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Innovative Work Behavior: A Strong

Combination of Leadership, Learning, and
Didi Sutardi1, Yulis Nuryanti2, Dwi Ferdiyatmoko Cahya Kumoro3, Siti Mariyanah4, Eva Agistiawati5
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Insan Pembangunan, Indonesia
STMIK Insan Pembangunan, Indonesia
*Corresponding e-mail:

Abstract - The main objective of this research is to investigate the effect of innovation climate, learning
capability, and transformational leadership on innovative work behavior. The sample of this research was taken
from 102 lecturers of a private university in Indonesia using a simple random sampling technique and using
SEM (Structural Equation Model) with SmartPLS version 3.0 software as a statistical tool. The results of this
study state that all hypotheses are supported and it is found that innovation climate, learning capability, and
transformational leadership have a positive and significant effect on innovative work behavior. The novelty of
this research finding is that it is successful in combining individual, organizational, and environmental level
variables in higher education that influence innovative work behavior among private higher education

Keywords: Innovation climate, innovative work behavior, learning capability, and transformational leadership.


An limportant lfactor lin ldetermining lan lorganization's lcompetitive ladvantage lis lthe linnovative lwork lbehavior lof
lits lemployees. lLikewise, lfor lhigher leducation lorganizations, lthe linnovative lwork lbehavior lof llecturers lbecomes

la lvery limportant land lcritical lneed. lInnovative lwork lbehavior lrefers lto lactivities lrelated lto llecturer ldevelopment,

lpromotion, land limplementation lof luseful linnovations lat lany lorganizational llevel. lInnovative lwork lbehavior

lincludes ldeveloping lnew lideas, ltechnologies, land ltechniques, las lwell las ltesting land lapplying lnew lmethods

lrelated lto lbusiness lprocedures, lin lcertain lwork lareas. lHigher leducation lorganizations lneed lto ldevelop

linnovations lto lsolve lproblems land lchallenges lthat larise ldue lto lincreasing lglobal lcompetition, lthe lexpectations

lof lstudents land lall lstakeholders, lor lthe lrapidly lchanging leducation lmarket. l

This lchallenge lrequires llecturers lto lengage lin linnovative lbehavior lto lincrease lthe lexcellence lof lhigher leducation
lorganizations land lthe lnation lin lgeneral. lInnovation lhelps lorganizations lbecome lworthy land lwidely laccepted las

la lsuccess lfactor lfor lan lorganization, lespecially lhigher leducation lorganizations, lwhich lare lengaged lin llearning

linnovation land lthe llike. lOne lof lthe lbest lways lto lbecome lan linnovative lhigher leducation lorganization lis lto ltake

ladvantage lof lthe linnovative lcapabilities lof llecturers lwho lare lsustainable land lhave llong-term leffectiveness.

lUsing ltheir linnovative labilities, llecturers lcan lcontribute lbetter lto lorganizational lsuccess lby lgenerating,

lpromoting, land limplementing lnew lideas, limproving lwork lprocedures, lproducts land lservices lare lamong lthe

lessence lof linnovative lwork lbehavior. lIt lis ltherefore limportant lfor lorganizations lto lidentify land limprove lthe

lfactors lthat lgovern lindividual linnovative lwork lbehavior.

Due lto lthe lcomplexity lof lthe lchallenges, llecturers lneed lto lwork land llearn ltogether lto ldevelop lnew land
linnovative lsolutions l(Novitasari, lAsbari, let lal., l2021; lPurwanto let lal., l2021; lPurwanto l& lAsbari, l2020; lSuroso

let lal., l2021). lAlthough ltransformational lleadership lis lsupposed lto lbe lpositively lrelated lto lfollowers' linnovative

lwork lbehavior, lresearch lhas lyielded linconsistent lresults land lmeta-analytic lfindings lshow la lhigh lvariation lin lthe


lrelationship lbetween ltransformational lleadership land linnovative lwork lbehavior l(Asbari, l2020; lFikri let lal.,
l2021a; lNovitasari, lSupiana, let lal., l2021; lNovitasari let lal., l2022b). lGiven lthese linconclusive lfindings, lthe
lresearcher lquestions lthe lrole lof ltransformational lleadership lvariables llearning lvariables, land linnovation lwork

lclimate lon linnovative lbehavior lamong llecturers.

In lthe ldomain lof lcreativity lresearch, lmost lstudies lfocus lon lthe linfluence lof lcampus lmanagement lleadership lon
llecturer lcreativity lrather lthan lon linnovative lwork lbehavior. lThis lleaves llecturers linvolved lin lthe lcreation land

limplementation lof lnew lideas l(Asbari, lHyun, lWijayanti, let lal., l2020; lHutagalung let lal., l2021; lTiara let lal.,

l2021b). lTherefore, lconsidering lthe lscarcity lof lresearch lon lthe lrelationship lbetween lleadership land linnovative

lwork lbehavior lof llecturers, lwhich lcombines lthe lpersonal, lorganizational, land lwork lenvironment, lit lis lhoped

lthat lthis lresearch lwill lbecome lthe lbasis lof lfindings lthat lcan lbe lused lto ldevelop lresearch lin lthe lfield lof

lleadership land lhigher leducation lorganizations lin lIndonesia.

Given lthe limportant lrole lof lleadership lstyle lin lIT ladoption land lknowledge-sharing lintentions, lthis lstudy laims lto
lanswer lthe lquestion: lHow lare lIT ladoption land lknowledge-sharing lintentions lrelated lto lvarious lleaderships? lBy

laddressing lthis lgap lin lexisting lresearch l(Pebrina let lal., l2021). lThis lstudy lseeks lto lmake lthree lkey lcontributions.

lFirst, lthis lstudy lattempts lto lenrich lresearch lon lthe lcomplex leffects lof lIT ladoption lintentions, land lknowledge

lsharing lintentions. lTherefore, lthis lstudy lis lbased lon lthe lconcept lof lIT lengagement land linvestigates lwhether lthis

laffects lthe lintention lof lIT ladoption land lfurther laffects lthe lintention lto lshare lknowledge.

Second, lthis lstudy lfocuses lon la lcore lvariable, lnamely lleadership lstyle, las la lmoderator lbetween lIT ladoption land
lknowledge lsharing lintentions. lIn lother lwords, lthis lstudy largues lthat lthe lintention lto ladopt lIT lcan lincrease lthe

lintention lto lshare lknowledge lthrough lthe lmechanism lof lleadership lstyle. lThird, lthis lstudy lproposes lconcrete

lsuggestions lthat lcan lbe lused las la lreference lby lcompanies lthat lwant lto lincrease lthe lwillingness lof lstaff lto lshare


This lpaper lis lstructured las lfollows. lThe ltheoretical lbackground land lhypotheses lsections lintroduce lthe lkey
lconstructs lof lresearch land ldevelop lhypotheses. lThe lmethodology lsection ldescribes lthe lprocedures lused lfor ldata

lcollection land lvalidation lof lconstruction lproperties lmeasurements, land lthe lresults lsection lpresents lthe lresults lof

lthis lempirical lstudy. lThe limplications lfor lpractice land lresearch lare lpresented lin lthe ldiscussion land

limplications. lFinally, lthe lstudy lconcludes lwith la ldiscussion lof lthe lfindings land lsuggestions lfor lfurther lresearch

lin lthe lconclusion lsection.


Transformational lleaders lhave la lpositive linfluence lin lenhancing lorganizational linnovation l(Asbari let lal., l2019;
lAsbari, lFayzhall, let lal., l2020; lAsbari, lPurwanto, l& lBudi, l2020; lFayzhall let lal., l2020; lHutagalung let lal., l2021;

lPramono let lal., l2021; lPurwanto, lAsbari, lPrameswari, let lal., l2020; lTiara let lal., l2021a). lThis ltransformational

lleader lmobilizes lthe linnovative lpower lof llecturers lso lthat lthe llecturer's linterests lbecome lthe lmotivation lto

lpursue lthe lorganization's lvision. lThis leffect lis lachieved lthrough lintellectual lstimulation, lemotional lappeal, land

linspiration lof lthe lleader land lthe linnovation lgoal lappears lvibrant, llively, linteresting, land leven lreal l(Bass l&

lStogdill, l1990).

Transformational lleaders, lthrough ltheir lvisionary linitiatives, lfunctional lexpertise, lindividual lmentoring,
lsupportive lculture, land lintellectual lstimulation labilities, lcan linfluence llecturers lto lengage lin linnovative lwork

lbehaviors l(Fikri let lal., l2021b; lNadeak let lal., l2021; lPramono let lal., l2021). lal., l2021). lSuch lleaders lusually

lencourage llecturers lto lengage lin linnovative lwork lbehavior lby lproviding la lsupportive lenvironment l(Asbari,

lPurba, let lal., l2021b, l2021a). lAccording lto lMasood l& lAfsar l(2017), ltransformational lleaders lcreate la lsupportive

lworkplace lthrough linspiration, lmotivation, land lindividual lconsideration. lSuch la lsupportive lenvironment


leffectively lincreases lthe lmotivation lof llecturers lto lbe linvolved lin linitiating land limplementing lnew lideas. lThis
lenvironment lalso lprovides lsupport land lfeedback lin lfinding linnovative land loptimal lsolutions l(Haq let lal., l2022;
lHutagalung let lal., l2021; lJumiran let lal., l2020; lMuliati let lal., l2022; lNovitasari let lal., l2022a; lPurwanto, lTukiran,

lAsbari, let lal., l2020; lTiara let lal., l2021b).

It lis largued lthat lan longoing lcommitment lto lcontinuous llearning lis lcentral lto linnovation l(Rhee let lal., l2010).
lWeisberg l(1999) largues lthat llearning lcan lbe lindispensable lfor lcreativity, land lcreative lbehavior lin lgenerating

lideas. lLearning lis lalso la lstepping lstone lto linnovative lwork, ladoption lof linnovative lbehavior, land

limplementation lof luseful lideas l(Asbari, lWijayanti, lHyun, let lal., l2020; lFayzhall let lal., l2020; lFikri let lal., l2020;

lGoestjahjanti let lal., l2020; lHutagalung let lal., l2020; lHyun let lal., l2020; lNovitasari let lal., l2020; lPutra let lal., l2020;

lPutri let lal., l2020; lSetyowati lPutri let lal., l2020; lWaruwu let lal., l2020; lWijayanti let lal., l2020). lA llearning

lorientation lcan lbe lthought lof las lone lof lmany lmotivational lorientations, land lthis lkind lof lbehavior lengages lthe

lindividual lin lactivities lthat lhelp lgenerate land limplement luseful lideas. lThe llecturer's ldecision lto lengage lor lnot

lto lengage lin linnovative lbehavior lis linfluenced lby ltheir lmotivation lto llearn. lMotivation lto llearn lrefers lto lthe

llecturer's ldesire lto llearn lnew lknowledge lor linsights lthat lencourage lindividuals lto lbe lcreative land linnovative lin

ltheir lwork.

Individuals lwith la lstrong lmotivation lto llearn lwill lmake lan leffort lto llearn, lwhenever land lwherever lthey lidentify
llearning lopportunities, lwhich lhave lthe lpotential lto llead lto lthe lacquisition lof lnew lknowledge land lskills. lAsbari

let lal., l(2020) lstated lthat lindividuals lwho lvalue llearning, lare loften lmotivated, lvalue lpersonal lgrowth, land lenjoy

lcompleting lany lgiven ltask. lIndividuals lwith la lstrong lmotivation lto llearn lto lsee ldifficult ltasks las lopportunities

lfor lgrowth land ldevelopment, lseek lfeedback lfrom lothers lto limprove lthemselves, land lframe lfailures las

lopportunities lfor llearning.

One lof lthe lorganizational lfactors lthat linfluence linnovation lis lan linnovative lorganizational lclimate. lIt lhas lbeen
lstated lthat lto lencourage linnovation, lit lis lvery limportant lto lcreate lan lorganizational lclimate lthat lis lnot

lpsychologically lthreatening, lsupports lrisk-taking, land lmotivates llecturers lto limplement linitiatives l(Hutagalung

let lal., l2020). lIt lhas lalso lbeen lemphasized lthat lorganizational lclimate lneeds lto lincorporate lcertain

lcharacteristics, lsuch las lteam lcohesion, lsupervisor lsupport, land lautonomy, lto lencourage linnovative lwork

lbehavior lfrom llecturers. lStudies lhave lshown lempirically lthat la lsupportive linnovation lclimate lenhances

linnovative lwork lbehavior lamong lteachers lor llecturers lby lencouraging lacceptance lof lnew lideas land lincreasing

lproactiveness lin lexploring lnew lopportunities l(Fayzhall let lal., l2020; lFikri let lal., l2020; lGoestjahjanti let lal., l2020;

lHutagalung let lal., l2020; lNovitasari let lal., l2020; lSetyowati lPutri let lal., l2020; lWijayanti let lal., l2020). lHowever,

lthe llimited lliterature lon linnovation lclimate lseparately linfluences linnovation lbehavior. lTherefore, lthis lstudy

lproposes la lmulti-level lrelationship, lwhich linvolves lvariables lin lthe lpersonal larea lof lleadership, lthe lpersonal

llearning lcapabilities lof llecturers, land lthe linnovation lclimate lof lhigher leducation lorganizations. lRecent lmulti-

level lstudies lhave lshown lthat lindividual linnovative lwork lbehavior lis lpositively lrelated lto lgroup-level lvariables
lincluding lleadership lstyle, lsupportive lcoworkers l(Afsar l& lUmrani, l2020).


According lto lCreswell l& lCreswell l(2017), lif lthe lpurpose lof lthis lstudy lis lto ldetermine lthe lrelationship lbetween
lthe lvariables lstudied, lthe lquantitative lapproach lis lthe lbest. lQuantitative lresearch lmethods lare lsuitable lfor

ltesting ltheories land lhypotheses lthrough lthe luse lof la lset lof lstatistical ltools l(Creswell l& lCreswell, l2017).

lTherefore, lthis lstudy luses la lsurvey lmethod lto ltest lthe lformulated lhypothesis. lTherefore, la lquestionnaire lwas

ladopted las lan linstrument lto lcollect lthe lrequired ldata. lThe lresearch lpopulation lconsisted lof l167 llecturers lat

lprivate luniversities lin lTangerang. lUsing lsimple lrandom lsampling, l167 lquestionnaires lwere lsent lonline lto lthe

lpopulation. lA ltotal lof l102 lquestionnaires lwere lreturned land lvalid, lmaking lup la lresponse lrate lof l61%.

lTherefore, laccording lto lRoscoe let lal. l(1975), lthe lnumber lof lsamples lobtained lwas lvery ladequate.


The lnature lof lthis lstudy linvolves la ldependent leffect lbetween llatent lconstructs land lmanifest lvariables, ltherefore,
lthe lreflective lmeasurement lmodel lis lsuitable lfor lthis lstudy l(Hair lJr let lal., l2017). lAll ladopted litems lwere lrated

lon la lfive-point lLikert lscale lfrom l1 l(strongly ldisagree) lto l5 l(strongly lagree). lThe linnovative lwork lbehavior

l(IWB) linstrument lconsists lof l5 litems l(IWB1-IWB5) ladapted lfrom l(Scott l& lBruce, l1994). lThe linstrument lto

lmeasure ltransformational lleadership lconsists lof l5 litems l(TL1-TL5) ladapted lfrom l(Bogler, l2001). lThe

linstrument lfor lmeasuring llearning lcapability lconsists lof l3 litems l(LC1-LC3) ladapting lfrom l(Lin let lal., l2013).

lThe linstrument lto lmeasure linnovative lclimate lconsists lof l6 litems l(IC1-IC6) ladapted lfrom l(Moolenaar let lal.,


The lmost lpopular lstatistical ltechniques lunder lthe lStructural lEquation lModel lSEM lare lthe lcovariance-based
lapproach l(CB-SEM) land lthe lvariance-based lpartial lleast lsquares ltechnique l(PLS-SEM) l(Sarstedt let lal., l2014).

lHowever, lPLS-SEM lhas lrecently lreceived lwide lattention lin lmany ldisciplines lsuch las lmarketing, lstrategic

lmanagement, lmanagement linformation lsystems, land lother ldisciplines l(Hair let lal., l2012). lThe lability lof lPLS-

SEM lto ldeal lwith lproblematic lmodeling lproblems lthat lcommonly loccur lin lthe lsocial lscience lenvironment lsuch
las lunusual ldata lcharacteristics l(e.g. lnon-normal ldata) land lhighly lcomplex lmodels lis lan limportant lreason lbehind

lthe lincreased luse lof lthis lapproach. lConsidering lthe ladvantages lof lthis lapproach, lthis lstudy luses lPLS-SEM lto

lfully ltest lthe lproposed lhypothesis. lSmartPLS l3.0 lsoftware lwas lperformed lto levaluate leach louter lmodel land

linner lmodel. lTesting lof lthe louter lmodel lis lcarried lout lto lensure lthe lreliability land lvalidity lof lthe lmeasurements,

lwhile lthe lhypotheses lintroduced lare lchecked lthrough lthe linner lmodel. lFurthermore, lthe lfinal lresults lof lthe

lquestionnaire lwhich lwere lthen lused lin lthis lstudy lare las lmentioned lin lTable l1.

Table 1. Research Items List

Notations Item References

Transformational Leadership (TL) (Bogler, 2001)
TL1 The lprincipal lprojects lhimself lor lherself las la lrole lmodel. l
TL2 The lprincipal ldisplays ltalent land lability lto lcope lwith ldecision lmaking
TL3 The lprincipal lstrives ltoward lthe lcollective lgoal lof lfulfilling la lmission.
TL4 The lprincipal lpresents lnew lchallenges land lprojects.
TL5 The lprincipal lbelieves lin lthe lteachers’ lability lto ldeal lwith lobstacles.
Innovative Work Behavior (IWB) (Scott & Bruce, 1994)
IWB1 I ltry lto lcome lup lwith lcreative lideas lto limprove lperformance
IWB2 I ltry lto lfind lnew ltechnologies, lprocesses, ltechniques, land/or lideas
IWB3 I ldevelop ladequate lplans land lschedules lfor lthe limplementation lof lnew lideas.
IWB4 I lpromote land lchampion lideas lto lothers.
IWB5 I lam lan linnovative lperson.
Innovative Climate (IC) (Moolenaar et al., 2010)
IC1 Lecturers are generally willing to try new ideas
IC2 Lecturers are continuously learning and developing new ideas
IC3 Lecturers have a positive “can-do” attitude.
IC4 Lecturers are willing to take risks to make this school better.
IC5 Lecturers are constantly trying to improve their teaching.
IC6 Lecturers are encouraged to go as far as they can
Learning Capability (LC) (Lin et al., 2013)
LC1 The lemployees lof lthis lorganization llearn lfrom lone lanother.
LC2 The lemployees lof lthis lorganization lexchange lideas lwith lpeople lfrom ldifferent
lareas lof lthe lorganization.
LC3 If lI lam lworking lon la lproblem lor lnew lidea lI lam llikely lto lseek lout lsomeone lin lthe
lorganization lwith lwhom lto lcollaborate.

According to Sekaran & Bougie (2003), the theoretical framework is the foundation on which all research
projects are based. From the theoretical framework, hypotheses can be developed that can be tested to determine
whether the formulated theory is valid or not. Then later it will be measured by appropriate statistical analysis.
For this reason, the authors build a research model as shown in Figure 2 below:


Figure 2. Research Model

Thus, this study establishes the following hypotheses:

H1: Transformational leadership has a positive effect on innovative work behavior.
H2: Learning capability has a positive effect on innovative work behavior.
H3: Innovative climate has a positive influence on innovative work behavior.



In ltotal l102 llecturers lparticipated. lThe lmost lmen l(72.77%), lthen lwomen l(27.23%). lThey lhave ldifferent lage
lgroups, lunder l30 lyears l(25.41%), lranging lfrom l30-40 lyears l(46.60%), land lover l40 lyears l(27.99%). lThe ltenure

las la llecturer lalso lvaries, lsome lof lthem lare lunder l5 lyears l(35.66%), lranging lfrom l5-10 lyears l(48.52%), land

lmore lthan l10 lyears l(15.82%). lMeanwhile, lthe lmajority lof llast leducation lis lMaster’s ldegree l(94.01%) land

ldoctorate l(5.99%).

The lmeasurement lmodel ltesting lphase lincludes ltesting lof lconvergent lvalidity, ldiscriminant lvalidity. lMeanwhile,
lto ltest lconstruct lreliability, lCronbach's lalpha land lcomposite lreliability lvalues lwere lused. lThe lresults lof lthe lPLS

lanalysis lcan lbe lused lto ltest lthe lresearch lhypothesis lif lall lindicators lin lthe lPLS lmodel lhave lmet lthe lrequirements

lof lconvergent lvalidity, ldiscriminant lvalidity, land lreliability ltesting. lConvergent lvalidity ltest lis ldone lby llooking

lat lthe lloading lfactor lvalue lof leach lindicator lto lthe lconstruct. lIn lmost lreferences, la lfactor lweight lof l0.7 lor lmore

lis lconsidered lto lhave lstrong lenough lvalidity lto lexplain lthe llatent lconstruct l(Chin, l1998; lGhozali, l2014; lJ. lF.

lHair let lal., l2010). lIn lthis lstudy, lthe lminimum laccepted lloading lfactor lis l0.7 land lprovided lthat lthe lAVE lvalue lof

leach lconstruct lis l> l0.5 l(Ghozali, l2014). lAfter lgoing lthrough lSmartPLS l3.0 lprocessing, lall lindicators lhave la

lloading lfactor lvalue labove l0.7 land lan lAVE lvalue labove l0.5. lThe lfit lor lvalid lmodel lof lthis lstudy lcan lbe lseen lin

lFigure l2. lThus, lthe lconvergent lvalidity lof lthis lresearch lmodel lhas lmet lthe lrequirements l(Purwanto let lal., l2019;

lPurwanto, lAsbari, lSantoso, let lal., l2020; lPurwanto let lal., l2021; lPurwanto, lAsbari, l& lSantoso, l2021b, l2021a).

lThe lvalue lof lloadings, lCronbach's lalpha, lcomposite lreliability, land lAVE lfor leach lconstruct lcan lbe lseen lin

lTable l2. l

Discriminant lvalidity lis lcarried lout lto lensure lthat leach lconcept lof leach llatent lvariable lis ldifferent lfrom lother
llatent lvariables. lThe lmodel lhas lgood ldiscriminant lvalidity lif lthe lAVE lsquared lvalue lof leach lexogenous

lconstruct l(the lvalue lon lthe ldiagonal) lexceeds lthe lcorrelation lbetween lthe lconstruct land lother lconstructs l(the

lvalue lbelow lthe ldiagonal) l(Ghozali, l2014). lThe lresults lof lthe ldiscriminant lvalidity ltest lare lusing lthe lAVE

lsquared lvalue, lnamely lby llooking lat lthe lFornell-Larcker lCriterion lValue lobtained las lshown lin lTable l3. lThe


lresults lof lthe ldiscriminant lvalidity ltest lin ltable l3 lshow lthat lall lconstructs lhave lthe lAVE lsquare lroot lvalue labove
lthe lcorrelation lvalue lwith lother llatent lconstructs l(through lthe lFornell-Larcker lcriteria). lLikewise, lthe lcross-
loading lvalue lof lall litems lfrom lone lindicator lis lgreater lthan lthe lother lindicator litems las lmentioned lin lTable l3,
lso lit lcan lbe lconcluded lthat lthe lmodel lhas lmet ldiscriminant lvalidity l(Fornell l& lLarcker, l1981). l

Furthermore, lcollinearity levaluation lis lcarried lout lto ldetermine lwhether lthere lis la lcollinearity lproblem lin lthe
lmodel. lTo lfind lthe lcollinearity, lwe lneed lthe lVIF lcollinearity lstatistics lof leach lconstruct. lIf lthe lVIF lis lmore lthan

l5, lthen lthe lmodel lhas lcollinearity l(Hair let lal., l2014). lAs lshown lin lTable l4, lall lVIF lscores lare lless lthan l5, li.e.

lthe lresults lof lthe lcollinearity lstructural lmodel lreveal lVIF lvalues lbelow l2. lThis lshows lthat lthis lresearch lmodel

ldoes lnot lhave lmulticollinearity lproblems.

Construct lreliability lcan lbe lassessed lfrom lthe lvalue lof lCronbach's lalpha land lcomposite lreliability lof leach
lconstruct. lThe lrecommended lvalue lof lcomposite lreliability land lCronbach's lalpha lis lmore lthan l0.7 l(Ghozali,

l2014). lThe lresults lof lthe lreliability ltest lin ltable l2 lshow lthat lall lconstructs lhave lcomposite lreliability land

lCronbach's lalpha lvalues lgreater lthan l0.7 l(> l0.7). lIn lconclusion, lall lconstructs lhave lmet lthe lrequired lreliability.

Figure 2. Valid Research Model

Source: SmartPLS 3.0 Processing Results (2022)

Table 2. Items Loadings, Cronbach’s Alpha, Composite Reliability, and Average Variance Extracted (AVE)

Cronbach’s Rho_A Composite

Variables Items Loadings AVE
Alpha Reliability
Innovative Climate (IC) IC1 0,903 0,944 0,945 0,955 0,781
IC2 0,869
IC3 0,912
IC4 0,883
IC5 0,902
IC6 0,830
Innovative Work Behavior (IWB) IWB1 0,940 0,959 0,961 0,969 0,861
IWB2 0,954
IWB3 0,945


IWB4 0,898
IWB5 0,900
Learning Capability (LC) LC1 0,891 0,918 0,924 0,949 0,860
LC2 0,939
LC3 0,952
Transformational Leadership (TL) TL1 0,706 0,860 0,878 0,900 0,644
TL2 0,887
TL3 0,865
TL4 0,787
TL5 0,754
Source: SmartPLS 3.0 Processing Results (2022)

Table 3. Discriminant Validity

IC 0,884
IWB 0,805 0,928
LC 0,809 0,795 0,927
TL 0,794 0,767 0,783 0,803
Source: SmartPLS 3.0 Processing Results (2022)

Table 4. Collinearity (VIF)

IC 3,579
LC 3,423
TL 3,208
Source: SmartPLS 3.0 Processing Results (2022)

Table 5. R Square Value

Variables R Square R Square Adjusted

IWB 0,723 0,719
Source: SmartPLS 3.0 Processing Results (2022)

Table 6. Hypotheses Testing

Hypotheses Relationship Original Sample Standard T Statistics P Values Decision

Sample Mean Deviation (|O/STDEV|)
(O) (M) (STDEV)
H1 IC -> IWB 0,367 0,371 0,072 5,093 0,000 Supported

H2 LC -> IWB 0,326 0,325 0,074 4,423 0,000 Supported

H3 TL -> IWB 0,220 0,217 0,057 3,830 0,000 Supported

Source: SmartPLS 3.0 Processing Results (2022)



Based on Table 5, the R Square value of innovative work behavior (IWB) is 0.723 which means that the
innovative work behavior (IWB) variable can be explained by the innovation climate (IC), learning capability
(LC), and transformational leadership (TL) variables of 72.3 %, while the remaining 27.7% is explained by
other variables not discussed in this study. Meanwhile, Table 6 displays the t-statistics and p-values that show
the influence between the research variables that have been mentioned.

The main objective of this study is to investigate the effect of innovation climate, learning capability, and
transformational leadership on innovative work behavior. The results of this study state that all hypotheses are
supported and it is found that innovation climate, learning capability, and transformational leadership have a
positive and significant effect on innovative work behavior.

Transformational leadership gives lecturers autonomy to learn and creates a conducive environment for
individual learning. This study also finds the fact that learning capability has a positive effect on innovative
work behavior. Why? Because in learning capability there is a strong motivation to keep learning. This
motivation acts as a driving force for one's actions to meet the needs or desired success targets, namely the
emergence of innovations from the individual concerned. When the cognitive ability of the lecturer is high, the
lecturer will have more resources used to process information which ultimately results in innovation.

The findings of this study add new empirical evidence on the effectiveness of learning capability,
transformational leadership, and innovation climate to encourage the emergence and development of innovative
work behavior. The advantage of this research finding is that it successfully combines individual, organizational,
and environmental level variables. This multi-level study is expected to be the basis for further research in
Indonesia, especially in the higher education environment with the unit of analysis of lecturers and employees.

However, this research is also not without limitations. This study in the future needs to involve the gender and
age factors of the respondents so that they can map out in more detail each influence of the existing brand
leadership dimensions. Perhaps, the findings of this study will reveal new, more detailed, and useful facts for the
development of e-commerce businesses in the future. It is also possible to extend the theoretical model of this
study to include additional dependent variables such as consumer satisfaction and community culture.


Finally, the findings of this study confirm that all hypotheses are supported and it is found that innovation
climate, learning capability, and transformational leadership have a positive and significant effect on innovative
work behavior. The results of this study succeeded in combining individual, organizational, and environmental
level variables. The findings and implications of this study are largely in line with the existing literature, which
was discussed earlier.


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