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Analog Modulation Techniques:

Introduction, amplitude modulation (AM); different type of AM, AM

power calculations, analog modulation: frequency modulation (FM)
and phase modulation (PM); spectra of FM signals, narrow band and
wide band FM, transmission bandwidth of FM, frequency translation
and multiplexing.
• The process by which some characteristics of a carrier is varied in accordance
with a modulating wave (signal) is called modulation.
➢To translate frequency of a low pass signal to a higher band so that it matches the
bandpass characteristics of the channel.
➢For efficient transmission, the antenna dimension has to be of the same order of
magnitude as the wavelength of the signal being transmitted.
➢To improve noise and interference immunity in transmission over a noise channel by
expanding the bandwidth of the transmitted signal.
• Amplitude modulation is a modulation in which the amplitude of a sinusoidal
carrier is varied in accordance with an incoming message signal.
• Purpose of communication system is to transmit information bearing signals
(message signal or modulating wave or baseband signal which represents the
original signal frequency band) through a communication channel.
• The result of modulation process is called modulated wave.
• Demodulation is the reverse process of modulation process.

Fig. (a) carrier wave (b) Sinusoidal modulating signal

(c) Amplitude modulated signal (d) Frequency modulated signal
• Let us consider a sinusoidal carrier wave c(t) given as
• (1)
Where A is the maximum amplitude of carrier wave and ꙍc is the carrier
frequency. (phase of carrier is assumed to be zero for simplicity)
The standard amplitude modulated wave equation is expressed as
(2) where x(t) is message signal

Mathematical expression: let the modulating signal frequency ranges from

- ꙍm to ꙍm. However, negative frequency is use for mathematical
convenience only but not practically. FT of a cosine signal cos ꙍct consists
of two impulses at ꙍc and -ꙍc
Fig. spectrum of AM
Since carrier signal is c(t) = A cos ꙍct therefore,
AM wave is given by
To find spectrum of AM wave we take FT of (5)
Considering the frequency shifting property of FT,

Which states that if a signal x(t) is multiplied by ejꙍct in time domain

then its frequency domain is shifted by an amount ꙍc


From (6) and (7),


Which means multiplication of a signal x(t) by a sinusoid of

frequency ꙍc shifts the spectrum X(ꙍ) by ꙍc
FT of second factor of (5) is
The first factor represents the spectrum of original or baseband
signal shifted in the positive as well as negative direction by the factor
ꙍc . The second factor represents the presence of carrier signal i.e. two
impulses each having equal strength to πA. Thus, the spectrum of
modulated signal contains shifted spectrum of modulating signal and
the shifted spectrum of carrier signal.

B.W. of AM wave = (ꙍc + ꙍm) – (ꙍc - ꙍm)

B = 2ꙍm
• Modulation index (ratio of amplitudes of modulating and carrier waves):
m = Em/Ec
• If m > 1 then over modulation, = 1 then linear modulation, < 1 then
under modulation
• Percentage modulation = Em/Ec x100%
Em = (Emax- Emin)/2
Ec = Emax- Em = (Emax+ Emin)/2
m = (Emax- Emin)/ (Emax+ Emin)
Single tone AM:





Where |x(t)max| denotes the maximum amplitude of modulating signal
and A is the maximum amplitude of carrier signal.


This represents the single tone modulated signal.

Equ. (F) may further be simplified to observe the frequency components
present in AM signal.
Hence, (G)

AM signal in (G) has three frequency components as follows:

Frequency spectrum of single tone AM wave is shown below:
Power relations: (peak value voltage is taken)

Where PAM = power of AM wave
Vcarr = peak carrier voltage
VLSB = lower sideband voltage
VUSB = upper sideband voltage
VC = rms voltage
VSB = sideband voltage
PC = carrier power
m = modulation index

From the above equation, we get

Transmission efficiency:
Types of AM: DSBSC, SSBSC, Vestigeal sideband
Disadvantage of standard AM:
• Power wastage takes place in AM transmission
• Bandwidth inefficient
• AM wave gets affected due to noise
Advantages of AM:
• AM transmitters are less complex
• AM receivers are simple and easy to detect
• AM receivers are less costly
• AM waves can travel a longer distance
• Low bandwidth
• Radio broadcasting, picture transmission in TV system
• DSBSC system:
WKT, standard AM wave is given by

• This wastage of power can be overcome by DSBSC technique

• B.W. = 2ꙍm
• We have
From above equation, we get
• Angle modulation : frequency modulation and phase modulation
Frequency modulation:
Spectral analysis of FM:

[By Bessel table]

[By Carson’s rule]

Phase modulation:
• Frequency translation and multiplexing: process of shifting a signal
from one frequency to another with no loss of information in the
signal is called frequency translation.
• Multiplexing is the process of simultaneously transmitting two or
more individual signals over a single communication channel.
• FDM transmitter:
• FDM receiver:
• Analog telephony system:

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