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Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

ABC Company

Business Hierarchy, Risk, Third Party, and Issues

Management - Analysis & High-Level Design

RSA Archer Professional Services

Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Scope of Applications & Questionnaires for Initial Rollout...................................................................... 4
Solution Architecture Diagram ................................................................................................................ 5
Design: Application & Questionnaire Overview ....................................................................................... 6
Company ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Division.................................................................................................................................................... 7
Department ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Business Unit ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Findings................................................................................................................................................. 13
Corrective Action Plans (Remediation Plans) ....................................................................................... 15
Control Procedures ............................................................................................................................... 17
Risk Register ......................................................................................................................................... 18
Quarterly Risk Register Review ............................................................................................................ 22
Risk Hierarchy ....................................................................................................................................... 23
Enterprise Risk Assessment ................................................................................................................. 25
Third Party Profile ................................................................................................................................. 27
Third Party Profile Risk Assessments ................................................................................................... 30
Appendix A: Additional Supporting Design Documentation ................................................................ 32
Appendix B: RSA Contact Details ........................................................................................................... 34

Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

Document History:
Document Version Date RSA Personnel
Version 1.0 12.20.2019 Brenna McLeod

ABC Company engaged RSA Archer Professional Services for guidance on initial RSA Archer
implementation. With the common goal of remaining as close to out-of-box (OOB) Archer as possible,
ABC Co and RSA determined the appropriate scope and necessary changes for this initial rollout. This
document records the agreed-upon scope, as well as major changes away from OOB configuration. It
provides future RSA Archer Administrators the tools needed to maintain the environment and make any
additional updates required.

This document is not intended to be a complete end-to-end design of the solutions used within ABC
Co’s Archer instance. Rather, this is to help establish key baseline agreements and decisions made.

Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

Scope of Applications & Questionnaires for Initial Rollout

After initial discussions with stakeholders during the analysis phase, the following applications and
questionnaires have been agreed upon as the in-scope components for the initial deployment of the
Audit solution.
Application/ Component
Use Case to Deploy Status
Questionnaire Classification
(original plan)
On-Demand RSA Completed
Company New
Application (deployed in Prod)
RSA Completed
Division Core Application RSA
Business (deployed in Prod)
Hierarchy RSA Completed
Department Core Application RSA
(deployed in Prod)
RSA Completed
Business Unit Core Application RSA
(deployed in Prod)
RSA Completed
Findings Core Application RSA
(deployed in Prod)
Issues RSA Completed
Remediation Plans Core Application New
Management (deployed in Prod)
Exception RSA Completed
Core Application RSA
Requests (deployed in Prod)
RSA Completed
Risk Register Core Application RSA
(deployed in Prod)
RSA Completed
Enterprise Risk Hierarchy Core Application RSA
(deployed in Prod)
Management Enterprise Risk Custom RSA Completed
Assessment Questionnaire (deployed in Prod)
Quarterly Risk Custom RSA Completed
Register Review Questionnaire (deployed in Prod)
RSA Completed
Third Party Profile Core Application RSA
Third Party (deployed in Prod)
Management Third Party Profile Custom RSA Completed
Risk Assessments Questionnaire (deployed in Prod)
Controls RSA Completed
Control Procedures Core Application RSA
Assurance (deployed in Prod)

Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

Solution Architecture Diagram

The diagram below depicts the updated applications and questionnaires that have been built out as part
of the initial 2019 deployment at ABC Co.

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Design: Application & Questionnaire Overview

Application Overview: The Company application is the top-most application in the Business
Hierarchy. The Company application stores general, financial and compliance information for a
company. This is an on-demand application that was created based on a copy of the original Company
application (which is now Division).

Application Modifications:
• Data-Driven Events (DDEs) to hide unused sections and fields
• Admin Section for administrator reference
• Inherited Hierarchy Access field
• NAIC Group Number
• NAIC Company Number

Record Permissions:

RP Field Name RP Type Access Summary

Maximum of 1 selection
Chief Executive Officer Manual RU
All users are available for selection

Maximum of 1 selection
Chief Financial Officer Manual RU
All users are available for selection

EM: Data Administrator: RUD

Default Record
Manual Varied EM: Read Only: R
Both groups above are selected by Default

Inherited Hierarchy Access Inherited Varied Division: Inherited Hierarchy Access

Private Fields:
• Default Record Permissions – Only EM: Data Administrator may read and edit.
• Inherited Hierarchy Access – Only EM: Data Administrator may read.
• Record Status – Only System Administrators may read.

Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

Application Overview: This is the second level of the Business Hierarchy, under the Company and
above the Department. This was formerly the Company application. The Division application stores
general, financial and compliance information for a department. This application was formerly the OOB
Company application.

Application Modifications:
• Data-Driven Events (DDEs) to hide unused sections and fields
• Admin Section for administrator reference
• Changed Company to Division
• Inherited Hierarchy Access field
• Inactivated fields that only applied to the Company

Record Permissions:

RP Field Name RP Type Access Summary

EM: Data Administrator: RUD

Default Record
Manual Varied EM: Read Only: R
Both groups above are selected by Default

Inherited CEO
Inherited RU Company: Chief Executive Officer

Inherited CFO
Inherited RU Company: Chief Financial Officer

Inherited Department: Department Access

Inherited Varied
Hierarchy Access Department: Inherited Hierarchy Access

Private Fields:

• Company Net Income – Only System Administrators may read and edit.
• Company Total Assets – Only System Administrators may read and edit.
• Count of Controls – Only System Administrators may read.
• Count of Non-Compliant Controls – Only System Administrators may read.
• Default Record Permissions – Only EM: Data Administrator may read and edit.
• Inherited CEO Permissions – Only System Administrators may read.
• Inherited CFO Permissions – Only System Administrators may read.
• Inherited Hierarchy Access – Only EM: Data Administrator may read.
• Record Status – Only System Administrators may read.

Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

Application Overview: This is the third level of the Business Hierarchy, under the Division and above
the Business Unit. The Department application presents an aggregation of the related Business Unit risk
and compliance information. This application was formerly the OOB Division application.

Application Modifications:
• Data-Driven Events (DDEs) to hide unused sections and fields
• Admin Section for administrator reference
• Changed Division to Department
• Department Access field
• Inherited Hierarchy Access field

Record Permissions:
Note: The fields listed here (and the fields listed in Inherited Record Permissions) are only for the
applications/questionnaires related to this deployment. For a full understanding of record permission
relationships, see the ABC Co Record Permissions Map Visio file.

RP Field Name RP Type Access Summary

EM: Data Administrator: RUD

Default Record
Manual Varied EM: Read Only: R
Both groups above are selected by Default

Each Department access group is available for

Department Access Manual Varied selection here, with the maximum possible access
that can be assigned by their associated role

Inherited CEO Permissions Inherited RU Division: Inherited CEO Permissions

Inherited CFO Permissions Inherited RU Division: Inherited CFO Permissions

Business Unit: Business Unit Access, Business
Unit Coordinator, Business Unit Manager, Risk,
Inherited Hierarchy Access Inherited Varied Control, Compliance Champion, Audit
Engagement Contacts, Audit Entity Contact,
Compliance Manager, Controller, Executive Team

Inherited Record
Inherited Varied Business Unit: Business Unit Access

Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

Private Fields:

• Company Net Income – Only System Administrators may read and edit.
• Company Total Assets – Only System Administrators may read and edit.
• Count of Controls – Only System Administrators may read.
• Count of Non-Compliant Controls – Only System Administrators may read.
• Default Record Permissions – Only EM: Data Administrator may read and edit.
• Inherited CEO Permissions – Only System Administrators may read.
• Inherited CFO Permissions – Only System Administrators may read.
• Inherited Record Permissions – Only EM: Data Administrator may read.
• Record Status – Only System Administrators may read.

Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

Business Unit
Application Overview: The Audit Finding application will capture all issues uncovered during the
audit process. Auditors may add an Audit Finding directly from a Workpaper record as it is identified. In
addition to details surrounding the Finding itself, the Audit Finding application also provides a link to the
Action Plans application. Audit Findings are automatically risk rated via a materiality and likelihood/
probability selection. Originally, this application was the (core) Expense Reports application.

Application Modifications:
• Data-Driven Events (DDEs) to hide unused sections and fields
• Admin Section for administrator reference

Record Permissions:
Note: The fields listed here (and the fields listed in Inherited Record Permissions) are only for the
applications/questionnaires related to this deployment. For a full understanding of record permission
relationships, see the ABC Co Record Permissions Map Visio file.

RP Field Name RP Type Access Summary

Each Business Unit access group is listed here so that

the appropriate groups are created as the configuration is
packaged across environments. This field is off-layout
BU Group Field for
Manual R and for admin use only. It is needed as the Business Unit
Access field lists the Department groups, so the Business
Unit groups are not automatically created through

Each Department access group is listed here with

Cascade selected so the appropriate Business Unit
Business Unit
Manual Varied access group can be selected, with the maximum
possible access that can be assigned by their associated

No maximum number of selections

Business Unit Members of EM: Business 1st Line of Defense available
Manual RU
Coordinator for selection
This field is off layout and unused.

Business Unit No maximum number of selections

Manual RU
Manager Members of EM: Manager available for selection

Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

RP Field Name RP Type Access Summary

Maximum of 1 selection
Manual Varied CM: Compliance 2nd Line of Defense: RU
This field is off layout and unused.

Maximum of 1 selection
Controller Manual RU
All users available for selection

EM: Data Administrator: RUD

Default Record
Manual Varied EM: Read Only: R
Both groups above are selected by Default

Executive Team Manual R All Users available for selection

Inherited CEO
Inherited RU Department: Inherited CEO Permissions

Inherited CFO
Inherited RU Department: Inherited CFO Permissions

Inherited Varied Department: Department Access
Hierarchy Access

Control Procedures: Testing Coordinator, Default Record

Inherited Record Department: Department Access
Inherited Varied
Findings: Assigned to, 2nd Line of Defense Reviewer
Risk Register: Default Record Permissions

Risk, Control, No maximum number of selections

Compliance Manual RU
Champion Members of RCC Champion available for selection

Private Fields:

• Business Unit Access – Only System Administrators may read and edit.
• Count of Controls – Only System Administrators may read.
• Count of Non-Compliant Controls
• Default Record Permissions for Procurement
• Default Record Permissions

Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

• Inherited CEO Permissions

• Inherited CFO Permissions
• Inherited From Engagements
• Inherited Metric Owner
• Inherited Permissions Engagement Stakeholders
• Inherited Permissions Supplier Request Form
• Inherited Record Permissions
• Link to Risk Library By Event Category
• Record Status
• Self-Assessment History

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Application Overview: The Findings application supports multiple solutions. It is used to document
issues, deficiencies or gaps found through assessments and control testing. Findings are auto
generated from questionnaires and include links back to the questionnaire, target and any applicable
control standards and authoritative sources. Findings may be resolved via remediation tasks or
exception requests.

Application Modifications:
• Data-Driven Events (DDEs) to hide unused sections and fields
• New fields to support ABC Co specific findings details
• Update and new fields to support 2nd LOD and 3rd/4th LOD review workflow

Record Permissions:
Note: The fields listed here (and the fields listed in Inherited Record Permissions) are only for the
applications/questionnaires related to this deployment.

Record Permissions:

RP Field Name RP Type Access Summary

Record Creator: R
Automatic Record RM: ERM Team: RU
Automatic Varied
Permissions RM: Risk 3rd Line of Defense: R

Record Creator
RU when Finding Workflow Stage = New
Created By Manual Varied
R for all other statuses

RCC Champion, RM: Risk 4th Line of


RU when Finding Workflow Stage =

Assigned To Manual Varied New, Rejected

R for all other statuses when assigned in


RM: Risk 2nd Line of Defense

RU when Finding Workflow Stage =
2nd Line of Defense Awaiting 2nd LOD Review
Manual Varied
R for all other status when assigned in

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RM: Risk 3rd Line of Defense, RM: Risk

4th Line of Defense:
RU when Finding Workflow Stage =
3rd/4th Line of Defense Awaiting 3rd/4th LOD Review
Manual Varied
R for all other status where assigned in

Private Fields:

• Finding ID – visible to Everyone, editable by no one

• Date Closed – visible Everyone, editable by System Administrators (set via Advanced
• Created By – defaults to Record Creator, visible Everyone, editable by System
• Submission Due Date – visible Everyone, editable by System Administrators (set via
Advanced Workflow)
• Submit Date – visible Everyone, editable by System Administrators (set via Advanced
• 2nd LOD Review Due Date – visible Everyone, editable by System Administrators (set via
Advanced Workflow)
• 2nd LOD Review Date – visible Everyone, editable by System Administrators (set via
Advanced Workflow)
• 2nd LOD Comments – visible to Everyone; editable by 2nd LOD Reviewer
• 3rd/4th LOD Review Due Date– visible Everyone, editable by System Administrators (set
via Advanced Workflow)
• 3rd/4th LOD Review Date– visible Everyone, editable by System Administrators (set via
Advanced Workflow)
• 3rd/4th LOD Comments – visible to Everyone; editable by 3rd/4th LOD Reviewer

Findings Workflow


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Corrective Action Plans (Remediation Plans)

Application Overview: The Corrective Action Plans application has been renamed from the OOB
Remediation Plans application. This application allows you to centrally manage multiple findings and
track actual and estimated remediation costs and timeframes. Relating multiple findings in the context of
remediation plans allows you to identify larger issues and support informed decision making. Integration
with the RSA Archer Threat Management solution and third-party scanning tools also enables you to
capture vulnerability and malicious code alerts and the results of automated configuration checks.

Application Modifications:
• Data-Driven Events (DDEs) to hide unused sections and fields
• New fields to support ABC Co specific findings details
• Update and new fields to support 2nd LOD and 3rd/4th LOD review workflow

Record Permissions:

RP Field Name RP Type Access Summary

Record Creator: R
Automatic Record RM: ERM Team: RU
Automatic Varied RM: Risk 3rd Line of Defense: R

Record Creator
RU when Status = New
Created By Manual Varied
R for all other statuses

RCC Champion, RM: Risk 4th Line of Defense

Corrective Action Plan RU when Status = New, Approved, Rejected

Manual Varied
R for all other statuses when assigned in field

RM: Risk 2nd Line of Defense

2nd Line of Defense RU when Status = Awaiting 2nd LOD Review
Manual Varied
R for all other status when assigned in field

RM: Risk 3rd Line of Defense, RM: Risk 4th Line of

3rd/4th Line of Defense RU when Status = Awaiting 3rd/4th LOD Review
Manual Varied
R for all other status where assigned in field

Automatic ERM Team

Automatic R RM: ERM Team

Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

Private Fields:

• Status – visible by Everyone, editable by System Administrators (set via Advanced

• Submit Date - visible by Everyone, editable by System Administrators (set via Advanced
• 2nd LOD Review Due Date – visible Everyone, editable by System Administrators (set via
Advanced Workflow)
• 2nd LOD Review Date – visible Everyone, editable by System Administrators (set via
Advanced Workflow)
• 2nd LOD Comments – visible to Everyone; editable by 2nd LOD Reviewer
• 3rd/4th LOD Review Due Date– visible Everyone, editable by System Administrators (set
via Advanced Workflow)
• 3rd/4th LOD Review Date– visible Everyone, editable by System Administrators (set via
Advanced Workflow)
• 3rd/4th LOD Comments – visible to Everyone; editable by 3rd/4th LOD Reviewer

Corrective Action Plan Workflow

CAP Workflow.vsdx

Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

Control Procedures
Application Overview: The Control Procedures application supports the RSA Archer Policy and
Compliance Management solutions. It serves as a central repository for procedures, baselines and
activities that are mapped to corporate control standards, establishing the foundation for enterprise-wide
risk monitoring and compliance measurement. Control Procedures are categorized into two types:
Technical and Process. Based on the selected type, different pieces of information are captured and
different testing options are made available.

Application Modifications:
• New fields to support ABC Co specific findings details

Record Permissions:

RP Field Name RP Type Access Summary

Risk, Control, Compliance Business Unit: Risk, Control, Compliance

Inherited Various
Champion Champion

Control Owner Manual RU All Users

Manual RU All Users

Tester Manual RU All Users

R access when Content Source=ABC Co

Automatic Record Record Creator

Automatic Various
Permissions R access when Content Source= ABC Co

RM: ERM Team

RU when Content Source <> ABC Co

Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

Risk Register
Application Overview: The Risk Register application serves as the corporate controlled library of
risks used by the entire organization. It allows you to capture the base data for a given risk statement
and link risks to processes, objectives, key risk indicators, financial losses and mitigating control

Application Modifications:
• Data-Driven Events (DDEs) to hide unused sections and fields
• New fields to support ABC Co specific findings details
• Update and new fields to support 2nd LOD and 3rd/4th LOD review workflow

Record Permissions:

RP Field Name Access Summary

Business Units: Risk, Control, Compliance Champion

Risk, Control and
Compliance Inherited CRU RCC Champion: CRU
(Selected manually on BU record)

RM: Admin - CRU

Default Record CRU /
Manual RM: Read Only - R
Permissions (MRPF) R
RM: ERM Team - CRU

Risk Owner Manual RU RM: Risk 2nd Line of Defense

Risk Reviewer Manual R RM: Risk 2nd Line of Defense

Incidents: Incident Owner; Incidents: Incident Manager;

Incidents: Additional Access
Task Management: Assigned To; Task Management:
Delegates; Task Management: Created by
Inherited Record
Permissions Findings: Assigned to; Control Procedures: Testing
Inherited RU/R
Business Units: Default Record Permissions;
Findings:2nd Line of Defense Reviewer
Findings: zzDefault Record Permissions; Incidents:Default
Record Permissions

Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

Control Procedures: Default Record Permissions (OOB);

Loss Events: Default Record Permissions
Metrics: Default Record Permissions; Metrics: Metric
Owner; Control Procedures: zzCompliance Manager

Applications: Compliance Manager (Inherited Compliance

Manager from BU, Business Processes, Product and
Services // On BU Manual RPF- CM: Risk 2nd Line of
Defense – RU)
Business Processes: Compliance Manager (Inherited
Manager Inherited RU Compliance Manager from BU, Product and Services)
Business Units: Compliance Manager (On BU Manual
RPF- CM: Risk 2nd Line of Defense – RU)
Corporate Objectives: Compliance Manager (Inherited
Compliance Manager from BU)

Loss Event: Risk Manager (Inherited Risk, Control,

Inherited Loss Event
Inherited RU Compliance Champion from BU // On BU Manual RPF -
Risk Manager
Risk, Control, Compliance Champion - RU)

Inherited Loss Event Inherited RU Loss Event: Risk Manager Specialist (On Loss Events
Risk Manager Manual RPF- RM: Risk 2nd Line of Defense – RU)

Inherited Metric Inherited RU Metrics: Metric Owner (On Metrics Manual RPF- All Users
Owner – RU)

Inherited Loss Event Inherited RU Loss Event: Business Unit Manager (Inherited Business
Business Unit Unit Manager from BU // On BU Manual RPF- EM:
Manager Manager – RU)

Inherited from Risk Inherited R Intermediate Risk Owner /Subject Matter

Hierarchy Experts/Executive Lead

Loss Event: CEO (Inherited from CEO in BU through

Department then Division then Company// On Company
Inherited Loss Event
Manual RPF - Chief Executive Officer – All Users RU)
Executives Inherited RU
Loss Event: CFO (Inherited from CFO in BU through
Department then Division then Company// On Company
Manual RPF - Chief Financial Officer – All Users RU)

Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

Loss Event: Controller (Inherited Controller from BU// On

BU Manual RPF- All Users – RU)

Inherited Loss Event

Business Unit Loss Event: Business Unit Coordinator (Inherited
Coordinator Inherited RU Business Unit Coordinator from BU // On BU Manual
RPF- EM: Business 1st Line of Defense – RU)

Private Fields:

• Created From Library - No access specified

• Default Record Permissions (MRPF) - Only RM: Admin has rights
• DFM_Risk_Key - Everyone Read Only
• H-H - No access specified
• H-L - No access specified
• H-M - No access specified
• H-MH - No access specified
• H-ML - No access specified
• Inherited Record Permissions - Only RM: Admin has rights
• L-H - No access specified
• L-L - No access specified
• L-M - No access specified
• L-MH - No access specified
• L-ML - No access specified
• M-H - No access specified
• MH-H - No access specified
• MH-L - No access specified
• MH-M - No access specified
• MH-MH - No access specified
• M-L - No access specified
• ML-H - No access specified
• ML-L - No access specified
• ML-M - No access specified
• ML-MH - No access specified
• ML-ML - No access specified
• M-M - No access specified
• M-MH - No access specified
• M-ML - No access specified
• Record Status - No access specified
• Source Record Date - Only System Administrators

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• Source Version - Only System Administrators

Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

Quarterly Risk Register Review

Questionnaire Overview: The Quarterly Risk Register Review questionnaire targets the Risk
Register and is intended to be sent out to risk owners for confirmation of, or updates to, risk information.

Questionnaire Modifications:
• Data-Driven Events (DDEs) to hide unused sections and fields
• New fields to support ABC Co specific findings details

Record Permissions:

RP Field Name RP Type Access Summary

RM: Risk 2nd Line of Defense

RU When record is not submitted, then Read and
Risk Owner Manual conditio Update
When record is submitted or resubmitted, or
Overall is Approved, then Read Only

RM: Risk 2nd Line of Defense

When Submission Status Does Not Contain In
Process and Review Status Contains Awaiting
RU Review, then Read and Update
Risk Reviewer Manual conditio
nal When Submission Status Contains In Process, or
Overall is Approved, then Read Only
(DDEs are keeping question fields read only at all

Risk, Control, Compliance RU, (DDEs are keeping all fields but the Submitter
Inherited RU
Champion and Reviewer fields, read only at all times)

RU when Overall Status does not equal Approved.

ERM Team (ARPF) Automatic RU
If Approved, then Read Only.

Private Fields:

• Inherent Score – Only seen by Archer System Administrator

• Progress Status – Only seen by Archer System Administrator

Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

Risk Hierarchy
Application Overview: This Risk Hierarchy application coupled with the Risk Register application
creates a 3 level risk roll-up solution. This application enables an organization to roll-up their risks from
the risk register to an intermediate summary level, and then to an enterprise summary level. This
application stores a company's risk hierarchy in the form of two levels - Enterprise Summary Level and
Intermediate Summary Level. Enterprise Risks (the top level) are risks that are described very broadly at
the highest level of an organization; they represent an accumulation of all of the intermediate summary
risks. Intermediate summary risks are summary level risks that lie between the Risk Register and
Enterprise Risk. Intermediate summary risks are then associated with Risk Register records to track
risks via Metrics, Control Compliance, and Risk Assessments.

Application Modifications:
• Data-Driven Events (DDEs) to hide unused sections and fields
• New fields to support ABC Co specific findings details

Record Permissions:

RP Field Name RP Type Access Summary

(Enterprise Level)
Enterprise Risk Manual R RM: Risk 2nd Line of Defense
Assessment Reviewer

(Enterprise Level)
Enterprise Risk Manual R RM: Risk 2nd Line of Defense
Assessment Submitter

(Enterprise Level)
Manual R RM: Risk 2nd Line of Defense
Executive Lead

(Enterprise Level)
Manual R RM: Risk 2nd Line of Defense
Subject Matter Experts

(Enterprise Level)
Default Permissions ERM Automatic RU RM: ERM Team
Team Ent Level (ARPF)

(Enterprise Level)
RM: Read Only
Default Permissions RCCC Automatic R
and Read Only Ent Level RCC Champion

Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

RM: Admin

RM: Owner
(Enterprise Level)
Automatic R RM: Manager
Default Permissions Risk
Groups Ent Level (ARPF) RM: Risk 2nd Line of Defense

RM: Risk 3rd Line of Defense

RM: Owner
(Intermediate Level)
Manual R RM: Risk 2nd Line of Defense
Intermediate Risk Owner
RM: ERM Team
(Intermediate Level)
Default Permissions ERM Automatic RU RM: ERM Team
Team Int Level (ARPF)

(Intermediate Level)
Executive Lead
Inherited SME and Inherited R
Subject Matter Experts
Executive Lead

(Intermediate Level)
Default Permissions RCCC Automatic R RM: Read Only
and Read Only Int Level
(ARPF) RCC Champion

RM: Admin
(Intermediate Level)
RM: Owner
Default Permissions Automatic R
SME/Exec Leads Int Level RM: Manager
RM: Risk 2nd Line of Defense

Private Fields:

• There are no private fields in Risk Hierarchy

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Enterprise Risk Assessment

Questionnaire Overview: The Enterprise Risk Assessment questionnaire targets the Risk Hierarchy
and is intended to collect risk information and how it impacts the organization over time.

Questionnaire Modifications:
• Data-Driven Events (DDEs) to hide unused sections and fields
• New fields to support ABC Co specific findings details

Record Permissions:

RP Field Name RP Type Access Summary

RM: Risk 2nd Line of Defense

RU when Sub Status Not in Process and Rev
Status= Awaiting Review - RU
Submission Status Does Not Contain In Process
Enterprise Risk and Review Status Contains Awaiting Review -
Manual R/RU
Assessment Reviewer RU
Overall Status = Approved, or Submission Status=
In Process, then RO - R
Overall Status Contains Approved or Submission
Status Contains In Process -R

RM: Risk 2nd Line of Defense

Submission Status = Submitted or Re-Submitted,
or Overall Status=Approved - R
Enterprise Risk
Manual R/RU Submission Status Contains Submitted, Re-
Assessment Submitter
Submitted or Overall Status Contains Approved -R
When record is not submitted, RU
Submission Status Contains In Process - RU

Executive Lead (IRPF) Inherited R Executive Lead

Subject Matter Experts

Inherited R Subject Matter Experts

Default Permissions ERM

Automatic RU RM: ERM Team
Team (ARPF)

Private Fields:

Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

• There are no private fields in Enterprise Risk Assessment

Enterprise Risk Management Workflows

BSCA Enterprise Risk

Assessment Flowchart_Dec-2019.xlsx

Enterprise Risk Management Record Permissions


Permissions Map.xlsx

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Third Party Profile

Application Overview: The Third Party Profile application is used to document all of the third party
relationships used by an organization. In this application, the organizational structure of the third party
relationship is established, third party contacts documented, and relationship manager, risk analyst, and
procurement / legal officer accountabilities are created. This application is the hub for navigation
throughout the solution and contains summary metrics and reporting.

Application Modifications:

• Customized Advanced Workflow replaced out of the box DDE workflow (NOT currently Active)
• Replacement of address fields with Third Party Addresses sub form to allow for multiple
• Multiple Relationship Contacts made required (making new record creation/import more
involved). ABC Co is utilizing a test account until the required contacts are identified and
• DDEs used to hide unneeded sections

Record Permissions:

RP Field Name RP Type Access Summary

TP: Business Owner: R

TP: Administrator: RUD
TP: Executive Management: R
TP: Governance Manager: RUD

Default Record TP: Operations Specialist: R

Manual Varied
Permissions TP: Read Only: R
TP: Relationship Manager: RU
TP: Risk Analyst: RUD
TP: Sourcing Specialist: R
All groups above are selected by Default

4th Parties
Inherited Permissions Business Unit Financial Due Diligence
Inherited Varied
Engagement Stakeholders Questionnaire
Certificates of Insurance

Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

Master Service Agreement
Supplier Request Form
Task Management
Third Party Financial Viability Assessments
Third Party Profile
Third Party Profile Risk Assessments

4th Parties
Business Unit Financial Due Diligence
Certificates of Insurance
Inherited Permissions
Inherited Varied
Supplier Request Form Facilities
Master Service Agreement
Supplier Request Form
Task Management
Third Party Financial Viability Assessments
Third Party Profile
Third Party Profile Risk Assessments

Inherited Record Unrestricted:

Inherited Varied
Permissions 4th Parties

Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

Business Unit Financial Due Diligence

Certificates of Insurance
Master Service Agreement
Supplier Request Form
Task Management
Third Party Financial Viability Assessments
Third Party Profile
Third Party Profile Risk Assessments

Private Fields:

• There are no private fields

Note: The Third Party Profile is inactive.

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Third Party Profile Risk Assessments

Questionnaire Overview: The Third Party Profile Risk Assessment is a copy of the OOTB
Engagement Risk Assessments questionnaire and allows you to assess the percentage of compliance
of Third Party Profiles based on the following question categories:
• Facility
• Human Resources and Training
• IT Infrastructure and Security
• Operations
• Privacy and Compliance

Questionnaire Modifications: The Third Party Profile Risk Assessment is a custom On-demand
Application (ODA) based on the OOTB Engagement Risk Assessments questionnaire. All questions are
customized vs. modified core questionnaire functionality.

• Customized Advanced Workflow replaced out of the box DDE workflow

• Added Manual Campaign based on Third Party Profile Assessment Group value
• Customized Quantitative Summery calculations modified to represent new question categories
• Overall Status calculation modified to allow for Overdue status
• Added Workflow Comments sub-form to allow for workflow comments upon rejection and re-
• Removed Document Library references as ABC Co decided the out of the box question
comments fields were a better match to their business processes

Record Permissions:

RP Field Name RP Type Access Summary

Record Creator: RUD

TP: Administrator: RUD

Default Record TP: Governance Manager: RUD

Manual Varied
Permissions TP: Administrator: RUD
TP: Risk Analyst: RUD
All groups above are selected by Default


Inherited Permissions Findings

Inherited Varied
Engagement Stakeholders Task Management
Third Party Document Repository

Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

Third Party Profile

Inherited Permissions
Inherited Varied Task Management
Supplier Request Form
Third Party Document Repository
Third Party Profile

Inherited Third Party Profile
Inherited Varied Task Management
Third Party Document Repository
Third Party Profile

Private Fields:

• Due Date – Everyone: Read, Third Party Administrator: Full Access

• Submission Status – Everyone: Read, Third Party Administrator: Full Access
• Submit Date – Everyone: Read, Third Party Administrator: Full Access
• Review Status – Everyone: Read, Third Party Administrator: Full Access
• Review Date – Everyone: Read, Third Party Administrator: Full Access

Third Party Profile Risk Assessment Workflow:

Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

Appendix A: Additional Supporting Design Documentation

In addition to the items provided in the previous pages, additional documentation pertinent to the initial
build is provided below within the embedded documents.

Notification Details: Email notifications are a critical part of the RSA Archer platform and help to add
automation to the overall process. For the initial rollout, ABC Co will have a number of notifications sent
automatically for various activities. The embedded documents provide details for all notifications to be
used for the initial rollout of the platform including subject, body, recipient and other key build-related

Findings Notifications


Corrective Action Plan Notifications


Enterprise Risk Management Notifications

Notifications_ERM Solution.xlsx

Third Party Notifications

Notifications_Third Party.xlsx

Access Rights: Access control is another key element to understanding how users can see and do
what they need to see and do in Archer. These documents record the current configuration of major
access roles.

Overall CRUD Rights (includes the CRUD rights granted to the main OOB access roles –
updates to be made to this in 2020 to include all access roles)

Access Control CRUD

Matrix v2.xlsx

Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

Enterprise Risk Management CRUD Rights

ERM_Access_Permissions Matrix_Dec-2019.xlsx

Record Permissions Map

BSC Record
Permissions Map.vsdx

How-to Documents: The files below contain additional how-to walkthroughs around importing and other
common administrative duties.

How to Import Third Party Profiles

Third Party Profile Import_Third Party Import_Third Party

Data Imports.docx Profile_Required Fields.csv

How to Import Third Party Profile Risk Assessments

Third Party Profile Vendor_Third Party Import_Third Party

Risk Assesments Import.docx Profile_Risk Assessments.csv
ProfileRisk Assessments.xlsx

How to Make Business Hierarchy Updates

How to Update
Business Hierarchy.docx

How to Update Session Timeout Duration

How to Update
Session Timeout Duration.docx

Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

Appendix B: RSA Contact Details

Name Role Contact Email
RSA Archer Professional Services Practice
Michael Jolley

Brenna McLeod RSA Archer Professional Services Sr. Consultant

RSA Archer Available to Sprint throughout their lifecycle of
Customer Support usage of the RSA Archer platform


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