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Identify a local community/organization / sector. Assume that this will be your area for
community service.

1. Conduct a Community Needs Assessment (CNA). Follow the steps

discussed in this lesson. (refer to the attached INPUTS on this module for
further details)
Suggested Community Needs Assessment Report Format
1.1 Key Players: Overview of needs assessment participants and
program partners involved.

1.2Methodology: Description of the methods used to collect data. 

1.3Participation: Describe the demographic and number of

individuals represented in the data collected, i.e., How many
individuals responded to your survey? How many focus group
sessions were held? 

1.4Strengths and Limitations of Assessment: What are the

strengths of the needs assessment and its results? How are the
assessment and results limited? What challenges were faced during
the process of conducting a needs assessment? 

1.5Key Findings: This section should make up the bulk of your

report. Discuss the gaps, strengths, and challenges discovered in
the community needs assessment results. Present data and case
studies. What opportunities did you uncover?

1.6Recommendations and Next Steps: Based on your results

and key findings, what are your recommendations for addressing
community gaps and needs? How will your proposed program
address these needs? What information do you want to
communicate with stakeholders?

2. Prepare a CNA report. Include in the report possible project or areas for

● Submit the group’s CNA REPORT, properly document the Names who
helped and participated in this Activity. This is graded as part of the
● There will only be 1 submission on this portal per team.
● Be mindful of the due date: November 8, 2021 at 11:59 pm.

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