, it is difficult to use multiple ground sta- Figure 3.
tions for UASs with low-power ADS-B transmitters. Furthermore, ADS-B frame transmission.
the rebroadcast scheme also introduces a further delay, which is not
desirable for UASs flying in close proximity. frames, it will be ignored. Second, the locations in those frames
To cope with the special requirements in UTM, we need an must follow a reasonable path. If the locations are random, the
onboard ADS-B verification method that can immediately filter frames can be easily rejected.
out attack messages without being dependent on expensive and/or In a legitimate ADS-B transmission, an ADS-B device receives
bulky hardware. For BVLOS operation of UAS, we cannot allow the GPS signal, calculates the current location, encodes the ADS-B
a high false positive or false negative ratio due to a high collision data, creates the message frame, and transmits it over the air. Let
risk, which requires a very reliable method. Tsender be the time for this internal processing, i.e., from the time of
GPS signal reception to the time of departure for the ADS-B mes-
sage. The time to reach the destination is denoted by Tpropagation (see
OUR PROPOSED METHOD: ADS-BT Figure 3). In other words, the total transmission delay (Ttransmission)
is defined as,
A radio wave travels at a constant speed, i.e., at the speed of light. Ttransmission = Tsender + Tpropagation
Therefore, for a given distance, the time-of-flight can be precisely
determined. Since all ADS-B frames contain the sender's GPS Figure 4 shows a situation with two legitimate aircraft. Let Ls1
coordinates, we can calculate the corresponding time-of-flight be the sender's current location, and Lr1 be the receiver's location.
between the sender and receiver. In a naïve approach, we can com- The propagation delay in seconds for the distance (Ls1, Lr1) in me-
pare the following two and check if there is any discrepancy. ters is determined as,
1. Observed time-of-flight: Time at sender (ts) → Time at receiver Tpropagation ( Ls1 , Lr1 ) = dist ( Ls1 , Lr1 ) / 299,792, 458

2. Calculated time-of-flight from GPS coordinates: Location at Let ts1 be the GPS data reception time at location Ls1, and tr1 be
sender (ls) → Location at receiver (lr) the ADS-B reception time at Lr1. Then,

If they don't match, the ADS-B frame may have been spoofed. tr1 – ts1 = Tsender ( Ls1 ) + Tpropagation ( Ls1 , Lr1 )
However, because of the internal processing time and various er-
rors, the time-of-flight values may not match. As each ADS-B de-
Therefore, the unknown value, Tsender (Ls1), can be calculated
vice has different operating characteristics, the internal processing
trivially. For subsequent pairs of locations, (Ls2, Lr2), (Ls3, Lr3), etc.,
time is different for each device. So, the time-of-flight comparison
we observe a similar relationship as,
alone cannot be used for identifying a spoofed ADS-B message
and we will need a more elaborate approach. Our method is based tr 2 – ts 2 = Tsender ( Ls 2 ) + Tpropagation ( Ls 2 , Lr 2 )
on the premise that an attacker can spoof the GPS coordinates in
the ADS-B messages but not the time-of-flight correctly in mul-
tiple frames. Out of the four input data above, the time at sender tr 3 – ts 3 = Tsender ( Ls 3 ) + Tpropagation ( Ls 3 , Lr 3 )
(ts) is currently not available in ADS-B, so Automatic Dependent
Surveillance-Broadcast with Timestamp (ADS-BT) introduces a
For all ADS-B frames from a specific ADS-B Out device (i.e.,
new timestamp field to record the time of transmission.
having the same aircraft ID), the Tsender value should be relatively
stable, so we get,

DETECTING ATTACK Tsender ( Ls1 ) ≈ Tsender ( Ls 2 ) ≈ Tsender ( Ls 3 ) ≈ …

There are a few assumptions about the attacks. First, the attacker
needs to send multiple ADS-B frames with the same aircraft ID be- If Tsender values fluctuate beyond a tolerance range, we can infer
cause if just one ADS-B frame is received without any subsequent that the data in the ADS-B message is wrong. Why does it fluctu-


Kim, Jo, and Lee

Figure 4. Figure 5.
Time-of-flight for ADS-B signal. Spoofed flight path.

ate under attack? Figure 5 shows a situation with one legitimate of-flight based on the locations (Ls1, Lr1). As both are impossible
aircraft and one spoofed aircraft. physically, we can immediately reject them.
In Figure 5, an attacker creates a fake path and broadcasts its
fake locations, s1, s2, s3, etc. A legitimate aircraft is receiving the Case 2) tr1 – ts1 > Tsender (Ls1 ) + Tpropagation (Ls1 , Lr1 )
fake messages at locations, r1, r2, r3, etc. Let a1 be the attacker's
Let us define the rates of change for the distances in two ADS-B
true but unknown location, and we assume that the attacker inserts
frames, one for true distances (CRs) and the other for fake distances
the timestamp values observed at his true location. When a legiti-
(CRa). Except for some special cases, they are different.
mate aircraft receives these bogus messages, it tries to confirm the
propagation delays as usual. T ( L , L ) T ( L , L )
CRs =   propagation s 2 r 2 ≠   propagation a 2 r 2  = CRa
Tpropagation ( Ls1 , Lr1 ) Tpropagation ( La1 , Lr1 )
tr1 – ts1 = Tsender ( Ls1 ) + Tpropagation ( Ls1 , Lr1 )

Since CRa is what is actually observed, the following relation-

tr 2 – ts 2 = Tsender ( Ls 2 ) + Tpropagation ( Ls 2 , Lr 2 ) ship holds for the second ADS-B frame.

tr 2 – ts 2 = Tsender ( La1 ) + Tpropagation ( La 2 , Lr 2 )

But since the attacker's true location is a1, the observed rela- = Tsender ( La1 ) + Tpropagation ( La1 , Lr1 ) × CRa
tionships are,

tr1 – ts1 = Tsender ( La1 ) + Tpropagation ( La1 , Lr1 ) However, the receiving airplane believes that the message is
coming from Ls2, and observes the following discrepancy in the
second frame.
tr 2 – ts 2 = Tsender ( La1 ) + Tpropagation ( La1 , Lr 2 ) tr 2 – ts 2 = Tsender ( Ls 2 ) + Tpropagation ( Ls 2 , Lr 2 )
= Tsender ( Ls1 ) + Tpropagation ( Ls1 , Lr1 ) × CRs
Since the locations Ls1 and La1 are different, we get
≠ Tsender ( Ls1 ) + Tpropagation ( Ls1 , Lr1 ) × CRa

tr1 – ts1 ≠ Tsender ( Ls1 ) + Tpropagation ( Ls1 , Lr1 )

In reality, the victim airplane does not know CRa or the loca-
tion of the attacker. All it can observe are tr2, ts2, Tpropagation (Ls1, Lr1),
tr 2 – ts 2 ≠ Tsender ( Ls 2 ) + Tpropagation ( Ls 2 , Lr 2 ) and Tpropagation (Ls2, Lr2). The only unknown values are Tsender, and the
discrepancy is manifested as an abnormal change in Tsender values.
So, in the case of an attack, we observe
There are special situations where the attacker can be at a lo-
cation with the same distance as the spoofed aircraft, but we will Tsender ( Ls1 ) ≠ Tsender ( Ls 2 ) ≠ Tsender ( Ls 3 ) ≠ …
ignore them for now. This discrepancy leads us to two cases.

A clever attacker may try to spoof the timestamp values to make

Case 1) tr1 – ts1 < Tsender (Ls1 ) + Tpropagation (Ls1 , Lr1 )
the Tsender values appear constant on the receiver side. He can get the
In this case, either the calculated Tsender value is negative and/or the victim's flight path from the victim's ADS-B messages and calculate
actual time-of-flight (= tr1 – ts1) is shorter than the calculated time- the time-of-flight between the fake location and the victim's new


ADS-B Vulnerabilities and a Security Solution with a Timestamp

Figure 6.
Simulation screenshot.

location. However, spoofing works only for one victim airplane, as subsequent frames changed at the rate of about 60 meters (= 200
it is physically impossible to fake the values for any other airplanes. ns) per 0.5-second tick. This is a very large value and we can claim
The attacker may also try to send out multiple bogus messages with it a spoof.
different timestamp values in a hope that some of them match, but An attacker will probably create thousands of ghost airplanes
such a massive transmission can be detected and rejected easily due in order to make the ADS-B system useless. We simulated 100
to the discrepancy among the frames. No matter how many ghost ghost airplanes by the attacker. Additionally, to test the false posi-
airplanes are injected, all of them can be identified simultaneously. tive ratio, we included 100 legitimate airplanes. In each scenario,
we ran the simulation 10 times and Figure 8 shows the results.
Since our method monitors the changes in Tsender values, it requires
EVALUATION multiple frames. We monitor three or more frames to see if the
To test the feasibility of the concept, we have developed a simula- change amount goes over a threshold value. Within 5 ticks (= 2.5
tion program and tested a variety of cases. seconds), 99% of the fake airplanes are detected and eventually
Figure 6 shows a screenshot that shows the airplane locations all are detected within 25 seconds in case of a static attacker in
and configuration parameters. In this simulation, all airplanes Figure 8a. In the case of a mobile attacker in Figure 8b, all fake
transmit their location in every 0.5 seconds, and we ignore the airplanes were detected within 20 seconds. In all cases, none of the
frame collisions. All airplanes are moving in random directions at legitimate airplanes were affected, i.e., false positive ratio was 0%.
constant speed. We introduced a small amount of random error in
their broadcast locations. An attacker creates ghost airplanes either
from a fixed location or while moving. Figure 7 shows the trend of
Tsender values over multiple ADS-B frames. In the case of a legiti-
mate airplane's ADS-B, it fluctuates within a small range (several
meters in distance) due to the random errors. But in the case of ADS-B doesn't need to maintain a synchronous clock among the
ghost airplanes, it either converges or diverges. If the difference ADS-B devices. But to measure the time of arrival for the received
of the values between two frames is beyond a certain threshold packets, it should maintain a local oscillator of above 100 MHz at
value, it can be considered a spoof. In this case, the Tsender values in 10 to 20 ppb accuracy (10 to 20 ns error per second). Fortunately


Kim, Jo, and Lee

a low-cost GPS-disciplined oscillator

can easily provide such a high accura-
cy. This will increase the material cost
slightly over the current ADS-B devices,
potentially by $10 to $20.

ADS-BT does not rely on cryptographic
processing, so the additional data is very
small and no cryptographic operation is
needed. It works without any third-party
stations and can detect bogus messages
with nearly 100% accuracy based on
the geometric property of mobile ob-
jects instead of probability. All ADS-BT
functions are implemented in the digital
domain (no signal strength measure-
ment, directional finder, or frequency
shift measurement), so it can be imple-
mented practically and cost-effectively.
Once the timing information is gath-
ered, the detection can be done slowly
in the background as it can detect the
fake aircraft within a reasonable period,
e.g., a few seconds. So, there is no need
for real-time processing and the detec-
tion algorithm can be implemented in Figure 7.
software on a slow computing platform, Trend of Tsender values.
which makes it cost-effective.

Figure 8.
Performances for spoofed message detection. (a) Static attacker. (b) Mobile attacker.


ADS-B Vulnerabilities and a Security Solution with a Timestamp

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