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Main Idea

Believing in yourself is the very first step in achieving success

Sometimes you should be open-minded and take risks

Reasons to support claim

If you think logically too much then you will start to feel that your chances in succeeding is
extremely low, thus your fear will take over you.

Global perspective or national perspective or personal perspective

Personal perspective

Personal perspective
I think this is a problem that most people find hard to cope with at any age, from a child to a
fully grown adult. Doubting themselves lead to self-hatred, decreased self-esteem and low
confidence. So, I believe believing in yourself helps a lot.

Personal experience
I was in football club at that time and one day my senior was sick so he couldn’t play the match,
so I was chosen to fill in his place. I was nervous because I didn’t believe in my skills even
though I train every day.

How I overcame
I took a deep breath to calm myself down and told myself if I played well this might be the
chance to leave everyone a good impression of me. See what I did there? Positive thinking
instead of self-doubt, it filled me with excitement and I did really well.

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